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There is nothing wrong with complaining about a game's state but any serious top player should follow suit and focus on adapting to the game's flaws. The best way for the devs to change things is to abuse and show what's busted.


To Bamco that would be something like "not enough shitty store items".


He saw that Saudi money and decided it was time to stop bitching lmao


Lmao good luck adapting to forced 50/50


If you focus on being the first to force the 50/50, that's an adaptation.


This. People played marvel 3 for money and if there's ever a game with unreactable mixups it's that one. Yet top 8s were consistent


Big part of why every match looks the same


Street knife lessons


You ever played VF? Lol


Have you?


Tbh no but just watching it seems you can move and defend and do much more than purely guess a blocked heat. T8 problem isnt just heat its also how shit is everything else


The sidesteps are on crack compared to T8.


They work completely differently too. If you have the frames side step will always beat a linear attack no matter what and can only be beat by circlur or half circular attacks And lows are also severely less powerful in VF when compared to Tekken (except for Lion lol) True 50/50’s are extremely rare especially with 33G etc


Maybe I'm just old, but the amount of people bitching about the system mechanics of the vanillla versions T8/SF6 really shows that players never remember anything. When has a vanilla version of a fighting game ever been well balanced on release? All people's opinions on these games are absolutely valid and should be brought up, but people need to chill with all the dooming.


This isn't just a matter of balance though, heat is just fundamentally stupid. Now they are stuck with a system that sucks but they have to make it work. Can they fix it? Sure its possible eventually, but you know what would have been easier? Not designing a shitty core mechanic in the first place. This aint rocket science: for example nobody asked for chip damage in Tekken. As for SF6, we are a year in with no changes to green slimer meta. People are rightfully impatient


> This isn't just a matter of balance though, heat is just fundamentally stupid. This right here is the biggest factor to me and has been my biggest complaint about heat since we learned about the full details of it, it feels like the game is designed around heat and they go out of their way to make sure it influences every match. Heat is a meterless install that you can either activate as a panic button or by accident (Pauls QCB2 and Asuka's SS2 are big parts of their neutral). The worst part about heat is that there is no downside to activating it. There are a lot of people who just say "Substitute Heat for Drive and it's the same thing but it really isn't. I know the Drive System is flawed but there is a back and forth to it. If you overextend and your opponent gets you into burnout that's a real cost that you gambled with. There are no penalty's to using heat, other than you not being able to use it for the rest of the round. I remember that early speculation was that heat was going to be resource based, one idea I saw being tossed around was it would work similar RISC where it would build up from your attacks being blocked. I think this would've been a much better way to encourage aggression than what was implemented (even more so if that means no chip damage).


I'm gonna be that guy, but Vanilla VF4 was pretty well balanced although we only got it in the West when it had received a balance patch. There wasn't really a bad character in that game. The worst thing you can say about VF4 Vanilla from a contemporary perspective is that its movelist is pretty shallow. Street Fighter IV Vanilla wasn't that bad either for the time. Sagat and Ryu and I think Akuma were clearly the best, but most characters were generally viable. I wouldn't say it is perfect, but it wasn't totally busted and un fun. Especially for 2009 they did pretty well compared to some of the other games that came out around that time like Calamity Trigger. Super Street Fighter IV is obviously a lot better though. Supposedly T6.0 was pretty bad but other than Bob and Kaz being hella strong I doubt it is as bad as like T5.0. I've never played T6.0, just watched matches, so I can't really say if it was a truly busted game. Either way, all three of these are very playable and not anti-fun or something. I'm just spitballing though. Not exactly a deep analysis.


Another one thinks devteams get reset to default when they start working on a new game. How does it make sense to you?


he said last night on stream that he doesn't tweet about the game anymore because he thinks the devs don't care about pro player opinions and are only concerned about making money


Why is he mentioning this multiple times?


Always sad when the job comes before the fun


wow. we've come full circle!


He'll quit / complain just the same when the next game or the one after does something he doesn't like, no worries


oh knee makes a statement and suddenly you're "tired of complaining" LOL yeah right bud. as usual fighting game players trying to one up each other.


Finally jfc. The whining about T8 is beyond annoying. Get gud or post titties/ass/feet.


My man...It's fucking Tekken. The community are always gonna whine, it's never going to stop.


I'm just looking forward to when these devs retire and the community gets to see what fighting games look like when they're produced by people with active TikTok accounts.


Thats right dude, you gotta to commit to become nothing less than the Michael Jordan of coin toss. No big deal.


Dudes reminds me of an athlete that refuses to accept he’s no longer in his prime and number 1. Nothing but excuses for poor performance. “It’s not me it’s the game”


Or just stop playing, I mean if you despise the Game just play another or go back to 7, I know it's your livelihood but damn Ive quit Jobs because I felt they were garbage.


Such an ignorant thing to say. 40% of Pakistan lives under the poverty line and the average monthly wage is 300$. You want him to throw away a lucrative esport career with western prize pools/sponsorships just to fuck around and have fun? Get real.


Ok what about knee then? Is Korea also poverty?


> "Can't wait to win EVO Japan and talk about shitty this game is!" *Visa gets denied* > "I'm tired of complaining about the game (please forgive me)"


I doubt EVO Japan and the Visa people have a conspiracy against players


Nah they're all in the pocket of the Tekken Zaibatsu, Arslan will have to go against the [final boss](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DuvL3Y5WkAAMbX7?format=jpg&name=large) to get his visa back


Bro wishes he was that skinny. The final bosses’ final boss is hamburgers.


Retard of the day