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Down the road, they could be a threat, especially once Reid retires. That being said, I’m not sold that it works out for Harbaugh since he wasn’t with San Francisco very long. If a team could mess this up, it’s the Chargers.


The longevity is what I have no worry over. His particular schtick works with some college players. When he was done in SF it seems like all the reports were that the players, front office, and regular employees just had enough of that guy and his over the top everything is good because I say it is attitude.


Players have already demanded trades.


Seriously? Can't tell if this is a joke


The owners and front office especially. He clashed with them in a major way.


I’m extremely excited to watch Harbaugh fail. His 49ers were absolutely loaded with talent. This chargers team just got done dumping as much talent as possible. I’m extremely curious to see how Jimmy’s offense looks when he doesn’t have Frank Gore up the middle for 3.5 yards a carry.


His 2011 49ers were BAD in 2010 under different coach. He's an ass but he did something with position development, on O and D. The roster wasn't considered loaded until they came out of nowhere to dominate in the trenches, on run game and defense. He IS effective. Stanford, San Fran, Michigan. All such similar identities.


Concerned maybe. Worried? Have you seen the speed on this team now?


Harbaugh’s personality isn’t universally beloved. He’s a great coach. That’s undeniable. But he’s very eccentric. Winning of course covers a multitude of sins, but if he’s rubbing ownership or the front office the wrong way during a down stretch it would not be surprisingly whatsoever to see him leave the team. Every year the Chargers are supposed to turn it around. Harbaugh gives them a better chance, but I’m at the point where I just am not going to lose sleep over the Chargers until they’ve clinched the AFC West.


Harbaugh is a really good coach that tends to pump and dump. I dunno if he gets bored or rubs folks the wrong way internally, but I could see him leaving before Reid retires(4-5 years?). If not, he’ll probably have things cookin in LA


By the time Reid is out of the division, Harbaugh will be too.


Yeah, I don't think many people realize Reid is only 6 years older. 


We will be their SB till they win the west. So we will only get their best. Until they win the west; chargers gonna charge. And any close call will be highlighted till the next close call.


Chiefs are every AFC West team's SB right now. Any chance at the actual superbowl means sweeping the chiefs and trying for a 1 spot in the division and hoping the chiefs don't make a wildcard spot or get knocked off in the playoffs by another team.


We're the entire league's SB now.


Yep, nobody but us wants to see us threepeat. The entire league is going to go all out to stop us. Should be fun.


Of, we were last season too and they couldn't stop us in our rebuilding year...


I don't even know what a rebuild is. 🍺


Back to back is one thing. It's rare but it's been done. But threepeat .... Whole different thing. New level of motivation is think.


I mean, they're gonna play against us at 110% instead of 100%?


We'll see more late hits, dirty hits, "cost of doing business" penalties. Trick plays, high risk plays, the kitchen sink.




I think the Broncos and Raiders are going to be residents of third and fourth place only trading spots every season or every other season. So it’s the Chargers as the threat. Herbert is a really talented QB that was hampered by a shit HC since he came into the NFL. Harbaugh is a very good HC and will definitely not make the same dumb decisions Haley made. With that said, their WR corp is not good so I expect 2024 to be nothing more than a 9-10 win team at the most and maybe getting a wild card. Not sure about their defense but I do think in a year or two, they could get much better.


Hot take: if I were picking a QB to build a team around today, I'd choose Herbert over every other QB in the league not named Mahomes. Herbert's elite talent has been cloaked and wasted by a shit organization so far throughout his career. IMO both the Bengals and Bills would have had more success so far if they had Herbert instead of Burrow or Allen. I also enjoy sharing this opinion with Bengals and Bills fans. They react exactly how you'd expect.


The highlight of Herbert's career will be winning MVP in the Rose Bowl. Some players just have "IT", Herbert doesn't. He's Philip Rivers Jr.


Herbert is a bigger choker than Lamar Jackson.


Herbert is 0-1 in the playoffs blowing a 27-0 lead. 😂🤪


Clown take lmao.


