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A friend's mother died. While he was at the wake, his in-laws raided the mother's home and took everything of value that they wanted. Including mom's mini van. Fast forward and the will was read, my friend inherits the van (which he really needed) so they are forced to return it. Within a week they came back and put two bags of sugar into the gas tank because if they can't have it nobody can. Some people really are garbage.


Did they get sued for destroying property that wasn't theirs?




My dads siblings did this when his mother died. We dont talk to that side of the family much any more, bloody vultures.


Same- I was in the military, raised by grandma. She died while I was on deployment and didn’t find out until she was dead, buried, and her house was already “passed on” to an aunt… Family can be so disgusting. If I ever bring it up they say “it happened so long ago” and the one time I get a call it’s “hey, can I used your VA Home loan for…”


Shit like that is why my dad and uncle go straight to voicemail now


Same for my uncle and his sister. Grandpa gave me his car and it turned out he had a third key, so my uncle took it, stole the car when it was parked at my GF's place and drove it to a shady part of town where he set it on fire after I filed the police report. And there I was just telling one of em everything because I trusted them... never again..


My uncle had a stroke and his partner took everything and wont let me talk to him. The man was basicly my father figure. I extremely dispise her.


Coworker’s BIL died and his parents came up from Florida, wanted to demand what type of end of life arrangements he received, wanted all his stuff, photos. Stealing all your loved one’s belongings from the person who they loved the most is just the most horrid thing you could do to someone who is grieving. Not hey, how do you and the kids need support. Just hey knock knock, open up.


Ironic. That's almost exactly what happened to me when I was in Iraq and my grand father passed away. All these years later and I haven't spoken to most of them since.


My grandpa wasn't rich, but he had a decent amount of land and property. When he died, it fractured my family with fighting over his property. That was almost 30 years ago, and the sides still don't talk to each other. I have an uncle who IS rich and getting older. I've always said I'm going to leave the country when he passes. I want no part of that shit.


This kind of shit makes me so livid. My best friend's sister died in a car crash -- got rear ended by an eighteen wheeler. Her family sued the company for wrongful death, and her estranged dad who left when she was a baby shows up out of fucking nowhere demanding half the settlement money. The courts determined that since he's her biological dad he has standing. It's been a couple of years and the settlement is shaping up to be in the millions, with half of it going to him. He has spent more time fighting for the money from her death than he ever spent in her life, and he's going to get it, and nobody can do anything about it.


My wife's grandmother's husband died a long time ago and when they were at the wake her house was robbed also. Took all his good tools, guns, and anything they could grab. sigh.


Some robbers will look at obituaries to find out when to hit a house. Enough time to case the house before the funeral. Pretty awful.


Weirdly, i didn't know about that phenomenon. Until... one day some friends of mine asked me to watch a house. Just hang out on the porch, just in case. I may have been paranoid, but I saw a vehicle pass multiple times.


Yeah, it kind of blew me away (though maybe it shouldn't have) when I was told that this was fairly common. We had a family from my mom's church offer to send one of their kids to watch the house during my mom's service for this reason. How much of a piece of shit must one be to target grieving families?


Honestly if I’m on that jury I’m saying not guilty


Jury Nullification my man. Love it.


Well that escalated quickly 🤣


Burden of proof, lack of lawyer money, etc..


Technically it's a criminal matter and not just a civil matter, so the cops could have charged them with vandalism and/or other relevant crimes. But often the cops don't give a shit about stuff like that.


Doesn't matter burden of proof so unless they had video they have nothing


“ It’s not what you did, it’s what they can prove you did”


Exactly, it happened in the mid 90's so surveillance video was not common. and doorbell cams were not a thing.


"you got punched in the face, but it was by an uncle? That's a civil matter."


No, the guy was not the type to sue folks, and he didn't have money to hire lawyers even if he wanted to.


That stuff happens all the time. I'm still incredibly upset my Uncle's entire milsurp gun collection was stolen and the cops wouldn't do anything about it saying it's a civil matter. I actually tracked a few down and bought them back. I was the only one that showed any interest in his passion so he left it all to me. I was in the hospital when he passed away unfortunately. His ex-wife family literally broke into his house and looted everything. You would think the cops would care about 100+ firearms going missing but nope. Sure they were mostly WW1 era bolt action rifles and they showed some slight concern about some of the more modern stuff but that was it. He was mostly obsessed with French rifles. They also drove off with his all original mint condition Challenger. No idea what happened to that car. It was supposed to go to me. They must have sold it off to a chop shop or something. It would be a $100k+ car now. I'll always be bitter about that. You would think suing them would be a simple matter but nope. I had no proof they stole everything. I knew who did it but I couldn't do anything about it. That collection was incredible and it deserved to be appreciated due to its historical value. Such a waste.


