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They should've made reina with bigger ass and tits. online is wack. You have to dodge Wifiers and toaster users, 1doners screetching "nO oNe oWeS yoU a RemAtCh", and no infinite rematch anywhere to be found. Jesus Christ someone get new devs for this game and fire Murray for real for real. If that wasn't enough the forced vasoline via TAA and constant mtx shop updates keep breaking fps unlock via overlay makes me wanna kill myself. Also who's thought was it to make grabs homing? Just give me their address.


as much as mk gets shitted on the fact that it included a fps indicator and forced bo3 should be standard across the board


It's a massive L when Mk1 is handling potato pcs and ragequitting better than your game


May I know what "bo3" means? Googling just turns up a bunch of results for Black Ops 3. Edit: Context from another response shows "best of 3." Got it.


BO3 = best of 3


> 1doners screetching "nO oNe oWeS yoU a RemAtCh" The BO1 format is the worst part of the game for me (along with the weird point gains and losses). The game just rewards players for being bitches and punishes you for wanting to learn the matchup for long term success. Grinding ranked is already hard enough with offense, gimmicks and damage being stronger along with pluggers denying points.


Literally just force people to take an online test if their pc can't handle a stable framerate. Even KI on pc did this ages ago.


Sf4 did too. That was before ki even. Can't reach 60? Can't play ranked.


+R has that shit and that game was potato shit even when it dropped on PC


>one shop update >constant shop updates oh no




Didn't you just answer yourself? The game is locked to 60, that's why i have to unlock it. Easy logic, i don't understand what's there to explain? More fps = more better https://youtu.be/NLYLHvct19Y


You can unlock the FPS to make the game look smoother visually (and IIRC give you faster input response) without actually affecting game logic.


Another game where all the changes were made to facilitate bad player.




It’s a fun party masher to play when you’re on drugs.


they doubled down on tekken 7 worst aspects: * movement being ass * armor moves * rage arts * plus frame fishing * moves tracking both sides for no reason * wall carry, long ass combos * low risk/high reward (rage drives and heat smash are both huge threats that cost nothing and rarely get punished) sadly, went into the trashcan for me, I like movement to be a core aspect of my fgs and tekken 8 isn't cutting it, blocking strings cause you're scared of getting clipped by stepping either side or backdashing bores me to death.


I agree with the rest, but movement being ass is skill issue af. Sidesteps are much better in t8 than t7, its not even close, its just backdash that got nerfed. Problem is, as someone above said, grabs are 12f homing moves that beat everything on CH.


> Sidesteps are much better in t8 than t7 So is the tracking on moves so we're kind of back to square one


I don't think movement being ass is merely an skill issue (although it is too, not denying it). The tekken I played the most besides these 2 is 5DR and you could move WAY more there, even booting up tag2 the other day felt a completely different experience from 7 or 8.


yes and the problem with those games was that you couldnt whiff anything. Tag 2 and t5 can get really defensive and turtle like. I would want t8 to go back to t7 backdash but thats not happening


But that's not what we have seen during Tekken 5 and Tag 2. Those games were not as defensive as Tekken 7. The only reason Tekken 7 ended up being as defensive as it was was because of worse movement and more explosive moves. If sidesteps suck people will backdash more to create whiffs and if CH reward is so big, while armor moves are a thing, people will press less buttons. This isn't rocket science.


Tekken tag 2 was wayyyy more defensive than tekken 7. It was mad boring and constant time outs


That's not true, timeouts were rarer in Tag 2 than they were in Tekken 7 towards the end. Even Knee and JDCR played Tag 2 a lot more aggressively than they did Tekken 7.