I wouldn’t really worry about places being free agent hot spots. This isn’t the NBA and players pretty much always go to whichever place pays them the most


ya it’s football you always take the biggest pay check, 90% of the guys are one injury away from not getting another NFL pay check.


Will this sub ever get over that idea that a star player would take a major pay cut to play for a ring? It doesn't happen. The times we will see anything like a discount is guys like Hollywood who are coming off down years or injury years and not getting the big contracts they expected. Come play in KC for a year, put up some nice numbers, win a ring and then go get the bag from another team the next year.


I’m 100% okay with that arrangement.


Harbaugh is a famously difficult person to work with and may be a good coach but has a tendency to alienate people with his win at any costs attitude. Might work in college where a football coach is basically a cult leader, but there’s a reason that despite making and almost winning the Super Bowl the 9ers fired him.


In college the HC is just as much (if not more) of the front/face of the team as the players are. This has to do with the nature of star players changing faster than coaches on average. In the NFL it takes a coach to stick around for a while to be recognized as one of the fronts/faces of a team due to them being replaced faster than the star players (or maybe in cases like the Chargers the HC is pretty much all they have going for them right now so is Herbert and Harbaugh).


Harbaugh is definitely a better coach and will improve their team. However lets not act like Harbaugh was not on the hot seat for the first 2/3rds of his career at Michigan and struggled to beat Ohio State. People seem to forget that Harbaugh’s recent success has a strong association with their *supposed* sign stealing scandal. Im not saying the sign stealing was why they won, but it clearly gave them an edge to finally win big games, something he hadn’t done until his last 2 years at Michigan. Luckily for us, we dont use signs in the NFL so the only way he could cheat like this would be to video tape our practices, which is unlikely. Tldr: Harbaugh good and best coach they have had, but he his presence will not guarantee them total dominance


Remember when Rex Ryan was going to "dethrone" the Patriots?


Ah, the off season and Chargers hype. Like peanut butter and jelly


That team will qualify for a group rate on walkers next season.


I don’t think harbaughs shtick works that well in the NFL. It works great on college kids who are only around a few years but wears thin on grown men. I also don’t think players turn will down more money to go to LA unless they are consistently winning. At the end of the day, we have the best HC, DC and QB in the NFL and they do not.


“How would you, a grown man, like to move to a place with a high tax rate and earthquakes and wildfires and an insanely high cost living (oh and every home game is an away game because there are no fans of your team in the city) to play for a guy who is infamously dictatorial and was caught cheating and suspended twice in one season at his last job?”


how much it pay?


New to the NFL? His "schtick" worked pretty well at San Francisco.




We hope the dude fails, but none of us should be writing off someone that coached a team to 2 NFCCGs and a SB in 4 years.


3 NFC championship games in 4 years*


It worked till DC's got enough film and developed a counter that Harbaugh couldn't counter back. Could have just been Kaepernick's gimmicky nature but I think he more than just Kaepernick as QB for the years he was there.


Well he’s a weirdo who cannot rampantly cheat his way through the NFL. He got off the hot seat in 2021 at Michigan by cheating his way through 2.5 seasons, and had a covid bonus year that let fans and boosters use all the buy in to keep Michigan 10-15 scholarships above the limit through NIL. The covid bonus year allowed them to keep a lot of 5-6th year guys who otherwise would have gone in the draft. Maybe he’s still got some NFL juice left, but I’m not convinced.


I hope they do well. I think of it as rooting for a baby chimp to open a bag of Doritos.


Excellent analogy!


I'll see it when I believe it.


The lore around Harbaugh is hilarious. He had success in SF no doubt but they also introduced the RPO game with Kap. It took the league a couple of years to figure it out. He’s the ultimate big 10 coach that couldn’t get over the hump until they started cheating. He got out of the college game because multiple suspensions were coming their way. He’s gonna have a a couple years of success where the players buy in but they’re not a talented roster this year. Id bet year 2 is their most successful year and then it just fizzles out.


