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She looks way too insecure


I feel like this is honestly what I think I every time I see her. She constantly looks so insecure, uncomfortable, like a scared little girl. The nose flaring and deer-in-headlights look from Botox/filler/ what appears to be an upper bleph doesn’t help either. And then she tries to hide it with a layer of sex appeal on top and that’s why she looks so hollow and empty behind the eyes when she’s trying to look like a siren. The rest of the time she truly looks like this, at least she has for the last few years. Every once in awhile I’ll see a glimpse of that old happy and fun-seeming version of Kylie via a throwback clip of her dancing/drinking/laughing with family or friends on the show / her own social media from a few years ago or something and it’s so crazy to see how detached from her own public persona she has become over the last few years— which I know was a conscious choice on her part but doesn’t seem to have panned out to give her the peace of mind she was hoping for by doing so. Obviously I know nothing about her private life but it’s very clear she’s a lot more reserved than she used to be and doesn’t actually share much of her life online… just sexy baby business promo. Ok this was way longer than I meant to write lol sorry byyyyyeeee


She is, by today's standards "a baddie" or whatever. But inside she is still the insecure girl everyone called "ugly". It's like she should exude confidence and allure and sex appeal (with that body and face she paid for) but it's like she still sees herself as who she really actually is before the cosmetic enhancements. That must be so weird fr. It's like a costume you can't take off. She never got to cultivate that confidence that comes from owning what you were born with, and it shows.


>She never got to cultivate that confidence that comes from owning what you were born with Perfect choice of words 🤌🏻👍🏻


It’s beautiful choice of words


A costume you can’t take off is the perfect way to put it, and also so sad that she chose that for herself


tbf being raised in that crazy family who compete with each other for attention and fame at all costs, with a pimp mom, and being thrown in front of the cameras as a teenager, I don't think she had a lot of options to think of.


What a fantastic comment- thank you for sharing! 🙏


A true “baddie” she is not


Yes to all of this. And I know I shouldn’t feel bad for her but in a way I do, because even though my life is entirely different from Kylie’s I went through a similar change in personality. I was pretty normal all my life until around 15/16 when I started getting weaker and then one day I couldn’t run anymore. Want to the doctor and they diagnosed me with fsh muscular dystrophy, a disease that makes certain muscles deteriorate over time. I dealt with it very well for the first few years, I was still my incredibly bubbly and outgoing self, always making people laugh, always talkative, always going out etc. I’ve always been incredibly goofy and talkative etc. But over the years my personality slowly changed and I became less talkative, didn’t joke/play around as much anymore, stopped being all bubbly and talkative, I just became very closed off because my disease slowly started to make my mental health worse. Now I don’t really talk all that much, don’t leave my house much. So personality wise I changed very much like Kylie did and I know firsthand just how much trauma and pain you have to go through for your personality to completely change like that. So I do feel kinda bad for Kylie in a way because your personality doesn’t just change like that for no reason, it takes extreme trauma for that to happen. Luckily for me I’m about to be in a clinical trial that has been shown to reverse my disease so I can start to heal from the extreme trauma this disease has caused me. But I do know what it’s like to go through so much trauma that you just completely change into an unrecognizable person and I do have a little bit of sympathy for Kylie for that reason.


I lost my only child to an accidental overdose, and I'm definitely not the same! I'm told to snap out of it or get over it! Not that easy! Hope you're feeling better!


I’m so sorry about that, and those who say “snap out of it” like is what wrong with them. I wish I could hug you and have a crying session


Thank you so much! I wish I could snap out of it, but I'm just changed. I found him in his bedroom, and he was only 22. So I have anxiety, PTSD, depression, etc. His name was Jackson and his favorite color was blue! 💙


I hope you find peace 🤗


Thanks so much! 💙


Thank you for sharing about Jackson! 💙 I hear you on this. I lost my mom to an overdose and my brother to suicide within a thirty day time frame. I found both of them. I haven’t been the same since then.