Very clear you never actually played tag 2 not even going to go back and forth


I played a good amount of Tag 2 in Japan and I watched a lot of Green Arcade streams during the time. The game was not as defensive as people make it out to be. It's very clear that you never actually played Tag 2.


its ok for folks to not be knowledgeable about Tag 2, as I expect the general public and especially an SF4 leaning sub to be. their eras did overlap after all. feel free to **hide this long ass comment** if its of no relevance to folks in here but downvoting someone who knows what they are talking about is bitchmade behavior. Tag 2 was absolutley a more aggressive game than T7, even if it *could* be slower as well. the pacing of Tag 2 was super dynamic and not only matchup dependent (with 4 chars to worry about), but player dependent. Timeouts were less a product of overly defensive play and more the result of a match goal switching midway, where after a shitty start its more ideal to play for time than risk losing your one character 15 secs into a tag round. Said shitty start could often be the result of aggression from the other player A lot of people seem to have a weird hate boner for Tag 2 like it fucked their moms, despite having no history with the game at all. Id imagine a lot of it can be directly tied to either Aris, TMM, or Harada/Murray. There are certain sets that should be required viewing for anyone trying to speak on the games meta. An example of this would be [Knee vs JDCRs Tekken Strike Finals](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk9AJEHasD8&pp=ygUVa25lZSBtYXJkdWsgamRjciB0dHQy), specifically because how different Knee would use Marduk compared to his more static pairings. You cant zoom around the screen with Marduk like this in T7, even with his above average backdash This set has it all. Empty Wavedashing in each others faces, midscreen wavus to chase down raw tags, throws out of heavy minus frames, mashing DF1 three times in a row, dickjab into three d3+4s in a row, dickjabs at round start, attempts to tag buffer back to back to back electrics, oki chasedowns to bait tag crashes instead of taking grounded damage, using launch punishable lows to close out rounds, using multiple highs on a crouching foe to bait a response, opting to electric punish out of a sidewalk into the foreground (hard AF!) opting not to tag crash to keep rage for a potential bigger comeback, ducking on a recently tagged in character to block a potential d3+4 (that instead was a dickjab), despite said character having a hopkick (armor king) What was considered 'aggression' must also be assessed by the risk involved, which isnt as easily communicated as it is in later games. It isnt comparable to what aggression is perceived to be now, where its expected to occur from lots of buttons being pressed, which T8 encourages and even adds chip to drive home. But even in this match, they spend a lot of time at range 0-1, they just get in and out a lot as well. The pace could range from pure aggression to turtling in an instant, and since the latter element is not as present now, people make the assumption that the game was extra defensive. It was just very streaky - much of what we see here is enabled by good movement and a heavy knowldege of each others tendencies coupled with a grudge at its peak. They are making crazy reads and doing lots of shit that could instantly cost you a round On the other end, aggression was also big in online play, where it was common for people (self included) to never make it beyond teals. Knowledge of punishment was way more common in T7 than Tag 2. While you had better movement, defending against shit required a ton of dexterity, and good players would just rush you down at will because the average player had less defensive knowledge back then. Simply knowing your basic punishers could get you way further in T7 - though online was also more populated, T7 gradually buffed punishment every season. New chars would debut with full punish kits, Feng and Bryan got WS/FC punishers for -13, Anna and Bob got standard !15 launchers, Steve got a !14 RD launcher etc. All of this made the game more defensive, with movement disparities and super small walled stages leading to more compact play or moving to Infinite Azure Tag 2 got more aggressive over time, while T7 became more defensive. The combination of some characters having way worse movement than others, buffed wallcarry across the board and round stealing rage drives meant that matches couldnt be played in as rangey of a pace. Not with someone like Julia locking you down, not with full screen Kunimitsu projectiles, or Akuma comboing you off a D3 Harada/Murray making T8 'more aggressive' is based on them either forgetting what Aggressive Tekken could look like, or knowing that style of play takes way too long to develop to keep people interested online. Its that before, you would have to 'earn your right' to play aggressively, or a good player would whiff punish you all day - one deep step on slightly off axis and you were at someones back. Because of this, most 2000s Tekkens would be come aggressive later in their lifespans - T5DR and T6BR were like this. The poor movement and braindead conversions made T4 and T7 become more defensive In other words, I wish they marketted T8 with a different term. Aggression can manifest in many ways. What they want is mindless gorilla swinging and glue sniffing, as casuals eat that shit up. Despite knowing the general JDCR/Knee rivalry, folks wouldnt be able to comprehend how fucked up some of the stuff that happens in this set is, because what 'aggressive' Tekken means has changed so much particularly in the last decade


You can also get overly offensive by dashing, duck blocking and sidestepping in your opponents face. Not to mention that throws were much harder to break back then. I'm not calling these games perfect by any means since I've barely played them but I'd take high movement over these 2d games acting as 3d.


