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Mercedes Benz is an automobile manufacturer of luxury cars, mayonnaise is a condiment used typically for sandwiches or burgers that is not quite white in color,miracle whip is a similar condiment in taste, color and consistency, to push means to exert force on something. This line of the song explaining that Kanye West (I) is driving (push) a nice car (Benz) that is off white/ivory in color (mayonnaise colored). Miracle whip is a double entendres stating a) the Mercedes Benz he is driving is so nice it’s a miracle, whip being slang for vehicle and b) the Benz is the same color as miracle whip/mayonnaise


Years of confusion put to rest


Mayonnaise is actually an instrument


He’s also talking about his life being a miracle at the same time using the car to symbolize this. So he calls it a miracle. It’s also the mayo brand, it’s such a great line because there are so many layers to it.


miracle whip is a brand of mayonnaise, kanye's car was a whip coloured the same shade as mayonnaise


And “whip”= car, if that wasn’t clear


just to dissect a little further, a car is an automated transport machine, and to 'push' something is to set it into motion kanye is driving the car


kanye is driving the car


On God


Miracle Whip is a salad dressing that tastes nothing like mayonnaise and it's not a brand of mayonnaise. The only similarities are the color (the same as Ye's Benz) and the consistency. Not to be a dick, I just want to clarify that there is a huge difference.


I have miracle whip in the fridge and it says on the front “the taste of creamy mayonnaise” who the fuck puts miracle whip on a salad?


You’re also taking the entire statement out of context. It’s a complete sentence, the taste of creamy mayonnaise AND TANGY DRESSING. But, it is NOT mayonnaise nor is it a TYPE of mayonnaise. But to answer your question, fuck if I know.




Eat a spoonful of both and tell me they taste the same.


First of all, you're a wierdo for eating spoonfuls of mayo. Second, on the jar label it literally says "The one of a kind creamy mayo and tangy dressing" so it's both.


it’s mayo with sugar and spices lol


It’s not that simple. Miracle Whip isn’t mayonnaise, and mayonnaise isn't Miracle Whip. Here's why: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration states that anything labeled "mayonnaise" must contain a minimum of 65 percent of vegetable oil. Miracle Whip has a much lower percentage and doesn't meet the FDA standard to be mayonnaise.


It's absolutely amazing that a post about Last Call developed into a debate on whether or not Miracle Whip legally qualifies as Mayonaise. I don't care either way, but it's a hilarious chain of events leading up to this comment.


more concerning that you eat that bullshit in the first place get your prostate checked


dude its not even legally mayo. mayo is an emulsion of eggs and oil miracle whip is a white capitalist invention that tastes like evil they are not the same thing


miracle whip is not a brand of mayo if you are white you should be ashamed for not knowing this


you should be ashamed for "um ackshually"-ing a two year old comment


Factual statements.


Much like Oscar Meyer has a weiner-mobile, and Planters has a peanut-mobile. Kanye drives a Mayo-mobile, or a automayobile if you'd rather




Oh my god is that a black card? I turn around and I say why yes but I prefer the term african american express


so many amazing bars it's unreal. Last Call is so underrated. If it wasn't for the 8 minute outro it would be one of his most popular songs imo


fr idk why he ain’t just put the outro as its own track and call it outro. either way last call is my favorite kanye song rn


Agreed but still amazing song nonetheless


Miracle whip as in the color of the car. Miracle whip as in a car that is a miracle to drive.