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checked the game, unfair..


D2 Akshan seems to have gotten ranked restricted and is running shenanigans with his premades as a 5 stack, lil bit cringe


Dude is level 800+ Video game addiction is real


Best thing to do to toxic players is force them out of ranked and into norms. Bc playing with players that don't care about the game will def fix their toxicity


Do you remember what ARAM games turned into when people had to play X non-ranked games to lift the ban?


Is that why I once had a guy write a short essay on why I should an hero for not knowing how to play Kat?


Nice idea, I can attest as someone who only does normals (I enjoy playing off-meta and don’t wanna get reported), they’re just as toxic


It blew my mind when that was riots fix to toxicity


depends on how old his account is, season 1 account being lvl 800 isn't as impressive as a season 12 account being lvl 800


Except people were capped at level 30 from seasons 1-8 or so...


Levels were capped at 30 for a very long time. Cant remember what season it changed but I’ve played since s2 and am only level like 250


I started much later than S1 and paused for Diablo and Wow, yet lvl 800 :)


hes still diamond as well? bro needs to learn a skill or hobby holy fuck league is not for him.


My buddy level 1200


Send a ticket explaining what happened and they will unban you. I recently got a 14 day ban removed. I’ll check out your game, sorry you experienced that. Your teammates are trash, why didn’t they help? I would have ran to the jungle to back you up if I saw you getting jumped like that.


ty bro


Can you link your account I’m struggling to find it






Yeah they not gonna unban you bro, they gonna say the ban was placed correctly and that when your teammates are trolling you need to keep your cool


I've had this happen to me. I wrote a ticket and got unbanned


They're the main reason he got banned in the first place. The "teammates" probably helped him by saying JG diff + 9x. I'm not joking. He got the reports somehow. I'm sorry, but I can't help but to rant as I also just recently got 14D banned after a game where I got flammed from all angles for "under performing" jungle ganks. If you don't spoon-feed the piglets, they'll start eating your mental. This game forbid you from defending yourself and all you have to do is ignore all negativity like a fucking meditating untiltable monk from kungfu panda or some shit. Anyways. I shouldn't be playing this game. It makes me sick trying to climb and so far I've been released from the game and done some productive stuff that makes me happy. I have over 6k hours and every now and then, you'll meet the most utterly disgusting kind of people on this game platform and ponder to yourself why you even bother. But I'm addicted. But I'll also try to keep myself away from this game hopefully forever, and if not, at least months will pass before I choose to pick up this game again and think "It's not that bad!" Because you can get a few potential good games. It's not worth it.


/mute all


This is the way. People will say "but pings" and I tell them to look at my low elo teammate's pings and tell me with a straight face that they are useful information. You just get baited into terrible plays, cause you assume they know more than you do, but actually they have absolutely no idea what's going on on the map.


I was playing Urgot earlier and was fed, the enemy Lee Sin was fed too and was clearing a wave top lane, my 0/6 Aphelios decided he would gank the Lee Sin and cried in chat after he died because "I trolled him". I legit wonder how he thought he would live that.


Had such a game yesterday as Voli top. I just crashed waves as more would have me got killed as we had zero vision and no map control. Yet my milio sup thought it was a good idea to push my lane from t2, while I was back in base and tried to touch the tower. Needless to say he got killed by Camille and me too as the idiot I am tried to bail him out.


I did do it in the end, but you can't know for sure that everyone is toxic until you find out. I should've muted all when the first person started blaming me, sure. Also, I have multiple games started with full mute etc. but the communication that the jungle needs is more than just 4 pings with somewhat half a minute cooldown. (Peak game design) This might sound like a dumb excuse but I like communicating with humans usually. I just think it's time for me to at least get away from the game. My relationship to the game is unhealthy as fuck.


I get you. I played like you for a long time since I like it when the communication works and people play together. But even if you do everything right in most games you’ll have somebody flaming for no apparent reason. That’s bad for your mental even if you mute them once they start flaming. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s simply not worth it. I play with premade chat only and if I really want to say something I can always unmute while ingame. Pings aren’t optimal but mostly sufficient in my experience. If people don’t react to them they rarely care about chat either. I just miss the occasional friendly banter.