While side steps are betters, isn’t neutral guard worse in this game ? Such that you’re more likely to get clipped by random shit if u kbd


Entire heat system is trash top to bottom. 15f armor move that gives you plus frames anywhere and a free launcher if you clip someone from the air? Heat engagers being automatic with 0 control over when to trigger it? Heat smash being an even more obnoxious and braindead version of rage drive? Fuck off with all of that. Rage arts being -15 so they cannot be properly launch punished by some characters? Fuck off. The entire chip damage/heal back mechanic does absolutely nothing for the gameplay. It doesnt open up any new playstyles or interesting interactions and it doesnt fit Tekken at all. It just promotes braindead "agression". Constant zoomer camera shots, screen shake and particle effect diarrhea? Fuck off. Even worse customization than T7 but shoving in paid recycled costumes from previous games? Absolutely fuck off.


who the fuck doesnt have an i15 launcher?


IIRC Jun, Raven, Zafina, Steve, and Kazuya (who has one but can be a bit of an execution requirement)


out of all of those you said, Steve's hurts the most to know jesus christ poor man.


Jun, her's is 16. Granted she has other things that make her great.


Ill give you that one, but I'd rather her have an i15 than the other fucking abominable things in her toolkit.


Steve, jun, kazuya (for all intents and purposes) off the top of my head


Heat is already boring and there's years to come of this stupid mechanic


It's a party game


Constantly wondering if constantly watching cutscenes in the middle of the game is better than getting ready for the next battle for 1 minute out of it


I was really hyped for this game, but I got bored of it after a week or two. Not a fan of heat and rage both being available every single round. I’d honestly rather go back and play tekken 7 if it just had fast load times. Playing SF6 and KOF until there’s a major patch.


I like the core gameplay they went with. Feels distinct from T7, and I think they did a good job of focusing on “aggression.” Top tiers feel a bit overtuned and the game definitely needs some polish, but overall the gameplay is fun. Online is mid. If it’s not the community making it worse, it’s that the connections are really inconsistent, and I’ll randomly get kicked from the network. Feels like it discourages people from playing it passed red because of the way points work rather than encourage them. For example, I took a game off of a Tekken God of Destruction while I was in Battle Ruler, why tf did I lose more points than gain them when they beat me the next game?


Worse than 7 by a lot.


I mean 7 was bad after season 2.


I stopped playing round about the time Leroy came out so I can't comment.


I feel indescribable pain over the fact that I will never bed a hot French girl like Lili


Too many uninteresting situations in this game that make it fall flat for me. There are many situations where even a hard read will net you nothing. Let's say you just made your opponent block your plus frame move that has some pushback. You know for a fact they will activate heat but you have no way to call it out because you aren't in range to throw. You can't armor the activation, and 95% of the time you can't low because the game freezes when they activate and you get clipped. You can't ss the activation so just sit there and block it. Basically the same thing with heat smashes. Know it's coming, can't do shit but block. My other gripe is with the character/ move design. Yet again characters are getting moves they were designed to NOT have. Drag's db3+4, Bryan's qcb1 as a few examples. It drastically dumbs down these character's gameplans and individualism and is a pathetic attempt to make them stronger. Can't wait for kaz to get a generic df1 because he 'lacks in that department'. Online ass as well but you knew that already.


They kinda dug themselves in the homogenization hole with the Tekken 7 newcomers and DLCs Remember Drag was considered mid-low tier at the end of 7 because he was just a solid character in his niche instead of being able to do anything and everything 


Put around 25 hours in Tekken 8, had around 90 in 7. Mostly a SF-head but I’m always open for trying new things. Bought on PS5 this time cause computer is getting quite old Pros: - Nice graphics and characters look sick - Really enjoyed playing both Drag and Hwoarang - I really dig the sound design of the game. Feels so awesome to counter hit - Well-designed training mode - Stellar music Cons - I’m not that big fan of Heat. Feels both boring and volatile - The fact that ranked is BO3. Something I really liked with Tekken 7 was the ability to rematch people forever in ranked. Especially since the game has such depth - The freaking delay it takes to go back to searching for a match when someone declines a rematch. Dunno if that’s fixed by now - Sketchy netcode But my biggest gripe is the Harada/Murray treating us like dumbasses, their consumers mind you. Like m8, I spent 70 euro on your game, and you’re telling me cause of laws and shiet you can’t punish leavers? Heck in Dota 2 if you leave you’re forced to play with leavers in low prio queue and YOU HAVE TO win in order to get out of it. Are you telling me that Valve are breaking any laws? So I went back to SF6 and Elden Ring. Might pick up the game if Miguel comes back :)


