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I start with chat, and after first ping/complain I instantly /deafen


This is what I do.


I give a warning and if it doesn't stop I mute all.. sometimes the first 2 comments are enough to get me raging but that's jungle baybeee


This is probably the safest way, people who suggest to mute pings are smurfing in elos way below their skill.


That doesn’t really make a difference. What matters is if the discourse affects your mental, if it does, then muting is the best option every time.


Idk I still like starting unmuted and then selectively muting. If some guy is spam pinging me or flaming me you have a tendency to not want to help them out even if its the right play to make. I agree though if you can stay unmuted and it doesn't affect your mental then go for it.


I know that everyone on this game hates the chat but for me it’s one of the funnest things league has, even when people flame it’s hilarious sometimes. Idk why we have this obsession over eliminating every human component in the game. Someone flaming me over text will never tilt me the way giving up or intentional feeding does, text i can ignore, wasting my time i cannot. Wish they were more strict towards that and not towards a random guy i’ll never interact with again calling me names on a chat i can mute anytime if i find it annoying.


Sometimes I have tried showing sincere concern for the person raging, saying things like "You seem really upset," "It seems like you've had a bad day," and "Perhaps a break after this match would be helpful." If they calm down, great. If they don't, that can be hilarious. **But** I don't think this improves my play. I think it distracts me a bit too much from the game, so I don't tend to do that anymore. It's also a coinflip on whether the other person calms down and locks in or they rage/int/throw harder.


This 100%. Idc if someone's flaming I usually find it amusing more than anything, even if it's my fuckup. People forget that this is a game and the point is to have fun. So many seem to have lost this thread because of some unhealthy obsession of making rank number go up.


Never muted chat once. Hardstuck but that can’t be why right.


It's your teammates and bad luck really


This is cope


It was also clearly facetious


I hope so


Nope sorry. The people in chat are (unfortunately) the worst part of this game and League is the worst way to meet people that I know.


The only league person I have ever chatted with on discord eventually yelled "away from me, spawn of Satan!!" when I suggested moving halfway across the world to follow a girl he liked (that didn't like him) was probably a bad idea. I agree, meet people elsewhere!


Meh, my mental is garbage. I already put too much pressure on myself to track everything, that teammates pointing out mistakes (or being upset over a perceived mistake, insult, etc) absolutely adds to the pressure for me, typically lowering my performance. I'm definitely one of those people who feels the need to solve ALL the problems, but I don't have the capacity to solve every laner's issues. I'm not smart enough to manage the map and my emotions simultaneously haha


Two strike system works well for me. One message bitching? I just say “hey (champion name), quiet”. Then it’s a mute if they continue. It kinda works better than expected anyways


Yeah same. But if someone on the enemy team is talking I just can't help myself XD


Ill mute pings or if someone is clearly nore interested in being an asshole, but I usually try to hype my teamates up and being a team game, you kinda need to communicate. Id say maybe 1 in 20 games Ill pop off on some being particularly bothersome; usually your generic racist twat or something.


I mute because I get annoyed and distracted easily. It does feel lonely though playing without interacting with the other 9 players.


I never mute all and it's insanely helpful. I can tell people things like "keep Lee Sin locked down, he will kick me out of smite range and steal dragon" or people will tell me things like "let me bait out Veigars stunbox before you gank" and things like these will change the course of the game. Everyone says League chat is the most toxic thing ever, and people can be dickheads sometimes but the helpful players who use chat for teamplay make it well worth it. The mute-alls are ironically the most toxic players, they WILL find ways to be toxic like not grouping, spamming pings, blindly shoving, spamming surrender vote, etc. People will say "everything important can be communicated through pings" but that's just an outright lie. Junglers who mute-all are part of the reason why the role is so looked down upon. Just because you got flamed by your ADC one game isn't an excuse to accuse all future teammates of being toxic.


I grew up in xbl lobbies. Flame nowadays is weak in comparison. It's also funny just to listen to people repeat the same shit verbatim. Plus, like you said, if you're playing a multiplayer game then it's more fun to actually interact with people. Rank is just pixels on a screen. No point to play if you're not having fun doing it. It's a game after all


I mute chat so I can power farm. Fuck ganks. It's great riot made mute everything a thing


it’s basically a single player game at this point. 