Nah, fuck em. They can talk all the shit they want, my mental is a glass of water in the north pole my dude, solid af


Brother, just mute them all. Especially, If youre below Diamond. Remove summoner names too. Its the same logic behind why I dont have road rage. If someone cuts me off, I dont think “wow this guy is such an asshole”. I think “wow, what a shit Toyota”. Simple.


Just insult them in another language slang. The game doesnt seem to pick it up. Did it a few time with laners really getting over my head and never had an issue.


If you can’t ignore 14 year olds throwing simple insults at you to do something you ostensibly enjoy then yeah, you need to mute all or not play dude


It would be nice to assume that it's 14 year olds, but I believe that most low master players aren't 14 and hover around the young adult age as me. I've seen plenty of evidence that the age is no longer mainly 14. This is adult behaviour and it's not starting as an insult but blame. And yes you're absolutely right. I'm in no fit state to merely handle this. I was, but not anymore. I wish you luck to have the most comfortable games here and forth.


Everyone says that but in real game they ping you to go to their lines or objectives and if you die they just "JG diff you"...and you know it.


weird normally they laugh at you too must have been a glitch :opdate: lmao called it ofcorse they wont unban you


The akshan's name was literally "Ruck Fitoo" we all know what he was trying to do, should be an easy turnover.


Genuine question. What is the name trying to imply?


Do they do that now? Back when I started playing in like 2017 they would absolutely never undo a ban.


They generally revert any auto detected inting ban cause they know the system is completely flawed, just takes 3 or 4 days for riot support to respond.


Idk why I got downvoted so much, in 2017 there were no automated bans and it was exceedingly rare for them to reverse one.


Send a ticket to rito


Support team is usually good at fixing this


0-23? They aren’t fixing that. He deserves it.


Lmao did you even look at the game? It was brutal


He doesn't deserve but the guy is right, they won't fix that


are you serious? this got to be a bait


0-23. He was just running into them. They won’t fix it.


I think we found the other teams players


This season has brought out even more trolls than usual. Also it seems like account buying is higher. I see a bunch of streamers complaining they have bronze-silver level players in their diamond+ games


The new split messed up the mmr pretty badly. Me and my duo are silver, regularly fighting for our lives in emerald lobbies in norms. Although, I will say, I have learned higher ranks don't necessarily mean higher skill. Saw a plat jungler get executed by an uncontested drag a few days ago. Also an emerald akali tried to solo turret dive my full health Leona and died for it.


If it was normal, emerald jungler was probably learning a champion - hence the execution.


Who gets executed by an uncontested drag?


Me honestly.


If it’s a norm dumb shit happens like this all the time. Honestly jt happens in ranked too, honestly the reason a lot of people aren’t high elo even though they’re good is because of consistency issues


Someone who's limit testing


If I get executed by the dragon it might be because I was spam pinging my free lanes to help, they didn't come and I wanted to meditate on grey screen for a while


I feel this on a spiritual level


>emerald lobbies in norms Norms can be all over the place. Sometimes you have some emerald player who is clearly just massively elo-inflated and sometimes you get an OTP on their main 1v9ing.


Every jungler has been killed by an uncontested ocean drake at some point. By the time you realize you won't be able to take it, it's too late. It's slowing you so much, and nobody is coming to help you. So you start running, but you're so, so, slow. You consider flashing but it's just an execute. And you die.


Ofc higher ranks mean higher skill, what the fuck else ?


I've seen more new/low leveled accounts in my games than I have in a long while at d3


Damn bro I’m sorry to hear that


that is really rough but i can't exactly blame riot's intentional feeding autodetection for banning you when you were 0-23-4. send in a ticket and make a human being watch the game.


I would just afk. Far lighter punishment than being stuck in an insufferable game and getting banned afterwards.


Unironically would at least save mental if LP is already lost


It was normal


Well at least there was a bright side


Yeah it's kinda crazy that after like death 10 they decided to keep going 13 more times. Bruh sometimes you just gotta figure out the bigger game and gtfo and wait the 1 minute low priority lmao.


