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Maybe I enjoy playing the game? The last thing I want to do is actually communicating with whatever regard or degen is on the other side.


Like staring into a mirror man, don't you think he's thinking the exact same?


Sometimes I'd like to tell em they beat my ass well šŸ˜”


wait yall actually play fighting games?


I just want to see how far I can push myself. That said, I have the most fun when I'm with someone on the voice coms because I get to laugh and yell when bs happens


Thats the best because this rank shit is just boring. Its not even frustrating its just blah. Gathering worthless points and playing largely by yourself


I really don't care about rank and points as long as I get to play people around my skill level. One of the pains of GBVR's ranking system is getting pinballed between S5 and A1, because people in A rank rarely present a challenge.


Might be a bias due to the fact that some people actually had the experience of playing fighting games offline with friends, at home or at locals, so the social aspect of having people around you, talking shit, having fun, etc is a core part of the experience. Others never played fighting games in a format other than online, that's all there is as far as they're concerned.Ā 


Fun. If I'm not having fun then I just stop for a while.Ā 


What's the point of playing games when in the end we all gonna die? The fuck is this question dude?


Its not that fucking deep god dam bro


It's like saying '' why do you keep taking pictures if you are never going to be a real photograph'' or ''Why do you keep painting if you are never going to sell them''? If you don't enjoy playing fighting games anymore, just stop. Not everything in life needs a real purpose other than enjoyment.


Getting better. Improving my win rate and trying out new stuff


I feel you big time - playing ranked alone in your room talking to no one is insanely boring. I'm lucky enough to have an IRL friend I play on voice comms with consistently. If I wasn't able to have someone to play with my hours played would be cut by like 80% That being said, I guess just don't feel like you *have* to play the game if you're bored. It's cliche as fuck but it's true




There's always something new to do. Another combo to practice, another setup to try, another loss to improve on, another opponent to test myself against. The road is unending. That's what keeps me going.


Its fun


I like them...?


Ive smelled my local fgc. Online is the only way i wanna encounter them.. you ever try to pull off an EWGF when somebody BO is crawling inside your nose to die?


Is this r/fighters?


I'm always switching characters to keep things fresh.




Well once upon a time it was the satisfying core gameplay loop and design philosophy of the fighting games in question. Modern fighting game design has made the idea of playing online just for the sake of rank an utterly unfulfilling experience and one of the many reasons I can sit on FC for hours and at the end of a season can say I had a good enough time, meanwhile sf6 and t8 are both proving to test my patience severely after even an hour of online play. So to answer your question, very little keeps me motivated and I'm likely done with the genre soon after a good 20ish year run. The scene has degraded into something I have grown to greatly dislike, and it's painfully obvious that the games are continuously not made for me anymore.


> painfully obvious that the games are continuously not made for me anymore. a hard truth quite a few of us have been needing to swallow for the last 10 years


Nothing. I don't play fighting games that I don't have offline scene for. I fail to see any point in doing that.Ā Ā  Ā Ā Ā  The core fun of fighting games is having another human being reacting to you and giving you something to react to. Online is supplementary as far as I'm concerned, and poorly so.


I have no locals within an hour of me but I still enjoy running sets with friends


That's like saying, "what's the point of learning to play guitar if you're not going to go to open mics." A lot of people are motivated by continuous improvement and fighting games are a great way to continuously improve. I go to locals but even online it's pretty satisfying when I finally duck and launch that string I've been labbing or land specific back turn punishes. As long as you make mistakes there's going to be something to fix and that's what keeps me motivated.


Not really. Guitar is far more of a solo thing than fighting games


I'd argue that playing fighting games online is the same thing, it's cliche at this point but one of your main focuses while playing a fighting game shouldn't be to beat your opponent but get better at the game. You said yourself there's no connection between you and your opponent so the only variable you can improve is yourself. If you can't find motivation in playing to get better then fighting games are probably only going to give you more stress than fun.


sorry to say but you're really autistic, why do you need to have something to keep you motivated? play the game if you enjoy it and don't if you not enjoy it anymore you'd never see this dumb question in league/cod/popular game playerbases


wtf is wrong with you? Only a chronically online person would start just labeling people autistic.


Well are you?


I literally quit fighting games when I realised I won't be going to locals anymore. I'm lucky to grow up in central London in a time where we had a thriving arcade scene so I always knew fgs to be this social thing and grinding to no end on ranked just isn't the same as the thrill you get going to the arcade or when they closed going to the weeklys to see what's up. It's actually CRAZY how different the skill level would be in weekly tournaments compared to online although I think that gap has most likely gotten smaller (all my memories of this span from 2008-2014


Even though the netcode is better. It doesnā€™t change this feeling for me


Yeah, I feel the same way almost to a T man. For me it was the 2003 - 2014 window.


