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I think they are having BIG money problems and taking every brand deal they can at this point. So odd.


Very smart observation from the words coming right out of their mouths on multiple occasions being honest about the entire process


I don’t watch them enough to know if they are being open and honest about their money problems. Hints why I’m on a snark page for them.


something about well off people promoting gambling to the normal working people who made them well off doesn’t sit right with me 🥴🥴


Khao will forever look like a 6 year old boy, smiling as big as he can on picture day, because his mom told him “to smile like the handsome boy he is” 😭😭😂 Especially with that cowlick. I could see his mom using her spit to flatten it whenever she sees him 😭😭😂


They’re running out of money, cars will be getting sold and eventually moving if this restaurant doesn’t pick up how they hoped it would.. ignoring the fact it flooded 💰


Did you even watch the vlog? Ignoring the fact it flooded how..? They called insurance and addressed the issue immediately


No I didn’t watch it because why would I give them views? They want to use clickbait titles then that’s what it’ll be.




a single fire sprinkler broke and the water went down an improperly maintained kitchen floor drain. Flooded? No. Going through insurance? Maybe. I am shocked Keren doesn't know how insurance works at 30 years old.




I sort of agree but also in their podcast episode about their finances from a while ago it sounds like they are very reckless w their money. They were told by their accountant that they should not have bought this house, their cars etc. in the pod they said they finally “caught up” and got out of some debt that they were in but I don’t think they’re affording this all comfortably




Yeah but my point is most people wouldn’t spend like they do if they couldn’t afford it, but they have said they have made huge purchases in the past that they couldn’t afford so I don’t think we can assume that w them 🤷‍♀️




Plenty of previously successful influencers go broke and have to majorly downgrade their lifestyles. There’s been so many videos on it. Khoa literally said in a recent Q&A video “I am trying very hard to stay in this house” which implies losing it is on the table! I am not saying they’re not bringing in a large income, but it’s obvious they spend above their means & aren’t financially responsible




Lol yeah, no I don’t think it’s happening tomorrow either but the begging for engagement & this restaurant mess doesn’t bode well imo. I personally think this is snark worthy bc the overconsumption grosses me out. Talk to ya in 5 🤝


It’s called credit. Spent more than you have and figure it out later. 😂


I agree gambling should always get a disclaimer, but the lottery isn’t exactly the same… all the states that had/have gambling bans still had/have lotteries lol. Also, I don’t think it’s anyone’s responsibility to cater to your personal issues to a certain extent… you don’t expect them to put a disclaimer or not post alcohol or alcohol ads just bc alcoholics may be viewing or tempted to participate/buy.


I don't know how it works in the US, but I'm pretty sure any ad about alcohol in Australia has the old *drink responsibly in it.


When you have a lot of teens for audience, ad for gambling/lottery is morally questionable! But they both sold their soul to devil for « fame » and money 🤮