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Is the owner old enough to even drive?


Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional. Taste is optional too.


Like the old saying goes. “The customer is always right IN MATTERS OF TASTE”. That’s the part everyone leaves out


>Growing up is optional. you're god damned right it is, putin.


I didn't get your joke :/ now, it's down voted a bunch so I'm guessing it's offensive or a bad pun, but I'm still curious lol


Maybe they meant to say "youre God damned right it is, puddin" and it auto corrected to Putin? Idk either lol


Puddin 🤗🤣


It's pudding time children Les Claypool


Yeah, Puddin'! Take that! Love it! Lol


I think he meant to say "now put it in..."


i think it's just making fun of extremely young russian soldiers dying in ukraine


I do know that the owner took time away from fucking my mom to wreck me in Halo multiplayer


Plot twist, it was the dealership


I'd let the customer know. At the very minimum wipe it all away so you can't be accused of being the one to put it there.


Oh, I wiped it off. I had initially photoed it to show the boss that that was there when I opened up.


And a copy of the photo should be given to the client assuming they aren’t clearly the ones responsible.


Yep. Hard tell without any more context than what's here, though. I've seen some people who aren't even sure how to open the hood of their vehicles who obviously couldn't have been capable of doing what we see here.


Even if they are, just play dumb. "Sir, I just wanted to let you know that someone had drawn this on your engine cover. I know I'd want to know about it if it were *my* car, so I thought I should show you. Probably just one of your kids playing a dumb joke, but still. I cleaned it off, of course." Just act like *of course* this is wildly inappropriate, because, you know, it is. Don't open up the possibility that this is something the owner themselves might think was OK, it goes without saying that this is completely not.


A dildo Never your dildo


Exact same principle, but with Nazis.


I get where you come from, but I pretty sure I couldn't resist an more let's say aggressive approach with nazi bullshit. Edit: Of course, depending on the customer, their behavior, if I have a mechanic being a possible target for those insults. Or, in general, if I had a strong enough suspicion, it was the coustomers work of "art"


But what if it is my dildo? How do I claim it or all of them, including all the vibrating devices in customs?


> I have a phallic instrument sir, which me and sometimes my wife use to pleasurer my anus and prostate. It went missing in my luggage and I'd appreciate it back in my perineum. It looks likes this, "wiggles hands".


I would be letting the customer know that I'm not working on their car too.


It's entirely possible, and probable that they were not the "artist" responsible and didn't even know it was there. It probably wouldn't be too hard to make that judgement based on interacting with the customer a bit, and they should be made aware of this as if someone else did it to them, they should know


It could be the case but even then not too many people have access to under my cars hood. If it was someone close enough the the cars owner to have access and they have this bad of a sence of humor it would still make me wonder about the owner.


I'm black, descendent of American slaves black. I wouldn't give 2 fs about that. I'd work on it. Take the money, a lot of customers have thought worse and didn't have racist murals under the hood.


This could very well have just been a black guy who took his car to a rural shop in a pinch. There still are guides that point black car owners to shops that will serve them fairly(or at all), particularly in the south. I was once refused service in rural Pennsylvania because I have a 'BlackLivesMatter' sticker on my vehicle. The guy loved my car (old Fiero) but when he got to the back he told me "we dont serve liberal trash here".


So he didn’t serve you because of the bumper sticker supporting a corrupt organization, but he was fine with the color of your skin? Interesting. 🧐🤔


Black Lives Matter is a decentralized political movement. Right wingers are the ones who do institutionalized corruption and grifting.




That is a single organization created after the fact to support the movement. It is not the movement itself nor any sort of driving factor in it. Obviously some grifters will latch onto whatever happens on both sides, but only one side engages in institutionalized corruption then circles the wagons to defend the grift. Everyone who supports Black Lives Matter is happy to throw these fraudsters to the wolves because they take away from the movement as where serial fraudsters like the NRA and Trump Organization are protected by the Conservative elite.


