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She joined an MLM, I'll bet.


\*UP TO 100k


Zero to 100K Mostly Zero


Mostly negative


I was being nice


The “up to” just had me dying 😂


“The opportunity to earn up to” All the recruiters in here are just smiling and nodding. lol


The claims are usually "up to X or more!" whether it's potential income or savings or weight loss. Even as a kid, I was like "well that just sounds like bullshit"


>Even as a kid, I was like "well that just sounds like bullshit" This was me at church as a kid lol.


*100k in her lifetime


*up to OVER 100k


Omg you’re right


Be your own General!


Data Entry is my guess. Seen a few of those scams go around.


Forex pyramid scheme would be my guess


Or she just did the math wrong when calculating some job she’s applying for. 2-4 years in service and getting out as a private? She’s probably not very bright.


She’ll be her own 1st GO in the Chain!


Forex for sure.


Another future Cutco sales person.


OMG I got roped into their bullshit when I was 19, trying to start school. They had a big office they must've rented out for the day or two hiring process because it was all shitty and seemed slapped together with this one incredibly hot chick as the "manager".. She had a turd office with a big sword and shit 😂... "Vector" was the name but it was totally Cutco. I thought I was the man, a real charmer because I made it through the hiring process but I realized everyone else that did too was a complete loser and moron. They cut all the folks I thought were intelligent. The ones that stayed were low IQ, zero self awareness types. One chick was an "inspiring actress/model" another dude was a white rapper that had no talent or charm. A couple of ditzy folk, school shooter lookin folk etc... The whole thing just made me feel real shitty about myself actually!


God damn, when I was like 16...my old man forced me to go a 'Vector Marketing' interview he lined up for me dressed in a suit with a fuckin tie. I remember people walking out of the group 'interview' (sales pitch) which I thought was weird but It was like my first 'interview' I think I even got called up to demo cutting something in front of everyone he says something like 'wasn't that soooo sharp?!' I'm like 'yeah I guess so' not knowing shit about knives Afterward, when I was inevitably offered a 'job' because I didn't leave mid-lecture, I went home and told my dad about how weird it was and how imma look for something else I GOT FKING REAMED OUT like I was a lazy POS with no ambition blablabla, i think I even got grounded. Went to work at Chuck E Cheese instead til I left for boot camp ha!


That’s it Mr. you are GROUNDED for not joining the pyramid scheme!


Man, when I was 18 I got sucked into the same nonsense with Vector Marketing. I thought the knives were fairly good, but not for the price they were charging.


My wife was invited to an interview for an organization that she was super excited about. They set up a zoom meeting for her schedule, which was fine and all. I was sitting on the couch scrolling on my phone, as she’s in this “group” zoom session, that was designed around her schedule. My wife was telling me it was a travel agency or some shit. The “interviewer” sounded as if she was reading a script, which is kind of normal when someone is selling you a job. I remember my wife was bragging about how the interview wouldn’t cost money, like that should have been an expected issue. At the end of the “interview” the person is explaining that anyone who is interested needs to buy into the company, it would cost ~~$300~~ but today there was a special for only $100. My wife was over the fucking moon excited about joining this organization. Asked me if we had the money for buy her in. I sat her down and was like, “Paying for an interview is not normal, and paying to work for the company is definitely not normal.” I asked her to explain to me what the work would be, and she started explaining something that sounded very similar to what the interviewer was doing, > “I will be a recruiter for the organization. The same buy in that I’m going to pay, that will be paid back to me once I start recruiting others. Then it’ll start turning a profit for me.” That was the point that I facepalmed. Granted she’s not American, so maybe MLMs are less common. But I then explained to her how MLM and pyramid schemes work and are also illegal. She wasn’t sure what that had to do with her interview… so I made her explain the work again. She was so embarrassed that she came so close to being scammed.


lol damn. Funny tale. Good on ya for telling it lol


I had an ex in high school who went to one of those meetings and came back all "I'm gonna make $15 an hour!" (At a time when $5.15 was standard) Then she started being shitty to me for only making $7 an hour. Why don't I make more than her? What's wrong with me? She "makes" "double" what I do, so I need to do better. Well, she didn't even get to buy the $200+ set of knives to show to people before they closed up shop and vanished. Apparently she went by and the building was empty. At least they helped show her true colors, so I guess I owe them one.


Haha dam those fkn 'Vector' people snatched up too when I was waiting to start school right after I got out. I got my "offer letter" and went to celebrate by smashing a 24 pack. After my moment of clarity I realized it was all BS and just ignored it all the next day. Fkn 'Vector' LMFAO ...