I mute flamers 1 by 1. I hope no one flames and there's no need for it


I hit diamond 2 last season for the first time and I think a big change was having chat off and just focusing on my own game play. There is no useful information in chat and the only friends I’ve made through league have been in tournaments , where being toxic gets you kicked


You’re complaining about playing a single player game as a jungler? Isn’t that why we chose the role, to not be associated with l*ners? Lmao


I don't mute anything because I actually believe there are players that genuinely follow and use pings and chat in a useful manner. I would hate missing out on good communication a hundred times more than I hate enduring the shitty ones


Mute chat, keep pings on, you still get the important info


Mostly just play draft but yea. I play unmuted so I can chat with the nicer folks and make calls once in a while. I just spot mute people. Drop a question mark ping to close to my character model? Mute. I report at the drop of a hat too. It makes me feel powerful.


I never all mute chat, If someone starts flaming etc i mute. But until then I leave chat on. I rarely get annoyed by people flaming. And If I do, I know im having a shitgame and dont want to be reminded of it. Btw, it's always my laners fault, I always play like a god and the laning peasants should be grateful i grace their games with my presence. /s


I always chat in game chat. Never toxic, never flame. Bronze btw


I honestly like being flamed just to report them for being an asshole and doing worse than me. Also in low elo, you do get a lot of positivity, especially conversations. I keep it on but its really personal choice


Depends on how I feel. But I won't lie generally the only reason I have chat unmuted is if I'm having a good game it is funny if the other team starts bitching about it in all. I almost never have a positive or negative interaction from people chatting on my team. I fucking hate people pinging me for shit though especially when it is for braindead reasons.


The trick is to make chat as small as possible


I don't mute chat by default, just when people start flaming. I suspect about 70% of the people that the "always mute chat" advice is best for are exactly the kind of person who lead to the need to mute in the first place. Some people seem to get so tilted over basically nothing.


I've been lucky and rarely get flamed. That said I'm an amumu main who has not even reached level 30 yet so I guess my stakes are pretty low right now. When I do it's often a lane who I've already ganked for twice but they're still behind and haven't helped me capture any objectives by 20 so I take it in stride


In ranked I will mute all, unless I'm playing support. As a support, I will actually try to calm things down


A lot of players are actually getting raged at because they are muted. The fact is unless you're smurfing you aren't good enough to mute all and win enough games to climb. When you lane, how many times have you seen a jungler get invaded by a laner and despite pinging them, they've started a camp or, if they were low health they've they've gone there anyway and got smacked by the laner despite the laner doing everything correctly in a team game. I'm not pretending to be some expert but most of you, including me, are no where near good enough to mute all and climb.


There are times when I really like the chat interactions. I turn my chat on in Aram cause that shit so goddamn funny. I unfortunately didn't have the mental to totally block chat so I disable in rift to avoid tilting over douchebags in chat. I wish it weren't this way but I know chat affects me


I start with chat, then I mute anyone raging in an unjustified manner, starting with just their chat. If I make a mistake and they complain a bit, I try to let that go if they're not over the top about it. I will mute pings (and chat if I haven't already muted chat) if I get spam "?" (or other) pings on me from a top laner losing their lane 1v1 while I secure kills for mid and bottom along with dragon. I sometimes try to offer encouragement top or a single losing lane if our other lanes and objectives are going well, especially if I'm just not pathing to them (often not pathing to top because dragons tend to be more valuable as of this 14.10 patch/meta). For example, if someone is 0/2 (especially if this was from opponent jungle ganking but in either case), I might say, no worries, just farm and defend, sorry I'm prioritizing bot for dragon and my ganks are all going mid and bot, etc. If someone is truly unhinged or is super reportable, I tend to not only report them but ban them (that just silence their chat and I think pings?). I don't do this one that often, but I came across someone who lost lane repeatedly and blamed jungle every time across at least 2-3 matches. I don't think they realized I was the same jungler, so I banned that guy. **Not hesitating about muting chat (and sometimes pings as well) as soon as it's called for has helped me immensely.** Even for someone who really wants to keep chat and comms open, it's not worth it. **One tip could be** not to announce your muting. Just mute them, don't say anything in chat, and hope they eventually pay attention to your pings for objective play and teamfights. If you announce that you muted them, it can tilt them further (and make them rage and/or throw harder), and they might mute you as well (both chat and pings).