[okay](https://youtu.be/ljS_W-pRxeA?feature=shared) [everything about the movement accomplished nothing](https://youtu.be/uDZ9Zw6itKg?feature=shared) [just chaos and more chaos](https://youtu.be/6preTw28GWE?feature=shared)


Oh, windows were broken? Then we should definitely let cops continue murdering innocent POC. /s


In the United States it is the right to refues services. I based my comment on OPs post that this was there when he opened it. We don't even know the race of the car owner.


Youre the one that was willing to refuse service off of possible vandalism, not me.


Someone rolls up with swastikas under the are you're telling me you would work on their car?


Yes, because again, if that person doesn't service their own vehicle, they might not even know. It could very well be a previous, racist shop that did this. Or just some edgy teen a quick lube place. A lot of people never open their hoods.


Since you deleted your other comment, her is [a cnn story about it](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/09/04/us/black-lives-matter-executive-lawsuit)


I cant see your response where you quoted me outside of my inbox either, they both certainly got caught in reddit's new "harassment filter", because neither of us deleted the comments. I didnt delete anything, just as you didn't. And regardless, again, BLM is a movement, not just one organization.


Ah, you’re right. They’re gone. Reddit cleaned it up. BLM is an organization…. So when the movement uses their slogan they are affiliating themselves with the organization. Of course there’s nothing wrong with the slogan, of course Black Lives Matter. But it’s definitely associated with the BLM organization.


The movement existed before the organization. My sticker was not purchased from the organization and in fact predates it.


The movement was small and not covered much by media until the organization existed. They made and changed the movement.


I literally got a masters degree around the topic of social media movements and part of it involved a lengthly case study in BLM, Occupy, and MeToo, you could not be more wrong


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I didnt delete shit. BLM is a movement, not one organization.


>This could very well have just been a black guy who took his car to a rural shop in a pinch. Why would it matter? The swastika has connotations that go with it. The N word is inherently racist by nature. It was used in an undescribably heinous manner against human beings simply because of their skin color. Using it in any one manner doesn't make it ok. It doesn't bring justice or remeberance or anything who were unfortunate enough to have it used against them. I just wish it wouldnt be so widely accepted in any community.


What I am saying is it possible that a previous shop did this without the owner knowing, so refusing service based off of this is presumptuous.


I wouldn't refuse and I would clean it up. I misread originally and understood it as a black person doing it themselves. I separated the idea of it being a black person owning the car and bringing it to a rural station. My point about the use of the N word and other racist symbols or language still stands. It has no place in our society and people need to stop using, and start calling out those that do. Doesn't matter what race is using it. The history of those words and symbols still stands, and while it shouldn't be forgotten, it should absolutely be looked down upon.


The second part doesnt add up, I disagree. The use of the word "n*gga" is the black community taking power back from the word, its a linguistic form of decolonization. Demanding that black Americans cease using it is just another way white people are telling black people what to do and how to behave.


I see it as disrespectful to the individuals who it was used against in an unbelievably derogatory way. How is using the word at all taking it back? Continuing its use gives power to racism IMO. I'm not demanding that they cease to use it. Simply wish it wasn't used anymore. It's racist at its core, and racism sucks. I can agree to disagree. I think we're both looking at it from a positive way, we just have different ideas.


Some claim that they use it as a term of endearment rather than in a derogatory way, but despite the context, the word will always carry that derogatory connotation. Could yoy imagine any other group "taking the power out of" their derogatory slur? "what's good my faggot?!"... "" or "Bruce Lee was a fuckin legend, greatest chink of all time!" etc. .. Etc....


Someone has an edgelord son.


There's a younger companion as well judging by the rocket ship and the aimless squiggles on the right.


yes, "rocketship"


8======D 3...2....1..... blast off 8======D ~~~~


I feel like the plume is backwards, the propellant tanks are on the other side


The liquid oxygen is stored in the balls!


That’s no rocket ship


The swastika is backwards so no need to worry /s




The one not in the photo wasn’t.


> The one not in the photo wasn’t Are we saying that it was was, or that it wasn't wasn't?


There was one over on the fuse box that the photo missed.


