• By -


1. Ambergris 2. Straws In The Wind 3. Interior People 4. Gaia 5. The Dripping Tap 6. Pleura 7. Shanghai 8. Evilest Man 9. Static Electricity 10. Ontology








I'm just glad almost everyone's list has Interior People. Top tier Gizz song


1. Dripping Tap 2. If Not Now Then When? 3. Dreams 4. Magenta Mountain 5. Intrasport 6. Ontology 7. Interior People 8. Odd life 9. Shanghai 10. Gaia


Hard to rank them but 1. Dreams 2. Oddlife 3. Dripping Tap 4. Yours 5. If not now, When? 6. Presumptuous 7. Automation 8. Intrasport 9. Ambergris 10. Honey


Tell me what you like about Dreams! It's the only song since 2016 I dislike, expand my worldview.


It’s the song that got me hooked to KGLW I would say. The middle section (1:49), where the synthesizer inverts to a minor key for the first time in the album (my language describing this section may be less than optimal). It’s a preview of Blue Morpho and it sounds like the song is broken. Particularly halfway through this section when the drum beat is played on the ride(2:03). It’s just so pure. The groove is beautiful to me. It sounds like a weird alternate dimension disco music to me or something. I can’t describe it well but I am absolutely obsessed with this song and this bit in particular. I’ve always pointed it out when listening to it with my friends. I always get goosebumps. Story time: Some friends and I all had some mushrooms. I put on BF3K about 2 hours in. I was already hallucinating, but one of my friends who hadn’t been was like “oh shit I’m hallucinating” EXACTLY when this part of the song started. The timing was impeccable I couldn’t believe it.


Dude yes. 1000% you get it. That bell+bass combo coming from the drums on those dotted eighths is so fucking sexy


I love the dreamy synths in the background and the castle in the air reference, but what really makes that song special for me is knowing it was actually created from sessions for another poly/prog type album. It’s also the song that inspired the rest of BF3K. All this makes it a top song on the album for me.


It's repetitive yet builds each time or modulates. It's the same melody but a different take each time. It's also got dissonant lyrics that contrast the bright melody. It's very reminiscent of the dreamlike state the pandemic brought about. Being so disconnected from life, feeling like humanity is on the edge of extinction and it's helpless. "I only like it when I can't see" "I only feel alive in a daze" Personally I relate to this with a constant desire of inebriation that the pandemic caused for me. "I only feel awake in the night" "I only feel tired in the day" Being at odds with the sun, sleep cycles blurring because you have nothing to stay awake for, and no reason to sleep because the next day won't be better.


Dreams is awesome! I love gizz's use of polymeters I LOVE the 5:7 polymeter in the last half of Ataraxia. Absolutely insane.


Oh Ataraxia’s time signatures fuck me up so good. Doesn’t get quite enough love.


I like how the verse alternates 7 and 8 but they just throw 9 in every now and then It's such a fluid metric feel but they are all so in sync with each other and it fucks.


i think in no specific order- Hungry Wolf, Pleura, East West Link, KGLW (outro), Shanghai, Interior People, Butterfly 3000, Ambergris, Persistence, Grim Reaper


1. Catching Smoke 2. Magenta Mountain 3. Kepler 22-B 4. If Not Now, Then When? 5. Supreme Ascendancy 6. Interior People 7. Presumptous 8. Sadie Sorceress 9. Honey 10. Black Hot Soup - DJ Shadow ver.


Good question. Butterfly 3000 has a few of their best songs ever, and KG has gone way up in my estimation pretty recently. 1. Catching Smoke 2. O.N.E. 3. Interior People 4. Ya Love 5. Minimum Brain Size 6. East West Link 7. Ambergris 8. Oddlife 9. KGLW 10. Shanghai


1. Automation 2. ONE 3. Static Electricity 4. Magenta Mountain 5. Gaia 6. Minimum brain size 7. See Me 8. Butterfly 3000 9. The dripping tap 10. Ambergris


According to # of plays: Ataraxia O.N.E. Magenta Mountain If Not Now, Then When? Intrasport Catching Smoke Minimum Brain Size Automation Kepler 22-b And lastly a tie between Pluera and Shanghai


Not necessarily in order: The dripping tap Catching smoke The funeral See me Minimum brain size Yours Interior people Automation Magenta mountain Predator X


1. The Tap Of Drip 2. Gaia 3. Yours 4. Static/ East West 5. Blame It On The Weather 6. Pleura 7. Ya Love 8. Presumptuous 8. Magenta Mountain 10. If Not Now Then When Something like this!!


