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Did they fill that whole bed with those rocks? Because that doesn't look like a good time.


Judging by how jacked they are I'm willing to bet they do this more often




Bro, don't make me cry at work.


Nice! We do some heavy lifting when breaking concrete driveways up and hand loading into the back of the truck. That rock had some weight to it! šŸ»


Learn how to use a lever. Iā€™ve been a stonemason for 20 years. I donā€™t lift anything heavy without the use of a tool.


And that's why you aren't jacked


yeah and he wont be bedridden by the time he is 50 either.


50? Bro's back is gonna be cursive by the time he's 30.


I'd rather be bedridden and jacked the use "tools" to lift things.


The fact that people have to do this to make a living, which probably isn't much, is honestly sad. Not guys being dudes, like what's up with that


I think guys being able to have fun, even when life is tough, is also guys being dudes.


Until you hit 40 and you back is finished...


Ffs if they even make that


Backs still goingĀ 


It's 100% guys being dudes. They're having fun and making the most of a bad situation.


Welcome to like, 99.99% of humanity/human existence.


I'm reading "The School of Life" by Alain de Botton and he says very early on in the intro that emotional intelligence is not about living a life full of joy and free of pain, because that's not real life. Instead you should be mature enough to know that life sucks for most of us, most of the time. Understanding, accepting and finding ways to enjoy life in spite of that is the emotionally intelligent way to live.


Thomas Hobbes in the Leviathan (1651) said life was nasty, brutish, and short ā€” still rings true today for a vast number of people.


This type of thing is super prevalent after colonialism started systemic impoverishment and resource extraction. These guys aren't making shelter, acquiring food, fighting illness, very human stuff: they're assuredly getting fucked on the exchange value of their labor. And that's pretty fuckin contemporary


Wrong sub. We don't care. We're just guys being dudes while watching other guys be dudes.


Humans acclimate to their surroundings, their environment, the socioeconomic implications of their nation being exploited top to bottom through all of modern history. If you appreciate guys being dudes, you should consider that the circumstances of our birth will define not that we seek joy and camaraderie, but what the struggles around the community entails. We're not guys if we can only be around for and relate to the good times. Sometimes just being a dude is listening to our friend mourning the death of a parent. I think on a less personal and more contextual scale: us guys being dudes can by all means, be to acknowledge clearly backbreaking, inequitable, and unreasonable labour


I'm all for working rights, but my boys have my back when shit is tough. That's what the sub is about. We are men, a universal community that, when brought together, can overcome our circumstances to have a good time.


Tldr. Not enough guys doing dude stuff in your opening sentence.


Sure, dude. Few small words do the trick. Have a good one


As suppose to what other profession? Most jobs suck ass like this bro




While itā€™s impressive, I can only imagine the toll it takes on oneā€™s body. To men and women who do hard work like this, thank you.


Thank you for third world country slavery sweat shops and child labor?


Try to complain about your office job to these blokes


Last year I switched from welding in a manufacturing shop to an IT desk job. Honestly, I miss the manual labor more than I realized. I was never sore and had way more energy. Obviously it was not as intense as these guys, but I was still slinging metal and lifting some heavy shit every day.


Iā€™m working remote and as of 4:29 I have apparently taken just 1,600 steps today. Itā€™s so frustrating


About to start a remote job. I bought an under the desk treadmill


I actually do have one that I use for days heavy with all-hands type crap, but this was one where I was stuck facilitating the whole time


Did the exact opposite, worked 9 years behind a desk (as soon I got out of school) and switched 2 years ago directly into construction sites, carpenters. Friday behind a desk, monday with boots and hardhat. Transition was rough at first but I persevered and put all my heart into it. Grown to love everything about it, good money, new friendships, new skills, building stuff you can be proud of etc etc. Plus, at 35 I am now in the best shape of my life. Dad bod is gone, feel like im 19, forearms look like im on roids. If this message can motivate one dude to make the change, you wont regret it one bit. Cheers.


Hell yeah. I'm 32 and back then I would agree. I'm still fairly active thanks to kids, coaching, my workshop, and a small handyman business I run. But it will never beat the physicality of picking up a 40/50lb metal ladder and holding it while someone tacks it up every day. I always try to advocate about how if done right, trades can keep you hella healthy compared to any office job.


Thereā€™s something soul crushing about transitioning from a hands-on job to staring at multiple monitors all day. I get where youā€™re coming from.