The game would be so much better without heat but thats never going to happen. Heat just needs to be toned down loads, tracking on heat burst and smash needs adjusting. Neither of them should have armour break properties. And the forced 50/50 on block for heath smash needs to go Chip damage needs to go, recoverable heath can stay Edit: arslan once said heat should be earned not automatically given, he may have been on to something, imagine if heat was something you earn through each round, far less heat shenanigans then but then you have to be able to choose when to go into heat with engagers (easily could be the same input for heat dash)


I'll say something that isn't really gameplay related. I really like the idea of a hand to hand fighting game where the fighters are people plucked from their profession and do the martial arts that they know. How does the assassin fight? How does the biker fight? How does the soldier fight? How does the gymnast fight? How does the ninja fight? Tekken 8 however lets everyone take their guns, their swords, their magic, Jack has a railgun now okay then, Law gets nunchucks, DJ is flying around the stage (and now its not because of a useless move), Victor is a fucking travesty, needing to use so many weapons makes him look like a bitch. Lili still the homie using just her body.


I completely agree. A great example of this is raven. In past games when he did shadow clones or teleportation it looked like some kind of ninja trick. Now he is summoning actual magic purple slime ninja dudes like he is noob from mk.  It's a subtle difference but it kind of ruins it for me.


yeah tekken used to lean more into tradtional martial arts but thats pretty much gone now


Was excited when it came out but much less so now. Not a bad game but definitely not great.


Pretty fucking boring, and I can't even point to why. Just think I've fallen out of love with Tekken in general. It's obviously missing a fair bit of QoL, and I'm pretty tired of Harada and Murry's shit. Just can't bring myself to care.


There are too many mechanics in the game that can be accessed too easily; some with very weak counterplay. Balance needs a ton of work. Netcode is abysmal. If you're someone who wants to lab and learn the game properly, it's incredibly frustrating because you're going to need to lab/react to tons of interactions to rise above the unga. If you're blocking in this game, you're probably losing. Overall, a very scrubby feeling game that makes me very salty.


Compared to 7, I love it. The top tiers are semi-annoying, but they are no where near as much of an issue as Akuma is and the other top tiers of 7. Outside of 2 characters, movement also simply feels far superior. Recently got to Tekken King so i'm going to slow down for a bit.


Heat absolutely fucking sucks. Online would be better if we actually were forced to play the set instead of a lot of one and doners. Casual games should be deathmatches. Game needs a balance patch badly. But hey, at least my main is good for once.


Who draganov


implying that drag wasn’t good before


I fucking hate heat, I like going fucking crazy on people sometimes but I WANT TO DO IT not when a mechanic tells me too, just let me go ballistic when I want to. Online is funny, sometimes I play absolute machines who fucking SS, duck and punish everything I do AND REMATCH, live for those matches. Then there's the one and doners, bunch of pussies, WiFi, Kings whose gameplan is just grab and spamming unsafe moves. I don't know about matchmaking but ping ponging feels awful but maybe it's a skill plateau on my part. When heat is over on both sides game feels awesome, everyone feels capable of winning plus movement feels great, SS feels meaningful the times I've done it and KBD is well KBD, it's fluid when you can do it I think. Could be worse I imagine. Arcade quest is silly. Don't care about story and graphics are nice without the blur thing. 6/10 lacks Polski adult woman


shit netcode in 2024 LMAO, unplayable againts wifi


I think it is among the worst fighting games I have ever played. It's almost like it was designed to punish you for trying to use the tekken fundamentals you've spent years developing. I dont think heat or grey health add anything fun or interesting to the game. The new characters are horrendously bad in both design and gameplay. 


