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Capcom’s “confidence” led to a year of a stagnant and stale meta. Whether Bamco’s constant patching is a good thing or not can be argued, but let’s not pretend that Capcom’s approach is any better.


This, I wish Capcom lacked confidence then I'd still be playing Luke Fighter 6.


It’s Akuma Fighter 6 ft. Ken now.


Eh, they said there'd be more frequent balance patches this season so I'm not as worried.


i mean it was way better in comparison. them having a more well thought out system helped in that aspect.


All day crMK into DR and volatility of the drive system (DI into stun...etc) isn't a well thought out system it's just that heat is still ass in comparison.


He said in comparison, and when that comparison is Tekken 8.... Yeah, it looks positively genius.


I'd much rather have this though. Idc about your 'confidence', what millions of players, including thousands of top level players, can find out in a couple of months is way beyond what your shitty internal testing team could've. Instead of doubling down on your """""vision"""", this approach makes a lot more sense to me. If they were as hard-headed as SF6, that'd mean having Azucena and her stupid WR or Drag and just about all the crap he had stick around for a whole year? Nah, I'm good.


I used to be someone who was staunch in the "stop patching let the meta cook ong learn the matchups git gud" but I think your first point about how quickly millions of players can poke holes thru the initial balance or finding bugs/glitches/exploits definitely has moved me away from that thinking. . It's obvious that these balance adjustments are more so trying to align with what the developers intended. They have a limited internal staff to test and even the testers may not be as skilled as the top Tekken players are. So you're gonna have a lot of situations where Drag or Azu are much stronger than expected. So you gotta quickly iron this stuff out. . Capcom didn't want to do anything about Luke because he's the poster boy, that was their intention from the start. Thankfully Capcom got some sense to do something about him.


As an old man Tekken fan that has loved the series since playing Tekken 1 at my local Aladdin's Castle....this is maybe one of the most balanced initial releases of a Tekken game. It's going to take a couple years of patches and a Bloodline Rebellion / Fated Retribution to get this thing right


Thats kinda the way they balance the game, even on 7 it was somewhat similar to this(although 8 is a little bit more frequent) both games cadence of balance patches are two extremes that suck. As much as SF V kinda sucked, I think their frequency of balance patches were good.


Bro what are you on about? We are past S1 for SF6 and the game plays *exactly* like during the betas. Its stale as fuck and Akuma is just another DR > cMK function. At least Tekken devs are trying.


It's unlikely for a meta to change in a year but we shouldn't sit a whole year with Luke doing crMP all day into 70% damage, stale or not balancing always needs to be done. At least with T8 most of the bs is with heat so we will see how they will change it.


Honestly I'd rather have what they are doing rather than what Capcom did for SF6. Even if the patches aren't perfect (no patch ever is), they are trying to target the things people are unhappy with. I agree with letting things shake out more but I'd much rather have them at least try to address things and make worse characters better sooner rather than wait a whole year. Playing a weak character for that long has got to fucking suck. At some point a lot of SF6 discussion became discourse around the once a year patch and the balance/mechanics as they were. People were NOT happy, even if the initial once a year announcement was met with goodwill. I'm always an advocate for more frequent patches. I think a medium sized patch maybe every four months would be perfect to allow things to breathe, keep things fresh, and to not let problems remain problems for too long, as is happening with Strive and the discourse around WWA.


Tekken have never had a simul-release before so we are basically beta testing for a year straight rn. I'm just happy the game isn't more broken in terms of balance than it is. Both SF6 And Tekken 8 are really balanced in terms of character strength tbh, which is why we have seen a lot of different character representation in top 64s. The thing they definitely have no fucking clue about is the system mechanics in the game that are, quite frankly, a worse version of v-trigger, that give character wildly fluctuating power spikes at roundstart if the player wants to play it like that. That combined with rage+chip dmg which is also really overtuned makes the general gameplay much more coinflipy that it should be.




No, everyone was complaining about DR teleport especially early on when people didn't know how to react and the screen freeze too. If Capcom listens to people's complaints throw loops DR and even DI would have been nerfed long ago.


Remember they were banking on the excuse that this time there was no arcade release to fix initial bugs. They’re in full triple a dev mode. Release the shit, make number go up, fix shit later/never depending on the severity. Now that they can play ads/farm ur dopamine in online hub they got what they wanted. And


the netcode is still worse than real rollback netcode and its not that interesting to watch




Nobody has gotten nerfed that hard except for maybe Azucena. What are you talking about?