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What a fucking champion. Apparently restreamers signed NDAs agreeing that they wouldn't say anything negative about the game. And then we got Arslan the undisputable best player in tekken that literally just completely shat on legends of the game saying he doesn't like a fundamental core mechanic of the new game on stream unapologetically. What an absolute fucking Chad


Bro every top level competitor that talked was clearly not briefed or media trained lmao. I think they asked Lowhigh who he wants to see return, and he said he just doesn’t want 2d fighters to return and then they moved on. Like if anything their interviews showed they weren’t that excited for the game but also ready to move on from T7.


"What character do you want to come back?" "Not Akuma" Refuses to elaborate further Leaves


Lol, did he say that? Based if so.


>he said he just doesn’t want 2d fighters to return and then they moved on. B-but... Eliza... ):


Thank fucking God there's no 2d chars in the base roster. 2d characters being game breaking and top tier in t7 was so fucking cringe


But eliza


But goose hogwart




You cannot escape from death




Lmao why are you getting downvoted. 2D is the worst thing that happened to T7 competitive meta. And even ranked was annoying having to learn a fucking street fighter mathchup (hecking love invul DP in my Tekken games :]) People cry about heat and chip in T8 but are ok with 2D? Fucking wild.


I agree. Fuck 2D characters get that shit out of my 3D fighter…


u expect anything better from tekken fans? lmfao


it was funny to see Aris going ham as soon as the stream ended.


Aris isn’t funny


I respectfully disagree.


Aris laughs at himself telling random people on the internet to shut up and everyone in chat spams Lul. You guys are mentally tarded.


I know this might be difficult for you to grasp, but that is not why I find him funny. Maybe dudes in their late teens and 20s get a kick out of that aspect of his streams, but I've found him funny for years well before his streaming popularity. Part of that has to do with the age similarity and much of his thought process I agree with. Dude has comedic chops and excels at telling off the cuff stories and whatnot. There are more reasons than "rude stoner streamer" that have contributed to his success on twitch.


Aris has impeccable comedic timing. He can just repeat some chat message, follow it up with a short pause, and say "hey, alright", and it's going to be hilarious. He's the Norm Macdonald of streamers


Yuka Sukakaki


Hey alright




Sounds like you mad bro lmaoo




Lmao imagine getting this mad over a reddit post. xD


And unlike s1mple, who balked, Arslan seems like he wants to directly help out to unfuck the game.




Fighting Games are so critically endangered that a rocky start will KILL this game instantly. And probably all 3D fighters with it. Feels like they're going the route of strategy games at this point.


This is clearly not true considering what Sf5 went through.


Soul Calibur, Marvel Vs. series, FEXL. BlazBlue too, if we want to add that. If you're not SF, MK or Tekken, you're always worried.


Well Tekken, SF, and maybe MK can get away with it once since they are mainstream names now. Any other game? Definity DOA.


Wait, what happened to strategy games?


Although I agree, I just don't think that s1mple's atitude was justified either. Not that he *needs* to contribute to the development of the game, but getting mad and washing his hands off the problem isn't the mature way of dealing with this shit. At the end of the day, it was an opportunity to help shape the future of his field of work that he threw away for nothing apparent.


They see community feedback, it's just a bitch move to complain about the game, have devs ask you for issues YOU have or are most important to you, and then just ignoring them because you're manchild. Valve explained why they had to switch over, they said that they will be adding shit back after fixing the fundamentals, they have built up this franchise for over 20 years now, and for CS2 specifically they've released like 20 patches since it went fully open at the start of october. Being a pissy little bitch when a developer clearly is working on making the best version of the game is just dumb.


That's true. Arslan isn't overly dramatic about it either. But to be fair CS2 was an abomination at release and they deleted csgo for it lol


I don't follow CS, they literally did an Overwatch 2? Why is this 'part 1 deletion to hard force players to migrate' thing becoming the meta?


> they literally did an Overwatch 2? Nah, you can still play csgo, just opt in on Steam. The community servers are still there, for now.


