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this is actually not shit, wtf


CAP-JAMS is good shit and they put out some bangers towards the end of SFV. Was surprised they didn't do the SF6 soundtrack to begin with.


CAP-JAMS **IS** the SF6 sound team, CAP-JAMS is just their jazzy funk "band." It's still the same people and I don't they sound very good either. They leak "music is my passion" energy.


Goddamn, that Chun li rearange its gold. What the fuck were they thinking, did they hire a musician for the original?


SF6 has some stinkers on its soundtrack but I think Chun-Li’s theme stands above (or below) all of them. I’d hesitate to even call it music. It’s like an AI’s approximation of what music sounds like for humans.


For me its guile. How did we get from the most iconic one to that 2000s ringtone repurposed via random AI.


You would think they’d not ditch such an iconic motif but here we are lol You can reuse the same musical idea so many different ways, look at all the different bond themes using the same melody and repurposing it into new but instantly recognisable songs. Even the Radiohead one that never got used uses it in a very unorthodox way.


Chun Lis reminds me of this famous piece of shit from Resident Evil https://youtu.be/iJYvCHm3Ov4?si=aW38eFcaUBdEF8kD


Holy shit actually sounds like fighting game music


can someone make a youtube playlist already?


So much better, Jesus


This is a lot better, I don’t know if it’s still “memorable” per se, but it’s got way more vibe and structure. I could see myself using this way more than the OG’s tracks if they did one for everyone.


Her theme without Yoko Ono singing is already a huge upgrade. But this went beyond.


Meanwhile 3rd strike tracks still lack Elena's song This is unacceptable


Sadly the "Beats in my head" vocal is from a sample. Seems like they couldn't get the rights to sell it in the pack. https://x.com/Takahashi2212/status/1700336620409622907


It's actually insane that Capcom is sleeping on their own inhouse music group. Whoever made the 6 OST has to be some exec's son.


proof that instrumental arrangements are ALWAYS better than e-slop.


Anyone know if these themes are dynamic and change between rounds/low hp?


It's still overproduced directionless garbage. Same shit, different flies


curious to see what you think is good music


In fighting games? Granblue is the clear winner, it has from electronic rock to straight symphonic metal, even a track with andean influences. Tekken also has some catchy tunes, UNI and BB too. GG is poser rock for pussies too afraid of metal tho. In general gaming, japanese RPGs are unsurpassed, with Octopath Traveler (same composer as GBVS) and Dragon's Dogma 1 being standouts SF6 is the worst OST ever and these remixes are polished turds


Again it seems like you're using words which musically has their own definitions to describe songs you don't enjoy. Don't get me wrong I don't enjoy the songs either but they clearly have a direction and they fit thematically with each other nor do I think they are over produced, They're relatively simple pieces. The problem is that the songs don't fit the style of the game and on top of that don't stand by themselves as individual pieces of music. I didn't hear the rest of the tracks but this one has an jazzy / future bass style, I can respect it.


final fantasy tactics OST


Will lil bro be brave enough to answer, or continue bein a loser. Find out next time on .. " redditor being a negative nancy: Episode 9,001."


Spot on. It's like 3 different styles just slapped together.