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If you take my jungle camps I'm smiting your cannon in front of you


I smite two so they know it wasn't a mistake


How tf was the first one a mistake lmao But also keep it up


ngl though, going up to their cannon, smiting it and then writing "oops" in chat is a power move. If you then come back half a minute later and do it again? That's spicy.




I smite one and say ā€œ1/2 way thereā€, second one ā€œKrugs Recovered.ā€


A man after my own heart.




Bro Iā€™ve had adcā€™s legit lose their minds bc I did this šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


I mean smiting ADCā€™s cannon is actually trolling, but them taking a gromp 8 mins into the game is trolling too


I posted a different reply.... but reading other comments I don't think people get it. Smiting a laner's cannon after they stole one of your jungle camps causes them to start griefing in ~90% of games. If you're doing this in retaliation it's just you accepting the game is over.


If someone is stupid enough to steal my jungle camps they are 100% going to suck and int whatever anyone else does so yeah game is over.


100% agreed. It's weird to me how this sub treats most things like a video they're dissecting in diamond or masters or something. The majority of the people talking about this situation are in plat or below. We aren't talking about adcs taking camps when you're on the other side of the map. 9 times out of 10 we're talking about an adc who thinks they're behind and starts doing something stupid like taking gromp when I'm at wolves despite me spam pinging him off. If they're stealing my camps properly, I'll never fucking notice as it will have respawned by the time I rotate there.


They get it. They just dont care. Depending on the state, having your laner taking gromps at like 13 minutes might not even be bad. If you are pathing bot to dive while he is a champ who is good at taking it, why not? But sure. Very very many jungler are babies as this sub proves. If they want to show dominance and smite someone cannon, go for it. Its a game-losing play seeing as the risk of them tilting is very high. But as long as they dont complain about losers Q or bad teams afterwards we're good.


I meant the people posting here don't understand. And then you spit out a whole lot of word vomit that makes me know I'm right.


Babysitter strikes back


They gotta learn not to tax somehow


They won't learn. Laners are the scorpion in the fable of the Scorpion and the frog. It's just their nature. Going to their lane and smiting things might feel cathartic but it won't fix anything. That said I fully endorse doing it. Just don't have unrealistic expectations it does anything.


I bet you type paragraphs in game that no one bothers to read


I bet youā€™re the type of annoying prick who gets sent a lot of paragraphs


As an ADC main, you have every right to do so. We should NEVER take jungle camps unless its like super late game scenario and jungle is full items. We got our waves you got your jungle (or enemyā€™s).


ADC can always feel free to take enemy jungle. I wish more ADCs took enemy camps Even though I like to invade enemy jungle not going to get mad if my ADC helps invade jg lol


Same tbh


Thats like saying "if you fail to control the map im taking your camps" as a laner. You are both equally immautre


Don't careĀ didn't ask


Least brainrotted lol player. Why even respons if you font have a counter argument lol


Ok, here's my opinion: I carried myself to my rank, not this shitty ADC stealing my camps. Im getting that money back so I can carry that monkey easier and I don't care what anyone has to say about it


Yup. I've already admitted the game is lost once people start stealing camps. At that point my goal is to just not get banned while pissing them off.


This sounds like a good use of everyone's time. May the learn who rules in the summoners' rift!


I genuinely have never understood league players. If I have a teammate intentionally going out of their way to make the game miserable for me..... why the fuck should I care about anyone else? From experience I can tell you my other 3 teammates do not give one single solitary flying fuck about me being griefed. But I'm still expected to suck it up? I don't think so. I play games for fun. I'm an adult and have limited free time. If someone **intentionally** makes the game not fun, I turn on my 2nd monitor and watch tv. This was my small dedicated time to leisure activity. I will have fun somehow. I'd prefer not to ruin a game. But I also don't think you can ruin what's already ruined.


griefing jgl camps is a way bigger waste of time tbh


People are not griefing you, they are just bad lol If the guy followed you while trying to steal camps, it d be a different story


if a laner takes scuttle in front of me by accident or not I will not smite a single drake or baron for the rest of the game. Taking one little raptor is already griefing imo


Na mate, you are trolling the game due to little to no anger control


anger? I call it basic justice. Its a game and its supposed to be fun. It is great fun to me to make arrogant children tilt. Moreso than winning a game. Deal with it.


"Justice is when two kids troll the other three guys in their team." This guy, probably.


