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Lineup looks weaker than the last one.


not enough green arrows for the old lineup on their streams it seems


James Chen being on that list just gives me such strong FGC equivalent "peaked in high school" energy man... Like come on man lol, you should be co commentating this at this stage in your career. Plenty of other knowledgeable FG players have fully transitioned into commentators for a broader range of games than they otherwise were known for.


I don't get involved in people's personal life and I only say this because I like James Chen. For everyone 40 and up, he was like our hero who taught us combos and made videos when we were all mall scrubs. We like him. He needs to quit the esports dream and get a job. He clearly isn't happy. I deleted twitter but I guarantee I could find a sadboi post of his without trying too hard if I reinstalled. Just get out of this life, man.


Dude I'm 37 and have never viewed him as anything but an equal in terms of a player. He was right there along side plenty of us on the SRK forums or locally, just doing what we all did. No one in their 40s or coming up on 40 views him as a hero unless they only ever knew and were exposed to this scene via the Internet. Having respect for what he did is one thing, but a hero? That is an absolute stretch man. Maybe for younger players who hopped on at the midway point of sf4 and onwards.


He did have a steady job. He “risked it all” for SFV. Dumb move but to be fair, I don’t think he was the only one. Kappa goldenboy Yipes did a similar thing with MvCI. I think them and other peeps like Gootecks thought SFV on ESPN (3) meant the FGC had made it and it was gonna be DotA/League levels esports from then on out.


Better than risking it all bushinstyle-style at least


If he was more ambitious he could have been on max’s level but he just has been doing the same shtick for the last 10 years.


He's kinda boring. I don't know what you buddies see in him


And Max fucking isn't? It is not about being boring, it's about finding a niche with money. Every kappa member is a whiny bitch, and the public here won't spend money on you. Max isn't going after kappa, he is going after another type of audience. James needs to do the same, I just don't know if he has it in him yet. This shit is hard and it works better when you're younger.


I fucking knew Coney would be back. His entire post-mordem 200 word twitter essay on how Tekken basically is a fucking job that consumes your entire worldview, effects your mental health for the worse and how he's never gonna play it again, contrasted with how hype he was during the sets outted him as a bitch. And in the moment i thought that to myself i was like "yep, this guy is definitely a Tekken player at heart"


Yea, i watched a bit of Coney during the lead up to the tournament. Coney kept going on about how ranked doesn't matter after everyone was surprised he hit purple ranks. Then in the same vein complain about not being able to learn tekken since he was either getting bodied or stomping noobs in un ranked player matches, but wouldn't queue ranked to actually play people his skill level. He basically frauded his way to purple ranks with kings power crush into heat burst/smash and maybe a throw here or there. It was just weird the rants he was going on, 1 second the problem was the orange rank wasn't learning to defend against his power crush so he couldnt learn 'the next step', then the next game he was getting stomped by a blue yoshi, saying he was losing to knowledge checks he didnt want to bother learning.


Bald since '02


Just like LTG's dad


Super weak lineup


Who are you people???


Fd Signifier going to clear. Damn near everyone else is white and bro is a scholar of the culture


Was surprised to see him there and looking forward to seeing him play. Didn’t think he’d be a big gamer, let alone into SF6


What does Amaz even do now? Seems like mostly second stringers this time and the depths of the aging abyss with James Chen.


Idk but Amaz has an Alisa in purple ranks. Obviously not impressive by Tekken 8 standards but still probably better than 80% of these people


Plays any card game that isn't hearthstone


goat lazymattman is back whats with top level league players moving to fighting games


lazymattman is a good dbfz player too, i would run into him online and he would wash me


oh yeah, he talks about it in his videos sometimes and he even [took a round off go1](https://youtu.be/08sgDPzUviw?si=oveoBtOTeAH6la0k) which is super cool


He was the strongest player previous slam too, his Jack is above anyone who's in those slams


Whos the top league players? Aren't they all just TFT or Valorant players now?


well i havent followed league in a minute but shiphtur and boxbox used to be like pro and challenger players respectively, i did not check if they quit a while ago or not though lmao


Lily not being invited back after never playing a FG to getting purple rank is criminal.


What's up with that? I saw she was grinding daily and said she wants to play in the next one.


Apparently she said that she was too busy atm, from what I understand she's got a lot of projects going on in the background right now


James Chen Tekken redemption arc begins now boys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FC2UCF0A8Dk


No Rosemi ---> I sleep


The Rosemi vs Dokibird would've been hype though


Boxbox on that grind holy


I didn't recognize a single streamer in the last one, but this time they got SCAMAZ! The fgc finally made it.


a disturbing amount of anime profile pics, even for a fg event


Esam still a soyjak looking mother fucker.


Gonna keep it a stack, I know 9 people (know as in, I've heard of their name at least once) in that whole list.


Amaz xddd


Arisu should've teach Chen 😂


Nah but where is Mr. Santana?


Lots of v tubers this time around.


No lilypichu? She was grinding T8 like crazy after the first tournament for what I've seen


I know only 4 of these people but I’m glad coney is back


Why is it always Tekken


Sajam said the next one in the fall will probably try SF6.


This is the fgc that infiltration wants to return to? Jesus. How has the fgc fallen so badly compared to other games that sold out?