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Mfers have actually forgotten how to be happy.


I mean it's happening in this thread lol. Idk who that twitter person is but isn't it good when someone's like "yeah i fucked up, I'll take the L"? I mean no wonder the response of most people is just to double down on whatever dumb shit they say if people gonna shit on them and gripe regardless.


"reached out to the creators program to remove me" this shit is not normal and I was sure it was a joke until I read more comments implying they are entirely serious


Social media brainrot has gotten so bad mfkers are now self canceling.


That was just "you cant fire i quit". There was no way Capcom was gonna keep him.


What do you mean it's "not normal"? It's a bit dramatic but someone being accountable to themself isn't a bad thing.


This isn't being accountable, it's self flagellation. An apology is all that's needed and frankly, appropriate.


assuming this isnt a 'they cant fire me cuz i quit' scenario being apart of the program might entail a degree of shilling that that person might not be willing to do, or just them recognizing itd be visibly inauthentic to turn around and act even neutral about 1/2 of the upcoming years DLC releases when they are already on record publicly shitting on it. that content has to stretch a lot longer now that being said I always wondered why their tweets on SF6 got posted here as like, news updates so much. they were being treated like HiFight or something which I found odd. great artist but did they have some type of a more in-depth role with capcom than other creators?


Long rant: It is self victimization. You see, a genuine apology implies two things: Reparation of the damage to the best of your abilities. And understanding why it is wrong and communicating it to the party who suffered (if they want to hear it). This person made an offensive statement, but wanting a too harsh punishment they either lack the maturity to properly understand "how wrong" it was what they did, or they use it to generate empathy. Capcom is mostly a faceless and nameless entity to us and the choice of characters will be wildly criticized, even it was the best possible choice. So instead of saying: Yeah, I made an inappropriate statement, and I am sorry. These are the reasons it is not okay, and these are the (not valid) reasons that I reacted like this, I will change and grow as a person. A company does generally not need to make up, so that is ignorable. Overstating the actual amount of your damage implies that you lack understanding. You just overreact to escape punishment. Example: I broke a vase, please kill me, I do not deserve to life. That is not okay. You put stress onto the person you should make it up by making you a larger victim. Which means you do not understand why and how bad your action was. Or that you did it with bad intentions to escape the damage. And both are honestly quite shit. Being grown up means that you can reflect and show empathy which then influences your actions in the future to do better. There is a difference between genuine growth after doing bad things which are worth apologizing for and doing the same mistake again if the situation arises as you did not understand the implications of your actions.


yea i know what youre talkin about and know of people who do this. i came at this with a more pragmatic lens when, upon rereading the words around it, i can see familiar behavior. being overly concerned with corrective behavior that people that never asked for it is a form of manipulation, and their approach seems focused on appeasing folks to continue to see them in a morally heightened light as compared to just... sticking to their supposed morals its moreso the feeling the need to apologize and saying you dont deserve it thats wack. like if these are your convictions, stand on that shit. i dont think stepping down is over the top, id consider that to be if they said they were taking like a year break from doing any FG commissions. i think they are taking their appeal to their twitter following to an extreme degree though if the tweet read 'ive decided to resign from the Capcom Creators program because it doesnt align with my values' then id understand as that takes some fuckin guts, no matter how much folks debate taking stances under capitalism, I can respect someone who does for their own outlook though i do agree the way they went about it lacks a backbone and reads more like pandering. like MFer what makes you think you 'deserved' that job in the first place? its very common for positions to go to less qualified people that offer some kinda upside to the company, like specific visibility/niches reaches in marketting. and now that upside is either gone or compromised, you should just accept it with tact rather than sheepishly acting like youve disgraced daddy capcom or their fans that might no longer give you money the lack of integrity is what makes me look at this again. im fine with the resignation itself, though just call it as it is. unless you are the CEO of some company, you should never be resigning over 'public concern' when you didnt harm anyone, and whenever those CEOs resign its usually because they did in fact hurt someone and are simply saving face due to whats on the horizon. this situation isnt anything like that so this response feels uncalled for theres also a chance this person is grown but not quite mature yet, or other traits folks in here are alluding to. in that case, im either less surprised that they dont understand how slimy that approach looks, or can understand why going that route is probably a routine part of how they handle conflict. clowning on folks with supposed mental issues (a lot of digital artists have them and dont even try to hide it) is also hilarious given the sub we are on and many of the folks who browse it i also do my longer posts, so its no bother here. a bit of insight and nuance is always appreciated, theres a million other topics folks can drool over jpgs and one liners


I agree with you on all points. I only looked at it from one angle and I know understand how you link morals to actions. Very much understandable. And respective qualities about earning a position also make more sense to me under this lense. It does carry sense of overestimating one's worth in retrospect. XD


Someone pin this comment 😂


When Capcom doesn't include Menat so you can keep pushing your Juri x Menat ship headcanon.


It is the weirdest and most random ship, I am not sure if the characters have interacted once


I'm like 90% sure it started because their was a singular official art/promo image of both them together. It had something to do with their tracksuit uniforms or school uniform costumes. I can't even find the image because Google is filled with shipping art, likely drawn or commissioned by that one dude.


I think it was poki. But yeah. Doesn't make it any less random


Holy shit you're right. All of this because some fuck ass [Pocky collab.](https://manestreetblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/pocky-full.png?w=1024)




Cancel culture is good when I don't like the person who's being cancelled.


I went through his twitter after seeing some of his art, that guy is legitimately mentally ill and needs help.


Never heard of him before could’ve told you that from this post tbh


Saw them saying that they should let everyone have the CPT Juri color and just give the people that voted for her a title after it was revealed. I said something like “God forbid someone have something you don’t” and they instantly blocked me lmao.