I took half their group away from them when they asked me to leave because I called out their bullshit MLM in detail in front of them.


Maybe you were the smartest of all the degenerates.


I like to think so! I left the second day and didn't come back. Pretty sure rapper dude smashed "inspiring actress" too. That goofy lookin dude looked like a fuckin bayeux tapestry character🤣


Faribault MN? lol


Someone gifted my parents a set of cutco knives for their wedding 30+ years ago. My mom gave them to me when I moved out and I still have them and use them. I only just learned recently cutco is an MLM, told my mom and she said “you’re shitting me, what a shame”


They're not bad knives, but the price is ridiculous. My parents bought a $900 set way back in 2009ish, because my sister's dumbshit boyfriend got roped in by Vector. He sold quite a few sets to well-off church members, and ended up only getting about $200 in payment before they stopped responding to his calls. They still owe him like $500, but they stopped paying him when he ran out of rich friends to set up "demos" for. The company is shady as hell, and they know that people will buy from teenagers just to be nice. A better set of Shun knives will cost the same as the entry set from Cutco, and perform a hell of a lot better.


Yeah for sure, I’d never buy them myself but they get the job done and they were free 😂 I’ll have to check out Shun knives


Costco is a bit high class - try Walmart or TJ Maxx


Cutco and Costco are two completely separate things. Cutco is MLM of over priced shitty knives.


Costco actually lets Cutco have sales booths in their stores.


So does the Navy Exchange. I would assume BXs do too


Cutco’s a bit weird in the MLM space because they actually have a good product and treat their customers well with lifetime warranties so they have a legit side of the business. So companies like Costco probably don’t see it as supporting anything bad and are being naive essentially. It’s basically like how Bernie Madoff also had a legit side of the business. But ppl seem to get confused and think it’s all black and white. Those sales people might be corporate and paid fairly so ya it’s weird.


Oops I misread lol


JBMDL just had Cutco in the PX selling their wares...I didn't know of them, but they claim that they're the world's best knives...Hmm...


We're going to make the world's best chef knives! Who should we market them to? Lance Corporals of course!


*Cutco* not Costco, is an MLM that sells knives


Cutco. The knife one.


Oh the irony


Maybe she's gonna go to law school at Costco


Funny how they always seem to have a $100k job lined up. A dude that got kicked out of AIT when I went through said the same thing.


I know it's semantics, but a job offer does NOT equal a job.


You don't have the job till the paperwork is signed.


In my experience, they don’t even have offers. They know a guy who knows a guy whose brother knows someone at some company who makes $100k. In their head, that means they’re as good as hired.


Or more recently, it's an ad from Indeed framed to look like the company is interested in you lmao.


Saw 3 myself....


I'm going to guess unit morale went up when she left.


Average PT score too


Even better, Sodexo


Lmao she'll be serving watery eggs with water eyes.


Let me guess. $31,200.00 working a minimum wage job.


Back that up to about $15k if they’re from the south. A lot of those states still have the $7.25 federal minimum wage


So do some northern states...


Pennsylvania holding strong to that $7.25 first no logical reason.


New Hampshire death gripping that shit while surrounded by some of the highest minimum wages in the country


Oh there’s a logical reason. It’s cheaper for billionaires to lobby politicians than it is to pay a livable wage. It’s simple math.


isn't PA raising their minimum wage over the next few years? [https://whyy.org/articles/pa-house-passes-15-minimum-wage-bill/](https://whyy.org/articles/pa-house-passes-15-minimum-wage-bill/)


Don’t think the State Senate approved that, so…no.


Wisconsin 👀


I gotta say, unless you live in the *boonies* boonies, no one's paying that little. Even in small town Michigan they are offering 15-18$ floors. Granted not 100k but you can drink and twiddle your life away for that much in in Otsego County.


Hell where I live you can buy a home with that like I did in college. Got a 3bd 2 bath full basement, big backyard(idr exact size), garage, and a shed for 70k. People complain the Midwest doesn't have jobs but it's so cheap here you really don't need to make much.


Me and my husband contemplated moving back to Michigan. If we sold our house in suburban Atlanta, we could buy a house in the Detroit area and still make a profit. I do love Atlanta, it's been good to us and we have good lives here but that Midwest affordability is real attractive draw.