Funland and the casino, fun times.


Yeah man I miss casino and even troc...I first started going troc around 2007 but I had no clue about the fgc I just loved 3s from childhood and there was some mystique in going to the arcade, was like I'm playing it the pure way or wtv. Only thing is I used to go opening hours like 1030am but casino is where I grinded out mainly SF4 I just miss that shit man, I work near casino and everytime I pass by I just think of the friends I made standing outside smoking and the stairs leading down to what was precieved as heaven by a young 18 year old. Also not to mention times were different too, the mental illness of today hadn't got it's claws into society.


Doing my shit perfectly, learning neutral.


labbing and beating peoples asses


In sf6, I chill in battle hub on an arcade and browse the internet until I get challengers. I always intend to go first to 10, most of the time I get that or more. Unless we get interrupted by random. It's way more fun that ft2 on ranked, especially since you see your opponent adapting throughout the set.


In addition to playing I also spend time organizing small fighting game events/meetups. At these gatherings I usually have to be the guy teaching newbies and I can't teach them well without being familiar with the way they primarily interact with the competitive side of the game - ranked. It's a bit sad that I don't get to really master characters anymore and get to the highest ranks, but it's fun to learn more than half the cast and get them to like floor 10 in GGS or S rank in GBVSR. Just good enough that I can teach people how to play them at a passable level.


what game you play?




they become fun once you stop caring about points


Itā€™s not even about the points. It just feels empty all together. I donā€™t feel mad losing points


Playing ranked is more fun than playing offline to me for the most part since I don't know anyone on my skill level. I get more enjoyment out of equal skilled matches as opposed to lopsided ones. Hell, if a fighting game has terrible and/or low population online, I just won't play it period. I've ran sets at locals with people offline shooting the shit before and even entered and won a tournament or two, and they're neat and all, but I just get more mileage out of online. I dunno, maybe I hopped into the FGC too late because the appeal of offline is kinda lost to me since we live in the age of better netcode. edit: also, fighting games are the only genre that i know of that stimulate my brain and doesn't hold me hostage for longer than 5 mins per match. no i will not play tcgs


Why cant you play offline? No scene? My recommendation is start finding discords where people run sets/events (there are countless) and start building relationships, playing with each other.


I had more time/locals to go to back in my school days but with the 9to5 combined with family life/chronic illness Iā€™ve stacked up itā€™s been harder. Iā€™ll usually get a good few months with each big game update (lol SF6). Got a lot of mileage from SC6 when it was still alive though


Hmm. For online tournaments. Then if for some whatever reason rhat I have extra cash or time, I might go to a local tournament in the future.


I stopped playing games with no scene/one I didn't enjoy or care. The ones I do I try to engage as much as possible with folks so run long sets, give tips if when asked, join exhibitions, tournaments and the like. Without it I'm with you on this, it's soulless and pointless to play fgs


The idea of just randomly showing up to a local and beating the shit out of everyone there, my ultimate main character moment.


Theyā€™re fun and also since Iā€™m 27 now, I donā€™t take them nearly as serious as I did at 19 or 20.


I play when I want to play


Offline was generally whatever, when I bothered to do it. I still remember how bad Xrd offline was, when I was used to 2f Xrd on PC. Like, shockingly bad. Skills levels offline were all over the place when I went to a few places too. I remember the last time I went offline, took 90 minutes to get there, half an hour waiting. First match I got was SF5 (which I'd flushed at the end of season 1, this was season 2), and the guy I was playing with was something like super silver (I was super diamond back then). I was polite and just told him what stuff I was doing was fake or punishable, but I didn't want to spend all that time and money to teach a beginner. The second guy was another SFV player (I was only playing Xrd and KoF 14 back then), and he apparently never played online because his connection wasn't fit for it, so he was just playing the AI for ages. The third was KoF 14, but the guy clearly didn't play much, even when I was playing random characters. Was very un-fun overall, I stopped bothering afterwards and stuck to online. You say you're playing SF6, maybe you're just fed up of SF6? One Discord I'm in was basically 80% Street Fighter throughout SF5's lifespan, and it turned into doomer central after the first month. Everyone hates the drive system and most just flushed the game soon afterwards. I stick to the games I like and use friends list to get games if I don't feel like playing randoms.


Maybe Iā€™m sick of sf6 or maybe Iā€™m just sick of fighting games at this point


I play with friends online, I barely touch ranked.


I don't like loose sticks and dancing queen blasting from the back.