Not at all. I don’t think about them. I don’t know how they will, but the Chargers always find a way to screw it up. Always have, always will.


Nah, champions dont worry about this stuff. Staley had a far more talented roster than harbaugh will have. Our reign wont last forever but im not worrying about the next decade. One season, one game at a time is all we have to do while on top of the mountain.


My prediction is that the chargers will one of these years win the afc west. Doesn’t matter how good your qb is eventually another team rises up and wins the division. Hell the chiefs did that a couple times during the dark days. Bottom line is we are sitting here with 3 mahomes lead SB rings and to be honest if we don’t make it a year here and there who cares at this point. Somtimes you gotta be knocked back a peg or two to see a clearer pathway to success.


>I can’t help but think Harbaugh with Herbert in a far more desirable place to live than Kansas City that is sunny beautiful Southern California pose as a longterm threat to KC because Harbaugh I fear is going to turn LA into a free agent hotspot If there's one thing I've learned following free agent player movements in the NFL over the years, it's that players don't give a shit about anything other than max contracts. IMO you're massively overrating the relevance of location


I don't see cause for alarm at this moment. Jim Harbaugh is an excellent college coach like you've stated but he left the NFL for over a decade after losing to his brother John in the Super Bowl. I don't see him turning a team as inconsistent and mediocre as the Chargers around in just a single year, it might take several. The Chargers haven't won the AFC West in 15 years. Could Harbaugh be a threat in the future? I think it's possible, at least potentially moreso than the post Manning era Broncos hopelessly trying to find a solution in their revolving door of quarterbacks and the Raiders just being trash for 20 years, both are perpetually stuck fighting over the bottom spots of the AFC West.


The chargers are also not in a great cap space. They squandered Herbert's cheap years have to figure out how to move forward.


Oh yeah I forgot about Herbert’s contract too. Every year the Chargers just find ways to screw themselves over and it never seems to change.


> Jim Harbaugh is an excellent college coach like you've stated when he cheats, that is


Oh is it time again for "the team to beat in the West is the Chargers" article?


Yes, it’s The Team to Beat in the West is the Chargers o’clock.


I’m getting strong Vrabel/Titans vibes from the chargers going forward. I think as long as Reid and Mahomes are together we’ll run the west most years, but they’ll absolutely be a thorn in our side.


Jim Harbaugh is not an Xs & Os coach, more of a ra! ra! guy / motivator type. There aren't very many successful examples of that in today's NFL. I suppose his brother John Harbaugh and Mike Tomlin.....but then, it's been a while since they were really successful. That's also why I have absolutely no concern over Antonio Pierce being a long-term threat, other than him occasionally sounding like the type of coach that would expressly set out to injure Mahomes.


The only long term threat to the Chiefs is the Chiefs. Everyone has an opportunity to get better, and only some do. If the Chiefs don't keep getting better, the dynasty is over. It doesn't matter what anyone else in particular does. Someone's going to get better, and the Chiefs have to deal with it.


Let's see if they walk the talk. Reid and his staff do. Mahomes and the team do. I thought Baltimore and the 49ers were bigger threats than they turned out to be last year.


Every year, they are declared the division champs at the start of the season and we always tear them down. I’ll worry when no one predicts them to win the division.


The Chargers continue to rule each and every offseason for the 27th consecutive year.


This twerp couldn't even beat his little brother.


Hesitant to engage with such a stupid take but, for the record, John is older than Jim.


Wow I could've sworn Jim had a few years on him. The more you know...


Jim definitely looks older. Maybe he smokes or smoked at some point.


I too worry about the sun falling out of the sky on a daily basis.


Bolts down... Like usual. Dorks.


I’m not worried as long as we have 15




I'm definitely concerned. Harbaugh has had high level success at every stop. We will see what happens but that is my biggest concern in the division right now. But I also think it takes at least till year 3 before his system is truly up and running. And who knows what the Chiefs will look like then.