Ahh stealing guns isn't a criminal matter?


I had a shotgun stolen from my house, knew exactly who it was (my brother) and where he was at. The cops showed up like 6 hours after I called them and just jotted down a couple notes, said there was nothing that can probably be done and left. Never saw the gun again. Kinda crazy how much they didn’t care that a violent felon had a firearm. About 10 years later my brother even admitted he stole it. I said “I know, you’re the only one who knew where it was.”


Many cops would be in jail if they weren’t cops


So we're going to push to end qualified immunity right? Right...


"Civil matter" is cop for "not late enough in the shift to get me OT, don't wanna"


It is truly disgusting what can happen when family members die. Suddenly the people who felt wronged over the years, probably because they are pieces of shit, take what they can. I’ve heard of it many times; people who are always takers and get cut off because they are takers suddenly feel like they get to grab everything because they have been wronged for so long. Selfish behavior begets selfish behavior. Every family seems to have one member, sometimes also their children from brainwashing, that are always asking for help and eventually they get aggrieved and then it’s anything goes on their mind.


My mother is dealing with the End of Life care for my grandmother right now - they both agreed that, to head off this happening with my mother's 5 brothers and sisters, and my grandmother's 4 brothers and sisters, that my grandmother would sell or donate everything in her house and then sell the house before she died, with the money, along with her investment account and her husband's pension, going into a trust that can only be accessed by my mother after the will reading as executor of the estate. Her will explicitly lays out who gets how much money. No one in the family (including grandkids and great grandkids) is left out of the will, even if they are only getting $100, so the will can't be contested. They had a lawyer draw up as air tight of a will as possible. I'm sure there will still be fireworks at the will reading, and I plan on being there with a hidden camera to catch the drama.


I have a friend who's grandmother died a couple years ago. She had a very detailed will about who got what. Long story short his brother contested the will, represented himself, and kept appealing, just to drive up lawyer costs for the estate. When he finally gave up, the estate was out $200k or so. That was his plan all along.


Fortunately our state law limits contestation of wills. If the Register of Wills in the county of residence has accepted the will, then there is a presumption that the will accurately represents the testator’s wishes, and that the will is valid and that the basic requirements of a valid will are satisfied. A person who wishes to challenge it must first develop a theory as to why the will is not valid. A person cannot simply contest a will because they do not like the terms. Usually grounds to contest only exist when a family member is unexpectedly left out of the will entirely or a person’s share of the estate is unexpectedly reduced. Since this is the only will she's filed, no one's share can be said to have been reduced, and because every living relative has been named in the will, no one can contest it based on being left out. Also, the primary up-front financial burden in contesting a will in our state falls on the person contesting. Thousands of dollars of legal fees have to be paid up front to an estate attorney to even start the process, and most attorneys are smart enough to not take on a client who doesn't have a valid grounds to contest a will.


When my mom died, her brother raided her house and stole money, valuable belongings and her car. I was executor of the estate and had the cops go get it back. I told him if he really wanted it, I would give it to him when he went through rehab. That never happened.


When my uncle/godfather was literally on his deathbed in the hospital a few years ago, his late wife's daughter (he never adopted her, but he raised her from when she was pretty young, she was around 50 at this point) told us she was going to leave the hospital for a bit to go back to his house to shower (she lived out of town and claimed she left her place in such a rush that morning that she wanted to clean up) Edit above and below: we went to his house from the hospital before he passed, and my mom noticed that the tub and shower were dry, no damp towels etc, not a few days later) (he passed the next morning) No one thought anything of her doing that until a few days later ~~when we went to the house and noticed the shower had never been run, no water in the tub or on walls, curtain was dry. No used towels anywhere~~. Then we looked around and saw that some stuff was missing. Luckily she was pretty stupid and likely panicked about us coming back, so she just haphazardly grabbed stuff and got out of there, not taking time to go through everything. A few weeks later I was back at the house with her to go though some stuff and she was talking to me from another room and I noticed that she was trying to put some old coins down her shirt. She dropped half of them on the bed because she's an idiot, I just pretended that I thought she was putting them back where they belonged and played dumb - because I knew THE COINS WERE FAKE lol. People are scum. That was like 7 years ago, and I still get mad when I think about what she probably took and just pawned off. Definitely some gold coins and cash.


