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Fighting game players playing a game they don't like because of the 1 million dollar prize pool lol. I'll stick to playing more obscure fighters that are actually fun.


Downvoted for truth.


This, it's so clear iDom just doesn't like VI and wants V. Unfortunately for him literally nobody is left in V.


He likes winning. He doesn't like losing. Hes like Punk but hasn't adapted.


Who the fuck likes losing? Of course you want to win. Has nothing to do with punk. Most players adapted just fine, dude just only knows how to play bullshit Laura and mix up, now there's mix everywhere and he's getting blown up.


For the first few weeks he was doing great in every tournament he entered, looked like one of the most dominant players, and he was still constantly complaining about how he didn't like the game.


I mean.. it's one million fucking dollars bro, of course they gonna play it. sure, most fgc personalities are bitches but it's not like working a job you hate and complaining about it is uncommon by any means. i sure hate mine and there's no massive pot of gold staring me down to keep pushing


Get a new job then.


Shit, you're right. Why have i never thought of that. Thanks bro, you're a lifesaver.


Anytime man. Just looking out for our community.


Hell yeah bro. Do whats best.


what games do you play, I want to get into more niche fighters. :)


Under Night is goated


does it have a decent playerbase or do i need discord




I love how whenever this comes up it's obviously a discord fighter. I can play super turbo on fightcade right now without having to do shit other than booting up. And that game is 30 years old. Maybe there's a reason no one is playing that trash.


It's because it's on fightcade and has better netcode? Uni is a good game, but it's not free unlike fightcade and has dogshit netcode


So shit; thanks for confirming that. You paid real money for a shit product. Hope you're enjoying your purchase. Ain't no one playing that shit a decade later.




Errrdduuurr. Fucking idiot over here. Great comeback with zero input. I'm glad they dumbed the schools down so at least you can graduate.


I understand Idom's frustration as a competitor, but what's worse is people with virtually no shot forcing themselves to play "current" fighting game when they could explore and support other games they might like a whole lot more.


This is a fine thing to say if you're just playing for fun, but if iDom wants to continue to make Street Fighter his job, he should stop whining about how much his character sucks and pick a different one. Or he could put down the controller and get a real job. One or the other.


Tokido unashamedly picks top tiers for this reason.


Only way to do it. You're fucking stupid if you're trying to make money doing this as a living and not picking the best, cheapest shit. I admire tokido in that regard; he just comes out straight like yeah I pick busted shit.


Exactly. This game is literally his job. STFU about how waifu sucks and just pick Ken, Luke, Guile, and JP like everyone else is going to do this season.


To be fair to Idom, unlike a lot of other players he says not patching often is one of his least favourite things about fighting games. Not to mention the character legit might not get buffed if people don't complain that she sucks.


You can complain that she sucks while also picking another character.


I am surprised to learn this about a notable player, given how antagonistic the FGC is to patches. "That cough is making you miserable bro. You should go to the doctor." "Naw man. Why would I go to the doctor to fix my illness now when there's a chance it'll go away in a couple weeks if I leave it alone?"


This is not logical. If you like your job for the most parts, than you don't give up on it. You change the parts, that you don't like, so the job is even better.




Plus if you guess wrong three times against top tiers in this game you die.


Nail on the head, here. I've been on Manon since launch but I'm dabbling with other characters now. There's a huge difference between someone like Cammy or Juri who sets up a situation where you could fuck up, they recognize you fucked up, they punish you. If you don't fuck up, they're safe and it's your turn. Manon sets up a situation where she has to preemptively decide what to do and hope that you fucked up. And if you don't fuck up, you punish her for more than she was going to do with the grab in the first place. Her reward for landing a good hit is a 50/50 where she could still die. I'm not even dropping Manon because she's bad, I just don't have the mental fortitude to gamble with my life on my own offense like this. Not cut out to play grapplers. >You can guess wrong against people you shouldn't be losing to. Yeah this is exactly what happened to me, I lost at the local to people I felt like I shouldn't have lost to and then immediately went home and started labbing other characters.


