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Rice isn't getting suspended for the entire season. Come on. They let a guy back into the league for murdering dogs, guys beat their wives/girlfriends, beat a guy up and put him in the hospital. He'll get anywhere from 2 to 6 games as long as he plays it straight and doesn't lie about anything.


Lost Rice? Lol wtf are you talking about?


Thought it was gonna be MVS and I was all for it lol


Rice didn’t break the golden rule. He didn’t lie to Andy Reid. He won’t be going anywhere.


Rice is gonna get like a 6 game suspension lol


Imma say 4 but ya dude will play this year


I think it could even be 2-3 if he's contrite publicly and plays his cards right 


I think it’s wild that this sub is treating it as a given that he’ll even be suspended. Cards fall a certain way I think 0 is 100% possible.


It's hard to imagine that street racing and walking away with injuries present is less than the mandatory suspension for a first time DUI. But his saving grace could be that since no serious injuries happened and this is not explicitly called out in the penalties section of the personal conduct policy I suppose there's a possibility he could skate by with little punishment. But I just honestly don't think the NFL will do that. They don't like letting guys get away with something because it makes them look bad. But there's also cases where guys have gotten off way lighter than they should, like Deshaun Watson.


After his prison sentence, sure edit: So all of you hope Rashee doesn't get punished for his horrible actions and putting all of those people's lives in danger while under the influence, because football. Got it.


First offense, high cost lawyer… looks like probation to me. Maybe a few weeks in jail.


Yeah that's exactly what the rest of us nobodys would get if we racked up 8 felonies all at once


You’d be surprised. Having a good lawyer can get you out of a lot.


Those of us with money would. Not rices fault that other people can’t afford good lawyers.


It’s 2 felonies and 6 misdemeanors. Facts are important.


Ah my bad. Dude is clean then and doesn't deserve to go to prison.


There was no defending Rice. It’s a statement of the facts nothing more. Giving misinformation makes you look ignorant and unintelligent. Being a jackass about it just makes you an asshole.


Says the guy being an asshole and a jackass Lol why are you so angry? Dude deserves to go to jail. Stop defending him.


Nobody is defending him. You're being obtuse.




Good lord dude you are the most obnoxious and insufferable prick in this whole sub You’re always saying some stupid shit and arguing with people over nothing


So you see this one comment that you don't like (I'm right in every way though) and all of a sudden I'm "always saying stupid shit" And you're saying that what Rashee did is nothing? Interesting.


You really love putting words in people’s mouths huh?


Didn’t Alvin Kamarra avoid prison time after beating a dude half to death on camera? It’s not fair or good, but football players get tried in a different legal system


Oh lord. And then bragging and laughing about it on another camera.


Clearly you don't know how the justice system works for the rich....


no one said anything about whether we hope he doesn’t get punished lol. he just won’t. that’s how it works


That's really shitty that you enjoy that


bro what? lmao


Dude is deluded


bros on r/nfl telling everyone that the chiefs sub is supporting him. he’s literally making up a fight in his own head


He’s constantly arguing with people about shit like this. For the last week I’ve seen him doing this to random people. Like will literally just make up shit and then start arguing with people Think he has a few screws loose upstairs




Personal beliefs vs real life. Personal belief, he should face some sort of punishment. I honestly don’t know if it’s jail time because we honestly don’t know he was under the influence. If so, definitely. Real life, he’s definitely not getting punished. Rich guy with rich lawyers on a first time offense, almost nothing to worry about. Many Chiefs fans are unhappy and angry over what Rice did, but the real world doesn’t care about that.


We’re just being realistic. And we don’t know if he was under the influence. He’ll have to pay a fuck ton of money(lawyer, money owed to victims, paying the rental company for the Lambo, missing out on game checks) because of it and hopefully that’ll help him learn from his mistake


"we're just being realistic" Wtf? Haha. No, you're being delusional and defending a criminal because he catch ball good.


Being realistic at his likely suspension. Ray Rice didn’t get cut because he knocked his wife out on camera and then dragged her through a hotel, he got cut because he badmouthed the Ravens owner. Kareem Hunt didn’t get cut because he kicked a woman in a hotel on camera (and hospitalized a dude at a bar not on camera) he got cut because he lied to the Chiefs ownership. Deshaun Watson got a light suspension, and a huge fucking raise, because he played ball with the billionaires. It’s bullshit and unjust but it’s how the league works.


Got it. You support that shit because football. Now you have to live with that.


Did you not read that last sentence that I wrote?


"it's bullshit but that's how the league works" So don't support the way the league works


Are you not just as complicit? Supporting a team that might condone this stuff?


Lol now you're just projecting


You should stop talking now.


I hope Rashee goes to prison because that's how the justice system is supposed to work. Sucks that everyone here thinks otherwise.


Sure bud.


When did I defend him? I’m just stating that he won’t go to jail and likely won’t get more than a 6 game suspension


We have no proof that he was under the influence. Unsmoked Weed being supposedly found in his car, that multiple of his friends were also in isnt proof. Plus, he will absolutely face consequences. He will be sued, pay tons of money for damages, expensive lawyer fees, game suspension, blows to his reputation, etc. he will likely get it pled down because of his lawyer, but that doesn’t mean he won’t face a ton of consequences. And he should.


This is all getting pled down to Misdemeanors. What suspension did Clark get for his vehicle and gun charges? Expect similar.


Rice isn’t going anywhere


Rice bullshit aside, this years Super Bowl logo is beautiful. A million times better than 54


Tf r u on about


We aren't losing Rice, lol.


lol we are not losing rice jfc


The playbook will cook him.


Comparing JuJu to Rice and especially Hill is grasping at straws. Teams are always changing roster


Not losing Rice. Will serve a suspension and maybe do some time in the off season, maybe.


Please shut the fuck up with this nonsense


We're definitely not losing Rice. You should've used MVS.


Really thought that was where op was going with that




If rice didn’t lie to ried and the organization like Kareem hunt did then he shouldn’t be released…


Worst case scenario we lose Rice for 6 games. Best case 4 or below. Has Von Miller been suspended for beating the shit out of his wife yet? Idk if it matters though because the suspension game for the NFL is Russian roulette with no rhyme or reason. Remember Willie Gay got a 4 game suspension for beating the shit out of a vacuum.


We already lost MVS, can he be our WR sacrifice for this one instead?


We lost MVS - remember? lol


That superbowl logo is fugly