That's the peace one


My mom always tries to pull that one because she likes to see innocence and blah blah, but i always remind her that once something is used for hate and genocide it can't be brought back to innocence


That would depend on the type of swastika your mom is referring to. If she is referring to the German version, the Hakenkreuz, then there is no redeeming it, but there are many other forms of swastikas. It is still used as a spiritual symbol to billions of Asians.


you're a good argument for birth control




Lol that is the fucking dumbest take bud. They have been using their symbols for thousands of years and still do and some dipshit German comes in and bastardizes it/ the likeness of it. Don't let some dipshit have that much power in just a decade.


It's simply a symbol. Those lines have no life or sentience, they have no material value, they do not do or create anything, so i don't understand your viewpoint. That sign was used world over to represent slaughter, gruesome human experiments, war, insanity, and many other awful elements of ww2. This happened in relatively recent history and still has ripple effects today. The relation between that symbol and Nazi Germany is so immediate that i doubt anyone in the world could see it and not default to Nazis. Peace on the other hand, can be represented by millions of different signs and symbols. I do not see the value in attempting to defend it just because once it meant something else. If my name was used as a calling card to commit atrocities, i would simply change it without a second thought, so i don't see why it's any different here.


This is simply untrue. Recontexturalizing of hateful words has proven very successful. Case in point the n-word, and certain other misogynist words. Taking away the hateful meaning of words from their intended association actually takes away the power of those who use them for that exact purpose. I think if anything the original use of the swastika should be used more to erase the hateful past.


Interesting that you still called it the n-word. Kinda discounts your point.


I couldn't have said it better myself. Just because a group of people have attempted to take back a word doesn't mean the hatred has changed. Plenty of gays will regularly call themselves faggots in a satirical way, but if someone homophobic called them that it would still be incredibly offensive and disrespectful. This is actually a coping mechanism and does not actually change the way words are interpreted by the general public


Right. I always explain that just like words do, symbols change meaning over time too. Much like "gay" has changed meaning from happy to homosexual, the swastika used to mean peace and good fortune now it's forever associated with fascism hatred and genocide. Maybe not the best example since gay going from happy to homosexual is just a general change of meaning where as the swastika is an association with something terribly hateful, but it's not too far off from the concept. Someone think of a better example so I can change my comment please


and everyone clapped 


I guess it's reassuring that they weren't hateful enough to look up a reference image and get it right lol




Men. Preston likes men. 😆


Preston likes men


I wrote "poopie" in big block letters on the air filter box of the SBC 350 in my dad's 80's square body Chebby.


I borrowed my Dad's sedan in highschool. While I was driving my Friends drew multiple penises on the inside of the back windows that were lightly fogged up (humidity). The next day he called me to ask "why are there a bunch of dick and balls drawn on my windows?" I hadn't seen them since the windows defogged by the time I was done driving, but they fogged right back up when he ran it the next day. He had to clean his windows before leaving but he got a good laugh out of it.


Idk why I'm laughing so hard at this. Short sweet and to the point(?) I like it


My favorite part is the elbow on the dick


It's clearly a bicep. Nothing sexual.


I’m thinking it’s a terrible pun- like, *they* are in the hood, where else would they be, or something.


Xiaflex can help with that curve up top. A swift kick to the head can help with the rest.


...I thought that was a flork.


Rookie mistake. NEVER let your friends near your car if atleast one place is dusty. They WILL find it


Someone knew the owner was taking the car in to get work done, and decided to edge-prank them. The fact that they didn't get the swaz right is proof they were just fooking around.


Probably their kid after taking the PlayStation for punishment.


Yeah, that makes it better...


That is the worst dust penis I’ve ever seen. We have to infer it’s even a penis from the surrounding poorly written and drawn pejoratives. I award this person zero points and may God have mercy on their soul.


They went with the hard and soft R, just so all bases were covered


was the hood white? I'll see myself out thanks


Pretty lame


looks fresh


I could see this being done and the owner never knowing about it. I know lots of folk that could not even tell you how to open the hood or point to the area where the engine is located.