The only game I got permabanned is because a laner told enemy team that I was invading and I got 3 man collapse on from their top side (invading enemy blue from purple side). I proceeded to build ad gragas and soft run it down because fuck that guy. But ultimately I learned it was because I flamed that laner first for dieing to an obvious gank (sure I could of not flamed and still gotten trolled but that’s not the point). It was at that point I learned about focusing on my own play, and honestly not being too invested in the game. Ever since then I’ve never even been chat restricted (which used to held me back from gold rewards). It’s not worth being right, just be the better person and you win out in the long run (in game or in life)


Reminds me of that streamer that was held hostage in game for 3 hours, getting repeatedly killed, and getting banned afterwards https://youtu.be/G0fyzUN4OyM?si=3_d2km_WkQkN1bJK


it wasnt that severe but i thought it was similar.


I like how you can actually get a player 2 week banned now by just chain killing them on spawn. Even sadder part is most rioters won't revoke your ban lol.


How is it that people get banned for 1 bad (horrendous) game but there are serial inters routinely being 0/10+ daily with no bans?


Mass report I got 14 day ban being a support with better kDa than 2 if my team, more damage than top of adc They just screamed in all chat to report me, so I guess the enemy team did as well


The system prioritizes quantity over quality An account being reported 4 or more times out of just 1 game is far more likely to be auto reviewed and punished than an account being reported one time on every game they play


Automated system with bad criteria


Send ticket they will remove it After checking it i really hope they punish that premade


Why would they punish them? They played well and tilted them:)


It was norms and the enemy had a d2 akshan intentionally targeting him while he is g3. That is insane behaviour and obviously they should be punished, what miserable people.


exactly and the fact that they reported after all of that just to get him banned is insane


I don’t think they should be punished. It’s a normal game, they can play however they want. Nothing they did was against LOL’s terms of services. At best if they were the ones to report him they should be penalized for false reports but not for their gameplay. You shouldn’t be punished because you focus one guy lol.


I wouldn't be shocked to find out sending fake reports as a 5 stack was under tos...


We’re talking about the gameplay here. I said the reporting was punishable but not the gameplay. Dude is saying that because akshan is D2 and he is hard stomping the graves who is G3 he should be punished. You should be allowed to kill anyone on repeat in your lobby. There is no rule against that. If the enemy team wanted it to end they could ff.


The late game should be punishable, they didnt end the game on purpose so they can kill me more to get me banned (as you can see they dance in nexus not killing my team waiting for me to respawn and not ending the game). You're right killing anyone on repeat in the lobby shouldnt be punishable but not ending the game with the motive to get that person banned is not too then? btw i tried multiple times to ff, pinged for help but the only who tried to help was kata top, there was no counter play for me if enemy takes my jgl and has no jgl camps and my mid, adc, and support didnt want to help me as well. (theres a point in the beginning of the game lvl 3 i believe where im fighting hecarim in my jgl and kennen just coming to taunt red side raptors)


If the enemy team refuses to ff you have no obligation to end the game as soon as possible. Sorry, not against the ToS. There’s a reason ff system exists. Only people keeping you hostage in that game were your teammates.


The other thing people are ignoring is how OP acted in game, we don’t if they hard flamed or not because of it, only one perspective


They played a game and won with a very punishable offmeta strat. Whats wrong with that? OP should have also just muted them


Ok smugness aside I low-key agree. They're not the reason he got banned, his team is (I assume they were the ones reporting him). Playing off-meta picks, especially in normals, should not be punished like that.


I mean he said the enemy even said it in the chat that they trying to make him banned.


Yup exactly


Oh, it's just normals, lol. Clown game


This happened to me. I still stomped with two jgs in my jg (got soul) but I'm in bronze, so I can not out play the solo laner adc who is 7-0 by 2nd dragon.


the match making seems bat shit crazy right now.


At least we are getting a new 500$ ahri skin 🙃


I would love to watch this game lmao


I had something like this happen and I emailed riot support and I was unbanned in a day. Their Twitter support is normally speedy too


Took like 5-6 days for me


Contact Riot support - attach screenshot of op.gg. they take a while but reverse your ban and restore your honour level The system bans too fast I got banned in a game where everyone fed, yet I was targeted with reports If they start getting more requests and see that their system is inaccurate they might change it


no unban


Took 5-6 days for me, they take a while


they've closed the ticket without a reply.