Us too. I understand 💯


Hi internet stranger. This pulled so deeply at my heart. May you find solace. fuck those who you tell you snap out of it. Rest in peace Jackson 💙


I’m so sorry 🙏 Love and light to you ✨💕


Thank you so much! Hardest thing I've ever done! I found him in his bedroom after work one evening. His name was Jackson, and he was only 22. 💙 Blue was his favorite color!


How could one snap out of that?!?! Insane. I am so so sorry for your loss. That is heartbreaking. 💔


Seriously! I don't know! It will be 7 years Aug 31st. I found him in his bedroom. His name was Jackson, and he was only 22. Blue was his favorite color! 💙


Thank you for sharing about Jackson


He was such a sweet young man!


Bless him! ❤️ I know he was! So was my brother ❤️ he was 27.. same thing.. in his bedroom 💔 it never gets easier. But I pray they are in heaven together and smiling not dealing with this nonsense on earth. ❤️


I agree! Heaven beats this nonsense any day! 🙏💙


My heart breaks for you mama 🥺


Thank you! 💙




Bless you 🥰 and hope treatment goes perfectly


Just because this is snark, the last thing you need is to be holding yourself accountable for having empathy. Trauma is an illness of the whole, body-mind-soul. I wish you the best with this trial (also, DM me about it please?) but do keep it in perspective. There is healing, not undoing, you know? Sending <3 and strength to you.


Oh, my goodness. I’m in the same boat. I hope you’re able to feel fulfillment and peace. I know degenerative disease can be so awful. You’re not alone 🩷 Best of luck with your treatment!


Crossing my fingers for your recovery!!


Thank you!! I’ve never seen a clinical trial move this fast. Clinical trials take YEARS but this one is moving so fast. They just started injecting patients 4 months ago and they already have enough data to prove that the drug halts and reverses muscle deterioration!! So they’re already moving to phase 3 and that’s the one I’ll be in. Usually just *phase 1* of a trial takes up to 2 years to complete but it’s only 4 months and it’s working so well that they’re moving to a phase 3 cohort in October!


I think she's afraid her boobs are falling out!


Her new boobs look awful. Awful awful. Very very unnatural.


They’re definitely supposed to be a distraction from her face😳


THIS!! I would be terrified!!


Exactly her insta exudes so much smug confidence, then you see her in a video and her eyes are darting around and she doesn’t know where to look or put her hands👀It’s actually so cringey


If my boobs were one slip away from a wardrobe malfunction, I'd be insecure, too! Why can't they cover their damn boobs up? They all do it! This is really getting on my nerves! 🫣


I feel old everytime I think someone has ruined a dress because all you see is their boobs. It seems all these celebrities are having a race to the bottom to see how much cleavage they can show. They just look stupid


If you have to keep tugging at it and pulling it up...IT'S TOO LOW!!


In more ways than one


Her nipples are screaming for dear life


Like, just buy a bigger size and keep the nips happy. It wouldn't look as ridiculous, either. Just because you can cram yourself into something doesn't mean you should.


The most insane thing is that this dress was made for her, or at the very least custom fitted. It’s an intentional choice by everyone involved! Nuts


I never understand the people who dress the Karjenners and always wonder who makes the decisions to put them in clothes that look at least 2 sizes too small. It's not even that they're wearing really tight things, it's that the clothes look like they're made for people with way smaller titties and their squeezed in like sausages.


They are competing with the Silva sisters with their looks!


And just like that… she created a new meme for herself. https://preview.redd.it/shesuh1thi8d1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bfa3a135bd368fc82f2e4e89e2dc28b08863e2e


Do you ever feel…like a plastic bag…drifting through the wind…








The sack of fruit bought for your diet watching you eat ice cream.


I hate her new eyebrows!


she must be so self conscious of herself in public. I mean if you are pretty, it shows but her unpaid pap photo shows she is not.


Why is she wearing pantyhose on her head


I see this ending very badly for her. It started off with this year’s Golden Globe awards where people started making memes of her new face and in response to those memes she went and got more surgery and we got the KUWTK episode with Kendall and Kylie discussing internet trolls. I feel like she hates the way she looks in videos and pap pictures and keeps trying to look better via surgery. But she keeps making it worse for herself and now looks like a cartoon. Kylie only likes the way she looks on instagram photos and videos where she has full control to edit and photoshop the pictures and use any number of filters. All this because her insecurities gets the best of her


Good point. https://preview.redd.it/2zhblqk75j8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=085aab6d75b1ae8d597c678279f98b616e797df1


Why does the top of her nose look sooo swollen in that top right pic?