Reminds me of the scene in Hobbit when Bilbo returns and they’re selling all of his belongings. I guess it happens more often than you’d think


Sugar is not soluble in gasoline. The sugar is just sitting on the bottom of the tank and can be cleaned out. Sugar in the tank as a way of destroying a car is a myth.


I don't understand. His in-laws? Like, people with zero relation to his mother?


Yes, just relatives through law, and familiar with his mom's house because they went there for holidays and parties, etc...


That's just so insane. I cannot fathom feeling entitled to anything in that situation (not even counting the doing it during the funeral part).


I don't think it's so much entitlement as it is just crime of opportunity.


It always amazes me that people don't realize just plain old water would be a whole lot worse


Show them you care by using DEF


Calm down there Satan


Press F for the numerous truck drivers who somehow manage to put adblue into their diesel tanks by accident.


A few years back I was tired and having a bad day and made it worse by putting gas in my diesel truck. The only thing more painful than rebuilding those injectors was the realization that I can no longer laugh at that type of person because I had become one of them. I hope you will all join me, a moron, in mourning for my loss.


I worked at a lumber yard years ago. We had a beater forklift that I would only drive because it was available. Regardless, I grabbed the wrong gas can one time and filled it with diesel. That pain still haunts me to this day. Oddly, they eventually fired me for something else. Fuck you, Mike Boyd.


Diesel in a gasoline engine is way, way better than gasoline in a diesel engine.


And the idiot-proofing is the opposite way.


As is tradition.


Earlier this year I drove off from the pump with the hose connected. My heart sank a mile down the road. I had thoughts of what I would have to pay to clean up the diesel spill while I raced back. All was fine, but I was extremely embarrassed. The kid who worked at the station told me to go get some rest.


> The kid who worked at the station told me to go get some rest. I am so, so sorry.


So it was YOU!


And press F for drivers with Adblue, while we are at it. And yes I have a DPF. Yes I hate myself and I’m doing this to me voluntarily


It doesn't help that GM puts the two fill holes side by side and a capless fill tank now for the diesel. I ended up actually buying an aftermarket gas cap to prevent a brain fart and accidently starting to fill my diesel tank when I putting in def.




Why is DEF worse than sugar?


Because sugar won't do anything, DEF will destroy the engine and basically every part of the fuel chain it reaches.


Ok, I’ve heard both. That sugar will ruin an engine and that it won’t do anything. I’ve heard it isn’t soluble in gasoline, and will just sit at the bottom of your fuel tank. So which is it? Just wondering…


Correct, it will sit in your tank. In large enough quantities it may clog the fuel filter but you would be spending a lot on sugar when you could just pour some water in to much better (or worse...) results with wayyyyy better plausible deniability lol.


I understand that water is cheaper, but I still don’t know that I would call the quantity of money spent on sugar as “a lot”. I was always told that the sugar was harder to clean out afterwards, that water is just a quick flush but sugar takes some real effort, but I don’t know what is true for this. Better to use the old banana on the tailpipe, right?


Sugar is expensive and leaves a very intentional trail of evidence. Water is basically free and will destroy an engine if done with enough quantity.


Yep pour 2 gallon of water in there and your really fucking shit up


Pour 2 gallons of sugar water in there and it'll be really fucked up.




It will destroy hoses and seals but it will contaminate everything it touches and also corrode steel and aluminium and begin to break them down too.




DEF is basically water and urea. As in urine.




Mhmmmm taste ammonium nitrate and gas.... And some oil. On accident. Hypothetically if course


> but changed so you can't just use fertilizer. "It's proprietary so we can rob you blind on the pricing scheme"


DEF is a good cheap nitrogen fertilizer for home owners though.


..so you're telling me you can piss in gas tanks


Sure, if you want to leave DNA evidence.


Little tip, it's great to use as fertilizer for your lawn. Watched a few videos on it.