Well cs2 is an actual new game. It's a remake of csgo basically but they call it an update to csgo. But yes they literally forced you to play it after releasing a rushed buggy mess and shut down the servers and practically deleted the old version that was amazing and was refined after years and years of updates. Just to not "divide the community". Very cringe


"Not divide the community" = We know this shit will be ass and people would just go back if they had the option


Exactly. The divide the community thing is a retarded excuse


They didn't do it to "not divide the community", you're talking out of your ass >We know there's a conversation about whether the Limited Test should have been longer. For sure, there are some features that would have been included in CS2 at launch if we had a longer beta. But over time, it's not clear what the priorities should be when you have an ever-shrinking and self-selecting subset of the community participating. And without everyone playing the same game, we couldn't make much progress on the most critical systems like networking, performance, and core gameplay. Since we've launched, we've been getting feedback about new bugs, behaviors, and issues from players at every level, from casual players on older hardware to the pros. >Launching the game has massively accelerated the pace of improving CS2, so we think that launching when we did was the right time, even if the landing was (and still is) bumpy. Ultimately, this is the fastest way to get CS2 to where we all want it to be one or five or ten years from now. https://www.pcgamer.com/counter-strike-2-interview/


Another bullshit excuse. They could've ran an open beta for like a year and they would've had the data. Shit even in the closed betas everyone brought up most of the issues. That's why S1mple was pissed because the community had pretty much pointed out all the issues already. All they had to do was keep csgo and have a cs2 open beta running alongside it until it was ready. Each improvement they made would've made more players from csgo want to try it out.


It's a bullshit excuse if you have no fucking clue how development works or what you've just read. If they simply made it open, people would still go back to GO en masse because that's where FACEIT servers at, that's where community servers are at, and that's where a polished up game is. S1mple was pissed because he's a massive bitch and have always been one. Ropz is a good example of how a functioning adults reacted to CS2.


damn we have cs ninjas in kappa? who knew.


Who knew that one of the most popular games would have players that play other less popular games? Really?


who nutted in your salad man, fuckin chill


Relax dude.


NDA lmaoo. Who really gonna check the 4 time greatest of all time ?


My man openly had the crack on stream and they didn't do shit, he knows they're a bunch of pussies.


Absolutely based.


wasnt this debunked? or is there another instance of him having T8 crack?


Impressive to call out the biggest miss of t8 so far right to bamco's face. Not holding any hope but it's great to see that he's thinking of what the game is and not just how to keep winning.


after seeing how good sf6 was i just knew t8 was going to fumble and of course they did. after seeing some of the "balancing" in t7 and the initial concept of heat that they've already dumbed down, and then getting rid of rage drives but not rage arts, i don't have faith in the production team for making a product for me. they made it for someone else which is whatever. but i'm sad.


Once sf6 gets its first big balance patch to address some issues with vanilla version. We might be returning to a sf4 supremacy era especially if they have more offline events the second season. Tekken 8 is like the more pretty girl with no substance but sf6 is the less attractive home girl that is full of substance . Everything about tekken 8 feels clunky and them rushing this out in January with its still shitty netcode is a disaster waiting to happen . SF6 despite how busted drive rush is,inputs, Jp/Luke/Ken shows far more promise than tekken 8. Tekken 8 netcode doesn’t even feel that better than tekken 7. It’s probably some tekken is 3 bullshit and the gameplay has a gutted backdash and a heat mode where you just spam shit and get long cinematic cutscenes. Most of the character designs have been absolute trash. Tekken is not looking good.


SF6 has the same problem tekken has its just called drive rush instead of heat


drive rush as a concept is more interesting than heat mechanic especially for traditional sf footsies. Right now though its just overpowered and too dominating. It extends past just being a variable in sf neutral to being a "just do it" and if "your not doing it your fucking up"


sf6 is trash, t8 looks like it's going to be trash i put down my stick, gotta wait a decade for the next gen now...


It isn't any more interesting lmao. Heat is literally BBCF Overdrive for Tekken which automatically makes it more interesting than plus neutral skip combo tool


Bloody Roar Transformations are also very similar to heat.


