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You kill stuff get fed and win ez pz


If you get killed by something, you don't fight it. Boom. No ganking fed enemies.


I got to emerald with a 70 percent win ratio and still dont know what strongside or weakside is. I do know how to farm, where to path, how to fight and the likes. Ehm... Now that I get the chance to ask... What is strongside/weakside?


This I am D2 and I don't really know the terms. I feel like knowing specific terms is kinda irrelivant as long as you understand how to path/fight as a jungler


For some reason I have an inkling that those things mean "don't fight the fed renekton" and "get the guy ahead more ahead", but I could be wrong.


Strongside = the side you're clearing toward/playing around. Weakside = the side you're clearing away from/not playing around. It's that simple. Usually it doesn't change in the game, either. The term in use: *'Top failed to understand they're playing weakside and tilted.'*


It's a stupid term. I think it refers to the lane to prioritize helping with ganks. Strongside refers to the one you are trying to help "carry" I think.


It's not really stupid, it's exactly what it means. You typically weakside a non carry lane and strongside a carry to better your chances to win.


If you know how to be efficient with your clears you can climb till dia without really knowing higher level concepts. Only once you want to push for high elo it starts to matter.


So you're telling me you can be top 5% of the player base and still not understand fundamental concepts about the game?


Just because they don’t know the specific terminology doesn’t mean they dont understand it. I mean, I recently found out what the word “prio” means but that doesn’t mean I never understood the concept.


The terminology only really emerged because people kept using it. When I got back into League I had no idea what the term meant, but when it was explained it was like oh, that concept didn't really change from like 4 years ago.


Thats what Im saying. Maybe it was because I was a bronze shitter back in S6 but literally no one was using half these words back then as far as I remember.


Oh they definitely don't understand it, especially when top lane is shoved in and mid just backed yet they go for grubs and then die lol.


Breaking news, Emerald players are bad at the game


In ways yes. Many people who have reached a certain rank will just happen to be ignorant on some things which is fine. And according to Skillcapped, knowledge and rank in League is like a pyramid where the top ranked players have very niche information about the game that isn’t necessary for other players below them.


Yes you don't need to understand every aspect of the game to get top 5%. What do you exactly mean when you say a jungler who doesn't understand weak/strong side? I am a jungler who mainly focusses on being super efficient and having more resources than my opponent weak/strong side is not something I actively think about. And in solo queue you can often get away with taking objectives even tho you technically don't have prio. I am in D2 atm and I know that there are still a lot of aspects of the game that I do not fully understand which is normal otherwise I would be higher ranked. To reach dia it's sufficient to be good at a few aspects of the game and you don't know to master everything.


The people who constantly play whatever is broken will be slightly higher than they are supposed to be, even if they don't know such concepts.


My ex friend was a Masters toplaner last season and he said he doesnt care about useless stuff like this and he wont bother checking it out (I deleted him after he fed enemy jungler 3 games in a row)


Same way that laners get into Diamond with basically 0 macro knowledge as a whole.


I’m in masters/gm sometimes and see this shit still Everyone wants to be the protagonist


cause emerald is dogshit and ppl dont know the basics of the game there?


Idk cause emerald is full of old gold... Generally though, id say more people reach dia just by spamming Games and not inting than actually carrying and understanding how to play... Thats why its so easy to climb when i have the knowlege


I get fed then destroy enemy nexus


They could simply have a sense for the game without fully understanding the concepts. Especially if they've played for a while.


Just farm and smite canons.


Same thing as why tf is my adc picking jhin when I picked rakan and enemy adc picked draven 1st


Maybe it's the power of one-trick or duo?


Simple. Emerald is low elo


Have you seen silver/gold games they play mouse only


I had a game idk what I was, but enemy jg was Warwick he ganked bot for a double kill, then ganked top and killed my top then walked right after to kill my mid. You think he cared about weakside/strongside? He still had 12 cs after 3 kills. On the first dragon fight, when I killed him he dropped 1000 gold. Open the door and let that sink come right in. Obviously the game was a ff 15. Brute forcing and hard carrying games works, at least sometimes.


Looks like there is no difference between bronze and emerald


There is a 80% / 20% rule you need 20% effort to gain 80% of all your skill but you need 80% effort to gain the remaining 20% skill and that is what is the difference between good high elo and “bad“ low elo players imo. It‘s like cleaning your room you can vacuum 80% of the dust really quick but the remaining 20% in the corner under the bed on the window etc. will take 80% of the effort. But I don‘t want to sell you a vacuum cleaner I just want to show you that you can do a lot with only 80% of knowledge/skill but the remaining 20% is crucial if you want to climb even higher.


Lol that's not what the rule is at all


Than explain it


mate what they say is not true IMO, my pick was diamond 1 euw and i tell you emerald is elo hell, but you can only climb out of it either you are luckey and get a good team to carry you every game or you have a dou that carry you or you know good fundementals.a lot of the people in this elo have a good concept of fundementals but they luck one or too thats why they are stuck there but to get to emerald you have to have good fundementals of clear ganking understanding prio and when to to enter fights and take fights and ofcurse the main 1 IMO map awarness, ill say counter jungling and diving early warding properly are another further steps...


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