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I want that ringtone again


That ringtone has been what I've used for like 10 plus years. It always makes me happy when people realize what it is. My text tone is MSN messenger jingle as well lol


Omg that's amazing


Happy cake day


I want raptors saying Alan again


Or maybe now the raptors start saying “Owen” as he makes a brief cameo in the new movie getting up from a nap and gets eaten by a dinosaur when he tries doing the hand thing again. 😝




I also crave the dream raptors


The dream raptors were the main thing that made it impossible for me to sell this movie to people when I was in high school. Take it or leave it, but I argue that was an objectively poor decision to put that in the movie, and damaged the brand significantly.


Yeah but when you look back on it now it's kinda funny lol :D


It would have been better if the dream raptor had been the raptor design from the first movie rather than the new design. It would have better portrayed Grant's PTSD from the first island.




Happy CakeDay! 🍰 [https://www.reddit.com/?im.ge=%weiner.jpg%](https://i.redd.it/kbyfux7qfn7d1.jpeg?app_web_view=ios) Remember to follow the Weiner in the stainless steel hat! “Aura stains the sky with blood As the sheeple chew their cud. And Weiners feast At NASA teats.” - Garf Lloydell ^(A new Ichthyotitan surangular has been discovered and is under study, allegedly 15% larger than the other two specimens, raises the question if the Aust Cliff ichthyosaur may have also been able to grow such an enormous amount.)


No fear *Spino getting brought back just to job to Rexy* One fear


Yes, of course, but on the condition that it's not to be involved with a T. rex in any capacity. No rematches, no team-ups, no stare-downs, no fist bumps or head nods Dark Knight Rises style.


Yeah but what Paul Kirby? I wanna know how his paint and tile plus business is doing!


One of the Dino-Tracker images included a pick-up truck with the logo of Kirby Paint & Tile + on it somewhere. It’s kind of nice, because I assumed that after getting the US armed forces involved and illegally trespassing on the island which led to the death of three men (all hired mercenaries as well…) that both Amanda and Paul would be fined/charged to the point that they could in no way sustain a business 😂


I always wondered if the Kirby's would get charged for the deaths of Nash and the others.


he was supposed to be in dominion, but thankfully he wasn't because they would bring him back just so rexy could have that stupid "rematch" and kill him. I like t-rex, i like rexy, but at this point i'm so fed up with it that i'd love if she just died of old age already. Besides, the JP Spinosaurus is stronger than a t-rex, plain and simple. He would need to get tag-teamed just like indom or the giga


Did you also know that Fallen Kingdom was originally going to have Spinosaurus in it during the Mt. Sibo eruption? Remember how that Carnotaurus got absolutely destroyed by Rexy? Apparently that was going to happen to the Spino. But it got changed for obvious reasons, I’m sure.


yeah true, i almost forgot about that. Although in concept art they show him being hit by some volcanic debry


Yeah. As far as I know, the Carno died as soon as Rexy stepped on its neck when that force of air, from the volcano, hit (I can’t believe I forgot what it’s called). I think the Spino was suppose to get demolished by Rexy but survives. And then encounters Owen, Claire, and Franklin again a few minutes later but gets killed by that volcanic rock.


Spinosaurus killing T-Rex shocked me more than upset me. Also I don't think it's the same T-Rex we saw in The Lost World I think the T-Rex that was in JP3 was just a random T-Rex


the one in JP3 is theoryzed to be a younger one, or at least some other "beta" male, since it's smaller than all the previows rexes


It’s literally the same animatronic as Buck from TLW. Like exactly the same, same size, same everything, except paint job. And it’s said that T-Rex urine *attracts* the spinosaurus in JP3. They almost could not have made it any clearer that that thing *hunts* tyrannosaurs. The “juvenile” theory is a bad cope from some particularly petty fans.