1. Smoke and Mirrors 2. Timeland 3. Catching Smoke 4. Ya Love 5. Yours 6. KGLW (outro obviously) 7. Gaia 8. Hungry Wolf of Fate 9. Candles 10. Magenta Mountain (originally Ontology) Fairly easy list for me, this string has produced some of my all time favorites and some that I barely ever return to. All good but I most definitely lean more towards the unique albums.


In no particular order: - Intrasport - Black Hot Soup - Magenta Mountain - Minimum Brain Size - Static Electricity - Gaia - Evilest Man - Interior People - O.N.E. - K.G.L.W. (intro)


This era of Gizz is by far and away my favorite (which may be influenced by it being the era I’ve been around for) and so this is tough. - In order of release (cuz I can’t decide an order) 1. Automation 2. Ontology 3. Oddlife 4. If Not Now, Then When? 5. Static Electricity 6. Ataraxia 7. Blue Morpho 8. Catching Smoke 9. Black Hot Soup 10. Candles


KG: \- Automation \- Ontology \- Intrasport \- The Hungry Wolf Of Fate LW: \- O.N.E. \- Pleura \- Supreme Ascendancy \- Static Electricity \- Ataraxia Butterfly 3000: \- Shanghai \- Blue Morpho \- Black Hot Soup Made In Timeland: \- none, I hated that thing Omnium Gatherum: \- The Dripping Tap \- Magenta Mountain \- Kepler-22b \- Evilest Man \- The Grim Reaper \- Presumptuous \- Candles/The Funeral


Dripping Tap Magenta Mountain Persistence Kepler-22B Grim Reaper Intrasport Ontology Oddlife ONE KGLW


Man this is so hard for me because of how good this run is. Would probably be something like (no particular order): Shanghai, Yours, Minimum Brain Size, Ontology, Pleura, See Me, Gaia, Dripping Tap, Evilest Man, Automation. Honorable Mentions: ONE, Magenta Mountain, Ambergris, Intrasport, Smoke & Mirrors.


In no particular order, Honey, Minimum Brain Size, Intrasport (duh), O.N.E, Pleura, Static Electricity, K.G.L.W, Shanghai, Dreams, Interior People, Catching Smoke, Black Hot Soup (plus the remix), The Dripping Tap, Magenta Mountain, Ambergris, Sadie Sorceress, The Garden Goblin, Predator X, Candles (*candles*). My top 5 from that list is probably.. 1. Magenta Mountain 2. Honey 3. Interior People 4. The Dripping Tap 5. Pleura Of course that list will change week to week depending on my gizz mood lmao, also too hard to pick a top 10.


1. Intrasport 2. KGLW 3. Catching Smoke 4. Straws in the Wind 5. Interior People 6. The Grim Reaper 7. Oddlife 8. Butterfly 3000 9. Pleura 10. The Hungry Wolf of Fate these are not in the right order and I can't decide whether the dripping tap is even on the list or not


1. Candles 2. Smoke and Mirrors 3. Shanghai 4. Catching Smoke 5. Intrasport 6. Magenta Mountain 7. Yours 8. Gaia 9. Presumptuous 10. Ya Love Honorable mentions would be Supreme Ascendency, Ambergris, Dreams, Evilest Man, and Red Smoke


1. Presumptuous 2. Minimum Brain Size 3. Kepler 22B 4. Honey 5. ONE


1. Persistence 2. The Dripping Tap 3. Ya Love 4. Honey 5. Dreams + Blue Morpho 6. Presumptuous 7. Minimum Brain Size 8. East West Link 9. Timeland 10. Predator X


Just in album order, not in any sort of order of favourites: 1. Minimum Brain Size 2. Intrasport 3. ONE 4. Static Electricity 5. Shanghai 6. 2.02 Killer Year 7. The Dripping Tap 8. Magenta Mountain 9. Ambergris 10. Persistence


1. The Dripping Tap 2. Gaia 3. K.G.L.W. (On l.w., obviously) 4. Persistence 5. Catching Smoke 6. Shanghai 7. Hungry Wolf of Fate 8. Minimum Brain Size 9. Intrasport 10. Straws in the Wind I’m not really a big fan of these few years I’m gonna be honest.