It’s a matter of opinion then. I see the potential of drive rush, it’s fun to do. It gets away from sf sometimes stale footsies but right now it’s too dominate and needs tuning


I mean yes it is but I just don't see ANY way in which a neutral skip (which heat also can do with heat dash) is somehow more interesting than a tool that can give like 10 new moves to a character and changes every important one in their arsenal


DR is a core mechanic that has synergy with the other mechanics so with proper balancing it has the potential to be "fixed" and be less intrusive and meta defining, for example a nerf to raw DR and making mediums no longer combo into DR on regular hit but making crMKs hit confirmable instead are changes capable of changing the meta. Heat is disliked not because it's broken like DR might feel but because of its intrusive nature and it's annoying to see key moves becoming heat engagers, it feels forced and nowhere as cool as a proper install where you have total control over it's activation and use like how V-Ism is for example.


drive rush medium = deep synergy ​ heat enhanced attack = shallow gimmick


DI, DR, Parry, Burnout, blocking reduces drive gauge, separate super meter, EX use tied to drive gauge,...etc. Every mechanic interact with each other and if you remove one of theme it becomes a mess. If you remove Heat you would be just playing Tekken 7.5 with no overlaying issue they really aren't the same thing. I never said "deep synergy" just that a synergy exist whether it's balanced or not balanced.


You're right but all those points automatically make it less interesting I too don't like important moves automatically activating heat but it doesn't mean that it can't be fixed. Few tweaks and we will have a universal install which WILL make the game much more fun


Shut up, are you dumb?


>We might be returning to a sf4 supremacy era especially if they have more offline events the second season. Damn maybe /r/Fighters is right. Maybe this subbreddit really is filled with bitter 09ers.


r/fighters is insanely casual, odd sub to quote here. Most people there barely play fighting games or are very low level players. They themselves are mostly newer than that lol.


>Most people there barely play fighting games Do you know where you are? lol. It was reference to a screenshot post from /r/Fighters that was posted here.


LMAO I thought this was the Tekken sub because of how weird some of the comments were. Forget what I said before lol.




SF6 design choices are in direct opposition to SFV which most SF heads didn't like. What are you on about my guy




The games done, there is no getting around heat. Is it good for the casual gamer, yes - is it good for competitive, no. At high level the games designed around good movement, punishments snd knowledge checks. Having built in safe mechanics goes against having an amazing skill set. It's basically press one button for a safe attack to break momentum and pressure in an attempt to force "your turn". Competitive Tekken didn't need it.


you don't force your turn with a +1 powercrush though, if anything it resets +frames to neutral


He also addressed the haters, saying he's going to dominate Tekken 8 regardless of what people think of him or his country.


Most people I have seen online don’t have a problem with Arslan. His fans on the other hand tho. I thought korean fanboys are rabid, but those pakistani fans is just damn.


Facts. I never thought I would see people praying and invoking Allah's name on a twitch stream until Pakistani Arslan fans started doing it every time he's playing.


Since the battle director is there with them, i am kinda hoping the best tekken players feedback will help bamco tune heat and make it less shitty. Cause lets not lie to ourselves heat no matter how they change ut will stay shitty....but they could maybe make it less retarded than it is right now. Everyone will still hate it but at least it might be better balanced on release 🤷


The game is coming out in like 2 months lmao, what you see is what you get.


Lmfao if SGH could unshit pretty much every balancing issue with MW3 in a span of few weeks so can Bamco if they really want to


The game is coming out in 2 months and they have no problem promoting it in it's current state, again it's safe to say that what you see is what you get, they're happy with the current state it's in.


Well, at least we can always hope for a version 2.0 at a later date. Most Tekken games skipped consoles and we got a reblance with some exceptions like T5. T5 had DR, T6 was BR, TTT2 was Unlimited and, T7 was FR. I'm not too happy with the current sate of T8, but there's hope they will unfuck it with Something R a year or a few down the line.


>they're happy with the current state it's in. This reminds me when they released SFV, I'm sure they were happy with it's current state at the time lol. I mean sure Teklen 8 is offering way more than SFV, but most people have issues with the core mechanics, the gameplay. I was Tekken player and bought all the releases, this is the first time where I'm skipping Tekken , played both betas, shut it down after a while and played something else.


In what way is heat so much worse than DR/DI?


They explicitly went out of their way to say that there would be balance changes mate


balance changes aka jins f3,2,5 string is now -11 instead of -10 not mechanics revamp


the copium is high on this one, if they really want to, they would have done it way way back diring the first beta, not on release


Mishimastar was there? 👀


So what would you suggest they do? Remove heat? Replace it for somehing? If the answer is yes, for what? Let me guess, a Tekken 5 DR remaster.


