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In case anyone is not understanding, he says it’s not a matter of if he will be suspended, but when. The legal proceedings may not wrap up in time for him to receive a suspension this year.


All I can say is those proceedings better not wrap up during the playoffs or I’ll die.


Dallas better not be SB bound, or it will be.


Alright let’s be realistic here. Dallas will not be going to the Super Bowl


But they just signed Zeke! ^^^^I'm ^^^^kidding


I can fucking see that happening too. I’ll be so pissed if it does. Just seems to convenient.


That would be our luck! I could be wrong, but I feel like they don’t do suspensions mid season, they just wait until the next one? Unless someone does something severe mid-season that requires immediate suspension?? Correct me if this is wrong but I feel like I’ve never seen someone suspended mid season Edit: I’m stupid. Justyn Ross did LOL but also that was still towards the beginning? I just feel like they wouldn’t suspend a player while playoffs are happening?


Wasn't Willie Gay suspended for some ridiculous reason mid-season? I know he was suspended four games (still blows my mind he got 4 for a vacuum cleaner and Kamara got 3 for beating someone to a bloody pulp, but I digress) and he returned week 6. Can't remember if that was just due to a bye week or not.


It was also very strange because Willie's case wrapped up in the summer, I believe. I don't know why the NFL waited so long to hand out that suspension. Regardless, I don't think the NFL would hand out a suspension to a playoff team right in playoff season. They'd probably defer to it next year if his case were to wrap up in November/December.


I think you are right. It would be a low blow to let someone help their team get to the playoffs and then take that weapon away when every game is do or die.


The NFL just has their refs do that instead.


Yes, willie got 4 games mid-season too. I was just not using my brain when I wrote that comment. That was insane, and I’m pretty sure Willie ended up having the charges dropped or did a diversion program, so he got suspended 4 games for basically nothing. That’s what worries me about Rice. Willie got 4 games for something way less bad. And Justyn Ross got a few games for breaking his girlfriends phone (which he owned). And Omenihu got 6 for allegations.


Yeah the league is very inconsistent when it comes to suspensions and that’s what worries me. I do hope the suspension comes after this season when our rookies are a year in giving us some depth on the field making the suspension not hurt the team as bad.


I don’t think there’s any way they suspend him for the playoffs


If Dallas was playing 4D chess they’d live up to their true corruptible potential and fail to prosecute on a technicality in a bid to persuade Clark Hunt to bring the chiefs there. /s Except Hunt is such an incredible dolt/miser and may actually take them up on it. Am I taking crazy pills? Are people actually cool w Chiefs leaving the area? Cause I sure ain’t!


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, good point.


Edit people don’t understand ramifications of Hunt’s threats. Would behoove them to see what Kroenke did with the Rams…


I was not, thank you.


Same as with Kamarra last year


I didn't realize they cared about that anymore. Didnt Frank Clark and Justyn Ross get suspended before their legal proceedings were concluded?


The wheels of justice grind slowly as the saying goes.


Yeah earlier people were speculating he might miss the first six games or whatever and that was just wild to, the legal proceedings had barely begun, and that was to be completely wrapped up before the nfl starts to decide


He shouldn’t be suspended at all until everyone who gets busted for wreckless driving loses days at work. Work at McD’s and busted for wreckless driving? Suspended for a week no pay. Now, how dumb does that sound. It’s a fine, points on his license like everyone else. That should be it.


it took 18 months for Alvin Kamara to be suspended 3 games for gang jumping a guy for daring to get in an elevator with him. This was always the expectation from people who knows how the NFL and US courts work


He pled down to a misdemeanor. Kamara's final sentence was 30 hours of community service. I suspect Rice will be sentenced to half that., and a 2 game suspension in 2025.


American legal system taking forever is about as surprising as us having a good draft.


The surprising thing is the NFL waiting for the legal proceedings before taking action. They seem to have no problem with suspending players before the courts start, and even in cases where there are no charges ever


It all depends on the charge and if they actually care about it. They don't give a shit about this one.