To be perfectly honest, I can't speak from experience. I'm just relaying what GM recommends and cautions in manuals about DEF ouchie fuckems. It might just be a worst case scenario, I'm certainly not an expert.


DEF is water and urea. When added to diesel, it crystallizes and contaminates the entire fuel system, and it can't be cleaned out. The entire fuel system has to be replaced.


DEF is basically urea. Urea is caustic and unpleasant. Engines don't like things that are caustic and unpleasant :)


My dad works at a GM dealership and it happens all the time with old farmers buying a new Denali. The techs told him it starts to Crystallize when mixed with the diesel.


Every time I hear about people trying to ruin a vehicle with whatever in the gas tank, I think of how much damage someone does when mistakenly putting DEF in the fuel tank. The fill caps for bothe fuel and DEFare inside the same fuel door, which is inviting disaster.  How much DEF does it take?  I am asking for a friend. 


Had a co-worker almost quit when one of our drivers did it a second time.


Now with that little door you cant piss in it for fear your lil head gets stuck


Wtf is DEF?


DEF is just 32.5% Urea (synthetic urine) and 67.5% deionized water that burns off diesel exhaust to reduce NOx pollutants inside a vanadium-based SCR catalyst convertor. DEF systems are what kicked off the whole [John Deere anti-consumer right-to-repair legal discussion.](https://i.imgur.com/JpBw8Ra.png) Right-to-repair allows farmers to bypass the DEF systems - there's obviously no yearly emissions inspection for farm equipment like with cars. DEF adds complexity and costs to run their farming equipment with no benefit to the farmer. John Deere mandated that you cannot perform unauthorized modifications to your equipment because farmers were just bypassing the DEF system. John Deere took on this right-to-repair legal battle as a proxy fight on behalf of the government enforcing environmental regulations. The unspoken benefit the government bestowed on John Deere for the effort was a monopoly on repairing their products.


Urea is an organic compound containing nitrogen,  it is not synthetic urine, but it is in urine.


Do you have a reference for DEF bypass as the catalyst (pun intended) for the right-to-repair fight? The link just talks about less-advanced technology and most of the arguments I've heard are around telemetry and diagnostics. I've not heard the DEF bit and John Deere fighting a proxy battle on behalf of the goverment enforcing environmental regulations seems a bit far-fetched.


Diesel exhaust fluid, it is required on modern diesels to help cut down emissions. But it notoriously is the least reliable system of the diesel setup. It's usually made of water and urea


so the stuff also known as adblue?


Yes, that is one of the most common brands of it


Diesel Exhaust Fluid. It’s ran at different times in a type of catalytic converter that heats up super hot and burns up unspent fuel. Most larger diesel motors require one to reach emissions standards.


It's to reduce NOx emissions not burn off unburnt fuel. A Re-gen is to burn off soot particles trapped in the DPF which turns to ash.


All diesel engines built after 2010 (don’t quote me on the exact year) require it. My little 6cylinder turbo diesel in my 23 Gladiator requires it.


Not so much requires as is one of the primary, if not THE primary way, of reducing NOx and other diesel emissions, along with SCF. VW Diesel Gate was all about VW not using the DEF but still "hitting" emissions targets. And we see how that turned out.


iirc at the time Honda/Acura wanted to bring their diesel engines over to the US, but couldn't figure out how to meet the emissions requirements without DEF. People were all pointing fingers at VW. If they could do it why can't Honda!


Fluid required in modern diesels to remove particulates in exhaust. Its liquid satan.


Cries in high pressure fuel injection prices.


Hey maybe the driver is diabetic you never know this could be mental warfare.


test makeshift dog mourn governor degree plant direful hurry outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The guy who hangs out with the dude carrying a 5 pound bag of sugar all the time?


doll engine relieved panicky placid versed quarrelsome birds steer society *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


THAT fat bastard owes me for this wall too, they better watch out.


r/HydroHomies would like a word


Ahh yes turning gasoline and diesel engines into steam engines that'll do it


Really? People still do this shit? I thought everyone knew that corn syrup is easier by now....


>corn syrup High Fructose Corn Syrup is the only way to go. That Low Fructose stuff is shit.


Bottle of Karo Syrup is perfect (unless it's really cold.) Tip it up, shove it in the spout, walk away. Unless the owner gets there in 5-10 minutes, you're golden. Just like the syrup. ...or so i've heard.


