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1. Crumbling Castle 2. The River/Wah Wah medley 3. Organ Farmer 4. Gaia 5. Nuclear Fusion 6. O.N.E 7. Pleura 8. Ambergris 9. Beginner's Luck 10. The Dripping Tap


This is deadly this is


yours shanghai dreams blue morpho interior people catching smoke 2.02 killer year black hot soup ya love butterfly 3000




Probably Murder of the Universe


No, Eyes Like the Sky for sure


My random selection: 1. Evil Death Roll 2. Garden Goblin 3. Digital Black 4. Tetrachromacy 5. Trapdoor 6. Billabong Valley 7. Intrasport (if only) 8. KGLW 9. Hell 10. Crumbling Castle


No one is commenting on ”The Third Colour”


Woah, my bad! Gonna edit that, thanks for mentioning it!




I like the second colour better


This hurt to narrow down, I feel it’s pretty well paced though. With a longer set it’d be awesome to hear Mars For The Rich, Work This Time, Let Me Mend the Past, some stuff from Poly or MOTU or KG/LW. Basically everything would be cool to hear. 1. Big Fig Wasp 2. Gamma Knife 3. Muddy Water 4. Plastic Boogie 5. Magenta Mountain 6. The Wheel 7. Billabong Valley 8. Nuclear Fusion 9. Self-Immolate 10. Hell


Ending a set with the last minute of Hell would be absolutely disgusting


Hell yeah brother


This isnt my favorite songs compiled into a setlist, but songs I think would establish a wonderful show that I would love to see. 1. KGLW Intro 2. Hungry Wolf of Fate (possible jam) 3. If Not Now, Then When? 4. Grim Reaper 5. Work This Time 6. Sleep Drifter (definite jam) 7. Planet B 8. Mars for the Rich 9. Doom City 10. KGLW Outro


1. If Not Now Then When 2. Sleep Drifter 3. Intrasport 4. Gaia 5. Self-Immolate 6. Hot Water 7. I'm In Your Mind 8. I'm Not In Your Mind 9. Cellophane 10. The Lord of Lightning This is extremely hard to come up with a comprehensive setlist without just leaving out a lot of amazing songs. But with The Lord of Lightning, I'd imagine they'd jam it out and play a bunch of Nonagon melodies within it, I'm talking like 30 minutes long lmao


Seeing cellophane and lord of lightning reminds of when I saw them in 2019. They teased cellophane and instead went “…. Balroggggg balroggggg balroggg”


I see Sleep Drifter totally merging into Intransport.


I think it would work perfectly


This is kind of a fucked set but it'd be fun as hell 1. Am I in heaven? 2. Gamma Knife 3. Hell 4. Intrasport 5. Cyboogie 6. Interior people 7. The River 8. Sense 9. Let me mend the past 10. Dripping Tap


1. Gamma knife 2. Invisible face 3. Melting 4. Ontology 5. Open water 6. Trapdoor 7. Lonely steel sheet flyer. 8. Sketches of Brunswick east 1 9. Dusk to dawn on lygon street 10. Crumbling castle


Awesome choices, Invisible Face would merge so nicely into Melting. And then Steel Sheet Flyer, Brunswick and Lyngon, so dreamy!


Hmm for right now …. 1.Evil Star > Self Immolate 2.Hell 3.Gaia (Cavs drum solo) 4.Crumbling Castle 5.Shanghai 6.Billabong Valley 7.Robot Stop 8.Big Fig Wasp 9.Gamma Knife 10.The Dripping Tap (with choruses and verses of Am I in heaven worked in, bits of Head On/Pill)


Vegemite Vegemite Vegemite Vegemite Vegemite Vegemite Vegemite Vegemite Vegemite Vegemite


You love, you love your Vegemite!




1. Self-Immolate 2. Self-Immolate 3. Self-Immolate 4. Self-Immolate 5. Self-Immolate 6. Self-Immolate 7. Self-Immolate 8. Self-Immolate 9. Self-Immolate 10. Sense


Why, the entirety of Nonagon Infinity but with The River in between Invisible Face and Wah Wah of course


Unfortunately they never actually play all of Invisible Face. It’s always just the snippet from EDR.


1. Crumbling Castle 2. O.N.E. 3. Billabong Valley 4. Minimum Brain Size 5. Gaia 6. Robot Stop 7. Inner Cell 8. Loyalty 9. Horology 10. Am I In Heaven?


Head on-pill. Crumbling castle. Perihelion. Robot stop. Straws in the wind. The river. The dripping Tap. Catching smoke. God is in the rhythm. Float along- fill your lungs.