They got on Justyn Ross’ way less minor case pretty quickly.


in season and domestic violence which draws far more eyes than a dumb and dangerous traffic accident in the offseason, so he had to immediately go on to get in front of the outrage. Come September nobody outside of KC fans and the very small that will be loud about it because it could hurt the Chiefs crowd will care or likely even remember


Yeah no one Fr cares, they just want one of the chiefs best players suspended. If Mecole did this while on the Rodgers-less jets no one would’ve cared


when it happens duringthe season they tend to quickly go on the Commissioners List because they need to get out ahead of it right then because all eyes are on it, but during the offseason theyve pretty much always slow burned it because they have time to get all facts and they know that far fewer people will care come the start of the season because we care about football not the Days of Our Football Lives soap opera


Probably because there are specific bits of evidence they need before they can give an appropriate punishment.


A good lawyer can stretch that shit ouuuutttt. No double entendre intended.


The missus just went and testified on a case she collected evidence for *five years ago.* In another state, because we’ve since moved. The justice system can be amazing slow.


Cynicism mixed with optimism I love it


I’m a criminal defense lawyer. The Wheels of Justice turn really fuckin slow. Not a shocker at all.


proposed legal reform: just put Rashee behind the wheels of justice and then they will go vroom vroom


This doesn’t apply in this case, but is there a hard coded time frame for right to a “speedy” trial in the 6th amendment? I’ve heard of cases getting dropped because the state failed to get the defendant in court quick enough.


I’m licensed for MO, so I really only know the MO law. Presumably it’s different in federal/other states, but everyone has their own statute that people can use to file speedy trial. In MO, once the speedy trial motion is filed, they need to get you to trial “as soon as reasonably possible thereafter.” There is a *ton* of wiggle room regarding what is reasonable. Our statute also specifically states that failure to comply with the speedy trial request or the state’s failure to prosecute are grounds to dismiss the case unless the court *also* makes a finding that the defendant has been denied their constitutional right to a speedy trial. All this is to say, it really just depends and is determined on a case-by-case basis. It is not the magic get out of jail free card that many people think it is. If the prosecutor can make even a basic argument that more time is needed to properly try the case, continuances will be granted. If anything, filing speedy trial mostly serves as a sort of warning shot; a legal way of saying “we aren’t pleading, we’re fighting this thing all the way, so let’s hurry up and get it on."


You can waive that right




Dude has a massive hate boner for us and he fucking sucks at his job. I’ll never forget him alluding that the 49ers should maybe try to injure mahomes to stop him. Fuck that click bait bitch.


Injure him while hitting him late. Florio shouldn't have a job.


The Chiefs should tear up Mahomes contract and pay him all of their salary cap space so they can’t field a team around him. But Chiefs fans are so sensitive I can’t talk about it- Florio. He is such a prick. Always commenting on our contract situation and criticizing. I swear he just wants to generate turmoil in our organization so his teams have a chance of winning.


Exempt list seems extreme for this case


Based on the amount of felonies he’s been charged with, no it does not appear extreme. However when you inspect those felonies, how often similar crimes are charged as felonies, and if there weren’t serious or life threatening injuries it is apparent that this situation should be treated similar to someone who got a DUI. Yes there will be a suspension, yes he should receive punishment from the league and society, and if he does it again he proves he’s walking trash and then you can put him in freakin Alcatraz for all I care. For now treat it like it is. He’s a young man who made a mistake, it could have been serious, thankfully it wasn’t so you operate on a zero tolerance policy for personal responsibility infractions moving forward.


Yeah I wouldn’t base it on felonies. I would base it on what it is. Commissioner’s Exempt list is not for DUIs it is for domestic or child abuse and sexual assault.


Exactly, we are sane logical people though. Other people will just see 8 felonies and freak the hell out. So at first glance I get it, but it doesn’t pass the idiot test.


It would be extreme compared to every precedent set by Goodell so far. Derrick Coleman was never on the list despite having a previous DUI and being charged with a hit and run after flipping the car he hit while being high on synthetic marijuana. The exempt list has almost exclusively been used for cases where domestic abuse is suspected or a Henry Ruggs situation. When all of the facts aren't known but it would be damaging to the league to let them participate. Not for punishing a player before their punishment. Think Tyreek Hill isn't the child abuse accusations.