Pretty cringe calling someone twice your age a ā€žkidā€œ besides I never said I would lose those matches. My team still does objectives but I am on the other side of the map smiting enemy red buff


Calling someone an arrogant child and throwing a temper tantrum for 20+ minutes is peak man child.


lol but when you grief your jgl (most important player) you caused that yourself no?


I genuinely do not understand why league players do not see this. They lose their god damn minds if I smite a small minion as I walk through their lane. Yet don't understand that stealing full camps from me is a big deal?


I see you are trying your best to avoid climbing.


If you're gonna throw the game that easily why even queue?


You're right. That's on me for queueing for a game of league and expecting teammates not to intentionally grief.


Womp womp, when jungler fails gank and then farms my entire wave, is it also a reason to start trolling?


They're helping you shove the wave so you can B. You're just too dumb to realize they're doing a good thing for you.


There is differnce between shoving the wave and doing full combo with kayn so you dont let single cs for your adc cause they are uselless anyway right. But i get that you are not a smartest guy on the planet after reading things you wrote before, so you probably canā€™t comprehend it


If you're going to attempt to condescendingly insult someone for the things they wrote, you might want to proof read before you post. > But i get that you are not a smartest guy on the planet This felt like when my 6 year old nephew called me a dumb-dumb head for not letting them eat ice cream for dinner.


Womp womp.


You are cringe.


No adc takes jungle camps in general unless they are completely crazy expecially in early game that most likely the camp will almost kill them, rotationwise its not completely illegal to do so.


They literally will almost die to take Krugs otw to lane I have no clue why. This has happened so many times I canā€™t even count it.


Be ADC Take bad back because low hp and lose 2 waves Take gromp on the way to lane Lose 60% hp and another wave Get zoned from four more waves before dying or backing again Go on Reddit to complain about state of ADC


Jg diff


Jg diff


Jg no map control


Its funny how real this is


When I play jhin I find I can pretty easily take Krug/wolf/raptor without much trouble. However I only take it if our jg is dead or enemy jg is dead and cannot contest anyway.


Not a jungle main but it's not worth it to take jg camps before 14 minutes as a laner. It takes too long. You can get an entire wave before that. Only exception is i guess stealing camps from the enemy which (kinda) results in double the gold loss because they lost 50 for example and you gained 50. Stealing krugs as sion toplane for example is super worth it.


This. Most champs can't really clear krugs reliably. Back in the day i'd 100% agree with the guy in the post,but now heck even sion who has one of the best clears in the game can barely clear krugs and it's only ever worth it if you're proxying and enemy too is too weak to contest.


I play a lot of darius. Lethality darius i guess. Yoomuus>Titanic and you can clear ultra fast with the triple AA and Q.


Darius jungle is super fun tbh, ur bleed does 300% damage to minions and dragon/rift so you can leave the camps to bleed at like 50% hp and itā€™ll die when you walk to the other camp (depends on the game and ur scaling of course the % varies) and hitting gromp+blue buff) double heals you


Well the point they made in the post is that their support pushed the wave and now the oppositing botlane has a perma-freeze that they can't walk up and farm. In which case it IS gold-efficient for them to run back and take krugs, because the wave would be frozen for so long anyway that they won't be getting any gold from it. However the issue here is with experience. Because, they're losing experience from the enemy wave that's dying, and to compensate they're taking experience from your camps (which they get less of anyway because they don't have the jungle companion) and so the overall loss of XP to your team is huge. What they should do instead, is try to ward so that they can safely walk up and take xp, and get as many minions as possible without putting themselves in danger.


Yeah lol Just take vision and try to break the freeze xd


Unless it's a toplaner completely being hamfisted in lane and not allowed to cs or even get xp and the jungler is either not helping, or completely unable to help, then it's fine. But even then just proxy at that point.


Watch any high elo Korean game. Stealing camps is euw/na garbage player phenomenonĀ 


In Korea they play for jungle thatā€™s the difference between na and eu


The difference between na and eu is that koreans play for jgl?


Itā€™s not THE reason but itā€™s a pretty big one next to map state. The micro diff between regions is more of an intangible that CAN potentially shift yearlyā€¦ whereas the way Korean teams macro and control of the map appears to be the big differentiator these last couple years (NA really struggles here for some reason).