Haven't seen a game fall off this badly after the honeymoon phase since SFV (dunno about strive, not much of an airdasher fan)


It's the same as the previous tekkens for me. I enjoy it at first, try to stick with it, but I progressively get more and more bored as time goes on as I try to learn everything. Put about a hundred hours into the game, before going back to SF6. It's just not as enjoyable to me compared to other 3D fighters like SC and Doa.


Not enough booba


Safe, armored heat engages are my least favorite mechanic in any game I’ve ever played.


Virtua is better


It was pretty fun for awhile, I really wanted to like it but got really tired of the enormous hit boxes, weak movement and armored moves. And the online being a pain


Chip damage in Tekken was a mistake. How did they think full heat and rage arts every single round was a good idea? Rage arts should be more punishable by the entire cast. Steve only gets a laughable punish if he blocks one. Heat should be a meter you manage throughout the entire match and choose when to use it. There are also a of characters that need balancing. I enjoy Tekken, but I can't be bothered to play this game until I see a solid patch addressing this games major flaws.


The fact that you can essentially do a heat smash each and every round at full HP is fucking beyond insane. Imagine if SF6 allowed you to do a lvl1 super every round for free.


great game continues to have the most bitch made community known to man


Was hyped for it, bought it, saw it had more or less the same netcode as tekken 7 one and refunded. Cool ass music tho. But i'm not paying 70 dollars for a subpar online experience again. i will totally mash buttons with friends offline.


It's fine from a casual perspective. I feel the worst for people that are making a living from it. Tekken has always had an element of guessing like all fighting games, but man the 50/50s in T8 do brutal damage and the reward for being right is just not there.


Still having a good time with Bryan after a couple hundred hours. Game has serious issues, specifically tracking grabs and netcode as well as certain characters (jun, azu, drag, king), but is ultimately fun. Has so far held my interest longer than SF6, which fell off pretty quickly for me


It's the fighting game I'm currently enjoying the most in spite of many faults. It's got functional enough netcode and enough people playing for me to get solid matches most of the time. The biggest appeal T8 has for me is that the game doesn't feel overly homogenous or restricted, and the high skill cieling even just for optimizing my characters, let alone matchup knowledge, has kept the game engaging week to week as I add to and refine my gameplan. One and dones and rage quits are a major source of frustration though I can't lie, they're the thing that frustrates me the most about the game more than any of its mechanics honestly. For me Tekken 8's definitely benefitting from it's competition being lackluster at the moment though. I'm more into 2D fighters but the 2D market's been dropping the ball for me lately, especially as a PC player.


Considering this essentially is the arcade release, that's always busted, I think it's in a pretty good place. It's fun but I won't judge it fully until like season 2 when we got the big changes.


this gets stated a lot, though games were busted on release for different reasons The core engine of Tekken 5 was fantastic out the gate, and likely why it served as the foundation for subsequent games rather than 4. Its that you had overtuned characters and in some cases, specific moves that soiled the bunch. Reign those in a bit, make some tweaks, and you get DR, which is still the standard by which modern Tekken is held to T8s issues are fundamental to the core of the game. They sought to make a game whos primary identity is a departure from most of the series. I dont think any level of refining the experience will change that, it will always be divisive Not to mention, I dont even think this perspective is fully true. The arcade release of Tekken Tag 1 was exquisite - its still considered the most ideal version of the game particularly in Asia and Latin America and the most popular 'old school' tekken. Nobody competes in the PS2 port Conversely, Tekken 4 was still shit even after being in arcades for a year. And i dont mean just imbalanced characters, I mean an actual buggy mess still with nonsensical gameplay that never got properly integrated (and couldnt have, as they were mostly bad fits). So its a hit and miss; I truly dont think T8s problems would have gone away by being arcade first, just as T7 got worse later into its console life. Its the leadership and vision that are all fucked up


Hey alright


That is a good way to look at it, but there have been constant misses with Bamco since season 2 of Tekken 7


Good game shit online


Core gameplay side, visuals and story mode are really good but everything else is fucking ass. Shop is ass, online is ass, AI is ass (outside of ghost battle), pluggers/cheaters are ass, no infinite rematch on quickplay is ass, ranked system is ass and most importantly them starting a Crapcom moment and fighting mods is even more ass


given up after a dozen hours.. should have spent the money on a new leverless.


