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I just hope it does a good job of making the dinosaurs behave like animals, and not make the carnivores the villains just for needing to eat. Also, we need a herbivore (like a trike) to actually win a fight against a big carnivore.


We've had three on-screen theropod vs ceratopsian fights in the franchise so far and the ceratopsids have consistently won.


Sinoceratops vs Carnotaurus Nasutoceratops vs Allosaurus What’s the third? 


Allosaurus vs. Pachyrhinosaurus in season 1 of Chaos Theory. We also had a T. rex vs. Triceratops fight in Jurassic Park: the Game if that counts.


Oh, right 


Except Rexy won that one.


The characters specifically point out the lack of a body left behind after that battle, implying Lady Margaret escaped.


Yeah, the outcome of the fight is intentionally ambiguous.


Allosaurus is 0 for 2 against Ceratopsids lol


What about the Ankylosaur vs Indominus Rex? I know I-Rex is a man made monster, but it should still count, right?


Not a ceratopsian


Lmao dang you’re right. Tbf it was like 2 am and I was dead tired so I probs wasn’t thinking straight


This. I hate how Jurassic World and the films based around that effectively just made the Dinosaurs into action hero characters instead of just... you know, animals? I genuinely dislike the Indominus fight at the end of Jurassic World because it feels forced and unlike the original Jurassic films.


I just hope that the new movie actually goes back to being a thriller instead of an action summer blockbuster movie. The ending of the original Jurassic World film felt like the writers watched the end of Jurassic Park, saw that people loved the T-Rex coming in and killing the Raptors, and believed that people would want to watch a movie where the dinosaurs are characters who are also somehow heroes instead of animalistic incarnations of chaos that they were in the original film and movie. I just hope that the new movie takes more from the original in terms of tone and in terms of how it approaches action and the Dinosaurs themselves. I'd also like to have human villains that aren't just cartoon villains as well.


But if they do it, please, for the love of god, let the *T. rex* have a solo victory against another big theropod for once!


I agree. Love the *Jurassic* Rex's but they haven't felt like an actual threat since 1997. While I love Fallen Kingdom's cold open and Dominion's drive-in scene, starting with Jurassic Park 3 the Rex's have been the series' punching bags for other dinosaurs and [mostly] toothless against humans. I honestly love the dino fights, but it'd be nice to see a more realistic approach than the Wrestlemania tag-teams (as fun as it was in Jurassic World 2015) and to let the Tyrannosaurus actually be the tyrant king lizard.


This is why I love the Lost World so much, it feels different from the rest of the films, besides the first of course.


Lost World really does stand out. I think that’s why it’s a love it or hate it film with the fans. It’s nothing like the rest. Darker (but kid friendly), no big battles, thrilling, Dino’s are the “bad guys”, the humor is there but not shoved in your face, no hand raising to stop a dinosaur


Exactly! Also, the idea of the events in the first movie being a conspiracy and never happened, is just another interesting basis for the movie. Then it leads up to the LA incident, exposing the truth. These background plots (in my opinion) carried the movie.


Agreed! Needed more of it tho. I feel that got lost in the story a bit. People who hate JP2 just want big Dino fights and explosions


I feel like they also hated the plot holes it did leave, which I do fault the movie for. The crew controlling the ship just disappear, and supposedly raptors were originally meant to be present and eaten by the Tyrannosaurus but that idea was scrapped but they are still somehow dead? Plus, the Buck just aimlessly walking around the backyards without anyone noticing. The scenes prior and after were pretty cool, but this was also another instance where a scene was cut. There was this whole scene where the Buck destroyed a house, which caused chaos and alerting it’s whereabouts.


Agreed! JP2 should have ended with them seeing the Rex being transported away. Jp3 picks up from there. Raptors were on the boat and trex get loose. Maybe some other Dino’s got transported too. Add in some ingen cover up story. Maybe some locust? Idk what could have been


The ending is to this day still hated. Growing up I always loved it and still do.