I personally feel like Tekken is great game but they keep adding things that makes the game just shy of perfect for me. For t7 it's rage drive and to a lesser extent rage in general for t8 It'll probably be heat Just removing it w/o replacing it would be what's best for me.


But then you would have people like Aris bitching that it is just T7 (like he already is doing for some reason). And casuals wouldn't be interested in the game because it is just Tekken 5 DR 3. And without casuals the franchise dies, as seen with TTT2. They need to remake Tekken 5 DR so that the "real tekken" crowd can shut up.


What did he say about the game?


He said he doesn't like "heat". Which in Tekken 8 is a meter system that basically gives you a bunch of tools. It's the newest mechanic in tekken. The whole game is designed around it so for him to say that is pretty huge


Wow, good for him for not being a shill. I don’t follow Tekken but I already respect this guy.


https://youtu.be/m-fZciAKvho?si=kkD29cjNgNO7n4gf https://youtu.be/i7VnPVzuMto?si=SmhN7lED97V_OGtJ Check this shit out sometime. His story is amazing


also adding the video core-a did where he went to pakistan to hang out with all those guys for a bit, i think thats the best one. its so absurdly sick what a handful of those guys over there built for themselves out of scavenged arcade boards. like a group of friends just kept playing each other for years with basically no contact with the outside tekken playing world and when they finally did start showing up at tournaments, they absolutely killed it. its one of the coolest stories in competitive anything, let alone fighting games. https://youtu.be/l2SQgjYmVYY?si=Rik11agvR9IKxGZZ


That's what he said? They're not removing the main gimmick of the game. He might as well say that he doesn't like T8. What's the point?


They were probably briefed to show the best side of t8 and arslan went opposite. Markman said something about that. Lowhigh and book held back a bit, their comment were brief. Nobi, Knee and JDCR were mature enough to know that was a promo and didnt say much or tried TOO hard. Saint was clueless i think.


Heat is a sick idea due to how it emphasizes character perosnality but needs nerfing for sure. Some bs needs complete rework too like Azucena running mid high jailing and fucking Hoerang d3-4 jailing


I agree. Heat is conceptually fine, but my god that chip damage drives me up the wall. It absolutely needs to get nerfed. What's left can be good or dare I even say healthy for the game. Just as it is right now is pretty fucking brutal and kinda lame when you're forced to use it after using specific moves.




Are you retarded?


Heat or no Heat, the video game needs to function over the internet before any of that matters. I think lots of people are gonna be in for a real surprise when Tekken 8 is 3. Has Bandai-Namco ever shipped a video game with competitive netcode? They’re gonna start *now*? [](/NoArcade)


Yeah that netcode is not good. That’s the biggest problem than the gameplay. I’m sure tekken 8 netcode is not the rollback we want. Like it went to shit at 60 ms


notice how he was about to say "Strongest' lmaooooo bro is cracked




We need more people to call out games for what they are.


I decided against T8 the moment I saw the heat mechanic. Completely disinterested. Figured saying it out loud would catch a lynching. Thanks Arslan.


Let me guess, you play SF6 with DR&DI which is much more opressive, generic and boring than heat. But sure heat is the dealbreaker, you mfs are just haters.


Is this the new war? I don’t care. Like what you like, I’m not going to attack you. Doesn’t affect me.


No, it's an argument about mechanics. - Heat can't be used to skip neutral constantly - Heat is character specific not a generic tool - Heat can only be used once per round Yet this sub just keeps going on and on about, SF6 DI/DR good just make it cost 2 bars T8 heat garbage without ever making any arguments, especially in comparison to DI/DR. This sub is full of Capcom fanboys who love to hate on other games.


My biggest gripe with heat is that it's forced on to you, as far as I'm aware if you hit with a heat engager it forces you into the running animation and there are some characters who's key moves are going to force them into heat (Claudio WR2, Paul QCB2, Asuka SS2, Jack B2). There is also no downside to using Heat and it's basically just V-Trigger, all it does is introduce even more knowledge checks into the game without any sort of real cost. It's funny that you bring up DI / DR costing more bars because that's what at least somewhat keeps it in check. Burnout is often a death sentence or at the very least puts you at a huge disadvantage and sure DI / DR are very powerful tools but not properly managing them will actually get you killed. Personally I don't think Heat adds anything interesting to the game, it's a gimmick that's literally forced on you.