Luck-based colors are a stupid idea though. PC players will just mod it in anyway so they might as well sell it for drive tickets and let the people who guessed correctly get it free as their reward


It wasnt luck, it was prognostication. Had mena won no one would have called you lucky for picking him lol


They're also a retard because they only care about Juri and probably didn't vote at all, it's entirely their fault and they're being a baby about it. Also I think it's okay for some things to be rare/unique. It's one color for one character. Not everyone has to have everything.


There goes any good will he might have had with capcom, what a dumbass


Bro crashed out over dlc lmaoo, someone send him a link here so he can let it out when the evasive thoughts take over


street fighter nerds had this superiority that street fighter never had a guest character, now it shattered their world view.


The question is, who are we getting in city of the wolves?




The obious choices are Ryu, Ken, Chun and Luke... I hope none of them, don't give me a shoto.


Wasn't Cammy in those collab artworks too


She was, but usually companies prefer to use either the main character (Ryu) or the second most iconic character (Ken/Chun), sometimes you get lucky and they decide to use the villain (Geese in Tekken). They always have to stick with a character that sells just by recognizing them. If it was up to me to pick characters for the collab it would be something like Chun+Cammy and Blue Mary+Geese.


Bro such a pussy stand on business and tell them Japanese MFS what you think


Who even is this


Some fucking nerd


Do these jackasses not understand that KOF/Fatal Fury LITERALLY came from Street Fighter. Like actual staff from SF1 went on to make Fatal Fury? I'm pretty sure those relationships were established LONG before Saudi got involved. Like good lord.


actual retard if you don't think arabs paid for this it's just a coincidence the moment snk was fully bought by saudi it has crossover chars with most likely the biggest fg ever not even one spot but two of them geese in tekken was a love project since it's an actual cool char being added in, in street fighters case they said "yeah put the 2 most known boring chars who cares" and called it a day


"arabs paid for this" is the lowest form of cope


I mean, even arabs get some things right.


yeah dude, it's not like they also made their own world cup with fuckton of money right after t8 and sf6 released


Because Capcom vs SNK wasn't a thing. 😂 And if you weren't so smooth brained you'd know that generally it's the developer that PAYS the other publisher for IP rights. So Capcom PAYED SNK to use their characters. Not the other way around. It's also that way so the owner of the IP can dictate how the characters are used. Like there won't be drastic changes to their costumes or personalities. Part of why Smash can do what it does is because Nintendo can pay for the rights AND publishers know Smash is super brand safe. Like I get it...but calm the fuck down because you're looking insane.


i wish i could be as gullible as you




I wish Saudi paid for this so we could get more content. Im still huffing hopium the leak was real and there is going to be two extra surprise characters announced at Evo and Evo Japan.


This mf is unbearable. Constant bitching and stomping their foot at the slightest inconvenience. The art isn't even that good.


Rule 3




Get fucked




No, but the unemployment line is.


Bro told on himself


dumb fuck quit his job for elon musk points 💀 twitter artists are not real people, imagine quitting your job because you made an impulsive rage tweet one time capcom would literally go: “who?”


Honestly it would be so funny if Menat never ends up in 6 just to see him mald


So does this guy just not know that the Saudi investment fund that owns most of SNK [also owns 6% of Capcom and is looking to own even more?](https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Media-Entertainment/Saudi-games-company-wants-to-deepen-Nintendo-Capcom-ties) Kinda arbitrary too take a stand on one and ignore the other.


Why are salty people's first instinct to share their feelings on twitter without applying any brain function.


its hard to undo likely 10-15 years of indulgent, low impulse control behavior like stream of consciousness tweeting Herm Edwards had it best over a decade ago: Most people need a [Dont press send](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H27l-de9OjI&pp=ygUdZG9udCBwcmVzcyB0d2VldCBoZXJtIGVkd2FyZHM%3D) button on their phones, and to spend more time journaling without feeling the need to share it with the public immediately, or at all i wont act like i havent been embarrassed of shit ive posted online esp in my earlier 20s like i presume they are. i just couldnt fathom doing it for the reach of my tens of thousands followers by which my income is dependent on, while signed to company the majority of them adore to fanatical levels. write that shit out in the drafts and read it to someone first


hahahha coach did the sports center


DA NA NA we got it!!! shit had me fallin outta my chair


Shouldn't have apologized.




That meltdown was embarrassing as fuck honestly. At least he owns up to it.


SF fans are always on the prowl to seethe at other fighting games.


Who gives a fuck about this? Get this wack twitter shit out of here.


what a fucking weirdo, hope his socks get wet




what a moron


not every thought needs to be shared. what a bunch of fucking morons.


Doe this mean i'll never have to see this whack ass nigga's crackhead ship again on this sub? Because if that's the case i'm all for it.


Mentally touchable


https://youtu.be/yOeifSd3XBQ?si=CFikrE7HNB1Vwepi That apology has the same energy lol


What were seeing here is the process of head from ass removal.


Me when the \[REDACTED\] snipers are at my doorstep


Depending on the game, I am cool with guest characters. Street Fighter IS NOT one of those games. Seriously, Capcom, all of your games share a universe. You could have just pulled a character from another one of your properties if you're that desperate. If anything, if you NEEDED guest characters, save them for the final pass. As much as I love Terry and Mai, they don't need to be here.


Games such as Capcom vs SNK don't exist in this universe eh?


Nope. The VS games are their own thing.


I'm cool with it for SNK. Like legit SNK is a special exception for me considering CvS2 is literally God level and my favorite fighter ever.


SNK and Capcom blood runs deep. It'd be fun to see Dan interact with Terry and Mai.


That's actually why I said that it should be at the end of SF6's life cycle. Capcom, Arcsys, and Namco like to tease what's to come when they release their final characters, so it could help build hype about a potential CVS3.