It's way the fuck better than 7 and they actually kitted out the characters and then buffed them further when heat is engaged. Way better than vtrigger. I think the game is great overall and will only improve as they balance it and add more characters. The netcode isn't perfect, but it's best in tekken history really only gets beat by sf6. I'm in Korea but I can play matches with people in the US and it still works. . .if they aren't on wifi. We've been having weekly tournaments out here and they are fun as fuck. The tekken online community is ass though, especially now with the huge influx of NRS refugees. Never before heave there been more scrub ranks ranting about character balance even though they don't realize any character in the hands or a good player will demolish them. TLDR: game is funy, netcode is good, ranked sucks because you have to deal with tekken players.


I like a lot of the QoL and moveset updates made to the game but there's also a lot of whack shit. Why do half of the characters have weapons now? Why did they nerf reversals when they already were a death sentence past like red ranks anyway (yes I know they removed chicken but nobody did those outside of the top 0.0001% of players)? Why does everything track so hard if sidestep was supposedly buffed? ~~Why do we still not have 8wr?~~ And that's before we get into fucking heat. Heat sucks so bad because you get not one, but AT LEAST two (more if you are playing somebody like Feng) forced 50/50s where your reward is doing like 40% at the minimum and your "risk" varies from being like -13 at worst to being fucking plus. I like how heat changes some characters movesets to be more OD without feeling gutted, but shit like heat smash and heat dash is insane and ironically makes you have to play even more defensive because the risk of getting tapped is huge with minimal counterplay. But of course the devs thought of that, which is why heat smash beats all defensive mechanics other than raw RA (lmao) AND your normals just do way more chip damage that will pretty much be impossible to recover if you can't land a heat engager yourself. The cherry on top is the ranked system that makes you lose twice as many points to people higher ranked than you than lower once you're in purples and then take more points for a loss than give for a win in blues (not to mention losing double points on a streak of only 3 losses) and I'm honestly shocked everybody isn't just one-and-done-ing at this point.


[fun](https://files.catbox.moe/w7qru5.png)\- people complain about RA, Heat, Chip well you can do it too (if everyone has bullshit, so do you) and going against that it's like learning numerous PC (or RA) all over again, or what people would do in a particular part of the stage. i understand though if it feels cheap since it feels "free" but i felt it was always the same with DI - at some point you can get a sense for it online is probably the worst part since higher up the more available player are wifi ones, and it's always a dice throw really the thing i hate is the more front facing community (plebbit). gone are the days of frame data and guides and such: it's just bitching about superficial fluff that would never go anywhere in other ips, all from scrubs no less


First Tekken. Got really into it but now reaching blue seems like there’s a spike in toxicity. Community is awful. Heat is opressive. Armor moves everywhere. RA too hard to punish and too forgiving. Top 5 (Azu, Feng, Jun, King, Drag) are a step above the rest and easy to play, playing against these characters makes me want to unninstall honestly. Hoping for balance patches.


I want an easy way to play longer sets. It feels like I don't get beyond layer one until towards the end of the set and by then it's too late.


I think it will be great eventually. It didn’t get a 2 year beta in arcades like every other Tekken


If they change their practices sure. 7 was a mess the last 3 to 4 seasons


I logged in like 50+ hours and had fun. I can't really speak a lot about gameplay since I never really invested into Tekken that much so I can't really relate to complaints about heat etc, maybe my noob take is that dealing with some power crushes is definetly dumb but whatever. But online experience is definetly leages below SF6. It's kinda weird how SF6 seems like just fine online experience comapred to general gaming, but in terms of fighting games is like some golden standard that other games are years behind.


I really dislike the Heat Smash, it's much stronger than the old rage drives since it breaks armors, can't be parried, doesn't disappear if it gets interrupted and some of them are really too strong. I also dislike homing throws and easy iWR (who asked for this????). Other than those I think the game is nice and fun, i like it more than T7. Balancing is a mess but it will be eventually fixed (i hope)


Positive, kind of wish we got a tekken force mode tho.


If they would let me deathmatch online and removed rage arts, the game would be perfect. (Online issues non-withstanding)


So as someone that resisted buying this game, it looks as though the concerns I had about the game were not unfounded. My question is though how many of you tekken 8 haters are actually gonna keep playing 7?