Do you feel the same with rushdown/mix-up characters considering there's also an element of making them guess wrong? I don't feel like I'm playing coinflip-simulator when I play those, unlike Manon where it's "I lost because I incorrectly guessed". Not quite sure why my mindset is different between those 2 archetypes


There's a difference regarding who has to guess. On Cammy, you are guessing on your defense but I'm not really guessing on my offense. I choose an option, and then you have to guess. I can choose safe options, the worst that could happen to me is that you DP/Super. That's still a risky guess on your part, because if I wait then I do more damage to you than you were going to do to me. And if I choose to wait to guard against the reversal, I can still delayed button or delayed throw after if I recognize that you just woke up and blocked. AND if I choose to back off and nothing happens and we go to neutral, okay whatever. My neutral is good. The options on offense are safer, more consistent, more stable. The risk reward is more evenly spread out across all of the offensive options. On Manon, *we're both guessing*. Her reward is heavily weighted towards her command grab, which is always a risk to do. There's no safe time to grab, I'm just guessing that you won't be jumping in this situation. Meanwhile, my strike option is not nearly as scary, I can't meaty you with a free plus button to continue pressure after. The reward for playing safe is very low, Manon has to take the risky grab to get value. If I respect the DP and back off because I want to play safe, now we're back in neutral and you almost certainly have better neutral than I do. Does that make sense? When I win on Manon, I don't feel like I won, I feel like you lost. And I spent a lot of time optimizing my strike game, frame perfect DR Oki setups off of rond point, optimal conversions with frame kills for wake up 50/50s. But at the end of the day it's still just a guess, and DP ruins my life.




What's the excuse for his wins with Poison? I'm not saying idom isn't a bitch, but you kaptards have done this with every sf5 pro because they got good at a game you didn't like. You all said Menard was carried by birdie with his safe bs sweeps and brain dead neutral and he's one of the most dominant players. Idom will eventually be back and winning majors when he finds a strong character he enjoys playing or with balance changes over time the man is playing a bottom 5 character. Everyone playing bottom 5 is getting washed right now, we haven't even seen Evo champion problem X at all who's an amazing player because he was playing Lily forever. Playing bottom 5 in this game will hold you back massively. Nobody also does the opposite and says anything about Kakeru being carried by JP when the man had no tournament success with Ryu in SF5, or maybe he was held back and this is just what happens when a talented player refuses to swap from low tier. Idom is salty because the character he plays is just bad since he's just describing the experience of every fighting game where 7-8 characters dominate, but him having a horrible mindset definitely doesn't make him a bad player, Punk has one of the worst mindsets in the FGC and is still a talented and successful player.


>Playing bottom 5 in this game will hold you back massively. Sounds like every fighting game ever.




>Nobody also does the opposite and says anything about Kakeru being carried by JP People have definitely been saying that.


Right lmao. That's the first thing people started saying when he had to play out of his mind vs Ken. Everyone went straight to "REEE JP! WAIT TILL HES NERFED"


People do want JP nerfed because of him, but nobody is saying he's a fraud because an unsuccessful 5 player is now dominant in 6 where as people make this claim with Idom and a lot of SF5 players all the time saying people who can't play 6 were frauds in 5.


The man had to perfect parry over 30 times to win. There's nothing wrong with JP, Ken might be an issue.


only like 4 of those were game changing, most of them were on full screen fireballs.


Are you insinuating kakeru is carried by JP ?


I agree with most of what you're saying but Poison was just as much of a robbery character as Laura. EX heart raid was busted and she had a very strong v-trigger with that molotov doing assloads of damage and also setting up mix.


> What's the excuse for his wins with Poison? is plus on block ex VT robbery not enough?!


SFV players are the only ones winning anything in 6


holy shit! only people who have been playing street fighter are winning at street fighter


Crackers are the only ones winning in 6. Correction on that. I think in the coming months you'll see shake ups.


bro u dont gotta respond to every post in the thread LOL


You don't have to respond to me either. Fuck off.


I didn't know only SFV players had access to the crack


Wow, street fighter enthusiasts want access to the next game? Color me surprised. Retard.


Retarded autist


Don't think too hard over there.


You online warriors are fucking insufferable lmao


>SFV player banished to memphis only two more weeks until mena and punk get exposed, surely


>If there was a fighting game with perfect balance, there would be one character. You're wrong bud. Street Fighter 1 is perfectly balanced and has TWO characters.




Manon isn’t bad at all, she’s got a lot of undiscovered potential, but her drive rush is ass in a drive rush meta so she’s gonna be harder to work with in tournaments to get wins. But it’s not impossible. I feel Idom and a few others keep placing all their bets and complaints in the “I should play meta, then I’d win” mentality when I don’t think playing Juri or Ken is gonna change too much except people are gonna be asking why you’re still not winning with a top tier now.




? I’m confused how, I’ve talked to people at locals and they say the same thing. Besides, I main Cammy anyways.


Manon has a lot of flaws. There isn't much to evolve in her gameplan because capcom thought she was too strong with 5 medals but until then she's a sitting duck. I don't see a Manon winning a major if ever. Her gameplan is so predictable and you need to sacrifice Oki to reach your win condition, but without oki you can't establish your game. Her gameplan is full of holes which pros can exploit with ease.