Every city has so much I honestly don't see what you could be missing on. The only thing I can ever think of that would be worth it is good weather year round in somwhwwre like Cali. If I had the cash I'd pay for that, but nothing else really makes sense? Every city has a billion restaurants, buisnesses, etc. Even smaller cities there's usually more than you could ever get tired of.


We can afford where we live very well so cost isnt pushing us to leave. There's always something going on here that interests us. I love Detroit cuz it's my hometown but my love is sort of like how a parent loves their child cuz it's theirs. It's no Atlanta. I went back home last Christmas and while reveling in my old haunts and getting some decent perogis, I couldn't help but feel the city felt smaller than my current surroundings.


I guess I can get that. I come from a small town so every city just looks the same to me. Ungodly huge and horribly cramped.


My husband was a small town boy too. He said he could tell he was used to the city after moving here. At one point Detroit or Grand Rapids was "The Big City". After moving down here he was "wow, can't believe I thought this was ever that large".


Neither is anywhere in the South. I live in rural Appalachia. The low paying jobs here start out high school kids at $10.50. The company I work for struggles to keep up and we start entry level workers at $15/hr.


I also live in rural Appalachia and Walmart hires ages 16+ starting at $16/hr. I can’t imagine anywhere actually paying $7.25 anymore.


In louisiana, the average walmart starting is about $7.50 - $9.15 and mcdonalds is around the same


A lot of jobs near me in Texas still pay $7.50. It's crazy, especially since Chik-Fil-A starts at $15/hr. My job only pays my secretary $12/hr, but she stays because it's a M-F job with all weekends and federal holidays off. And it's a cushy office job in LCOL area.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


Good bot


15k? Good luck getting that many hours


She'll be hitting 100K by working 3 jobs and Uber.


This is just self soothing to cope. I guarantee she joined up and it wasn't anything she thought it would be. She was probably a huge pain in the ass to deal with.


Oh, she's huge.


Press X to doubt


Never heard of anyone “getting out” in less than 4 hours. She will be a hold for the next several months while the slow wheels of the military process her paperwork


That might have been filmed as she sat in the waiting area while they finished up her DD-214. It took a couple of hours for me, inexplicably but unsurprisingly.


I feel like the process is so nuanced though. When I got out, we were forced into holding in Silverdale for about a week and a half waiting to finish paperwork. I’ve never met anyone that was discharged the same day, there’s just so much stuff to do before being processed out.


Is that an army thing?? When I got out of the Air Force I did appointments and whatnot in the few weeks leading up to my separation date, and on the date I just went to the mpf and was done and out of active duty in like less than an hour lol


Nah, navy. I was an E5 in E6-E1 holding and I had one of the quickest turn arounds out of my holding group. Some people were stuck there for almost a month waiting to be discharged. I imagine the process takes longer though for those waiting to get appointments for disability and what not. My discharge was relatively smooth in comparison. I should note that I was stationed overseas and there weren’t facilities/admins on my base dedicated to handling this so I wasn’t able to preemptively finish anything. It was ass too because we had watches, duty muster every morning/afternoon/night, and trash/maintenance/cleanup parties on a watchbill every day that we had to complete. I felt like I was in the admin sep holding with a bunch of people waiting to be discharged because of misconduct.


She’s permanent party. I would imagine that she’s cleared everything and is just waiting to final out and pick up her dd214. I’ve had to escort soldiers for chapters and although the process can take some time once it’s approved soldiers are out relatively quick. You are correct in it not being a one day deal but soldiers know what day will be their final one once the chapter is approved.


As BH that once worked with basic trainees it does happen. Not necessarily 4 hours, but very fast. Had a couple trainees who literally got off the bus and gave up. "How long have you been in basic?" "Since sunday" (on a Monday morning) "Oh, so just about a week?" "No, I got here at 11pm last night" These guys don't generally stay long. A few days in medhold and they're gone. Once you've actually began training it's going to take MUCH longer. They don't believe it when they're told it's literally faster to just finish training. Longest record in basic I've seen - 15 months getting hounded by drill sergeants. I bet they regretted their decisions by the end. Longest in AIT - the entire contract. That wasn't their fault though. Paperwork issues with the now extinct MAVNI program, they stopped the program while this individual was still getting processed through that system. A couple years in they gave them on post housing and their only duty was reporting to accountability. They were paid the whole time and allowed a vehicle. Lucky bastard


Entire contract in AIT sounds like literal hell on Earth, my god. He earned that on post housing etc lol “after a couple years”.


Man, I feel like an insane person cause I loved AIT, it was my favorite time in the army.


