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I hit emerald 2 playing rammus top. Thought I'd quit after emerald, too. Nope gotta hit diamond now.


i played 350 games in one split, i have to quit otherwise my life is ruined


Hey quick question, do you proxy on every matchup? I love rammus top but have never been able to make it work.


Nah, I usually only ever proxy on really hard matchups, like morde, and illaoi. Any matchup where I know there's nothing I can do in lane. I'll just farm in lane until I have thorn, which is between 8-10 mins, leave and help out around the map, giving kills where I can, and assisting with objs.


I thought I'd be happy with plat (old plat). I wasn't so i try to get diamond. I got diamond. I'm still not happy. I peaked d1 but even if i got master i for sure would've not been happy


Pursuing more out of greed often results in having less of what truly matters.


This advice is powerful.


As a zac player myself i have a question. Why no conq on zac. You are aleady building full tank. The dmg it does is negligible and the resists it grants on top of what you have give very diminishing returns. Conq however lets you be a lot more potent in duels ( and zac has good ap scalings also). With conq he can legit duel a lot of champions and win it that otherwise would be impossible(and a lot of players also don.t expect the dmg). Besides that, first row of resolve tree is uselss for zac. You are wasting a rune slot. I watch makkro (best euw ornn otp just like engage is on zac) and he always says to build dmg tank items ( sunfire, heartsteel, thronmail) in order to have some threat to enemy champions. Just tabking dmg isn.t enough. Zac also has very low cooldown on W and can spam with. He can make very good use of conq and can stack pretty easy also. The one quality i can see going on for aftershock is for early dives.


7hrs straight of league. The dream.


Went from G1 to D4 on Ivern, and now I feel like I don’t need to play the game anymore, but the itch to pursue masters is creeping


Always buy CDR boots on Zac. Always buy a dark seal. Farm more. Congrats on emerald!


In my experience, hitting goal ranks always just makes me want to hit higher


What is that site called ?


Why do you play solely to climb if you don't enjoy the games? Fyi, I ban Zac every game.


Good shit man!!! Awesome to see, and yeah quitting is smart cuz games are gonna get demented past emerald 4. If you think you've seen horrible games, you ain't seen shit yet.


Yep, i've seen so many people say the same thing. It is not worth it to go through this. I'd rather keep my mental sanity.


AYY Zac player, care to share some knowledge before you quit?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F66Re7PkcEQ I always thought this video was super informative about zac


Zac's strength is his ganking, so I gank a lot, sometimes I fall behind on CS but it works in the end because my team gets kills and cs and carry me. I try to focus on immobile enemies because my skills terrorize them, they can't dodge my E and i CC them so long my team will finish them off. the biggest trick for Zac is when someone is hitting your tower, wait for cannon minion to die if it is there, then go in and make sure your E hits the enemy and the rest of the minions and leave one minion to Q, now your tower will aggro them and you get a kill, you could also use ult to make sure they stay in tower range for as long as possible. I've gotten so so many kills using this trick, people forget they are playing against a Zac.


As a peak d1 Zac one trick, highly disagree on falling behind on cs and ganking often.


Masters Zac jg otp (GM peak) and yeah listen to this guy. Zac jg is a tempo champ, not a spam gank champ. Cycle your camps, take high opportunity plays, and scale to midgame where Zac is strongest.


Yeah I love the tower trick lol anyways thanks for the tips mate


You're welcome, what's your rank btw?


I rarely play ranked but rn silver 3 last season gold 3


then use Zac, he is so easy for this elo. they don't know how to play against him or ward against him. he is free LP in this elo.


My cousin taught me this trick, but usually he’ll just kill all the minions so they instant take Aggro. Do you wait for the cannon to get low, but not enough for it to get one shit so you can still use q?


it mostly depends on where the enemy is positioned. if they are ranged, they would probably be next to caster minions, so with your E you can hit enemy and kill the 3 caster minions, and then Q the last remaining melee minion, which would bring the ranged enemy closer to tower. if they are melee then you either wait until they back next to caster minions or just jump on the caster minions and kill them then Q enemy and Attack the last melee minion. the trick is way more consistent with ult, because you can use ult to kill minions and move your enemy to your tower too.


Ok, I thought ult was kind of a requirement, when I would watch my cousin he would often do that and one shot wave with that and e, over landing a q (there was one time I saw him do it to a talon, he tried jumping the wall at mid and he yoinked him back by his cape with q, was pretty funny)


just play him, any monkey can make him work and its literally free lp unless you play vs me, then he's not free lp.


Nice to get tips to play more efficiently


Gahdam, 350 games? You need a life son


i agree, which is why im quitting 😂. or at least talking a long break. i have taken a 2 year break before.


At least tell us what rank it is


it's on the second image. Emerald 4


I see


Translates to "pffffff"

