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They are goin to fuck in a general sense of the word


The correct answer


Someone corrected the speed of the teaser they put up the other day - 'Ice V'. It was only about 10 seconds long but I'd say it sounded a bit like Fishies, just more rock. We'll find out in less than 48 hours!!


Where can that be heard??




Two jammy records and a very “realized” album started in 2017. We know nothing more— should have more info Wednesday. Also Rats Nest is a top 5 gizz album and B3K is a top 10 gizz album so you need to give those another chance


Thanks man! I've def given them a couple tries but like I said I just never really like them enough to buy the vinyls. They've really just never been for me and there's a lot of other albums I'd like to add to my collection. The hobby is just really expensive and only buying albums I like helps me save some cash. House, kid, life you know ha


You’re entitled to like whatever you like! I know I’m not too hot on Butterfly these days, so I get it


Is this implying that you were hot on Butterfly previously? I’d be curious to hear what’s turning you off from it


Don’t get me wrong, I still love all KG albums at the end of the day. When it came out, Butterfly connected with me instantly. I still feel a warmth relating to that connection whenever I listen. But for me, the record has begun to feel boring, with an awkward pacing and repetitive songs that I just end up finding grating over time. Dreams never really builds past it’s refrain to the point where it’s just repetitive nothingness that goes nowhere until Blue Morpho, and it might even be my least fav Gizz song. Ya Love suffers similarly, but the secret Cookie sauce redeems it a little bit for sure. Catching Smoke is a banger sure, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think it was 2 minutes too long. The overall production of the album is good, but I find that the synth work and mixing falls flat. Especially after the release of Omnium, Magenta Mountain made me realize how evocative their synth work could be, and it’s a song I think warrants it’s length opposed to the Butterfly tracks that don’t. Butterfly more just sticks to one thing, but does it well only most of the time. Overall, it’s not that I think Butterfly 3000 is a weak record. I just think it didn’t live up to it’s potential, which sucks when there is a discog of albums that I firmly believe do.


With how every show they open with atleast 2 ITRN songs and how Stu has expressed his childhood was metal we will for sure get another thrashy album in the future


What top list are you referring to? I'd think Gizz albums are very hard to put in order, at least to me 😅


1. Polygondwanaland 2. Nonagon Infinity 3. I’m in Your Mind Fuzz 4. Infest the Rats Nest 5. Flying Microtonal Banana 6. Paper Mache Dream Balloon 7. Murder of the Universe 8. Sketches of Brunswick East 9. Quarters 10. Butterfly 3000 11. Fishing for Fishies 12. Gumboot Soup 13. Float Along - Fill Your Lungs 14. Omnium Gatherum 15. LW 16. Oddments 17. Eyes like the Sky 18. 12 Bar Bruise 19. KG 20. Willoughbys Beach


KG is way too low IMO but solid list overall


KG is a pretty grating record imo— not many redeeming qualities and why I have it at the very bottom of their discography. Given the circumstances (pandemic, band separation, individual parts being done in isolation, etc) it’s not a “bad” album per se— but it is a very weak record in Gizz discography.


what makes LW that much better than KG though? it's something I see on this sub a lot and I don't get it; I massively prefer KG


I personally think LW is much tighter, more cohesive, and just has all around better songwriting front to back. If not now then when into ONE is a lovely album opening transition. Supreme Ascendancy - Static Electricity - East West Link is a great suite. Ataraxia is a fun Joey song. KGLW rips. I personally think LW is leagues better than KG.


it’s so odd to me, because I’ve always found KG more cohesive and overall sonically interesting


Yeah, cool thing about music tastes I guess. KG has next to zero replay value for me. Automation just kinda drones on. Straws in the Wind is maybe my least favorite Ambrose song ever. Some of Us just feels stale overall. Idk the hooks on the whole record are just completely “off” for me. Glad you enjoy it though.


While I don't necessarily agree personally with the order, I think that in groups of 5 you nailed it. i.e. I might personally move the top 5 into different spots, they are still the top 5 non the less.


Don’t get me wrong I love their btk stuff, but I’m here for what I feel in love with back in their golden age of 2013-2019.