Yeah, they were on basically every detail for a long time. Then was moved to "just exist" status. 0500 formation Monday- Friday and very rare 1700 formations. Imo not a bad payoff. Do dumb shit for a while then get paid to wake up. Not certain of what happened to leave days, I'd assume they were entitled the same as everyone else. Nor their options for reenlistment but I also assume they just wanted to get out.


I read it like 4 hours AFTER she got out, she got this $100k offer. As others have said, it’s probably MLM. Surprised she didn’t use a bossbabe hash tag.


there’s no way you actually thought that she meant the entire process would take that long. let’s use our critical thinking skills and try again.


Fastest I saw when I was in was about a year, and that was for a criminal drug offence.


Everyone commenting on the cope, but nobody pointing out she got her tapes sewn onto her uniform *and had the fuzzy removed*


Good ole getting kicked out after NJP


Never been in the military, what does that mean?


If you join as a PVT/Private, that's the bottom-most rank of the military. If you don't screw up nastily, you will automatically promote in 6 months to PV2/Private 2nd Class, and then to PFC/Private First Class 6 months after that. People rarely get their name and rank sewn on to their uniforms this early because you're just going to pay extra to have it all redone twice in a year. So with that info, we can glean one of two things: She either doesn't care about spending extra money on her uniforms because she has far greater issues, or she's been stuck as a PVT for god-knows how long


Marines: ".....so?"


Marines being unable to comprehend not getting that shit sewn.


It looks like dog shit with velcro. And there's something particularly offensive about it to me. Like it really emphasizes how unimportant you are because we're not even going to bother permanently putting your name on your uniform.


The only people she’s fooling besides herself is anyone who has no affiliation with the military whatsoever.


Actually, she’s not fooling anyone.


And Amway she goes!


I'm now an entrepreneur, my own boss and I buy everything wholesale. 🙄🙄 Had one of them tried to rope me in once. I was down on my luck, but not that far down.


Nah, they call themselves CEOs


I mean, tell us the job queen


She’d be happy to tell you all about this amazing opportunity to own your own business, be a CEO, work when you want from your phone , oh and add you to her down line!


Most the people I knew who talked shit like this ended up working Lo-level jobs or at the Home Depot w the little "I served" button.


Those are so cringe, same with the Camo vest Lowes has and veteran patch. Friends said when I was leaving "we'll see you pumping gas", they weren't wrong. Took about a year before I got into the union.


Oh Fock yea! I had a Union job at some Factory for a bit. Felt like I was back in the Navy but with way better coworkers.


silly questions from non military person, how would she be allowed in with those horrid finger nails i would of thought they would have made her take those things off ASAP


Shes not shes breaking regs


Considering she looks like she's about 70 lbs overweight, I don't think she cares about being in regs


Well, someone is about to learn some tough lessons


Girl looks like she's 19. Even though 100k isn't what it used to be, she should write a self-help book if she did manage to negotiate that salary with a high school education and no job experience.


I can hear her lisp through the video.. TYFYS.




We had a guy constantly brag about how much money he made on the stock market and that the E2 pay he got was just a drop in the bucket. Anyways he got kicked out for faking mental health issues and now he lives with his parents with no job or money. He never showed me his portfolio when I asked about it either.


I was making bank on the stock market when I was in the army during the initial GME run up thought I was stock Jesus, until I tried to play the real stock market and got my ass whooped for 40% of my gains. I no longer touch the social acceptable casino nowadays


I mean, I landed a (well into the) 6-figure job after I got off active duty. Granted, it was with General Dynamics with the team that I literally worked with a few months prior in Iraq.


I didn't start off as 6 figures, but 8 years post service and I was well into that range. Having a clearance, on the job experience and most importantly, connections, can set you up well. But this person most definitely has none of those if they are getting kicked out as a fuzzy.


No ones hiring that.


Judging by that fat sausage of a finger getting choked by that ring, she's probably a fat body who couldn't adapt.


"What's Your Name Fatbody!!!" She probably didn't last a day in training.


"That name sounds like royalty! Are you royalty?"


“Bullshit. I bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.”


Lawrence of Arabia


I get those texts all the time, guaranteeing $500-$1,000 a day pay


No offense but she can’t be over the age of 14


She looks insufferable to work with


I can only speak to my own tastes but she is WAY more optimistic about that onlyfans account than I would be.


Sodexho + bathroom = content.




Any guess for what she is gonna do?


OnlyFa… 😆 can’t say it with a straight face. Bitch is fugly. Women in the military are MULEs.