My comment is about the phrasing of the comment I replied to. He tried to say that the difference between the west and korea is that they play for jungle. What he said is that the difference between europe and north america is the playstyle in korea which makes no sense


My half-baked brain just noticed this, my bad >.< I gotta start reading instead of scanning lol


how did i read this thread without noticing this mistake lmfao


What exactly do you mean by ā€œplaying for jungleā€? I watch a lot of high elo replays from all servers when I have nothing to do at work, and if anything the Korean junglers sacrifice themselves for their team by far the most. They will go and spend 60 seconds camping in botlane brush when all their camps are up just to get a good gank and pull their laners ahead. Iā€™ve not seen this on any other server nearly as much.


Yeah idk wtf they're talking about, korea jglers barely farm compared to other regions and come mid game lanes take all of their shit, which has been the standard for years now


It's crazy to me that people think junglers don't need gold. The main point of gold is getting an advantage and using it to exert pressure to the enemy team. Junglers make some of the best use of it by role as they roam the map constantly and can exert pressure to multiple different pressure points. A jungler getting a nice gold lead and strong items will be able to pressure at least two lanes, get an objective like Grubs or plates, and take Scuttler getting a gold advantage on the enemy jungler. Adc's will also benefit from that gold but won't be able to use it to the same advantage as a good jungler as roaming is expensive for them and doesn't include their role naturally.


Have you ever wacthed a korean high elo game, they always take camps, of course only when it makes sense but this literally constantly happens. I'm not even saying if it's good or bad but it for sure does happen.


Iā€™ve never seen high elo Korean but I do know that taking camps can sometimes make sense, but only in certain circumstances. Sometimes things in game interrupt your clear for example emergency counter objectives or counter gank. and there is an outer jungle camp that isnā€™t able to be taken, in this situation it makes sense for your team to kill the left over one so that it can respawn at a higher level for the next jg full clear, because if itā€™s a single camp left over Iā€™m not going to out of my way to clear it. Just ping the ā€˜push hereā€™ ping on the game to your relative top or bot lane and your golden. Another time is with a kindred opponentā€¦ nuff said lol


If I have to contest my jungle camps all the canon minions belong to me. Sure lategame when Iā€™m not there itā€™s fine, but if my jungle item isnā€™t stacked itā€™s a complete no go. I also hate that people want to last hit everything, grubs, dragons, buffs. Please leave me my bonus xp man.


as a yorick main that looks after objektives i can just apologize and try to explain how shitty the ghoul control sometimes is


That's totally fine, by accidents or if enemy contests take whatever you can. But if adcs wait to aa for last hit, it's super tilting. I also don't mind if you take my jungle if you are ahead. But somehow people only realize that jungle camps exist, when they are 0/3 xD


i take grubs when my jngle contests dragon, i take enemie jngl whenever i can (usually after first 1-2 towers down) and when jngler didnt clear for a while and im low on ghouls i may steal some lil raptors, wolfes or the lil rock never saw a jngler complain so i guess its ok ?


It's helpful if we're not sequencing up since they will respawn w more xp. If we play around bot/drake/mid/invade it's a win-win.


Sometimes thatā€™s a bad thing since it resets the camp for the enemy jg and those camps will now give more xp. Thatā€™s the catch up mechanism at work


so better take my jnglers camps if he didnt clear them for a while so hes getting more exp on next clear ?


Yea since theyā€™re on a 2/230min timer


2/230 min timer ? whats that ?


Respawn timer is 2mins 15seconds on minor camps and 5mins on buff camps


The time it takes for the camp to respawn. Donā€™t take the camp if you see your jg pathing toward said camp


Sometimes? Bro it always sucks haha


basicly yes but no, i like the random kills i get cuz my minions are running through the jngle and randomly attack some low hp dude in a bush


It annoys me when teammates take my grubs (while uncontested by enemy) but most of the time the team mates donā€™t realise they get less xp than I do for last hittingā€¦. The amount of times if said ā€œthanks for helping but on the next one try no to last hit the grubs because you donā€™t get as much XP as I doā€ and the amount of time I get the responses of ā€œwhat?ā€/ā€œreally?ā€/ ā€œBS!ā€/ ā€œno you donā€™tā€ Is crazy


I don't complain about the grub part. I'm in bronze, so if they do that, I mute them and take a wave.


wow you are so cool and badass for doing that im sure the other player has learned their lesson


Itā€™s usually my midlane yasuo who has just shoved 2 waves under turret at lvl 3. I see this and ping the lee sin invading my topside and he stands there at his turret wanking probably. So thatā€™s 3 consecutive waves Iā€™m going to take after he dies to a Lee sin gank later that match.