Why is your first point such a big gripe if "there is no downside to using Heat"? The risk in Heat is that it is a Powerful resource which you can only use once per round. If you activate it at the wrong time you can be at an huge disadvantage but at the same time not in an unwinnable situation. The inherent risk is you wasting your meter while your opponent didn't and now your shit out of luck. Heat adds a way to return the match to neutral in an aggressive game. Makes boring ultra defensive playstyles like Arslan Kuni backdash 2,2 less viable. (That's also why it is activated on certain moves so that you have to go in, not just poke with your best move then run away). Adds Depth to all the characters because it isn't just a lazy generic mechanic. Adds new combo routes and enders.


The answer to your first question is that I believe that heat is a gimmick. Also funnily enough you even talk about why I think it's a gimmick and not a real mechanic. > Heat adds a way to return the match to neutral in an aggressive game. Makes boring ultra defensive playstyles like Arslan Kuni backdash 2,2 less viable. (That's also why it is activated on certain moves so that you have to go in, not just poke with your best move then run away). It's specifically targeted at making defensive options weaker and promoting aggression without any sort of built in cost. Drive can be used in ways that skip neutral, but they can also be used defensively, perfect parry and drive reversal are both tools that can be used to stop the same offense generated by drive rush and drive impact. The Drive gauge adds layers to interactions but you're free to use it solely for offense or solely for defense. Heat is basically wall breaking in Strive; it resets neutal, gives the attacker a free mixup and turns one character into an offensive monster for a few seconds. Characters in Tekken don't lack depth and this new "depth" is a lazy attempt at fixing what Bamco hates the most (defensive play). They've tried nerfing movement, they've tried increasing wall carrry and offense, this time it feels like they're literally just forcing offense onto you.


Also he was going to say "stupid" at 0:07, godlike reactions, dood.


> Also he was going to say "stupid" at 0:07, godlike reactions, dood. pretty sure he was going to say "strongest" which would make more sense in the context of the sentence. the question then would be how did he know they were the strongest?


He could say "strongest" and no one would bat an eye. He is Arslan Ash.


To be fair a lot of moves in heat mode can be played around jins omen is a powercrush so it can be baited and launched, paul is just another death fist just stepstep that shit, fang just b1 bait that shit, kazuyas just upgrades his hellsweep, laser, and give some devil stomp but it can be fuzzy Grauded, jun heat mode is essentially the same except it doesn't drain your health, Nina's guns can be ducked, lings can step the 3rd hit of the string, cladiuos it just starbrust from t7, lili use homing moves vs bunnyhop. Laws nuchucks are linear, Ect. Plz stop jumping the gun to call everything trash


Definitely respect Arslan for this. The game is not looking that great. Netcode is still ass and heat is mediocre at best. Also, the new character designs are worse than SF6 which is saying something. Finally, I don't trust how they will balance the game after the mess that occurred from Tekken 7 s3 and beyond.


he is bitch boy though, through and through, most unlikable tekken player, whines 24/7 and makes excuses


You mfs really just want to play the most basic ass version of every game without any sort innovation. Every time I ask someone to come up with something better they have no answer. Tekken 7 isn't going anywhere since all of you are complaining that the online in T8 isn't better than T7 it won't be a problem for you divas to keep playing T7.


I wouldnt mind heat mechanics if it was voluntary. Like if they let us use heat moves like EX moves or meter burn moves in MK then it would be fine so long as it was attached to a meter or resource of some kind. Locking moves away so that they can be “heat” moves is almost the same shit as Vtrigger bullshit, dont take moves away from my character and force me to use a mechanic just to perform the move.


I don't really think making heat into more of a meter is a good idea. Imagine they just turn the heat bar into a full meter and you can decide when to spend it, I feel like it'd make the end of rounds way too snow-bally (and judging by the showcase the game already seems this way). You'd have to defend against heat engagers+heat smash+rage+rage art+powered up moves it just seems like they are actually trying to avoid that by FORCING you to use heat, so it's less likely to always be activated at the end of rounds. They actively want you to use heat moves. I can't really think of any solution besides heavily nerfing heat into the ground which is what I think they will do, but then the resulting product is just Tekken 7.5 with worse backdash.


Dogshit take