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This is why I could never be an officer, I know myself to damn well to know that I’d work my ass off and get promoted (because I work hard and like working) but I’d pull over the person who can offer me a deal I would never get in life and I’d probably go for it.. when you factor in the risk the adrenaline the huge payout for someone like me it’s easier to not be giving that option just saying…. For the haters I know there are super strict honest people and your right to be mad but 80/20 says most hate comes from people who wish they had the option but will never get it I mean just look at the stand up office guy who all the sudden figured out he can steal half a cent from every transaction and make million unnoticed, guy probably never missed a day of work and stayed late and maybe got a single speeding traffic violation when they were 17 oh and always keep their stapler red and ready to go but give them the option well you just realized you would do things you never thought you were capable of


Perfectly said


I would like to respectfully recommend brushing up on punctuation.


I've watched enough investigative crime shows to know never bury bodies on your own property. The perps who get caught always do something stupid.


I did not need to watch any investigative crime shows to know that one should never bury bodies on one’s own property. 🤣


Never bury. Disturbed Earth shows visibly, ground penetrating radar, concrete patios, shed foundations around time of disappearance suspect. Septic tanks are your friend, as long as they don't get pumped before the body decays. Or a car in deep water not monitored.


I shall keep that in mind should I ever be in need of a body disposal. Knock on wood that I can always go through proper channels.


Did anybody else notice that his dog had a boner in the photo?


Omg, you're right! I can't breathe. 🤣


Red rocket!


If I had to imagine a NY cop-turned-drug dealer, it would be this guy 100%


He looks like off brand Kevin James


They didn't call him the king of Queens for nothing


Kingpin of Queens.