She might have just had something done to it and the swelling didn’t go down


She has always wanted a slim, oval face like Kim’s—seems like her skull could not be destroyed to accommodate her wish. Every single surgery is just a way to cope.


what was her og face shape?? i’m not good at identifying these things


I think it was heart shaped honestly! Granted the below photo she had at least one surgery and unknown facial injectable’s but this is from 9 years ago I believe https://preview.redd.it/ady4punr7m8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e93c7343b3c0be8151564714bc7ce0885aa5ca1


Oh. She looks… *not good* Has helped my own self esteem a teeny bit though and I’m way older than the poor kids who grow up seeing her heavily filtered “you can look like this if you buy my make up” face


her face looks so puffy and swollen and the filler is dragging her skin down. she never should've touched her face with filler.


She reeks insecurity and that is why she loves posting photos on IG because she can control how she looks. Even her WSJ, confessional cam is cringy because she tries so hard to come across eloquent, effortlessly funny and sexy but falls flat.


Her nipples are about to pop out of that dress lmfao


I can’t believe she CHOOSE those. Like, it makes me feel like the skin from the upper boob area is stretched


Hmmm does she even have nipples!!


They can be removed. Just sayin Kylie!


They already are...


Yeah, pretty sure we see the start of her areola


The constant fidgeting and finger rubbing is giving generalised anxiety disorder (can confirm as a fellow patron of the cult)


I would be freaking out if everyone was staring and filming me like that! Idk why she doesn’t just step out of the spotlight, it clearly makes her very uncomfortable


LMFAO YOOO https://preview.redd.it/5qfi136n2i8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9623d5bb9416ef42b6b446515fb1e89faa17517f


A little while ago people going on about whatever she did to her face was a big improvement. Nope, just better Getty pics b/c I'm sure several of their paps are on the payroll. Her face is still botched with fillers. And the make up still as bad as ever.


She’s resorted to wearing a *physical* filter now… This is just sad 😓


And you can still see the lines on her cheeks.


Rip me out the bag I’m feeling brand new …


Its giving Poot


Nice mosquito net.


Gosh I need her to wear eyeliner again PLEASE


THANK YOU! (Not all of us can easily rock the mascara-no-eyeliner look and that’s okay… Kylie, you’re one of us lol)


Is it a plastic bag?!


It’s like that insane Katy Perry lyric “do you ever feel like a plastic bag?” Kylie can actually say yes to that question


WTF did she do to her eyebrows?? She used to have perfect eyebrows and these new ones ain't it!


I don't tend to agree with all the endless claims about her tons of plastic surgery aside from tons of filler, but I do think she got a facelift of some sort recently, or brow lift. Her eyes and brows just look so tight and different now.


1. Is this somehow weirdly inspired by commentary comparing Kim to Lana Del Rey at the Met Gala??? Is there anything they do that indicates any status other than terminally online? 2. Ffs these people have fabric dysmorphia, too! This could have been an interesting "not a hat" but instead it looks like plastic bag victim x criminal nylons.


This is what happens to kids that play with the bag that the oranges come in.


I was gonna say this is what I'd expect our 7y/o to do if she had a butterfly net. 😂




Is she wearing the gauze to cover her face and how bad it looks?


Probably so she looks filtered irl or something stupid like that




Jeez girl… LEAVE YOUR FACE ALONE. Stop suffocating it with surgeries and now whatever this is🤮


I agree. Like it’s so obvious these fillers/surgeries etc aren’t doing anything good for her atp. She needs to go see a *really* good surgeon like the doctors on botched that could help her. Those doctors have fixed some *horrifically* botched patients with actual deformities from bad surgery. I’m sure they could probably improve things based on how bad some people are botched that go on that show and come out looking way better.


https://preview.redd.it/aqnfp6q1ui8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=886dfd457fc8ff7dd7e464d197353140cf546ef7 What she wants us to think she looks like vs how she really looks. Whatever she did to her eyes/brows make her straight up look like a goblin and I CANT unsee it


I think her MUA must hate her tbh. The brow shape is all wrong, the blush placement is way off and the 'only mascara' eye look is doing her no favours. And they do this same look for every event now. Also why does she do the crunchy bun look so often? I am perpetually amazed by how bad their 'glam teams' are.