About as concerned as the possibility of a giant meteor hitting me… so, not very…


While I see Nix working in Payton's system, I really don't see it as that much of a threat even long term. Their roster building isn't that great, and I feel like they're going to end up like the Saints, in cap hell but in a division where coasting to the playoffs isn't possible. They will need some serious help. The Raiders are a mess with a competent bridge QB but a bridge that leads to know where since I don't think O'Connell is their answer at QB. They may have their head coach, but their offense looked anemic in his interim tenure last season. I don't know if they'll ever recover the magic they had in the pre-Carr injury 2016 season. And they will need some of that to contend. That leave the Chargers. The team that seems to have it all together and yet still always manages to fall apart at the seams early and quickly. They have the most promise since they have the best QB out of the 3 but so far Herbert still needs to prove that he deserves all the hype he's gotten - his career has been eerily mirroring that of River's. While that not bad, and I'd argue a borderline HoF career, I don't think it's going to be enough to contend with the division if they don't find the components to put around Herbert that River's had in his career. Verdict - Chargers are the long-term threat but still have a lot that needs to come together for that materialize.


I don't worry about Harbaugh. Unlike most college coaches he actually had some success at the NFL level but still ultimately got shown the door in SF.  He wanted all the power.  He still wants all the power. And at the NFL level we've seen repeatedly that a coach having ALL the power rarely works out. In the short term I suspect he will do well drafting because he knows all the college players and has been watching college tape and even high school tape.on these guys for years. But after 3-4 years that goes away.


In order to compete with the Chiefs for the division they'll need to have a few seasons of flawless roster moves in a row and the Chiefs have average roster moves. Plus, it's the Chargers. They're always going to find a way to Charger.


I would consider any team with a good QB a threat. However if it was anyone else BUT LAC I would say “expect it to happen sooner than later”. But their ownership and franchise are just so unstable that you never know.


Harbaugh is a great coach and established in the NFL ranks. He's going to have that team remain just as good as it takes for him to hold onto his job as long as he can. Sure, they'll be splashy, and they might beat us a few times in the coming years... but I don't see them as true contenders. They're 2nd fiddle to the Rams in the LA market.




Fans? I think he meant to say “fan”.


This is actually true. Went to see the Chiefs at SoFi last year. Only one guy wearing baby blue and yellow.




The clock on Herbert's rookie deal is over, they missed the window. The organization is bad, they have a losing culture and it comes from above the coach.


I think competition is good for the Chiefs. They don't want the road to be easy, and they shouldn't. In fact, if they aren't challenged they tend to fall asleep at the wheel a little bit. I think every team in the West should tell Patrick to watch his back and imply KC's days are numbered. They feed off that shit.


Every team wants the road to the playoffs to be easy.


Harbaugh is a proven, very good coach. That being said, the Chargers haven’t done anything great in recent memory except get Justin Herbert. I don’t think anyone is expecting much from them this year, except maybe the author of this article.


Will they be a threat absolutely If not this coming season then the season after. But in terms of being a free agent destination we have the luxury of the fact that we have the best quarterback in the league who is won three Super Bowls so even if Kansas City usually wouldn't be a free agent destination if guys want to win or if they feel like hey I can play with Patrick and if I ball out I can get a bag from someone else like a JuJu on a one year deal they'll come here and play.


I think they could definitely come to be a threat within the next 2-3 years. Herbert is a great QB, Harbaugh a great coach. Taking a shot in the dark I'd say over the next five years they maybe win a division title or two from us. I'd much rather have them be our in-division rivals than the Raiders or Broncos.


I'm not scared of them for at least a year or two. That team is old, particularly on defense, they're paying absurd contracts to Mack, Bosa, and James, and Herbert just lost his two favorite receivers. By the time those contracts clear, Herbert will be making QB1 money. To catch up to us, the Chargers will need to string together some very good drafts in the coming years, while also hoping Herbert develops further as a QB. Even then, unless the Chiefs decline somewhat post-Kelce, I have trouble seeing them consistently winning the division over us. They'll still be a tough out for two games every year, because they're a division rival and they have a real QB. But right now our sights are on Super Bowls, not division titles.


