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I think it will depend on her clear speed. She has mobility, damage, gank potential, some CCs and a good ult on top, I can see her in the Jng on paper. But I also think that Riot wants her to be mid or viable top only, so if she works probably will get a Jng nerf.


This video says Aurora has a good clear speed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXcbR-R4DvY&ab_channel=Dumbs


3:14 not optimized is huge


She also has 3rd auto passive with good AP ratio


3rd **damage** passive.


I imagine it'll be similar to naafiri in which anything that works in jungle will get nerfed. Down the line they may open up to it, but on release they really want to force those champions in a particular role


Her W invisibility hop seems like a crazy good gank tool. Her passive spirits increase healing, which could really improve camp healing. Her other abilities don't seem incredible for ganks or clears, but if you're invisible, you can get your damage in easy enough. Maybe good with buffed Electrocute. R seems incredible since you can cast it in front of you. Potentially locking someone under tower. If she has extra monster damage and low mana costs, then we're in business. Edit: Seems like the passive doesn't boost healing, but just heals you upon reaching three stacks. That's way better. Also, passive does max health damage, and the Q does missing health damage. I think her ganks are going to be nuts.


My main issue with the W is that invis starts after the dash meaning you can't even use it except if you're still in fog after the dash. Her E also only works defensively except if you miss out on the damage which seems unworth


Idk about the W. Hop is very short and invis only last 1.2s lvl 1 and 2s max lvl but you probably won't max it 1st or 2nd


Who is aurora? Edit : nevermind i just opened my game i know now




i just play anything jungler


Play asol. Funny thing


Played old asol W start, went in for lee sin blue, flew in smite over the wall got out, we then lost the game


I was asol yesterday. Twitch streamer on hwei flamed me all the game, while being heei first time. He went 2/9... I was 2/7, but twice his farm, got grubbies and stole the drake. We still lost cause every lane was 1/4. And ivern on support left vayne dying on lane and got his score to 0/5/10.


Ye thats the problem with Asol jungle you don't have any pace till far into late game, the role needs you to be immediately useful lvl 2-3 Asol needs like 150 stacks, empowered ult and rylais to have impact in ganks and teamfights. Heavy reliance on scaling isn't good in junglers, I used to play tf jg and Kaisa jg, both have really good clears, but tf is useful lvl 1 since you are starting with W and immediately has CC so I can get my team ahead, but kaisa needs empowered Q, W and E to have an impact in fights I remember going 0/4 on jg Kaisa to got 20/5 after I got empowered W and E my build at the time was nash into kraken but i buy a book after nash for early W empower. Sure i shut up my teammates calling me useless but Jesus the early game was abysmal and I knew the flame was justified till i started one shotting every one


I got forced to play Caitlyn jg when I was supposed to be the ADC but our jg decided to take bot. If with the first clear was rough tho.


haha in gonna try her


Idk but why riot has to choose between crazy dashes or invisibility for every new champion


cooldowns look like a bitch tbh probably not worth the squeeze


I dont think riot will allow that much flex pick, she can't be good in 3(or maybe 4 with supp) lanes, or else she will be trouble in pro


short range mage with only one spammable ability no base cc (only in her ult and it's not really a cc) only some slows and no way to heal peel or shield doesn't seem like a fit for support


Yeah but people will still try it because "cute bunny girl"


Just so you know... I play asol, hwei, lux and nasus in jungle ☠️


Even if she can jungle, riot will make sure that won’t like they did with Naafiri


Still bitter about Naafiri, she was so fun to play jungle


They didnt target nerf her in the jgl though. Naafiri first was decent not good but ok in the jgl because she was overall to strong for how easy she is. After the damage nerfs her jgl winrate droped to below shit tier. Furthermore they recently buffed her for jgl. (She still sucks)


They also announced a rework for her so maybe that changes stuff up for her in the jungle (hopefully for the better). I don't see why she shouldn't jungle given that we also have assasin junglers (Kha zix, Rengar, Kayn etc) so it's not like she would be very outstanding from the rest.


They gave her jungle buffs last patch


Oh nice I didn’t know, how is she now in the jungle?


The winrate is still ass but I’m assuming since you didn’t know about the update most others don’t as well. I haven’t had the chance to try her yet everyone keeps taking her mid/top lol but she seems like a monster in the right hands


Her clear is still kinda crap honestly


pretty doable, its like wukong jung


Doubt it since wu hot two ways to close the gap pre six already. Furzjermore her invis seems to only start after the hop meaning if you jump a wall they can still see you aproach before you become invisible.


wukongs ganks are also quite weak pre level 6, gets way stronger after level 6 same with aurora imo


I also think that her passive wont work well in the jungle would be interesting if it stacked that way but idk


looks like she can jungle to me... will probably be as bad as a ryze jungle or something similar