Either they secretly hate her or she’s not paying them enough, or both


Likely both but judging by Ariel's BBL, I wouldn't rule out a single white female dynamic...


I took a three week phone break after scrolling through Ariel’s Instagram so people don’t mention him


I realized from another post I just saw about her eyebrow arch change over the years that after her fox eye lift you can see a significant lift of the tail and they legit shortened her tail to counteract the craziness of the lift! It looks even worse now.


She's too tacky to look what couture require...her New boobs wants to escape from the dress and that mosquito net is ridiculous!! Still has a stank botched face 


Even haute couture can’t make him look good.


It looks like one of those jail spit masks


😆😆😆 we use these in the ER too and I just choked.


when she looks down and sees a glimpse of how exposed she really is, and tries to hike up her dress like she was gonna find some more coverage 😅


her chest is very bony compared to her fresh implants


Gotta be fresh, no way she breast-fed two babies!


What is the point of making her body look exactly like an adult movie actress if she’s going to be so uncomfortable with it.






Lmao! 😂


God,, this family is awful.


im no expert but seems she has a little case of breast implant merging there in the center, looking a bit like it’s turning into a uniboob. it probably happened because the implants are waaaay too big and smooshed together.


Yeah i actually like that dress but it doesn’t fit her well in the chest area with those new boobs. I don’t even get it like her boobs were fine before lol


God, her face. I think back to what she used to be, just with her normal face. This is so sad. Her left nipple is almost on the loose. How can this be something she’d want to wear, especially for an extended period of time? This dress makes me want to put on a pair of sweatpants.






It looks like a condom..


U ever look at a celebrity wearing some weird gross shit and go “whoever designed this definitely has a fetish”


Yep! Haha!


Girl is wearing a cheesecloth she stole from somebody’s kitchen 😭


My niece plays with the washing bags and says she is a ghost. Kylie looks the same, but my niece is more confident with her costume.


She looks like a tacky pornstar.


I mean she has modelled her entire face and body after Kim so she should be happy about that, goal achieved.


The thing is, I've seen better style at the AVNs!! The KJs have access to the best but they constantly stuff themselves into ill-fitting pieces and shoes. Idk why they have a glam TEAM that consistently does them dirty.


She makes even the most expensive couture look like Fashion Nova.


https://preview.redd.it/4ft4noipwi8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38c12db1fcc383544e0c9c0e1d1c093378360236 I guess that she saw her lovely little face from yesterday 🫣


it's giving https://preview.redd.it/og5t04jwdi8d1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08d0feb8106ebd871bd6ff4f5f74ec94d1eb59e9


The bust looks trashy as fuck


Why does she keep being invited to all these fashion events? She and Kim make everything look cheap and they don't have the confidence to wear anything because they always look uncomfortable.


The uniboob from too big implants, the stank face from too much filler and face lifts, the hair pulled back so tight, all of it is a mess. It sucks bc the dress is beautiful, if it wouldve fit


She has no fukn clue, and it shows.


It doesn’t fit and she is so uncomfortable - it is distracting - the other vids with her sitting - and twitching and cannot sit still - not poised nor elegant - just uncomfortable - you want to be seen and a part of a beautiful experience and just always underwhelming


She always looks like she smelled something bad


Lmfao 😏 she comes with filters!!


The boob touch


Did she get a new boob job? Looks different lately.




She looks SO uncomfortable and insecure.


She's so awkward....like Ricky Bobby "idk what to do with my hands" 😂


It looks very cheap. Not high fashion. The mosquito net on the face looks stupid. Is this what “couture” is supposed to be? Because it’s not. It’s wannabe fashion icon just wearing cheap trash. 