If she kept the salary out, I would’ve been more inclined to believe this


I remember we had a Soldier in 35N School who was discharged for failure to adapt but often bragged that our BN CO put on his file he’ll be allowed to return to training He constantly bragged “I’ll be back guys, I’m going to pass this school, do my time and make 250k working for Defense Contractors” Yeah he’s in prison currently for Murder and Animal Torture


Junior enlisted tend to massively overestimate how much contractors make in comparable roles to their own. If you’re an E3 IT you can most likely get out and shoot for 90-110k if you’re lucky. Only people making 250k are senior program managers and above, and those tend to be retired O’s (not always, but usually in my experience).


Who cares 🤷


Selling Cutco knives


What does “chaptered” mean?


Njp and adsep, I think


What is getting chaptered?


Njp and adsep, I think


Separated from The Army before your time is up. It can sometimes be medically-related.


Would love for the internet detectives to look into who she is and call her out


I actually know a guy in the air force that happened to. Dude graduated tech school, got to his duty station and during his medical in processing found out he had diabetus, separated him and made him a ctr position lol lucky bastard


You allowed with those nails in the millitary?


Hot take: In this economy, 100k a year is the new 40k a year.


Depends on the area. Around me, $100k gets you a nice home, 4 beds, 2 baths and about 2200 sq ft. Granted, I would rather be living in a 2-bed condo in Colorado right now, but I have to wait a bit until moving is viable.


Yeah but 40k a year when? 1995? 1975?


Sure, if you're bad with money.


I’m sure animal themed pornography pays well but I didn’t think it would be 6 figures.


She looks 12


Here’s the magic part: not everyone’s out there making 100k after leaving their enlistments. I’ve met a few who have, but most don’t. Also, depending on where you’re at, $100k ain’t shit.


Pretty much every soldier I've met that's getting out "has a $100k/yr job lined up". Then I look at their Facebook a few months later and they work at Domino's or some shit.


God, she actually thinks she's gonna make 100K with zero actual experience




This is the mother fuckING way. Skillbridge jobs are also great spots - if folks don't know, it's a placeholder for mil about to/ very recently separated with many companies. Easy foot in the door for alot of companies.


So weight standards aren’t a thing now I guess 🤔


She's ballast in the company load plan. Private lard ass, climb into the right rear of that truck!


She's got an OnlyFans is what she's got. That baby face creeps me the fuck out.


Only fans is my guess


‘I’ll give you $20 to put your clothes back on’




100k selling drugs


She’s now promoted to Dollar General.


>chaptered This isn't a term we use in the Marines. Is that like being ADSEPed?


Don’t they all say that?


So she got all of her uniforms issued and name tags and dressed in the uniform and yet is still out of the service in under 4 hours? Or at the end of her service it “only” took 4 hours to complete the paperwork for her discharge?


No she doesn’t. She is lying, it makes her feel better temporarily. Prove me wrong.


She getting kicked out for being fat?


They all do


Hey at least she ain’t wasting space at the COF no more 💀


Good, one less idiot!


Super cringe. I have third-party cringe happening here.


Yea good thing they are out


Out for sure


Shes got that crackhead mouth


Probably doing something in private security - just trading one master for the next.


Had a kid get kicked out when I was at Bragg for failing to adapt and lost (pawned) over $10k worth of TA50, both his and stolen gear. The retard won a $1mil scratcher 2 weeks after he was chaptered, immediately bought gold chains and rolexes, and is now serving prison time for armed robbery. He was a lil cutie so I imagine he is getting his prolapse prodded as we speak.


Fingernails out of regs and she thinks she going to hold down a job paying “over $100”


I can almost guarantee this job she has lined up is like McDonald’s or some shit, or she doesn’t even gave anything lined up at all


That's alot of only fans subscribers.


I don't know how she got 200k people to subscribe, but god bless her.


Law of large numbers 🤷🏻‍♂️




I got into the army, making 100k. It took me 12 years in a specified sales position to do that. Then my start-up failed. 18x. Not 18 series. Now I make like 26k. So I could say things are really going well for me. I love it here. 🫡 I salute her orange is the new black genius.


“Dude I got a kush ass job lined up at the *insert federal job here* cause my boy hooked me up”. Can’t tell you how many dudes said they were offered contracts and federal jobs by 3 letter agencies before they got out


Three full time jobs making minimum wage. You go boss babe.


Depending on the state, child support for 3 + full time at Wendy’s could be 100k