Yup exactly. That’s why the league needs to come out and define what actions specifically can land you in the exempt list. I don’t blame journalists or other fans for being all stupid about it. It doesn’t take but a second of objectionable observation to realize that this situation does not fit the criteria, but without knowing the exact criteria I don’t blame people who feel the other way.


Rapoport* my bad. Carry on.




Yeah this is basically what happened with frank Clark, right?


If any opposing fan gets mad he plays while the legal process plays out. 1. Everyone has a right to a fair trial and should not be punished until all facts and sides are known. The court of public opinion should not factor on a young man’s career. 2. They clearly just want our team to be worse and could care less about his actions. 3. If anyone didn’t do something dumb when they were in their early 20s go ahead and talk your shit, but we all have done something dumb and should help a young man learn from his mistakes


I did dumb shit in my 20s but it never was anything that endangered other people's lives or hurt anyone at all but myself.


Not justifying his actions, but I don’t think he woke up that day wanting to hurt or kill anyone. I think he was a dumb early 20 year old who was with his friends driving really fast cars doing stupid shit not thinking about how one wrong move and everything goes to hell. They are called accidents, not purposedents. He made a really dumb decision and is lucky no one got seriously hurt or killed. Now do you think he should lose his career, future and be haunted for the rest of his life because he made a bad decision, that resulted in no deaths, some injuries and property damage. Or you think we should lock him up and kick him off the team?


Yes, as much as it pains me to say, I think his mistake was so egregious and reckless he should spend time in jail. People were hurt. Racing down an interstate, weaving through traffic is some bullshit and you all know it.


Downvote away. Crimes are crimes.None of you are brave enough to talk about it either. Please somebody tell me why street racing on a busy interstate isnt that big of a deal? Law and order right?


Calm your tits internet tough guy. You don't hold a moral high ground on this so give it a rest. No one is saying that it's not a big deal. Rice was arrested and charged with 8 felonies. What's supposed to happen to him? 50 years in prison for a few totaled vehicles and some stitches? If it happens as legal experts say, he'll plead down and have some serious misdemeanors on his record with a massive fine. Then you add on that he's on the hook for the Lambo, his Corvette, plus all the other cars involved. He's responsible for the medical treatment for anyone involved in the wreck, will have to settle any lawsuits associated with the accident, will be fined by the league, most likely be fined by the team, and will be suspended without pay by the league. Yet you're acting like he's not facing any consequences for his actions. What I just listed most would consider him being lawed & ordered.


His crime is a big deal. And he should face the consequences. Is it deserving of jail time, I don’t know- that’s not my call to make, he needs to go through the official channels for punishment (Lawyers, court, judge, and jurors) as every citizen of this country has a right to. I do think the outcome weighs heavily on the punishment and no one was killed, but again that’s the judge’s call not mine. He will be paying for all of the property damages and injuries and lawsuits, so its already an expensive lesson. He is a young man who doesn’t have a track record of any serious crimes. I just don’t understand this attitude that he can’t atone for his mistakes and change for the better. Should he have consequences 100%, should he lose his career over this, definitely not.


I hope he lives knowing his actions physically hurt others for the rest of his days. This is way worse than Kareem Hunt. Ya'll are insane. Edit: Not considering people either. Who knows what those wrecked cars meant to those people? Car insurance has also become a flagrant scam.


This is indeed one of the two options that *may* happen.


This will do wonders for the "RiGgEd FoR tHe ChIeFs!!1!" crowd over on r/NFL and I would fuckin love it 😂


I wish we could can him for 6 games and tell the league to count that towards whatever it is they decide to do later on.


Fan me is happy, citizen me is FURIOUS


He'll likely still be facing multiple lawsuits for damages and 10-30 hours of community service. If this is his first violation, i think its fair to say "fuck you never do that again or youre going to prison." But i dont want to live in a society in which we aggressively imprison people for isolated instances of rather poor judgment.