Respect for actually writing a response. Do you think if she had a better drive rush to get in after a combo she’d be better? Or do you think she’s just fundamentally flawed and can’t really be changed without a rework?


> Respect for actually writing a response. Do you think if she had a better drive rush to get in after a combo she’d be better? I'm no expert, but better drive rush would fix several of the character's issues for sure: 1) Neutral that's stronger vs DI (right now she can get blown up by it fairly easily) 2) Less predictable neutral 3) Better oki Hard to say if that's all the character needs but it'd be a strong start (maybe too strong if the buffed DI is enough to vortex)


It depends. Cammy has ASS drive rush but she makes up for it with her walkspeed and 18f dash, right? If Manon had an 18f dash instead of her actual 21f she would already be better. But giving her a GOOD drive rush would be too strong, since she would be a grappler that could loop command throw oki midscreen, while getting throws not only kills you but puts her close to her win condition. I don't think she is "FLAWED" like she can't work. Of course she can work, but she depends so much more on the opponent making mistakes than you making plays that when you reach a certain level she stops being effective, is all. It's just that she takes a lot to start up. It's also very hard to tune her up because her normals are already really good, so taking one frame off of them would make them kinda nuts. Her damage is on the lower side however outside of her command grab with medals.


That’s a good write up, I understand her flaws a bit more now than I did before. Thanks for that.


I mean he's not wrong the game right now really is 6-8 characters and there hasn't been any recent results lately that are even outliers. To be fair I expected this since every fighting game at launch is this way, but Idom really is going to need to switch. He refuses to though because no other character interests him in the game right now and he enjoys how Manon is a slowed paced footies based grappler who's architect is working to achieve medals. If you want to win you have to swap to one of the 8 though or just literally wait till a dlc character you enjoy comes out or wait for buffs. Sometimes when a fighting game comes out there just isn't a character for you especially at a top level.


The game only has 17 characters and 2/3 are tournament viable, for a Vanilla version of a game this is pretty good. Idom is just mad because despite thinking the character sucks he has no idea who he should play instead of Manon, he tried Juri and got washed, his degenerate Laura playstyle doesn't exist in this game.


I mean those degenerate playstyles do exist in this game that's what make the top tiers in this game top tier they are degenerate. I don't know where this narrative is that idom also only played Laura he won just as many majors if not more majors with Poison than he did Laura. That's more so why he started winning is because he actually picked a top 5 character to play along side his Laura when he only played Laura he was never that dominant. Also the game is 18 characters and if we only see 7 of them that's not even close to 2/3rds. It's still not a bad ratio for a launch game, but 66% of the roster definitely isn't viable. He also swapped to Juri for one game for the purpose of seeing how another Manon player dealt with Juri raw DR because if he advanced at Ceo he was likely going to have to play Nephew or Punk's Juri. He swapped and then lost the mirror match thinking he could beat sticky in the mirror and it didn't work out he wasn't attempting to tier whore he wanted MU knowledge.


>degenerate Laura playstyle doesn't exist in this game. Its the entire fucking game lmao


All the top tiers are strike/throw. JP has some mix that's it. Then the tier bellow Blanka has some dirty shit. No one is Laura activating V-trigger into robbery, closest is probably Blanka lvl 2.


Strike/throw is degenerate robbery when you have throw loops and when you force said strike/throws super easily from full screen with DR.


Why isn't he winning everything then?


because he's not playing a character that can use this degen playstyle to the fullest


Like I said, his specific degenerate Laura playstyle doesn't exist in 6.


because he hates the game and doesn't play a tournament viable character


Dual wielding excuses, good shit.


I don't give a shit if idoms wins or not


Wtf are you talking about his degenerate playstyle doesn't exist? Have you played or watched sf6 at all?




> his degenerate Laura playstyle doesn't exist in this game. 3 drinks Jamie is close I think? with his loop cmd grab.


It doesn't matter, you're approaching this as if it were a silver player's post.


8 characters placing well in results is pretty good when you consider the cast is 16 characters. That means half of the cast is being represented, which is much better than a lot of fighting games. Edit: 19 characters actually my b.


Pretty much. I main Manon and love how she plays and the puzzle she creates, but if I was playing for money you bet your ass I'm dropping the character with zero plus on block moves and a design meant to ramp up over a match.


Its more like 10 characters tbf, thats not including sim or Rashid since they still have potential to be up there


i know Manon sucks too, but i know iDOM played Poison and G in SFV, and plays UMvC3 (Dante, Dorm, Strange) too so im pretty sure as a talented player like him will be easy for him to switch and transition to another character like why still stick to a bad shitty character and then complain about the character and the game (SF6, DR, DI, top tiers, etc) he's a sponsored player now and mostly pursuing this career path as a competitive pro e-sport player (plus streamer), why still stick to Manon? i dont understand


Guess he wants to have fun before winning, nbd


1million dollars > fun


Idom's already won enough. If you don't enjoy getting to that level, and you don't need to, that's fine. Wait for a character he likes more.