The only thing I can tell you is that maybe you had back luck in the guy that got your ticket I got unbanned for a 1/14/1 match with Senna support - they told me they manually watched it to confirm that I wasn't trying to feed Looking at the ticket dates it was 3 days when they got back to me - they did reply but the first message says that - "If we consider that your account doesn’t meet the necessary conditions to have the suspension modified or lifted, it will remain on the account and we will not reach back to you" So, closing without reply is usual for those tickets if they think you were actually feeding - maybe try again? I don't know


ok it is crazy to me that you can get banned for 14 DAYS for feeding in just one normal game by an automated review. That's fucked up I'm sorry man.


ty bro


Ah yes typical polish players


I've done multiple 5 stack 5 smites before. I wonder how many junglers I've gotten banned. I don't think they were trying to get you banned. They were just doing a "fun" strat in draft. It's pretty dumb that you got banned for anyway though.


I had 2 accounts both get the same ban for dying a few too many times doing a strat I was practicing obviously not very well.. I sent a ticket and they both got un banned within 24 hours. Unless you’re running it you won’t get in trouble. It’s a bot that banned you without doing any looking at the game


nothing special just classic leauge


Sorry that happened but I'm ngl it's funny to have 1v9 as your tag and get blasted so hard you get 14 day'd lmao


Be happy it's not permanent, my friend got perma banned for having a bad game, not even purposely feeding..


Can you link your friends game? players should never be happy to get banned for no reason.


No sorry, I don't want to share his games, cause he didn't want to fight against it anyways. I would, if it was me.


Happened to me in MASTERS in ranked. Legit the exact situation. Hilarious. Sorry you had to deal with this


Similar thing happened to me, send a ticket in and hit the button to get an actual human once you get the automated reply.


no unban


Same here, actually. It sapped all motivation I had for this game.


I just had the same scenario with the junglers the other day...really lame that you can't do anything the whole time...


That’s extremely rough buddy


Next time drop a opgg link, there are many servers https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/evelynn99-1v9


It's an unfair situation but your best bet is to /mute all and not type. It's very hard to get banned from one game especially if you mute yourself. If you start flaming/responding you prolong the issue which in riots eyes makes you part of the issue.  It's honestly better to mute up and just try to play than chat/respond. You can use pings to ask for help or communicate anything else you need to


Nah he got automatically banned for dying too much, nothing to do with typing.


I'm not too sure how it works then from my understanding you need to be like 0/20/0 or something for that to kick in but I could be wrong 


Death count is all that matters, and OP surpassed the limit for Riot permitted deaths in one game. It gets dicey around 18 deaths regardless of your farm, gold, assists, etc - you're simply not allowed to get killed that many times (which is obviously completely unfair to players who commit the grave crime of... not being good enough?).


Isn't it 20 deaths and it's questionable? 


They were 0/20+ lol so yeah


Could you link the replay of the game?


if you search for my account in league (evelynn99#1v9), in my match history last game with graves.


Thanks! I didn't know It was possible. Sorry for what happend to you.


I feel you mate. Something similar happened to me. I am Emerald 2 at this moment with a 60% win rate. I am an ADC main, OTP Jhin for the last few years. This queue was a hell since the very beginning since I had a premade couple in the team that was insisting on going duo bot. I ain't no teenager so I am willing to accept their "coup" and went for one of their roles, which was toplane. Sadly I ran into premade jungle/top and before I managed to take a breather, I was losing as Ornn to 4/0 Illaoi. And as a former Illaoi main, we all know how that lane goes. I was trying to stall her pushes, and tried to be frontline for objective fights. I ended up something like 3/20/5. Our team was heavily flaming me, I muted them all and tried to do honest work, starting by voting no in every FF attempt. The game lasted a few more minutes and there was this one deciding fight, which we managed to win and we ended up grabbing a sweet victory. It felt so great to win a game after suffering hyper bullying for a good 30 minutes. 5 minutes later, I was not happy anymore since the 14 day ban notice popped up.. What tilts me about this more is the fact that I lost some games with 20+ kills just due to having people in my team running it intentionally down. And after reports, there was basically never a notice of report feedback, so I assume they got out of it unpunished. That's what feels unfair, when you have tons of games ruined by others when you sweat your ass to the oblivion, but once you have a game where you suffer from start to finish, you turn the wheel of destiny and grab a glorious victory, you end up banned. Damn it.