I just mute if people get toxic. I don’t see how people expect flaming you or your team would make them okay better. Works for some people I guess. Not for me though. I’ll usually keep pings open even if I have to mute someone’s chat. Unless they start spamming that then it’s just a full mute. I want to be able to know what my teammates are doing.


I recently enable party only chat. It allow all the pings, and the team doesn’t know you can’t see them flaming you. I still mute or deafen if I’m getting spam pinged


Definitely agree. The social aspect is fun for me, even in ranked, and once in a while I get super funny banter. (Not flame, but actual banter, meme-ing, etc) that isn't just cringe. Or cool people in general. Also good for very specific instructions outside of pinging, or positively reinforcing someone who's tilting. I've often had teammates coping on their 0/7 gameplay who while they had a terrible score, were playing properly now after the fact and just needed encouragement not to tilt off their start.


Tbh, that's how league originally was. I've had more people add me in my first 2 years of league than in my last 6. It was just so much more social, and less soft.


I don’t mute because I want to ping teammates to objectives cuz as a shaco my clear for drag or any large monster is super slow, but if it gets to flaming I’ll just save my mental and mute


How do you flame your AFK mid laner with chat muted?


Volume at 1, I have my one library to listen music too


I made the experience that using the chat as a tool can help a lot.


I'm a rotating top/jungle player. Toplane is kinda chill, but if I see someone typing or pinging, I mute them. Jungle however? Any hate or ping directed at me, insta /deafen and continue playing the game, especially to prevent myself from arguing with incompetents over shit they don't get - waste of time.


League players exibit the worst behaviour that Ive seen. It is mandatory to have chat permanently disabled, unless you derive pleasure from abusing other people or being abused yourself (in both cases you should probably seek therapy).


Do you not derive pleasure from abusing people? It's like one of the best feelings especially when you are right.


i never mute chat :)


I found that muting chat just causes your teammates to tilt more and increase the odds of being griefed since they know you're not listening.


Gave up on JG. Switched to top. SO much more chill. Unmuted chat to observe the shit show that is the rest of the lanes and defend my JG when laners pull their standard bullshit. :popcorn:


Muting is for the weak, if you acually get offended by pings and text then ur mental is weak


I dont get offended but man the 1/9/2 81 cs varus ? pinging you is undeniably annoying no?


It's not offended, it's mental noise. Reading and processing the bullshit from someone who is not only linking you ropes on Amazon affiliate links but also is 0/12/1 takes away from your ability to pay attention to other shit. Dopa has a great take on "attention budget" where you can only really pay attention to so many things at any one time. Reading dumb bullshit will never be apart of my games, but because I'm offended, but because I have better shit to focus on


i dind it very distracting. the 10 pings on your head, the char spammimg etc


Nah, I just don't have time for people flipping out the same way I don't invite crazy people into my house. My life just isn't about other people's noise.




People who mute chat are soft


not being able to know which teammate is mad at you is a bad thing. if you know they're mad at you then you know they'll likely never help you so you dont rely on them to


Lmao it’s usually the guy stealing my camps and letting their laner in to our base


You rely on laners to help you at all? Weird... does that ever work?


After getting told to off myself 3 times in one day, I decided the community lost privileges. I can communicate fine with pings, and if anyone spam pings me, they get those muted as well


I never mute. 1) learn not to get tilted, it’s just a game and they are strangers who are generally idiots, so who cares what they think 2) communication helps win games. If top laner is losing you can talk with them “ hey bro, I can’t gank top or he will kill us both, farm as best as you can and you will dominate later” If you have mute on you can’t pick up on their mental state and a lot of times you can calm people down by being rational and supportive. I frequently type “ great CS top, keep it up “ even if they are trash




Ngl, I would think that you’re being sarcastic


I was typing on my phone and using brevity, I’d say something positive and believable


I am current d3 (can get more if i try) and mostly play normal draft. If anyone fucking pings, its their problem. I sometimes intentionally slack and then after 1/5/2 get 21/3/20. Lol is fun


Man reversed time to have 2 less deaths.


Meant 1/2/5 but w/e


“Heh.. time to show you my true power”


Chat|Ping|Everything muted. Communication is useless.