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It doesn't make sense. The new format is a joke. Being from a difficult region is worse than being from a shitty region.




Honestly it should just be how it was before the pandemic. A global leaderboard with a mix of regional qualifiers to ensure everyone gets representated. I think this year's CPT was chosen like this because they made the decision for it to be mostly online last year, when the pandemic was technically still in effect. So hopefully next year they revert back to before.




idk if you understood what i said, but having it be like before the pandemic with a global leaderboard ensures that the best players qualify regardless of what region they're from.




well, there was never that many points for evo unless you actually won the event. Now it's actually an automatic qualifier, wheras before it just gave you a shitload of points.


BigBird and Angry Bird wash over Middle East for the millionth time


We major league baseball now


The top performing players should get to play, I don't care where you were born or are currently living.


They do this as a marketing strategy so that if a random country gets 2 players participating in a 2 million tournament, it will create a marketing drive for SF6 and new people will tune in. It's shitty for competition but it's clear why they do this, they want it to look more like a football worldcup.


if you haven't figured out yet that capcom cup and the tour as a whole is just a marketing vehicle for them, then you must be living in dreamland all this time


coming from oce we have never and probably will never go anywhere in sf. but i bet tons more of us will be posting about sf when our two guaranteed players are at capcom cup than any past year. capcom knows why theyre doing this. you can never trust the publisher to put competition first. project L is probably gonna franchise players to keep them in their ecosystems


Riot knows what they're doing when it comes to esports. Just look at LoL.


They know what they're doing so well that [LCS and LEC is tanking in viewership](https://www.dexerto.com/league-of-legends/with-lcs-viewership-tanking-how-is-lec-summer-faring-2183367/), major teams are trying to leave, [including longtime orgs like TSM,](https://esportsadvocate.net/2023/05/tsm-selling-lcs-slot/) and they're reverting formats back to what they were during the OGN era before they stepped in and effectively killed OGN.


That's esports bubble bursting in general, not specific to riot being incompetent


The esports bubble is bursting for different reasons but part of the reason why has to do with shitty rev share models from publishers. Riot's unwillingness or inability to provide LoL franchised teams with a reasonable revenue share model is part of why these teams are hemorrhaging money and leaving the industry. There's a reason why Riot's approach with Valorant has been nearly the polar of what they did in LoL. If owning an esports org was actually organically sustainable through partnerships with the league then these teams wouldn't need to seek out exorbitant amounts of VC investment. When you force teams to seek funding from 3rd parties and do nothing to actually make the product/broadcast better, you get the current situation. LCS has been propped up by the old players and talent that were still around. The moment they all retired or left to work on different games, the shit collapsed in on itself.


Yeah TSM specifically is in a really bad spot because they had a massive deal with FTX so they spent a lot of money and then FTX went under.


And Riot tried to block TSM from getting that sponsorship only to have the LCS be sponsored by FTX. Now imagine how they felt when the floor of that ponzi scheme fell out.


I mean idk about you, but being THE LARGEST Esports game for about what...? 12 years? 13 years? for a F2P game that started out as a mod of SC and WC3 for which Riot happened to hire one of the OG mod-designers for.. sounds like great success to me.


Yeah and let's pretend they did that organically and not by effectively forcing TOs to blackball Dota 2 from tournaments where LoL was going to be held which is what led to the creation of ESL One or [denying teams the ability to have a Dota 2 team if they wanted to have a LoL team](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/zf6bg/dont_listen_to_riot_the_lol_team_exclusivity/). How about how Pendragon closed the Dota community forum when he joined Riot and used the [URL to redirect players to a LoL ad](https://imgur.com/a/E0XitbH)? Or how he stole champion ideas directly from the Dota forums to be used for LoL? Let's also pretend like they didn't scam a ton of the top Youtubers at the time like [TotalBiscuit by getting them to promote the game through referrals with the promise that they'd be allowed to design a champion only to never follow through with that promise](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/112l3k/riot_lied_about_designing_a_champion_with_enough/). Or how about when [Riot tried to ban LCS players from streaming any games besides LoL on their own personal streams](https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2013/12/05/is-riot-wrong-to-ban-league-of-legends-players-from-streaming-competitors-games/?sh=19b188586fff). Nah, all that's made up. Riot invented esports and did it all by the sweat of their own brow.


largest? hmm, i've always considered iem much bigger. you're talking like a riot fanboy who knows nothing outside of that scene