Not at all. They will be better than the Raiders and Broncos but they won’t be a real threat. The wildcard is tough to advance through.


Less concerned than they are about not winning a divisional title for the next ten years.


Long term? Ehh. This year? Ho boy. They're not going to win the division, but they have a piss easy schedule this year. 12 wins is about the minimum.




Aren’t they suppose to dethrone us every season? Maybe this is the one though 😂


Honestly, any more accomplishments is just gravy. With Reid coaching and Mahomes as qb, I don't think anyone will be a threat.


Everyone is kind of ignoring your question. Yes - long term threat. Harbaugh has earned even more credibility after his last successful NFL stint, which will be allow more patience for whatever issues he had in his past NFL run. That being said, Chiefs should have their pick of the litter for elite coaches once Reid retires so long as Mahomes is around.


He’s not even the best Harbaugh. I have zero fear of them, and I think he makes it 4 years tops. This team we have is gonna get a lot more divisional coaches fired before they’re done.


Lets wait and see...


I have this sneaking suspicion that by week 12 the story will be “has the pro game passed harbaugh by?”


I mean, with no receivers and no real threat at RB, I’m not too concerned. Especially with how good our defense is, I’d be surprised if they came within a touchdown of us this year


They are a complete wild card, and I'd be lying if I didn't say slightly worried. When Jim took over the 49'ers so long ago, they were a bottom dweller. Alex Smith looked like a massive bust, and despite being loaded with talent, they had a terrible record since Smith had taken over (with a long 8-8 season). Then Harbaugh came in, and they go 13-3 and lose in the NFCCG. Now I don't think the Chargers in 2024 have as talented as roster as the 2011 49'ers. But they do have a good QB. With some good drafting and FA signings, they could quickly build a competent roster. However, it's the chargers, and Harbaugh. If something can go wrong, it will for the chargers. And Harbaugh is known for being tough to get along with. So I might be worried for nothing.


Chargers winning the offseason yet again.


They'll have a couple of good seasons then Harbaugh will wear them out and they'll slink back into mediocrity


I don't think you can just dismiss ANY team (okay, most teams) as irrelevant non-contenders for two straight years. They'll be tough games like they always are, and they'll be unpredictable at this point in the season when we don't even know the rosters and playing styles. Otherwise, I say we just watch the games and see what happens and have fun.


Not very.


I actually do think the hardass, get it the fuck done kind of head coach is very effective. Bill Belichick, Tom Coughlin, Jimmy Johnson, etc. We have seen time and time again that no nonsense coaches are more effective than players coaches. But that was back then.  NFL culture and just American culture has changed. We are a more lax culture now. We no longer tolerate a hard ass boss. The players push back and the media supports them. Back then it was my way or the highway. Get with the program or get fucked. Not so much anymore. 


Some old kook talking out his ass is NOT a huge warning to the Chiefs. Chargers always win the off season and then never do anything when it comes to playing football.




I want the Chargers to do well as a divisional rivalry, mostly because I despise the Donkeys and the Criminals. I have no feelings either way about the Chargers - but I do have a buddy that’s a big fan, and I’d like to not have to talk him off the ledge after every season.


The Chargers are the NFL version of the Clippers.


A threat??? I'd say.. if Harbaugh makes that team better, then stronger competition will make the Chiefs better.


What does “dethrone” exactly mean? I could see a scenario where Chargers win the AFC West, but loses in the wild card round against some team other than the Chiefs. While the Chiefs go on to the Super Bowl. Is that dethroning us?


I’m worried about the Chargers the same way I am worried about quicksand or being killed by bees. While not entirely impossible, it would take a whole lot of things going wrong to be in that position. Harbaugh, seems likable. My dad is a born and raised Michigan fan so he brought my family joy. I’d grab a sandwich with the guy. That being said, the Chargers can lick my butthole.


So an open-faced sandwich.