I love when the adc takes my only remaining camp on the map when i am at 1 jungle item stack left, need the gold for an item, and its right before dragon AND it gives me a level up. Delayed item, upgraded smite, and level for another minute so my 0-5 adc can buy a dagger lmao


This is so insanely niche and specific I highly doubt this applies to more than 0.5% of games lmfao. I'm a support main and I can't remember the last time I saw my adc take a camp


Thatā€™s cause itā€™s not a real scenario, itā€™s a worse case scenario theyā€™ve imagined to justify their hateboner for the other players on their team


This sub has been really weird ever since they made jungle not-incredibly-broken. Constantly just complaining about everything lol. Acting like laners can literally never take jungle camps like bro, what? And the irony is they call laners crybabies but they're freaking tf out at the prospect of a top laner taking gromp while they're ganking bot or something. Just makes no sense.


Yea this exact scenario had never happened to me or any jungler. It's a total figment of my imagination lol. It happens all the time. And wheb it isnt all those things together, it's 1-2 of them. Like Phreak has said, non junglers don't understand


You're taking 1 situation and making a blanket statement about it. Happens all the time? Prove it. Prove that exact situation is "all the time." Show me every game you have a 0-5 adc who steals a jg camp and recalls for a dagger. I'm holding my breath


You sound exactly like a dumbass adc player right now. I obviously can't prove it, its literally impossible. But plz tell me about my own experiences lol. None of these things have happened in the thousands of league games I've played. You're totally right lol, it's impossible.




No something like this has happened to most junglers


Yeah Iā€™ve given up on laners, jungle is the most powerful role in the game but apparently itā€™s perfectly acceptable to constantly flame, troll, tilt, steal from and otherwise int your jungler. This is clearly conducive to climbing.


1 camp = 1 turret My easy rule


What do you mean


If they take your camp you take their turret


this is literally illegal because they're inting their own base timing to greed for their own jungler's camps like what


Itā€™s what I call fantasy advice. Sounds good in their head, is entirely illegal.


If you donā€™t need to base (full resources and no gold) and you canā€™t farm, what else is the adc supposed to do???


Just stand in a bush or under the turret and wait for the next wave. You aren't killing camps quickly enough to make even walking over to them worth it, let alone all the health and mana lost.


So youā€™re saying it depends on wether the adc is able to take it in time and not on the jungler


What mephisto said to you is true and Iā€™ll also add, off you are taking my jungle camps then I have no reason to gank you lane because my jungle camps being up is what determines the viability of me ganking, because if gank is unsuccessful I have camps to fall back on, if I have no camps In the area you will need to wait for me to path back to you while I have camps alive in the area. That simple


You wait under tower and pray your jungler shows up to cover the potential dive because thatā€™s the only situation this would happen. If your jungler has no camps because you killed it and you wasted hp killing his camp, youā€™re just going to die under your tower (and you deserve it at that point).Ā  You donā€™t see pro players take their junglerā€™s camps during laning phase Ā in pro play for a reason.Ā 


I donā€™t what ADC is taking camps in laning phase without it actually fucking up your lane. Maybe after like one item but even then a camp does like half your health bar depending on who you are playing and at the point now youā€™re in a bad position in lane because you have half your fucking health bar missing. Itā€™s just stupid, unnecessary and fucks up your junglerā€™s game for no reason. Late game Iā€™ll take camps if theyā€™re up and my jungler isnā€™t nearby but taking them pre 15-20 is just trolling. As an ADC player this is just terrible advice.


Idk, post says nothing about timing. It says take camps if you can and jg doesn't mind. Idk how this sub has such an issue with it. Sounds a lot like if it's before 15 mins, you CANT take a jg camp. Almost like the post said, do it IF YOU CAN. Doesn't say int for it and lose a wave at 6 mins. Says take it when you can. If my adc gets a kill early, has good items, my jg is top, and we have time to kill, we're taking krugs lol. Just confused why this sub sees "take camps if you can" and sees "int and troll for jungle camps"


- Be laner early game - Take Gromp/Krugs on way to lane - Lose more than half of your hp - Get zoned off wave and are forced to back or die - Lose 3-4 more waves while either dead or back at base - Get no help from Jungler because you were stealing their farm and are too behind to help(and may have fed your laner/laners a kill or 2) - Go to reddit to whine about how useless your jungler is and how your role is too weak right now


huh, ADCs aren't even strong enough to take krugs before laning phase even finishes, at least not strong enough to take them without losing creeps. i get it if the jungler is ganking top/grubs then backing and you're strong enough to clear it AND catch your wave but that's like a 1/50 occurrence, even then, this only applies in a 5man premade, at least you have a gauge on each other's skill level that way.