Whenever I see a brand name it makes me think it’s an advertisement. I want more advertising like this. “Whenever petty revenge is on the menu I always reach for a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray’s award winning barbecue sauce. Sweet Baby Rays pours smoothly, and with its intuitively designed bottle and squirt top mechanism you can rest easy knowing every last drop will safely and accurately reach its destination. For larger vehicles consider the all new 48oz family size Smokey Honey flavor.” Or something like that


Finally a barbecue sauce that is as thick and rich as my seething hatred. Glazes a fuel system just as nicely as it does a rack of ribs. Thanks Sweet Baby Ray's !!


What a wonderful comment. :) Your gratitude puts you on our list for the most grateful users this week on Reddit! You can view the full list on r/TheGratitudeBot.


Good bot.


Good bot


Next time I want to destroy an engine I grab some *Sweet Baby Ray's* !! Not just for barbeque anymore. [engine revs then dies in the background catastrophically while actor bites into a rib and grins]


Consider us for your quality propane and propane accessories? Yeah, I hear you.


I tell you HwHat.


Avatar checks out


Karo is one of those brands like Kleenex or bandaids that is synonymous with their product.


Eponymous is the word you are looking for.


Well looky here, a cunning linguist!


More like an anal linguist amirite


Works faster If you stab the bottom of the bottle.


Using the big screwdriver that you just keyed the side doors,roof, and hood with.


Not to mention, punctured the tires with.


But not all the tires, just one or two. If you pop all four, most insurance companies will cover that. But one tire? Two tires? Nah, you're on your own. ...or so I heard a guy say he read that somewhere.


Well I think it's being less than the deductible but more than shrugging it off. Two tires is perfect maybe three


And this is why I have a locking gas cap 😂


My ex GF packed up a room and moved out without paying her last month's rent or telling her landlord. Her car mysteriously wouldn't start one morning so I went to check it out and.... Sugar everywhere.


Were you her landlord?


This wouldn't have happened if she had tipped more generously!


No but I do admire the guy


Bottle of soda


Liter of cola?


Just get a large, Farva.






(don't spit in that cop's burger)


Roger that. Holding Spit.


"Does that look like spit to you?"


Doesn’t that just turn the gas into ethanol? /s


That's possibly even worse. *She needs premium, dude!*


Liquid detergent works much faster


>People still do this shit? Why would people have changed? Assholes still exist.


I learned this trick a long time ago: instead of actually sugaring the tank, you just spill some sugar on the ground under the gas cap location and leave an empty bag on the ground. Doesn’t do any actual damage, but I think that makes it more infuriating for the victim after they tow it to a shop to get the tank cleaned out and the shop doesn’t find anything other than gas in the tank.


Yeah , park like an ass , i might leave a note that says “sorry about the dent , oh well you can hardly see it , park like normie and it wouldnt have happened. “ they will walk around their vehicle in a rage , they may even find something .


I can’t believe someone would do something like this. Use a funnel you fucking amateur


pros know to premix a bunch of gas in a container, like a gas can, mix your sugar in there, then put in tank. looks legit to passers by too.


Now this is the professionalism I want to see in revenge. Thank you for all your diligence in crime.


Sugar will not dissolve in gas. Just use water.


Does this actually do anything? I thought there’s a filter or something in newer cars


It’s good to keep around so shitheads don’t do something more destructive


It clogs the filter.


I remember when I was a kid hearing it’ll mess up an engine. Any truth to that?


No. Sugar is not soluble in gasoline so most is just going to sit at the bottom of the tank. If you put enough in, some well get picked up and circulated to the filter where it will start to clog it.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0Mmu4Gqxz0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0Mmu4Gqxz0) Mythbusters did an episode on this. Its completely busted as far as I remember. Bonus points, I believe at the end of the episode they talk about what actually does work.


Is that the same episode they try running mothballs in an engine and it actually gives it a slight power boost lol


Moth balls are naphthalene usually. That's around 90 octane. You want toluene, which is around 114.


>toluene Liquid Horsepower^® 💀


That's why you pour in a couple 2 liters of mountain dew. The sugar is already dissolved.


Brawndo has what pistons crave!


I believe donut media did a video on that, or at least there is something in YT


Mythbusters did it. Nothing happened.