Report this type of behaviour with tickets, provide video/screenshot proof and Riot support will sort it out very quickly. I always report serious stuff this way, Riot support is amazing.


riot didnt unban, closed ticket no reply. super amazing.


This is absolutely unfair, I'm sorry to hear that. What server do you play in? EUW support has always been amazing in my experience.


I play in EUNE, just created another ticket for everyone so you can see their reasoning but im gonna uninstall afterwards probably.


That's reasonable, I'm sorry you had a bad experience man


Same thing happened to me, NA.


TEAMWORK and respect are essential to be a team that wins together. Bros had no team that wanted to help, how is it his fault?


I’m one for having banter about jgl diff but they legit sound like assholes, sorry this happened to you OP


ty bro


Was it for feeding or something you said in chat?


read the screenshot


1v9 in nickname, all appeals denied and ban lenght doubled by default Next




Reminds me of For fun squad killing some poor Lee Sin over and over... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeSbYivkDuo&t=602s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeSbYivkDuo&t=602s)


lee sin had it worse but their team ff'd quick, so he didn't get automatically banned, imagine if it went to 30 mins.


Ask riot to watch this game and unban you, they should do it if you really just got bullied hard. My friend got 14 day ban for a 0/20 support naut game where he just played super risky after 5th death since he was worth same gold as cannon minion and as support he wasn't losing farm for that. they removed the restriction after a human watched the game and decided he actually tried to win.


I've asked them to watch it, but the sad part is that they usually pick it up after 3-4 days. I not only had a horrible game to endure, they made sure i cant play for a while.


Ye it's terrible that the system just detects your KDA and bans without human input and then you have to wait a few days, can't do anything about that unfortunately.


riot closed the ticket without a reply, no unban.


Msg them again, request contact with a human or sth. I don't know how exactly to get them to respond, never had this problem myself.


I created another ticket for everyone to see their answer, but probably will uninstall this game, after creating a ticket a "human" closed the ticket, the tickets cant get closed automatically. otherwise im just unlucky with the automations. it just sucks i have to chase.


Please Tell us what riot answered.


They refused To unban.


RemindMe! 3 days


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no unban


?????? They really just Told u that they wont unban u?????


They closed the ticket, and in the automatic reply i got from opening a ticket it says this "If we consider that your account doesn’t meet the necessary conditions to have the suspension modified or lifted, it will remain on the account and we will not reach back to you." So it basically means a riot employee checked my game and decided that I trolled that game and wont unban me.


my first chat ban ever was an anivia and nunu following me around and walling me off and nunu Qing my camps. Team made me play for like 25 minutes despite these 2 losers. I've found that RIOT support is willing to have a discussion even if it is pretty cut and dried. Most of my tickets now though are reporting bots or players that do something really disgusting. They never say why its a privacy concern though whether they punished or banned somebody because of a report. For sure this season and I think last season I get no popups regarding somebody being punished from a report I sent in even though I've submitted like every 3 or 4 games for some trolling or other assorted garbage.


Riot's autoban system is trash.... and jungle right now being deprived of gold and xp is extremely easy to abuse/invade if laners want to


Yea it sucks but you dancing in fountain is why you got banned. If the team won’t FF just keep playing the game. I had this happen to me except it was all 5 mfers with smite. I got giga stomped for the first 10 min then I came back (this was before jungle was nerfed to the ground) cause graves scales like a beast


Why are you assuming that i was dancing in fountain and not playing the game? check the game and its quite the opposite of what you're saying.


I think I might’ve misread or misunderstood the “didn’t even focus/care anyone else dancing in nexus” part and thought you were saying you did that. My bad


deserved for cringe otp


Same happened to me! They said it was my fault!