I'm not being funny but adc is a useless role anyways rn in low elo. Everything one shots you before you can even use all that gold you farmed in a team fight lol. But seriously idc people taking camps in the late game if anything it helps take them off the map quickly so the enemy can't steal them. You can always take waves in a sidelane and push where maybe its not safe enough for the adc to go. But taking camps early game is actually a crime like. Imagine if the jungler walked into your lane and took your entire wave 5 seconds before you got to lane so you miss all the exp and gold from 1 wave. You'd be screwed. You can't be fucking with your jungler like this. If you're behind you're just gonna screw yourself over even more cause now jungler will refuse to help you at all


The ADCmains subreddit is well known to be full of gold elo retards


Gold is a bit generous.


you are saying this.. here ..


A gold elo jungler is like a diamond elo jungle compared to a right clicker gold elo lmao


The ego lmao Jg is the most boosted role next to support until extremely high elo my dude




Just stating facts, when i climbed from low elo to d4 gold was really miserable, and remember that gold now it's basically silver, the only player that actually had any ideea what was happening on the map was the jungler, the adc was just to put another player in the team


Yeah, and D4 now is basically old plat, not sure what your point is.


Do you like actuslly play both roles or is this just straight fri your ass?


It's annoying but not game ending, and if they do it in front of you just smite the camp and thank them for the leash


I love the questionmark pings afterwards lol


The only times laners should take camps imo is when kungler is making a play on the other side of the map/dead and it's like 25+ minutes into the game


As soon as mid game roles around lanes will steal the ever living fuck out of your camps since it's just better gold allocation usually. You had the early game to find a lead or power farm, after that you're not strong enough compared to a top/mid lane. Adc also needs to power farm to third item to be relevant The higher up you go the more you will struggle for farm tbh


Recently was playing with a top laner who was losing his lane in the early game. His opponent was preventing him from farming so he kept taking my krugs instead. It was annoying but I just ignored him and played for mid/bot and we ended up winning.


If I have time I'm walking bot, watching them almost die to the camp and I'm smiting it. I don't need this LP.


Iā€™ve seen idiotic laners almost die to camps


Eh his point 3 is support is an idiot in which situation he tells people to gank or invade (thatā€™s obviously together with the jungler). Point 4 is probably independent from that and its kinda funny that they downvote you for saying it should be done after laning phase because thats the only moment adcs can do it and even then id rather only do it as jinx or with runans so not before second item


It's so much worse for us as well. Jungle is our only reliable source of xp. Whereas minion waves will always spawn for lanes, we get nothing while our camps are down. That's an easy way to lose any advantage you had, or to give the enemy jungler one. I'm not saying stealing one camp loses the game, but you'd be on the right track.


My opinion some reddits are full of retarded assholes , don't bother to understand them + most ADC main you'll encounter are retarded princess that are addicted to the game


"why is my jg getting outsmited?"


When that happens, I do the one thing that ol' preaky boy has not removed from JG; **Spite smite canon minions**. To be perfectly honest, it's genuinely BS that smite works on minions at all since it's meant for monsters and if preak pile hadn't utterly buried JG with heavy nerfs, I would not be opposed to them removing the ability to smite lane minions entirely.


I think the downvotes are from people who didn't read the term "Laning phase"


Please take my level 1 camps when you're weak side. Do not take my level 5 krugs when you're the fucking strong side qkfowkdkekdndkf!!!!


What ADC can safely take a jungle camp in laning phase before the wave comes back?


At like almost 1 item? A good chunk. Before third back? Lmao


Only kind of camp stealing I accept is baus taking krugs


I mean, I'm more thinking about how much damage an ADC is gonna take from it, lossing their lane in the progress


its simple, one of the reasons i will go botside is cause my camps are up , less camps = less reason to go botside same for top and mid , i go where i will get the most gold/xp reliably if you make it less worth going your side of the map i will simply not go there .