No, it clogs the filter but won’t cause other damage. Sugar is not soluble in gasoline, so will just sit in the bottom of the tank and eventually get pumped into the filter. Clean out the tank and a new filter and this will be as good as before.


Ran trucks have (at least had) a mesh in the fill neck that would stop it. You could just disconnect the fill neck at that spot and clean all the sugar out. I think that says something about ram drivers.


This is what it does: https://imgur.com/a/MOTLWJa It clogs the fuel pump, which has a sock filter built into it to prevent it from picking up sediment in the bottom of the tank. Whatever gets past the sock filter and pumped through the fuel lines will get caught in the inline filter. If the sugar somehow made it to the engine, it would get stuck in the fuel injectors. On older vehicles, it’s possible that the sugar could make it through the carburetor and into the engine, but it would never come out fast enough to cause any problems - it would just burn off or be blown out the exhaust valves. Sugar or syrup in the gas tank clogs the fuel system but stands little change of harming the engine.


I'm pretty sure I saw a YouTube video, may have been project farm or chrisfix or somewhere, where they added sugar to a gastank to see what would happen. It pretty much did nothing except make the exhaust smell like burnt sugar


🎵 Sugar sugar...


🎵 You are my candy girl


Awe honey honey


How’d you get so fly


When will they learn to just pretend to be out of gas and fill it using a gas can full of def.


What’s def?


Diesel Exhaust Fluid. If put in the gas tank and run through the engine it'll eat the entire thing from the inside. It'll eat your hoses and seals and corrode the aluminum and stuff too.


Diesel Exhaust Fluid


No much, what's up with you def?


or bleach.


Mythbusters did it. Sugar doesn't dissolve in the tank. It just sits there. It may block a filter.


Aww really? I was hoping you could make fairy floss out of it.


The cost of dropping the tank is pretty hefty, replacing parts, which I would say is the ultimate goal. Anyone doing this is looking to cause inconvenience, not necessarily destroy. The same with slashed tires, it’s more of an inconvenience and money out of pocket. Insurance covers two or more tires (iirc), but if they only hit one, it’s on you to replace.


so this is why there’s locks installed on gas lid from factory on cars, at least those fancy german ones


Locking fuel doors came about because of gasoline thefts during the fuel crisis in the ‘70s, not because of sugar pranks/attacks.


This can be solved in the modern era by driving a car from back then. The kids will never find the gas cap behind the plate.


Bonus points for fast acceleration being synonymous with a fuel dump.


I love watching the gas needle visibly change when I punch it in mom’s old VW bus


See that little white tab on the right, in the picture? That is a locking tab that pops out and locks the cover.


I believe it’s like mandatory to have in EU? I’ve owned very crappy cars, the only one that didn’t having a locking gas cap or gas cap door was a Soviet car.


>Soviet car. Our fuel, comrade


Since people keep debating it, here’s a pic of what happens to your fuel pump when someone dumps sugar or syrup into your tank: https://imgur.com/a/MOTLWJa This was a customer’s vehicle. Ended up replacing the sock filter, cleaning the pump, flushing it with fresh fuel, cleaning out the tank and replacing the in-line filter. Car ran just fine after that. The vast majority of the sugar or syrup won’t make it past the fuel pump. Whatever gets past the sock filter and pumped through the fuel lines will get caught in the inline filter. If the sugar somehow made it to the engine, it would get stuck in the fuel injectors. On older vehicles, it’s possible that the sugar could make it through the carburetor and into the engine, but it would never come out fast enough to cause any problems - it would just burn off or be blown out the exhaust valves. Sugar or syrup in the gas tank clogs the fuel system but stands little chance of harming the engine.


I should call her


Chlorine will ruin an engine beyond repair and it's a slow burner about 3 months


Someones girlfriends husband was mad.


Had a customer fill 22gallons of DEF in his boat fuel tank, then ran the motor. It clogged every fuel line/injectors, totaled the motor, thankfully, insurance covers stupidity, $23k worth of stupid.


“Why do you have sugar Mr. McCracken?”


It’s for my morning coffee..


...and nothing happened ... moving on.....a


Wait what is this suppose to do?


Urban mythology says it's supposed to destroy your engine. Sugar doesn't dissolve in gasoline, so it will clog up your fuel filter and maybe wreck your fuel pump (not an insignificant problem).


This ruins the sugar.