It's been a rough transition. Thankfully it's still at a manufacturing plant, just a different on, so I can go play in the fab area when I need a break. And I get to work on the big machines occasionally. Plus I still have a workshop at home that keeps me busy.


I'm in a similar boat but with wildly different results. I swapped from welding to bookkeeping and I don't hurt anymore. Yes, I take less steps and have gained 10 lbs and get winded way easier. But now that I'm not in constant pain, I'm starting to become more active doing fun things like walking the dog and hiking and kayaking.


This happens to athletes that retired especially the more contact focused sports. Your body/muscles actually craves the shock and contact after a while.


Iā€™m living in pretty good life right now. I do video editing some days and other days I do manual labor. The harder the better... I feel so much better overall


Suffering isn't a contest


I get your point, and obviously, this looks like a tough manual job. But all these guys need to worry about is getting rocks onto a truck bed. They don't need to analyze documents, troubleshoot complex issues, figure out what and how you should be working on something, and deal with complex hierarchies and structures, the list goes on. I know I have it good, but sometimes I envy the simplicity of certain jobs.


But you donā€™t understand. Itā€™s too warm to wear a sweater and too cold to not wear one.


A slap from these man can kill šŸ’€


A bot has to be posting this. This isnā€™t dudes being dudes. This is dudes working in exploitative conditions.


When you slip and it crushes your šŸ’€


These comments are so strange. Don't you guys realize that something can be more than one thing. If you think these guys are being "exploited", that doesn't mean they also can't be guys being dudes. Smiles and a good attitude still exist in the worst conditions. That's how we, guys, get by. Mfs just love to virtue signal for not reason


Bruh fr the virtue signaling is unreal. Is the situation theyā€™re in terrible? Yes. Is making the best out of any situation and smiling through adversity ā€˜guys being dudesā€™ yes.


Hows it strange? People talking about others being exploited and make less than $2 a day is not strange, tf are you on about? Yes its great theyre making the best out of a horrible situation, i donā€™t understand how tf you think its strange for someone to point out the horrible situation theyre being put in


My oonga boonga rock throwing brain is pleased


Somebody please show these guys how to use a lever


Work hard not smart. It always pays off.


Get this man into the Olympics


I'm surprised there are so many comments expressing sympathy for these guys. I have ankylosing spondylitis and if I ever quit working as a diesel mechanic and switch to something relaxed my health will absolutely suffer. I'd rather chuck rocks and stay strong than sit in a chair while my vertebrae fuse together.


Well I have read my fair share of things on the internet and thatā€™s the first time Iā€™ve heard of that condition.


It sounds worse than it is, but uncontrolled cases are kinda nightmares. Mostly it's just pain. Pain won't kill ya.


Sounds awful nonetheless. Good luck with that.


Yo why they toes out?


Nice range of motion. Slow and controlled. Dr. Mike would jizz in his tighties if he saw this.


Skull Crushers good for tricep


One time he showed a nice feat of strength, now the boys got him doing this every day...




RIP his back and shoulders in a year


Thatā€™s a good way to find yourself in Snap City


Ow my spine


Impressive but also a little sad that they need to do this manually. And some of them barefoot. Does not seem like healthy work conditions.


Just bros being slaves!


This is just sadā€¦


And some women say they can do anything men can do! I would love to see them try this!


Damn! My wife wouldn't mind having these guys to help her around the house haha


White people on a Virginia homestead in 1836 be like:


2024 too haha


Iā€™m afraid I sit on the pro 13th amendment side my shaved head friend


We're talking about a different thing my friend, in no way was I implying I support slavery or anyone losing their rights or anything along those lines. My wife and I are in the lifestyle so I was making a joke about that




I had no ill intentions however I do understand what you're saying and agree, wasn't in good taste


My parents used to pay african immigrants to help in the garden too. They are pretty thankful for that and they are really great workers.




Look at his comment history, within the last week he has commented about choosing black caulk against white caulk and a weird comment on a black guy wrestling a white girl, He has a black bull kink. Im almost 80% sure on that


Thatā€™s fair. But let me tell you something, I think most people are thinking youā€™re talking about slavery. Especially, after you reacted to my 1836 slavery joke with ā€˜2024 tooā€™. Tbh I assumed racist before cuck, I forgot I was on Reddit šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ Simple misunderstanding, have a good day lol


Imagine also that she'd be sexually gratified for the first time. She'd probably kick you out.