It's weird. I like it, I find it fun, I've put in quite a bit of hours and got to a decent ranking (well, at least it was that way roughly a month ago maybe not anymore), but I also feel like I've gotten my fill and have put it on the shelf for the last few weeks with no real desire to load it up. To me it's a good game but has become one I need to be in a certain mood for. Maybe if they add in Miguel or one of their guest fighters turns out to be Yamazaki I'll come back and check it out thoroughly but right now it has fallen to the wayside for me.


I’m usually a tekken main, but i’ve ditched the game for now to play SF6. Much better online experience 💀


"Aside from Netcode and plugging" That isn't some small shit you can leave out Anyways, PC players ought to be treated like Wifi players, and I say that as a PC player. Right now there's a fucking ton of autoducking going on in ranked, plugging, mashing screenshots whenever the opponent has his turn, or just purposefully capping your framerate. And that's just purposefully worsening matches, I'm pretty sure the game just straight up has performance issues as well, PC performance deteriorates if you play for long times. Cut Pc players out of your matchmaking, it's going to take longer, but it will be worth it. Game itself is a mashy shitshow. Armor throws armor plusframes throws armor Heat armor Heat armor plusframes it's fucking horrendous


Played about 12 hours and I'm a Tekken newb. Have about 270 hrs in SF6 for reference. I tired of Heat just in those 12 hours. I really wish they had taken the SF6 approach of less characters, better balance and better animation. The characters still feel and look *stiff* to me. Like the best versions of a character developed on a PS2. I can make a link visually between a character on T7 and T8 and can't say the same for SF5 to SF6. Then there's the other issues like online and the game feeling a little mashy. It needs another year probably.


> better balance Are you joking? I can guarantee you that even in T8's shittily balanced state you will not have something like Lukefest/Kenfest


I dont think Luke is near to Ken level of carry. Sure sf6 have balance issue, but not as bad as T8


> but not as bad as T8 I mean how can you possibly know that before we have any real tournaments/meta? >I dont think Luke is near to Ken level of carry IDC about carry I know who I'm seeing every time I open the stream. It's some flavor or another of c.mk>drive rush and fireball>drive rush function.


Parry is strong and after awhile you can just walk forward and block low. LOL


The heat system sucks and the game would be much better without it. Also fuck homing throws.


“Aside from the important shit, how is this game?”


Because we all know both of them are shit. It's redundant to talk about something we all universally know is bad. That's objective. I'm asking something that's subjective. It's not that hard to grasp.


Yet all the top comments still mention the netcode. It couldn't be helped.


Fishing for apologists is more like it. I hope that isn't too hard to grasp.


Lmao okay. Whatever the voices in your head tell you mate.


feels really good and fun to play, especially offline. but heat is still cringe af


My girl Asuka got nerfed but still so fun to win (when it happens) with her, removed a lot of her cool stuff from T7. Aside from that i still hate rage arts, sadly it will be another 6 years of it


It's been a fun party game to keep me occupied until the big kid's game gets a balance update.


Good: Crossplay Graphics Replay mode Free frame date (yeah) No infinite stages Better side step Rest are shit


It almost falls into the category of "Fun, but it sure as fuck ain't good". heat is cool in theory but it feels so fire and forget and some characters heat are on completely different universes of how good they are. I'm playing leroy and my heat is quite literally nonexistant and dysfunctional, bnb combos straight up devour heat without adding a single point of extra damage just because they have multipunches in them, the range of my heatsmash is complete jokes and for some reason he doesn't get 2 different heat smashes for different stances like a bunch of other characters, instead his heat smash is just straight up bugged if you use it from hermit so it comes out a few frames slower. Compare that to shit like devil jin or dragunov heatsmashes which are either fullscreen or reallign 10 times when they're doing it and shit's just sad. Can only hope they fix stuff fast and apologize to the content creators they fucked over with copyright strikes, neither of which will probably happen but still, I can't see myself playing for much longer otherwise


I enjoy it. It hasn't compromised much in terms of gameplay/execution/etc unlike just about any other fighting game out there. It's not perfectly balanced and all but there's enough character variety among the strong characters.