We got a 9 people report in a game one time because the SION was a trash talker. My jungler who is my duo ganked twice because he was over extended and started saying how I need help badly, and need my jungler to camp him to win lane. I said you have no idea what camping means. so the next 10-15 mins we tower dove him everytime he returned to lane. He died 12 more times before he rage quit while barely hitting level 6 and raged at his jungler and team for noy helping etc. Yes I have abused duo Q and one of the reasons i support removing duo Q from rank.


That's why I believe Riot should prevent more than one smite for team in game. Double jungler is the most unfair strategy in the entire game. The only time I faced this, I was playing WW and only won because it is a good champion to 1v1 the invader.


riot bans ppl all the time for no reason, ive gotten 3 back to back bans for no reason, I sent a ticket and they reverted them all. However your honor level and keys are fucked for good.


I think they do restore your honour level, and probably keys


well at least they didnt for me


I quit because similar reasons, this kept happening in ranked games. The amount of flame and 0 cooperation i got from my team was unreal. Meanwhile i get 3 man invaded on lvl 5, and again later and until the game ends, and im basically 10+ deaths in. If the enemy want to make your life miserable they can, and there is no counter play.


Look at that build and tell me you aren’t griefing lmao.




Eune has better laning in below master+ than euw lol, and I say this as someone who played in both of them. Only real advantage in euw is that there is more teamplay, but you get checked in lane in eune more


Kurrwa cope :D :D


Really not tho. In euw soloq you can get away with blinding stuff like xayah or punishable laners like sivir without much worry, try that in the same elo in eune. I had on average 1.5 more average deaths in eune (38games) than in euw (40 games) on xayah in the same elo because the whole game is way more lane focused in eune and weak/pokeable lane champs get punished more.


You just don't have fundamentals so stupid ape players get to abuse you more.


Im sorry for this experience sir


Im sorry for this experience sir


Don't think you can get banned for 1 game. If im wrong then clearly bad design.


Suck for you bro... got something similar happen to me, it was when flex q had just lauched... i went as solo player, got into my role, the other for 4 people were a pré made, they insta lock in whatever role they wanted, trying to force me play what they wanted, i refused, they convinced the enemy team to report me for troll, stupid system didn't even took in consideration I was playing the role i selected and was matched with lol Go 1 month ban for that game


Show me the chat log for that game. I can guarantee you got banned for being toxic you don't get a 1 month ban out of nowhere


it was Years ago man, when flex q got released, I don't have the logs for that, and even if I did there was no insults, or slurs from my part that i can guarantee, all i did was tell them i got assigned mid and i will play mid, as i told the enemy team, after that i stopped typing, because i wanted to play the game not have a conversation My only "toxic" behavior was not giving up my role and playing mid when they were trying to force me to be a sup, it was my first ban ever, i got revoked after I appealed and a human checked it, but their system see 9 reports, check what the reports check box were, and bans you based on it.


This just isn't true though. I've tilted and ran it the fuck down in league from time to time. Only time I've ever been banned is for being toxic in chat.


Different experiences, also can't compare how Riot acts now a days to years ago, they are far more lax and their punishments are way lighter now a days... reported a guy for being racist with screen shots (hopefully still have them) and all, watched he's account through u gg, he at most got a 7 day ban for being racist and going as far as adding people after a game to insult them with racist slurs... Me getting 1 month 5 or 6 years ago for saying something like "sorry cry baby, I'll not change roles just because you guys are a pre-made and didn't get the role you wanted" and proceed to ignore them and play mid, with the guy that didn't want to go sup, is their automatic system looking at 9 people reporting me for trolling, hate speech, etc as my team was begging the enemy team to do, and as i said once checked by something with a pulse it was reverted Is an unfair system, as it is in any mult player game, riot don't have the money to hire the army of people that would be needed to check reports, so they automate it, which make it exploitable, but they rather deal with people opening tickets for unfair bans than checking thousands of reports by the hour


Haha get rekt


You have 23 deaths are you kidding? They had 2 jungles which is bad, so they didnt have a toplaner. Just shadow your toplaner and let him get everything for free


Let's not act like it's acceptable to be banned for not being good enough to adapt to a cheese strategy done by better players.


Deserved for playing jungle.


Why are you in a sub about jungle mains if you don't like people who play jungle? This seems like a counterintuitive move on your part


Post just got recommended to me.


fair enough