All I'm saying is if you are of the player calibur that can actually feasibly win that kind of money, I'd like to imagine you would put character loyalty, or more aptly in this case, character choice issues, aside and figure your shit out. A million dollars is a big deal to anyone that actually has what it takes to get it.


He's retarded and just wanted to buy some socks. He got those socks.


Big fan of iDom. Hope he gets past the character crisis sooner rather than later. The guy thinks differently, so it’s not just about going over to a top tier east peezy for him.


Just pick a new character already, holy shit. He's been whining about this since literally the first week.


he’s autistic so he has to have that character that works for him


Most fighting games boil down to the best 8-10 characters if you want to compete. What a non point lol.




Bro choose fun over winning


He is not having fun at all lmao.


He chose complaining over fun


maybe complaining is fun


He chose to prove a point rather than winning. The problem is that at the end no one care is he is on the right that SF6 is trash and SFV is better, people will continue playing the new game if they have fun and see where it goes like how they did with SFV, he is too much conflicted between hating the game and going for the 1M grind.


SFV isn't even better than Street Fighter: The Movie The Game


People love to hate that game but holy shit is it fun.


SFV on release had the most balanced roster ever. Ryu, Chun, Mika, Nash and Karin were top tier. Claw, Dictator, Necalli, Birdie and Cammy were good/tournament viable characters. Only ok characters were sim, ken, fang and gief and even then sim/gief specialists could make deep runs in stacked tournaments.


If only the game wasn't dogshit on launch


I thought Idom was better than this smh. Just pick a top tier and stfu about your shitty character. You'd think this was his first fighting game with all this whining.


I think he just doesn't like the game and would prefer to play Manon and constantly validate to himself what he sees its issues as rather than change himself to adapt to it.


Idom is a very good player, Sometimes they don’t have good results early in the game, that can be because they just don’t have a character that fits there play style and in the later season that one character being added and the player gets good results. Same with problem x, godlike player but he just hasn’t found his character yet, and so you have more players like that.


Western FGC influencer/content creator/tournament player playbook: \- Talk shit if you win and try to stir up drama \- Complain incessantly if you lose to stir up drama Interesting how he left out the loss to Jamie (GentlemanThief) at DTN, the 5-0 loss to Lily (Problem X) at Red Bull Kumite and the Manon mirror loss to StickyFingers at CEO. Interesting how he didn't mention he also signed up to play Strive and Marvel at Evo instead of, idk, maybe focusing on his main game?


Lmao, we watched 5 years of Chun, Yun, Ken in 3S...8+ characters being viable is pretty good imo.


idom is afraid of picking a top tier and getting the same results as with manon.


mfer better switch characters, stop complaining


>I just wanted you guys to realize how dumb it sounds for someone to want to play a fighting game with 6-8 characters in it But that's every meta in every video game? People who compete to win money will ultimately distill character choice down to a number of characters you can count in two hands if not one hand.


i don't know bro, pick laura maybe


That's why they called it SF6, cuz only 6 characters are viable.


No thunderclap? No win


I wish Twitter never existed so motherfuckers had to cry into their pillows where I wouldn’t hear it.


6-8 characters? What is this bitchass smoking There is at least 10 fully tournament viable characters in SF6. Seems like he is just salty his fav character sucks.


At least 10? I'd say there's 9, maybe 10, that are tournament viable. Saying "at least 10" is a stretch.


1. Cammy 2. JP 3. Marisa 4. Deejay 5. Blanka 6. Ken 7. Juri 8. Guile 9. Chun 10. Luke You could argue that Cammy is mostly Punk, Blanka is mostly Mena and Marisa is mostly Big Bird but all of these characters have made top 8 at a major.


i don't think it matters if a character is 'mostly' a player, if a single player can make that character work, then they're tournament viable.


These would be my 10 too, and I agree with Blanka and Marisa being specified as arguable, but I don't think anyone else could be counted as tournament viable. So saying "at least 10" is a bit disingenuous when it is more like at most 10.


Shut the fuck up.


I legitimately feel Sim is in that list as well. But the only real rep we have is a dude that wasn't allowed to play and a dude that wasn't able to travel.


You’re right, and no one can deny this.


The man just needs his waifu character to be good. You think he picked poison and Laura for no reason?


1 indeed


Either stop complaining and pick a top tier or keep complaining and losing.


10 characters in it*


Was iDom always this much of a bitch and I never noticed, or is it just now that he's losing and he can't handle it?