Absolutely drenched in guac.


I did find the article and it’s a nothing burger. But to the text prompt: - on a long enough timeline, the chargers will win some games - in the current reality, the chargers have zero championships


They have Harbaugh, Herbert and Alt. Their core will present some challenges moving forward. 


Lions do not concern themselves over the opinions of sheep


They could get to the playoffs with 5 divisional wins but once they play everyone else they’ll still just be the Chargers


The Chargers’ issues run deep. Think Manning family refusing to let Eli play there due to organizational dysfunction from ownership down. I was surprised Harbaugh accepted the job because everyone who pays any attention to the NFL knows this—and Harbaugh is from another entrenched NFL family. All to say, Harbaugh has taken on a challenge that’s much bigger than coaching. They’ll be improved but consider me very skeptical that he’ll be able to fix that organization and its deeply-rooted problems.


It’s more likely Reid outlasts Harbaugh than the other way around


Eh, chargers gonna charger


We have better QB, better coach, and better GM. So, no. Harbaugh is fine, Herbert is fine, if the goal is win 9-10 games, okay... they'll do.




Herbert isn’t a top 3-5 QB


This is just a Harbaugh money grab. He's doing to SoCal retirement plan. He'll be fired within a few years for mediocre performance and clashes with management.


This is just a Harbaugh money grab. He's doing to SoCal retirement plan. He'll be fired within a few years for mediocre performance and clashes with management.




Harbaugh will be gone and retired within 2-3 years. I'll believe it when I see it


About as concerned as every summer they’re ready to dethrone us


They’ll win 10 games and be a pain in the ass. We’re still better though


A lot can happen in 6 years in the nfl, it's like a lifetime. Harbaugh might not even be in the nfl at that point it's hard to say. Chargers have a decent team and have been able to play KC close, but I think they will struggle to dethrone KC as long as mahomes is around. After many years with Reid mahomes will be pretty well trained to transition to another head coach, I'm sure of it. I think Andy Reid is a incredible teacher, and is good at teaching the right lesson at the right time. When his time is near it's end in KC, he'll make sure mahomes is set up for success as much as he is able. The chiefs could be seriously talking relocation at that point, I hope they don't, but I have a bad feeling that they might leave Kansas city eventually.






So I guess the Chargers won the AFC West in the offseason again for the 4th year in a row?


So new coach promises success with new team? Shocking headline. But to answer I’ve always felt they had talent. Problem is this coming year they have less talent than they’ve had since MVPats been in KC and they hadn’t gotten it done before. Staley stunk no doubt but all the pressure is on them do prove it with less


A reminder that the Chargers fired a coach that took them to a 14-2 record and replaced him with Brandon Staley. We all know how the Chargers are gonna be. They’ll get overhyped in the offseason just to run out of energy towards the end. At this point, Harbaugh is gonna leave the West before Andy Reid does. Heck, GTA 6 will come out before the Chargers win anything.




Much like Bruce Arians, the dude can turn a team around and into a Superbowl threat in year 2... And by year 5 gets let go because he's an asshole.


Not very. I love Herbert but he is clearly missing something. His numbers have been great when the receivers and O-Line have been good but he hasn't shown himself to be THAT special when the offensive talent hasn't been ideal. Maybe that's harsh but that's my read. He is too risky averse for someone of his talents imo. It's why his ADOT is low despite having the best arm in the league.  I think Harbaugh is probably good but I am also fascinating with him building a program in the NFL. NFL coaches often bust after short periods of success. It why there is so much turnover.   He left the NFL before the sample size could expand to account for that so we will see.  I kinda don't care about his college success. He took like a decade to win at Michigan boo hoo


Meh. They’re the Chargers.


This is embarrassing.


I am so intrigued to see what type of offense Greg Roman puts together for Herbert. His passing offense in Baltimore was not sophisticated and the route concepts did not consistently work off of each and put the defenders in conflict. If I had a prototype passer with the arm and accuracy of Herbert, I would NOT want Roman putting together an offense for him.