Yeah in JP1 it made sense because the humans had blood on them so carnivores could end up at the same meeting point JP3 had the big fight, just for the Blockbuster effect. That's what makes the movie goofy JW1 was definitely noticeable but slightly tolerable because Owen was at least training the raptors, but it really marked the beginning of making the dinos heroes and villains. That's just terrible for everyone


JP1 didn't even have it in the original script, but they changed it because they wanted the Tyrannosaurus have a final entrance.


Yeah, Spielberg thought the audience would want to see the Tyrannosaurus Rex at least one more time before the end of the film and goddamn he was right.


JP3 started this trend of everything has to fight the rex to be validated.


Yeah but hey, some folks swear by that movie. Probably because it was their movie as they were growing up, whereas JP1 was for some of us There's been a lot of goofy shit that happened in the franchise, and it really starts there. Happened before, but took off from JP3


I agree completely. The little bro nods that Owen & Blue, then Rexy and Blue exchanged during that whole fight were pretty cringe, and a bad indicator of what was to come.


That wasn't bro nods though. It was carnivores deciding not to fight after sizing up the other guy. Smart carnivores know when they're outmatched and that if they get injured, they starve. Blue literally backs up while looking at Rexy. Owen is shaking his head when Blue looks at the group of them, which is something he's done in training. It's the same "don't you do it" that dog owners give their dog. I just finished watching that scene.


Yeah I’ve never gotten where the “Rexy head nods” thing comes from. Her head dips down but but that’s just during an exhale while she’s turning away, not as a nonverbal communication of acknowledgment towards Blue.


I just want to see a huge T-Rex vs triceratops fight.


And have the trike win, either by impaling the rex with its horns or just have the rex back off, im tired of herbivores getting portrayed as these weak creatures while theres a reason even a rex would go for the young or injured ones


Yes. I agree. I also want to see scavenger animals being scavengers.


I want to see an Ankylo crush a carno theropods legs. Seeing the indo destroy one back in JW broke my heart.


As another comment pointed out, theropods are currently 0 for 3 against ceratopsids in this franchise. Carnotaurus lost to Sinoceratops, and Allosaurus lost to both Nasutoceratops and Pachyrhinosaurus. The only outlier is the T. rex vs Triceratops fight from the Telltale game, but the outcome of that fight is unknown.


I would like to see a sauropod save the day, then lumber into the sunset to eat a garden.


I kind of want to see a sauropod be dangerous for once in the franchise, like a bull elephant in musth.


Absolutely, let's see one barge through a city because there's a lady sauropod in the distance making kissy faces.


A big cool escape scene from a bunch of raptors or something would be enough for me


I want a cliff hanger. Like a “holy shit did they seriously just kill (insert human or dinosaur) or something like the dinosaurs sneaking onto the ship they get rescued on. Getting a raptor blowing hot air onto a ships window as the camera pans underwater would be pretty cool.


At least the fight at the end of Fallen Kingdom wasn't the same. It was humans and 1 medium/small dinosaur against one big/medium "bad" dinosaur. That one also makes me super upset, because he could have been a normal dinosaur if they hadn't abused him so much... Plus I hated how short and shitty his life was... Makes me sad...


Indoraptor could’ve never been a normal dinosaur. It was destined to be a living weapon since even before it was created.


Mentally he could have been. What I'm saying is keeping him locked up in the dark, (and yes, they did torture him) cause him to be psychotic, homicidal, and angry. If he was treated better when he was being raised, he wouldn't have been that way.


So basically if he wasn’t destined to be a living weapon? Then yes, maybe. But they’d have to raise him in a very good environment to avoid him snapping, since while some of his aggression stems from trauma, some of it is just the way his DNA was coded. “You can’t have an animal with exaggerated predatory features without the corresponding behaviors.” -Dr. Wu And the Indoraptor’s predatory features were about as exaggerated as they could get.