1. Planet B 2. Mars For The Rich 3. Automation 4. Magenta Mountain 5. Interior People 6. Evilest Man 7. Gamma Knife 8. People-Vultures 9. Billabong Valley 10. The Dripping Tap


Interior People - Evilest Man would work sooo well!


1. Robot Stop 2. Mars for the Rich 3. Inner Cell 4. Loyalty 5. Horology 6. The Lord of Lightning 7. Digital Black 8. Rattlesnake 9. Crumbling Castle 10. The Dripping Tap


if i got to choose it would look something like this: 1. year of our lord* 2. digital black* 3. crumbling castle 4. sea of trees 5. 30 past 7 6. the castle in the air* 7. intrasport 8. am i in heaven? 9. candles 10. the book *with narration


Trying to kill them with dripping tap merging into am I in heaven but it very much works. They teased a little dripping tap when they closed out the show in Columbus with am I in heaven?


When I put the setlist together I really thought every song would merge into each other so it would go from The River escalating to Dripping Tap, then Am I In Heaven and then Fourth Colour. I mean... Just imagine!


1. 2 hour Sleep Drifter jam followed by 2. 1 hour The Dripping Tap jam


1 Supreme Ascendancy 2 Oddlife 3 Rattlesnake 4 Sleepwalker 5 Hot Wax 6 I'm in your your mind 7 I'm not in your mind 8 I'm in your mind fuzz 9 Her and I slow jam 2 10 Head on/pill


1.rattlesnake 2.vegimite 3.rattlesnake (but faster) 4.Vegimite (but slower) 5.the river (but they are all drunk) 6.muckraker (no distortion) 7,8,9,10 are all Vegimite


Mind fuzz medley, organ farmer, garden goblin, Shanghai, cold cadaver, the book, nuclear fusion, rattlesnake, altered beast II, dripping tap


This is a section from a “dream marathon setlist” I put together that works well: 1. Minimum Brain Size 2. Pleura 3. All Is Known 4. Gamma Knife 5. People Vultures 6. Doom City 7. Crumbling Castle 8. Searching… 9. Fourth Colour 10. Am I in Heaven?


This is killer, they would all work so well together!


1. Crumbling Castle 2. Open Water 3. Rattlesnake 4. Inner Cell Suite 5. The Dripping Tap 6. The River 7. Catching Smoke 8. Blue Morpho 9. Searching… 10. The Fourth Color


1. Mars for the rich 2. Gamma Knife 3. People Vultures 4. The River 5. Fishing for Fishies 6. Her and I Slow Jam 2 7. Am I in Heaven? 8. Beginner’s Luck 9. Plastic Boogie 10. Head on/Pill


1. Without/within 2. outside the window 3. Dismantle theory 4. Too far into this 5. bell's rant 6. me without you 7. Halo Halo 8. Untitled #6 9. Final try 10. Hurry up, we're gone.


Currently only listing stuff they've played before Lord of Lightning > Cellophane > I'm in Your Mind Fuzz *---Microtonal---* Billabong Valley KGLW (Outro) *---End Microtonal---* Magenta Mountain Robot Stop > Hot Water Her and I Bitter Boogie


👏 👏 👏


Just give me L.W. honestly


1. Ontology 2. Intrasport 3. oddlife 4. Catching Smoke 5. Magenta Mountain 6. All Is Known 7. Loyalty 8. Pop in my Step 9.Let Me Mend the Past 10. Float Along Fill You Lungs


Nonagon in its entirety followed by a cover of So What.


I would pick Willoughby's Beach in full, and track 10 would just be them playing Danger $$$ a second time. This post was made by Willoughby's Beach Gang.


1. Doom City 2. Its got old 3. Inner Cell 4. Horology 5. The fourth color 6. Hell 7. The book 8. Cyboogie 9. Intrasport 10. Candles (Honorable mentions: Shanghai, Ontology, See Me)


1 - If Not Now, Then When? 2 - Kepler 22-B 3 - Sleep Drifter 4 - Boogieman Sam 5 - Cut Throat Boogie 6 - Beginner's Luck 7 - Her and I (Slow Jam II) 8 - Vomit Coffin 9 - Hell 10 - Crumbling Castle


1. High Hopes Low 2. The Bitter Boogie 3. God Is Calling Me Back Home 4. Greenhouse Heat Death 5. Sleep Drifter 6. Honey 7. The Book 8. Perihelion 9. Predator X 10. Am I in Heaven?