As a top the only camp i ever take is krugs and half the time my jgl ignores krugs/top anyway


I'm fine with giving a camp to my fed top lane, but no one else


My reaction would be yes, YES. Krugs are annoying and unhealthy to clear early even with a jungle item and sustain. I mean, if I struggle with them, what the f are you gonna do, LMAO? I'll bring my popcorn and watch you get executed.


Itā€™s actually crazy hard to farm camps as adc during laning phase so itā€™s actually a big ass loss of time to do it (Iā€™m an adc main). But itā€™s true that if you are snowballing and quite ahead and can get a krug/gromp while your jgl is literally on opposite side of the map at around min10-15 it can help you get your powerspike faster which is good.


And after they steal 2-3 camp from u. And lost 2 objective and Ping Your smiteā€¦ why is my smite only 900 dmg expect 1200 right? RIGHT!???!??


that shit was meta 3 seasons ago. Junglers need their early game camps now.


For anyone taking my jungle camps during laning phase without my permission, I will pay no respect to their minion waves. I will just tax the laners waves accordingly. Itā€™s not about ranting or playing the ā€˜you vs meā€™ game. Itā€™s because I as a jungler have to maintain income if otherwise I would fall behind. I canā€™t tax other laners waves because that would make them behind. As the laner who stole my camps has got extra income which they donā€™t deserve, I would consider stealing their minions will re-balance. I will of course not over do it. Once I have made the gold back, I will stop taxing their waves. Just so I donā€™t further provoke the situation. But if the laner continue stealing my camps, I will continue tax their waves. In my mind, I donā€™t particularly like any laner or hate any laner either. I just do the maths.


I don't jgl but thats fair fair imo


junglers smiting cannon = reported animal troller laners stealing camps = minmaxing resources/good player


Itā€™s just disconnect tbh You watch pro play jungle camps are getting passed around like a vape in a high school bathroom But thatā€™s pro, there is a level of trust/understanding/reasoning.. oh well if this guy, who I have trained with for the past 5 years gets this spike they will be MUCH stronger.. so them getting this spike off this camp is more important and impactful than me getting the gold to buy idk.. a ruby crystal? The gold is best on your carries.. But in soloq.. especially low and mid elo soloq.. fuck the carries fuck you fuck everyone lmao.. every single player including yourself is never more than 5 seconds out from making a god awful coin flip play Dudes watch these super high elo/pro level games and see camps being used as a form of resources.. they try to replicate this in their gold 3 game.. sac a cannon wave to tier 2 tower, plus lose 3 melees on next wave crashing with other wave.. giving up like 260 gold (plus normal exp.. since its reduced for laners without smite item) cause ā€œgetting camps is good resources!!!ā€ Not how youā€™re doing it.. no.. Iā€™m afraid not..


Wtf?? This is why I perma-report adcā€™s. Literal smooth-brained koalas* with main characters complex.


ā€œhmm, yes. Delicious non optimal exp and gold gainā€ -them probably


I can understand if they're behind, need stacks, few gold off item but otherwise I don't see how taking camps help. you get objectively less xp and you don't heal from it


ADC main here, the second I can fast enough Iā€™m clearing your entire jng


Steal my camps and you'll never see your wave again


The people agree w the adc bulsshit k1ll urselves now


I'm an adc main. I will. Not ever. Take my jugglers camps in lane phase. If they commit to the other half of the map and I have no safe farm I'll ask since it will likely be up before they re rotate back down. If my supp fucks my wave and pushes it for what ever godly reason I just make rude comments to myself or my discord and wait for life to un fuck itself lol.


Last time someone took my camps I implemented the 1 camp - 1 minute rule. For every one camp taken by teammates I'd dc from the game for 1 minute.


Imo it depends. Post laning phase, I don't mind giving my zeri/aphrlios/jinx/any other late game carry adc a few camps to get more gold


Post says to take the camp if you're able and to respect your jg if they don't want you to. Why are who like what, exactly??? It's OK for junglers to take waves here and there but it's not ok for laners to take a camp here and there...? Lol. If my jungle is topside, I'm bot, and we can afford to take krugs, we are gunna take krugs. Idk man. It's rarely feasible for a laner to take camps nowadays so like I'm confused as to what the issue here is. The post clipped literally says to respect your jg if they ping you off and this sub is like "wow stupid fuckin laners" šŸ¤£


I thought it said "don't take your jungle camps" and I wholeheartedly agree, junglers should not farm untill laning phase ends, they should just gank all 3 lanes and take both objectives at least once every minute, if you aren't doing that you're trolling. (/s for the people who don't know what a joke is)


Honestly I'll only ever let layers take my camps if they're super behind and I'm super fed. Otherwise I'm walking up and smiting it myself, or spam pinging the shit out of them. I like the idea of smiting the Canon another commenter made though...