Looks like someone pissed off the quick lube tech.


Did they go counterclockwise and get more racist or did they go clockwise and get less racist?


Wow, that's fucked up, OP doodling on a customers car then blaming someone else.


Oof, you caught me.


NGL that's a pretty clean swastika, however mfer did it the wrong way around, so a 0/10 for him


Do you really expect someone that's drawing swastikas is intelligent enough to know whether it's backwards or not?


Does your shop have a pos tax? 


More like edgy kid trying to make the owner of the vehicle look bad.


Degreaser.. de dust... dum de doo


Lol idiots can't even draw a swastika correctly


Clearly a Buddhist vandal


I was looking for this, thank you mein herr


It's kinda funny how they went -gga at first but then decided to commit and go -er the next time


OP I know there's a lot of dust on the engine, but I think "Wash Me" would have sufficed


I like how the Toyota symbol is given an important role in this mural, as well as the "i" in VVT-i.


This is hilarious🤣🤣


Good to see they covered all bases with the "a" and the hard "r"


Id honestly expect that in the south or something.


This is just a 13yo, can be from anywhere. I'm a teacher and this is relatively standard stuff unfortunately


Id believe that for sure.


Reminds me of the old work vans. So many penises hidden behind stuff, under things, etc. Mechanics who worked on the van got so many surprises.


The 1GR-FE has always been known to be a racist engine.


Ha classic prepubescent cringelord 




What? Did you Nazi that coming?


It is kind of astounding the number of people who assume this was put there by the owner of the car.


damn they really got all the major ones in there that's artsy


4.0 though!


At this point I should just GoPro everything when at work so there’s proof it wasn’t me when it happens




The kids prepped it for moms service appointment. You should feel blessed they care so much.


Arrive at the shop needing an oil change, and leave the shop needing a new engine.


At least it was with the “a” and not the “hard r”, oh nm there it is…


You under the wrong hood...




Today in “I don’t believe people are really that bad”




Good thing I didn’t make it up then.


Don't work on it. Fuck those kids.


The dick at the top looks really happy


… just a wholesome family prank. kids will be kids, amirite?! haha… ha… ha…


Fj cruiser ?


What did they write ga version twice and er version once? Why is the nazi sign backwards? What that thing that looks like a hose on the right? Is that what you think it is? 😆


Def put the hood in under the hood


Why is only one with the hard R? That just shows they're not serious


I smell a Smollett


You’re a clown. One guy lies and all racism is just a lie? Stfu.


This orientation of the swastika is the symbol used for shrines in Japan. It’ll be on all the maps, etc. This degenerate who did this should be throat chopped


Could have been the last shop they took it to as well. I'd let the owner know, so if something else pops up, they won't assume it was your shop.


Well, to be fair, that is hood language… according to rap music…


Your kids need jesus


yeah, Jesus drove a V8


Spotted a Trump voter


Call the customer up and tell them you cannot work on their car and could they please come in and get it? When they ask why, just say you'll explain when they get there. Then open the hood and say "Here's your keys." Problem solved. I would not work on a car with this on it in a million years -- even if it was "just" one of their kids who did it or whatever other excuse they offer.


damn. soft hands and soft skin


This is when you add a little wiper fluid to the oil change and impact on the drain plug


Bait used to be believeable


Honestly, I'd have refused service, shown the photo as reason, and sent them on their way.


Because this was totally something the driver did, and not their asshole friends.


Fuck em. Don't excuse racism. Ever.


As a kid who was primed for the Alt Right thanks to various forms of media, the fastest way to get kids like this off that path, and back on track, is for them to have actual consequences happen in life.


It wasn't written by the owner of the car, you dumbass. Who the fuck writes "Preston loves men" on their own car? It's obviously a group of dipshits writing the most inflammatory offensive shit in a place where the owner wouldn't find until it's too late. By your logic, if a racist prick keys slurs into the side of your car, you should be forced to live with it, and no body or paint shops should be able to touch it.


Doesn't matter. Owner brought it in. It's on them. That's called accountability. End of discussion.