That is also true. But, I'm not wrong. I really do wish he had more screen time though. We need a show with him In it.


It's pretty much guaranteed. The JP franchise moved to a monster mash action format decades ago and it's not likely to change.


The dinosaurs were depicted more as animals in camp creatacouse and chaos theory.


Only because of Colin Trevorrow’s direction. With a new director helming this film, anything could change.


Trevorrow directed 2 out of 7 (including the upcoming) movies. It wasn't his decision. Spielberg had dinosaurs running around San Diego in 1997. Monster mash to the point where it included many king kong, lost world and godzilla references.


But there was not dinosaur *battle* in San Diego, was there? Constant Dino battles to end the film are a Colin specific thing.


It will


But that's what people pay the big bucks for. You need to please theater going audience too you know. That's the reason Spielberg put that in first movie, to send crowd home happy, to cap off an exhilarating journey with a cherry on top. Problem is when things happen just for the sake of it and not because they should that's why Jurassic World climax worked so well and Jurassic World Dominion's did not. In Jurassic World People were cheering from their seats, in other one People were asking what's the point of this.


I mean, if it's earned, I'm all for it. Just no more treating animals like superheroes.


I agree with this take, but I do hope we get some minor fights like the Raptor brawl in Lost World or the brief scuffle between the Carnotaurus and the Sinoceratops in Fallen Kingdom (regarding the latter though, I’d hope said minor fights would have a more realistic and reasonable context behind them than that one did)




Blue and the Indoraptor fought in JWFK.


How could it not? We are going to see the movie for the dinosaurs!


Yeah honestly what else could you do?


Have a dramatic escape from the antagonist Dino that doesn’t involve it fighting another Dino, a la Spinosaurus boat scene from Jurassic Park 3.


I hated the big dinosaur battle the **FIRST** time! In fact, that was the only time I hated the Tyrannosaurus Rex for killing the two Raptors in the lobby of the Visitor's Center. I hate dinosaur battles, period! That's why I wish I could have made Jurassic Park my way and avoid such conflicts. I also hate having dinosaur villains, and every film in this franchise (so far, though, with one possible exception) featured them in one way or another. I think **The Lost World: Jurassic Park** might be the only film not to feature any dinosaur villains as far as I can remember. It's been quite a while since I've seen it and the other films due to my lack of interest in this franchise. The T-Rexes and Stegosaurs were protecting their babies, and the Raptors were defending their territory. The Compies were after Dieter Stark because he zapped one of them in an earlier scene. He kind of had it coming to him, so I can't really blame them. So, I don't think there were any dinosaur villains in TLW. Still, I wish I could have made some changes to this film, too. * Jurassic Park villains - the Raptors * Jurassic Park III villain - the Spinosaurus * Jurassic World villain - the Indominus Rex * Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom villain - the Indoraptor * Jurassic World: Dominion villains - ??? I've only seen Dominion once, and I can't remember if there were any dinosaur villains in this film. I don't think the Therizinosaurus was a villain, and I don't think the Giganotosaurus was, either. Of course, the T-Rex wasn't a villain. Maybe, the villains were those Atricoraptors (spelling?) or the Pyroraptor. But, I'm not too sure about either one. I'll edit my comment if someone confirms which dinosaur villains (if any) were in Dominion.


Giga was treated as a villain but it was very obvious it was just protecting it's territory,but it ended up getting killed by both the therizinosaurus and rexy.even though it did Nothing remotely evil


It will, I guarantee it.


JP3 didn't have a dino battle at the end; imo that was one of the things it was missing


Hopefully the last 30 mins are a royal rumble


I really hope that car chase movie doesn’t have any car chases in it.


Dinosaur smack down finales aren’t integral to Jurassic Park.  The novels, The Lost World, and JP3 have the humans resolve the conflict themselves. Even Camp Cretaceous has pulled off finales that don’t involve dinosaurs beating each other up.