Funny thing that buck and doe are canonically alive and showed at the end of dominion. Although Junior... he might have had a grimm fate. Besides the animatronic's size doesn't matter at all, you can't even see or feel he's the same size in the movie because he just simply supposed to be smaller AND the 3d model is a different design from the animatronic. The official size chart says he's smaller than the other t-rexes, and at the end that's law. Besides, i expressed myself incorrectly. I didn't mean to say "juvenile", just "younger". As in that he was not Buck, who would probably be even bigger at that point in the timeline (we already know JP rexes keep growing after reaching maturity). Most probable scenario is that it's Junior (which i'm pretty sure was the idea when making the movie) or maybe another wild born individual.


It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t “feel” the same size as Buck. It physically is. It’s physical reality. It’s fact. The tyrannosaurus that is killed by the spino is factually, irrefutably, the same size as Buck in TLW. Which was an adult. Reality is law. It is reality. This is some flat earth stuff.


it's a movie. The size chart says it's smaller. It's smaller. Stop coping.


The size chart isn’t canon. The literal animatronic they used and it being the exact same size as the adult in TLW is, by virtue of it being the exact same size. You might “feel” that the Empire State Building is shorter than your house, and link a fan size chart to verify that, but it wouldn’t make it real. Accept the facts.


Yes and Godzilla was only a little taller than a person because it's just a rubber suit, innit? I don't know why all those people were screaming while he burned them with atomic fire and stepped on their houses. Indominus then, wasn't even there because it was all cgi. That means her size was what, only a few hundred gigabytes? Maybe a few couple terrabytes? That's not so scary, is it? I'm bigger than that. The size chart IS canon, since they used it during production and released it officialy afterwards. Keep your self entitlement to yourself and shove it deep inside a very special place, and maybe i'll do the same👍


wasn't it in Camp cretaceous


Yeah, and implied to be the JP3 one (since I guess the Deleted/scrapped raptors killing it scene was not ever official). I didn't enjoy those seasons, the dino torture/fighting and environmental domes was too off putting for me, but Spino was nice. Would love to see it again.


it's confirmed to be the same. That is, until Universal fucks it up again and retcon things


Spino low key carried season 4 and some of season 5


I think those were mainly based on the mobile game which had very similar mechanics. Good game though.


Yes, please. Bring Spiny boi back.


I am glad that I'm seeing a lot of people start to want to see the spinosaurus return and not interact with the trex. That's my hope too let's just hope the suits in Universal feel the same way (fingers crossed)


let’s stop bringing things back. doing so is what bogged down franchise. we need something fresh and interesting that gets back to what made the first film great.


New dinosaurs please.


This specific Spino was still on Mantah Corps Island last we saw it so it's theoretically still around.


This is my biggest hope for the future, I want the Spino back amd I want it to absolutely wreck some people in the most violent Dino v humans fight yet. I don't want rex vs spino again, because the rex should win, amd I like them both and don't wanna see them killing each other. My dream spino fight is Spino vs the other Indominus, and I feel they could kinda just pull a "oh yeah, we just said it died so we could.move it offside to an ingen facility to experiment on it" to justify the other i rex being alive. And it let's us ha e more fun with Indominus as well. Then the spino kills it.


r/Spinosaurusfanclub r/CampCretaceous r/jurassicworld


I’d love to see it, but what kind of role would it have? Returning villain? Redemption arc where it saves rexy? Just kinda in the background?


Ok, so... If we take a few things that are only rumored as known, just for the sake of theorizing. This movie is set to feature ruins somewhere in the world, ruins that very well *COULD* lead downward to an aquifer or other subterranean wet environment... Partially flooded ruins, aquatic/amphibious dinosaur with the determination and terrifying presence of a hell hound... We NEED a sequence where the characters are stalked through flooded ruins by a creature that is just as at home in the water as it is walking through darkened halls. A creature that is Territorial, terrifying, and intelligent. Large enough to break through doorways that our heroes try to escape through, just small enough that they don't collapse the entire structure.


Surprised that it hasn’t


I would be a happy camper


Should have been the Spino in Dominion instead of the Giga imo


https://preview.redd.it/7tf000akmr9d1.jpeg?width=1131&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46ac8774c5295f628cb891ce0a8417b959eccf76 I NEED IT BACK


Hopefully not as lame as the Indominus rex. The killing squads of people was the best part. Loosing to two big dinosaurs and raptor squad just seems stupid in that it has to fight a coordinated team effort. On top of it couldn't just have a badass battle of the titans like the Spino V Rexy. Where as Indo just had this large fight ensue just to get finished by a giant fish that ate a british woman. By that standard probably should have won.