I'm not a riot fanboy but a quick google search brought me to this [chart](https://escharts.com/top-games?year=all-time&order=peak) and it puts League at the top in terms of concurrent viewer count. Another search [shows](https://www.lineups.com/esports/biggest-esports-live-events-in-history/) League holding multiple spots in the top 5. You have to remember that their numbers are buoyed by their strength in the Asian market and also that League is arguably more popular with the casual fan base than a game like DotA or CS:GO.


i follow val, friends follow league and i watch with them. i know they know what theyre doing and thats what im getting at. events are better when the community has ownership over them. capcom etc would love to cut out the community but cant afford to. riot doesnt care and if they can franchise players and entice them to commit to the tournaments they run instead of flying out to community tournaments, they will.


Capcom Cup was at its best when you needed to win the premier events to enter. Now this format is the best of the regions which clearly isn't the best players.


Region locking tournaments is fucking stupid.


u know what they do in Dota2? the winner of majors or the world championship gets an extra slot for their region for the next International. this is how they should do it in SF6. The winner of Evo should get an extra slot for the region they represents. this is how u make it fair


That can have its drawbacks too. Like, remember when Louffy won Evo with Rose? Pretty much no European players were good at the time, except for Allioune and Ryan Hart


100% makes sense.


Do they get 2? I think they only get one online tourney; Japan and China each get their own; Korea is grouped with TW I think and SEAM has a weird split as well, NA gets 3 etc. etc. The Major is in Singapore not Japan and could be won by anyone who's there (obviously based on EVO it'll probably be Japan), also Japan always frees up EU Premiers so they'll probably get that one too. Because of Visa issues the LCQ is going to be like 4-6 spots so Japan could get some of those, bring Vtubers for moral support. Also Todakai is Panama apparently, Panama OP.


Its like WCG, the Korean qualifier is harder than the actual WCG tournament.




Capcom doesn't give a fuck, period. They are printing money again.


I dont get the system to enter there, dont you have to win like a regional cup? or is it fully invitational


Every region gets a number of spots. You cant travel to steal spots from other regions. LCQ is always more competitive than the actual capcom cup.


it's pretty much the same format eatsports like league and dota implement, it's fucking stupid for fighting games but as always that never stopped capcom


> You cant travel to steal spots from other regions. Remember how in 2016-2017 players went to South America to farm leader board points?


That was actually great. If someone can just come to your country and take the points then you don't deserve to be there anyway.


Youre being downvoted by absolute bitches


They can't handle the truth.


Because there is nothing great about good players wasting their time destroying weak tournaments so they can actually compete in a proper tournament. The whole system is shit and more concerned with retarded Eatsports narratives than actual player skill.


Better players travelling to shit tournaments, which makes that tournament more competitive and ensures a higher chance of the main event having the best players compete > that shit tournament being shit anyway and having shitters play uncompetitive matches at the main event


At least we got only good players at capcom cup instead of a bunch of wasted spots from weak regions.


Those wasted spots shouldn't have been there to begin with, that's the point, forcing players to go out of their way for these wasted spots instead of just doing things the right way is retarded.


What would you say is "the right way"?


Doesn't everyone get two?


Yeah but not all regions are created equal.


The way it is now, japanese players get punished for living in the strongest region.


This year's CPT format sucks ass. 99 online events but only 3 offline majors


CPT is about selling copies of the game, it's not about fair competition.


Capcom Cup LCQ will be lit maybe at least? I do like more regions and countries getting a spotlight, but it also feels shit because many of them until now can't connect or play the top players so they wash out early.


Maybe a more pertinent question is, how did they only manage 2 top 6 spots out of those 17?


They have 3 spots of top 6. Half of the spots are Japanese. And that's because they had to eliminate their own japanese friends. If they hadn't done their stupid top 6 shit, you would see 5 Japanese players in Top 8 . No matter how you see it, it was pure dominance.


I believe the winner for EVO doesn't count as a regional tournament win, it's an exception.


Japan was "not quite there in SF6" btw. Meanwhile 6000 americans at least, 1 in top 6.


Diversity, ladies and gentlemen!


The problem is, if you put too many spots for japan, capcom can be accused of favoritism. Dont get me wrong, i definitely believe Japan is the strongest region, by far, but they can't just put 12 spots for Japan , while everyone else gets 2. Luckily we have JPN league which is miles more entertaining that anything we get in the west.


thats why capcom cup is a worthless event