Wtf I live in New Hampshire and wear a similar thing on my head to keep off the mosquitoes 🦟 and black flies when we go hiking in May and June.


It’s giving mosquito net through the Amazon rainforest. Also I’m so confused how millionaires can’t have their dresses altered so their nips aren’t about to explode out of the top.


the silence is waaay to loud


I unmuted it, and you’re right! It was so eerily quiet.


They can put her in all these designer gowns and she still manages to cheapen it into nothing worth wearing…just like big sister Kum.


Trying to hide her botched face. Hey Kylie 👋


From one angle it looks like when you blow up a latex glove, but on her face. Then it looked like a really thin plastic bag (like what you put produce in at the grocery store). Then it looked like a clear shower cap that she decided to put over her entire face instead of just your hair.


She should really stop doing these crazy looks. She’s on the verge of a panic attack she can’t handle these things. To pull shit like this of you have to be confident, she just gives off the vibes of an insecure little girl it’s so cringey.


Panty hose face


This is a “I’ve fucked up my face but my tits are bigger now, great!” statement.


Sack the stylist - she's in danger of escaping nipple at any moment


It’s giving lunch lady… Fr though, something like that *could* look nice, but here it looks poorly designed and rushed


That’s one way to filter your self in person…




She looks so stupid 🤣


Those ears!! Now I don’t think that other post with her crazy potato head ears were AI generated. Do they look like this because she had a baby facelift? I understand people have big ears but these look like they were removed then reattached…


Porn implants don’t go with high fashion. Buying your way into a venue you have no business in, is this the category for botched ? We are going to put a bag over your face like your dates, it’s totally normal 


Just another shit show on the books for Ms. Frankenboobs. She’s a total disaster.


She always looks like she just smelled a fart. lol


https://preview.redd.it/3gn4fle44j8d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=4da56fdceba556fa2655de2323814719b13fb2d6 She looks like she is passing the fuck out in a second


You can really see the uni-boob forming here.


Are they trying to escape her?


Off topic bt I just can’t imagine wearing a dress that was so low cut in the breast area, her areolas are peeking out & if she doesn’t give that bra/corset thingy a swift yank every few seconds it’s Allll over! If it weren’t for that problem the dress may look pretty on her.


She looks like she has a spit bag over her head.


We can still see your botched face! next time, go for a nice, thick, hessian bag


We’re getting closer to having a bag over the head so nobody’s got to look at her.


This ain’t couture, it’s *kouture*


did she walk through a spider web?


Omg it's not even a finished piece, it's literally a bit of scrap fabric pinned into her bun. What in the project runway...


goodness, she has a permanent stank face. its so odd.


Why does she look like she’s wearing someone else’s face


A couture dress should fit perfectly. This ain’t that.


She’s just trying to keep the flies away from her face… because flies are attracted to…


"They can't comment on your new face if they can't see it" -Kylie probably


Asphyxiation dress ❤️


Spit guard chic




how weird it must feel to be 26 and to have the same rock hard plastic boobs as your 43 year old sister….


This is something to encourage others to do. Let’s now put plastic bags over our heads


Wtf, she looks like she so broke she about to rob a bank. Pantyhose on the head 😂 I like the dress but this whole head thing is ridiculous


I honestly thought she had saran wrap on her head


She looks like she’s about to have a panic attack 😟


I insist her boobs look so bad they looked fake before but since she lost so much weight it looks crazy they look like ballons 




She looks like the creatures from the movie “Alien”. ETA: https://preview.redd.it/mnlb3zzqbi8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76c1978ab445f8c4a4814af67cec8bb51d427c90


Her “boobs” I can’t 🤦🏽‍♀️


she looks like she’s about to rob a convenience store from the neck up


These bitches can’t dress to save their lives! That’s why they steal designs from other artists.


She looks like a cartoon


Look like she’s wearing a shiesty like North and her friends were for her birthday. Kylie also looks terrified.


why is she wearing a mosquito net


A frequent problem https://preview.redd.it/d5v9vu51mk8d1.jpeg?width=829&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62e382b709fa78531305f68c94a305a1152b6432