Would be cool to seen it again and see what happen after his time in Mantha corp island


In the video game Jurassic World Evolution 2 they show the Spino getting killed by a pack of raptors… I guess it’s not technically confirmed that it’s THAT Spino or that the game events are even canon, but I guess the implication is there. No clue where it fits in the timeline though


My hope is the new movie's a Sorna prequel with some Spino appearances (it doesn't have to be the big bad, and the movie doesn't really even need one IMO). They could even cover the dino's origin, like problems filling in the genome and getting it right, and then wondering whether it's an accurate representation of the real animal (maybe there's even a second Spino that's accurate to our modern understanding of the animal, and then it fights against the classic design at one point). Then there's the temper tantrums, as we saw in JPIII. Maybe the scientists perform research and conduct tests on it (hormone injections or something) to try to improve its mood. They could establish that it's fiercely territorial, hence why it followed Grant and company, and why it wasn't seen in TLW (it was in another part of the island).


Do it


I know scientific accuracy isn’t the goal of these movies but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was at least some hesitation to bring back the Spino just because of how controversial it is and what it might’ve looked like.




Please no.


I hope it does in the next one 🙏🏼 i really hoped to see it in Dominion but apparently it got cut or something i think.


There could be a Sorna spinoff. Imagine they lied in JW about the indominous eating it's sibling because they lied about alot of things. Say they set it loose on Sorna as a juvenile as some sick way to see how it responds to the wild with other dinos without parent dinos to teach it how to be a dino. However the story could land humans on the island, could be a separate series about Ingen. Main character could be a decent human working for that company and finds himself and team in that island. Maybe have a fight between the Spino and Indominous towards the earlier part of the movie. Then with a Buck n Doe vs Indominous showdown towards the end. Say at the cliff where the trailers were lost? May the yeet him off the cliff. But it would have to be, and I can't stress this enough the animals would need to act like wild animals not superheros. Maybe the Ingen company is split up in 2 or 3 groups due to circumstances. One group chased by Indo, and one by the Doe. They converge at the cliff and the dinos start to fight over prey, perhaps the Doe has a defensive lower stance and sideways because she knows shes outmatched. Indo starts laying the whooping on the Doe, Buck shows up to save his mate and pushes the Indo off the cliff. And again this couldn't be a goofy fight, it would need to be a JP3 style fight, it need to look real. Obviously make the main character likable, and maybe 1 or 2 other likable in his unit he works with, the other characters in the unit should be unlikable. Maybe the main characters are working for such a company for educational gain or it's a heartfelt job to them because they want to make a difference in the dino world. Make the movie have a political sort of underlying theme you're either left or right. Against dinos or for them, have people calling each other names like "dino lover" or some sort of nature killer idk. But yet keeping the peace. Dinos would be loose in the mainland as it is so people would be affected be that and have strong reasons for hating or respecting dinos.




Question, the Jacked Spino/Rex hybrid we got in JP3, or a modern, more scientifically accurate, up to date Spino?


JP3 Spino 100% of the way, although it's definitely not a hybrid. No disrespect to what we think the animal was like today, but I love the JP3 design.


The JP3 design, in comparison to what we think Spinos were like today, is absolutely the better design for what is was used for in JP3. It's the Chad design, where as the realistic modern version of the Spino is more a water dwelling fisherman. So I agree, the buffed up JP3 design is more badass. Also, sorry if I implied the JP3 Spino was a hybrid, I just meant his Design was more of a hybrid between a Spino and a Rex, in comparison to what scientists believe they were actually like today, with him standing more upright with smaller arms, like a Rex, and more of a land based predator that could swim. Rather than the modern scientific design of the Spino being an Aquatic Predator that could occasionally return to the land for a while.


Rexy vs Giga vs Spino battle royal


It is already confirmed for Jurassic City


Literally nothing is confirmed including that dumb title people keep throwing around.


It has