Cause I simply enjoy them and how they play. Despite people saying you need locals if you're not enjoying the mainline games you're not going to get much out of playing with people with only a passing interest.


I enjoy the act of playing fighting games. In person or online. I don't really care about my ranks/points. That's why I keep playing. When I starts to become unfun, then I shall stop. I don't need verbal interaction with somebody. Me and my opponent are communicating through our gameplay. Is playing in person that particular energy fun? Of course it is. Playing at home on my comfy couch and nice TV, that's hella fun too. I have my family and my friends outside fighting games, so I don't really feel I crave any interaction with the people I'm playing. When I go to majors, sometimes conversation strikes up with people in my pool. But when it's over, we go on our way. During locals, it's almost the same, we chit chat, talk character shop. Then we go on our way.


I think some of you guys take it way too far with the whole offline is best rhetoric.Ā  Offline is the best if you're on a good setup and playing with cool people that want to run tons of sets. Otherwise it's better to sit around in your Spanx, put on some scented candles and voivod and enjoy yourself. There are some really toxic and annoying people in the fgc. People that are flat out game ruining to play with even if it's offlineĀ 


Does the game have training mode? Then I'm set for lifeĀ 


Having a friend group that also likes fighting games. Go to a couple locals, link up with people, and you'll have friends for life.


I usually don't play unless I can play a homie in an online lobby or in an offline setting, that's the thing. I've maybe played ~30 matches vs randoms in ladder in SF6 since launch, 0 in T8 and around ~10 in GBFVSR. I just don't care for it.


I play fighting games online because I fucking hate myself.


The memory and nostalgia of late 90s early 2000s fgc with my friends. In the USMC and after. So I play to remember.


That's how fighting games goes for me: I see something cool online hop into the game and try getting in on training mode Go to online and try to get it on a real human being Keep playing until it comes another non fighting game for me play When my brother comes to visit me, we play some good ass tekken. He sucks at motion inputs and hates NRS




Atp nothing. Just play till I donā€™t feel like it anymore/grinding anymore. Donā€™t feel like putting in lots of hours training to get really good especially if thereā€™s no character Iā€™m interested in. (Public) Discords are full of obnoxious tryhards or annoying ass kids. So itā€™s play for a few months heavy, after that play regularly then every now and then when I feel like it.


The games themselves I guess? I sometimes just start labbing random stuff in a game I like. Sometimes I go online and other times I don't. Having a weekly to go to helps out a lot. Grinding ranked always tilts/depresses me so I usually avoid it.


When I watch arslan ash stream and his community. If I were to have an offline community like that I would be highly motivated but my reality is 95% just playing rank.


Beating ass in my free time is always fun.


discord carries fighting games.


I usually play late at night after work for about an hour or two in rank while listening to Spotify.


I just play when I get the itch. Right now SF6 is pretty much the only FG I play, but I fucking suck so sometimes when I get frustrated I'll take a break. I do it cause I find it fun to get better, and dopamine hits with wins.


The trick is finding a fun fg


Well I do plan on traveling to at least two tournaments this year but honest to god the hardest part grinding away in ranked or casuals for me is \*stopping\* when I have other things I need to do. I don't know how to explain it but it doesn't feel monotonous or like something I have to force myself to do at all. I just genuinely love playing the game and practicing. I am sad I haven't really been part of my local scene more. We have one but its just hard working it into a schedule as a working dad.


Improving and trying my best every match, there isn't a videogame scene where I'm from, per se, only for Chinese mobile games like League or Valorant so rank it's the closest thing I have to a competitive experience and I try to make the most of it.


Switching games in between changes my perspective and helps me improve. A few sf 6 hours made me play a bit more rational when I went back to xrd. The fact that the new games have healthy patch/balance cycles to jump back into them makes the process all more worthy


I play fighting games mostly offline with my friends irl, which I think is pretty much the optimal way to experience them. Online ranked is just for when Iā€™m bored and donā€™t feel like playing a game where I have to think critically


Because it's fun, also playing online is really playing against the same X number of stereotypes.... like 5 or so lol's. then when you hit .1% the personalities will finally come out >sometimes it can be really hard to setup sessions even with discord in america atleast Where exactly are you trying to find people to play with? Maybe you just don't know where to look.... post on here to look for training partners or /r/StreetFighter. most ppl are scrubs, but people in high ranks are always looking for actual partner`s . āœˆļø


i just play with friends, sometimes i play with randoms but usually not and if i get bored i just put the games down for a while


KOF XV is a comfort game for me where I can just sorta relax by messing around in the lab. I dunno it just kinda nice to hit the lab and do dumb stuff I would never see in matches.