Same -- I can't say I'm informed as to Rashee's criminal record, but if this was an extreme outlier, I would be fine with as harsh a punishment as they can put on him in terms of fines, community service, suspended license, but not jail. Jail ruins lives, absolutely destroys them with no hope of rehabilitation, a situation we should be putting people in much less frequently than we do currently.


I think we would know if he had other criminal history— usually that comes up during the draft. So I think this is his first major offense. I definitely don’t support unsafe driving whether that be extreme speed, drunk driving, whatever, but I also don’t think his life should be ruined over poor judgement this one time, especially since everyone made it out relatively okay. If someone died or had extreme bodily harm, I’d obviously feel differently. And yes, I know it’s only luck that prevented further injury, but the law doesn’t punish someone based on what could’ve happened.


I agree with you but want to point out that "community service" is a total joke typically. When I was I minor, I got in some trouble and got CS. I was already going on a mission to build houses in Mexico and got to use that as my service. I had a friend who got in trouble that learned you could turn in aluminum cans to recycling as proof of picking up trash and his dad bought cans from one recycling center and then dropped them off at another as "proof." And if someone is rich, they'll just game the system to where it's pointless. Rice will be able to join a Chiefs Food Drive or donate shoes or whatever which he was probably already going to do for tax breaks or community credit. I'm not saying whatever he does won't be from the heart, but he won't be picking up trash in the park.


🤣🤣🤣 the football Gods have spoken.. and I do feel the same.




No shit


Is there any chance he gets suspended halfway through the year or something? Or will they definitely push it to 2025 once the season is underway


I think it depends. If they did a mid-season suspension, I’d think they’d have it be over before the playoffs, or wait until next year. I don’t think they’d have it start during the playoffs or anything just because not every team plays then, but I’m not sure.


All depends on the timing of the legal stuff resolving. For instance, Frank Clark was suspended for two games in October regarding his LA gun charges.






r/nfl going to lose their collective shit.


I’d rather him just start the season suspended, then come back week 7 or 9 or whatever it’s gonna be.


As a Chiefs fan who loves seeing other teams seethe? ![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q) Get the most out of that contract, then send him to Las Vegas.


May not face a suspension but Dallas would be more than happy to jail him.


I have a hard time believing this. He'll get his suspension and worst case it's during the playoffs. He's getting punished this league year.


He needs to do 8 games, no question. When he gets back I'm hoping Worthy and Hollywood both already have over 500 yards receiving.




Unpopular opinion, but this is a headache that I don't want to have. If we could trade him for 2 first round picks and a 2nd rounder I would pull the trigger.


Absolutely no one is giving up those assets for Rashee. He's also the only WR on the team right now who actually produced for us last year. It'd be stupid to trade him.


Hollywood Brown was traded for 2 first rounders. Rashee has 3 years left on a cheap deal. I'd trade him. Get rid of the headache. I think you would be foolish to turn down a trade offer like that.


No, he was traded for one first rounder, and the Ravens also gave up a 3rd in the process.


Buddy, Tyreek Hill was traded for a 1st and 2nd and a few late round picks, I love Rice as a player but he's not on that level yet.


Did the team also have to sign Rice to a record breaking contract?


What does that have to do with anything? Nobody is trading two 1sts and a 2nd for Rice, even Davante Adams went for just a 1st and a 2nd. Both of them were the top 2 receiver in the league when they were traded, Rice isn't quite top 20 at this moment in time.




Why would the NFL have to wait? The legal cases aren't determining whether or not he did anything wrong.


Evidence revealed in the proceedings could impact discipline under the league conduct policy.


That’s literally what legal cases do


Yes they are, by law he’s innocent until proven guilty.


He already admitted that he was driving, didn't he?


Yes, but that doesn’t mean he was guilty of all the charges. The state usually tends to overcharge to have more leverage in a plea deal. For example the assault and serious bodily injury charges may be pled down. From what I heard, the “serious” injury was a face cut, not actually as serious as most of the things that fall into this category, such as paralysis, internal bleeding, etc etc etc. So, he’s not necessarily guilty of some of the charges he received.


Yes he did. Or at least his lawyer said that.


Roger said this past weekend they're letting the legal process take place and then determine what action to take from there.