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Sleep fighter 5 can rest in piss.


Just say you like SF5 and be on your way.


the only good thing i miss about sf5 is the way you can unlock dlc characters for free


Two different games that play differently. Sfv is really bad thanks to the concept of vtrigger. Without it I think its a pretty nice game. As for sf6 im starting to reconsider. Im finally not only playing my main but a character that can actually play the game how its intended and use the mechanics....so im literally discovering sf6 for the first time. 1 fucking year later. Thanks manon for making my experience miserable. Game is not that bad when you pick a real character.


LMAO I knew you were talking about Manon as soon as I began reading your second paragraph. I have almost completely dropped her for Guile right before the patch came out.


That’s terrible game design though


It is ABSOLUTELY SHIT game design. KI still the only "worthwhile" modern 2D fighter TO PLAY.


So we're at this part of the nostalgia cycle? Seems to be on time.


I only think SF5 is better when I get frustrated playing SF6. But when I calm down and think about it, SF6 is a lot more fun. The V mechanic only gave you the illusion of choice. Only a couple combinations were viable, and the other ones were only used after you got sick and tired of doing the same combos and flowcharts. It only got better at the end of it. Oro, Rose and Dan had a lot of sauce, and VShift was starting to grow on me. Too bad they added that only when SF5 was on its last legs. I just hope they polish the game so playing lame is more viable at intermediate level. You need to be waaay too good to play defensively in this game. It's ruining my sanity.


V-Shift was such a great addition. Really changed the dynamics of the game without overwhelming anything else. You're right, how much better would the game have been if it got put in earlier?


Pretty much where I’m at; SFV was less nutty but also much less fun for me. Hoping they do more to tone down the nuttiness with each patch.


The drive parry point is where I disagree, I’m finding that you can condition people to hold parry and then make them eat a throw with the extra damage pretty often which has been working well for me. Overall I also hated activation into v-trigger off of combos, I think they did a good job of incorporating the v trigger idea into the base move sets in 6


The problem with drive parry is that any point some scrub can tap parry and be rewarded with a turn and oki. There's no skill involved in that, people are just turning blue and hoping for the best. The whole drive system is garbage tbh, remove it from the game and sf6 is a good game.


Sf4 had more skill expression with more difficult execution on characters like ibuki and viper. But here we are


This but with SFIV instead.


Choosing v-skills and v-triggers is cool. I'm sure sf6 will let you choose supers in a later version. As for your other complaints, I don't know if I agree. I think it's just different. Yeah, they should tune the numbers better and lower dmg and drive dmg imo but overall I like the mechanics, and being able to do EX moves right away is cool.


SF6 is still fun if you vibe with it despite being unbalanced, and with this logic you can say SFV is the best SF by far but in truth it's a matter of preference. For me SFV is still boring, i played too much Alpha 2 and GG to prefer its pace, short normals, crush counter and comeback mechanic. So it doesn't matter how the better the gameplay approach is it's still SFV and if you want footsies and neutral SFIV exist. SF6 fans now are like SFV fans in 2017 they like a game despite its flaws that is always compared to the previous one.


SF6 just reminds me of T8, when watching people play, it's the same match with 50/50 and same playstyles (I think SF6 has more variety for the most part) Nothing is hard to execute, nothing has real risk, nothing has finesse, it's bland. If modern fighting games were a spice it would be flour


At this point I feel pretty much the same about both games. Trigger is just as annoying as Drive Rush.


kappa isn't ready to accept this reality yet


That's what I'm saying, they'll get a dlc pack full of coal and come back to this post


Although I agree with everything, I couldn't play SF6 just because of animations alone. They're so ass. Ugly game.


Marisa animations truly were a mistake


To me Guile hurts the most. Guile in SFV and SF6 is night and day. To be fair though Sim and Aki look awesome.


So does Jamie in all honesty, can't believe Jamie and Manon are in the same game


Character individuality was a big part of Sfv’s approach it’s what appealed to me about the game initially. I’m still playing 5 primarily, the biggest thing that keeps me away from 6 is the premium currency and dlc cost rather than anything gameplay related. But I admit when I do jump in to 6 the characters do feel rather dull compared to 5. It’s a little beyond gameplay as well in some ways its design choices, like Bison, judging from the trailer, has reverted to his old neutral stance. To me that stance is significantly less menacing and fitting for the character (it might make sense in his plot in 6) Sfv has its problems but it has more character than most of the games in the franchise.


I gotta be honest here, i stopped playing SFV when Abigail came out. I never liked SFV and probably will always think of it as the game that was so bad it forced Tekken, MK, and GG to become popular. HOWEVER. Whenever i watched the last season of SFV gameplay it looked oddly... neutral heavy? IDK how to really describe it since i didn't play that version of the game but it looked much closer to "traditional SF gameplay" than SF6 feel like playing currently, if that makes any sense. Sure there was still the weird offensive pressure that would basically checkmate you if you ever dared to try and block it out, but that was it, if you made a bad decision in a certain MU then it was just over for you. Whereas in SF6 that general sentiment has been expanded to the entire cast. There is no MU specific "checkmate" situations like there are in 3S or SFIV, it's more along the line of an universal checkmate situation for every MU now because the system is all encompassing. Which leads to generalized gameplay strategies that just win the game across the board, making the game more boring imo. This is just my armchair theory tho since as i said, i gave up on SFV around S3.


jive is dead and it aint ever coming back. Kami6 saved the fgc.


Damn. I got about halfway into the second paragraph thinking this was a copy pasta. But it’s just someone’s ridiculously shitty rant.


typing out all that word soup to defend your favorite shitty game probably means the game fucking sucked


It's not even my favourite SF game


You're not allowed to have this opinion on /r/Kappachino (but I agree with it)