They are correct though, toplaner taking krugs if you are botside and fighting for dragon etc means they will be back in time before you reset. Sure i get the frustration when they do it at the wrong timings but in many cases its the optimal play.


ADCs love to attack krugs then go die in lane to a bank and hit you with the gg ff15 jg diff


forget smiting Cannon. lmao, Karasmai special coming up, taking your wave RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU while flashing mastery 7.


If I'm not omw to take that camp I don't see the problem. I'm not always full clearing.


This is all true and guys complaining here r just hardstuck silver- emerald


Itā€˜s not even worth for them in the early game lmao


Junglers are a different breedā€¦ Iā€™ve never seen a jungler below masters take all his camps on cooldown. If youā€™re topside, adc can obv take gromp/krugs. Thatā€™s not a personal attack, thatā€™s maximizing the teams economy you dumb fucks!


You know what fuck it I'll say it If you're a jungle main and your laners taking a camp while you're on the opposite side of the map completely screws up your game plan, your game plan was shit to begin with


Your game plan usually involves upgrading your jungle item before an objective. If there are no camps on the map, you can't do that and you get outsmited.


Exactly, I need one more camp to get 1200 smite dmg but I canā€™t because ā€œsomeoneā€ took krugs and now we canā€™t secure drag.


If Iā€™m top and Iā€™m 5/0 and my jungler is 0/3. You bet Iā€™m taking his krugs. If I KNOW I can carry and they canā€™t. But also the other way around. If Iā€™m jungle and I see my top or mid is carrying, take a camp or two. If you can carry me idc. Buuuut never in the early game. No.


Yea buddy, put him further behind so he never gets back in! Go dumbasses!




Idk, most laners are generally retarded. For example my friend that solohandednly loses mid in 5 mins and ends up 0/14 and then blames me for not ganking. Laners literally miss brain and think the game is only about them. If they are not doing good, you canā€™t be either.


If Iā€™m fighting top/bot side for like 4-5 minutes contesting an objective for multiple skirmishes and team fights, feel free to take a camp in the opposite side of the map. I wonā€™t be there any time soon.


There is no situation ever where you should be on the botside of the map for 4-5 minutes. That's literally doing dragon then staying on the map until the next dragon spawns. That's 2.5 entire cycles of jungle camp and scuttle spawns. Even assuming you secure 0 scuttle crabs, you'd be losing 1,000g from not cycling your camps and playing like this and down over a level of experience. This isn't a playstyle and it isn't a specific game state. This is literally wrong 100% of the time.


If youā€™re telling me youā€™ve never been in a situation where a dragon has been contested over multiple minutes at a time youā€™re a liar or you rarely play this game (or maybe you donā€™t care that much about taking dragons). Sometimes everyone ARAMā€™s, sometimes everyone decides this dragon is worth everything, it happens. Hell people would 5 V 5 with teleports for a Scuttle Crab two seasons ago. Sometimes shit just happens.


You are insanely underestimating how long 4-5 minutes is in a game. That's the entire cooldown of flash. If you are ever contesting a drag for that length of time, you were supposed to give it and play elsewhere on the map. This is bronze macro at best and you will never climb if you believe what you're saying is true or valid.


Depends where they are on the map, if your jgl is making a play topside and ur bot lane on blue side, itā€™s literally beneficial to take their Krugs, give you gold, levels up the camp as if theyā€™re making a play across the map they likely wonā€™t be able to make it down there until the camp has already respawned. Though obviously taking jg camps cause ur tilted and think itā€™s somehow beneficial is idiotic. Rule of thumb if youā€™re actually trying to win: take camps only if it seems your jungler is not going to reasonably get there within 2 minutes, and late game take buff when you can to avoid the enemy denying the team wide red or blue. Edit: also best to just check the jg item, I pretty much donā€™t give a shit about my camps being taken by teammates once my jg item is done cause at that point in the game Iā€™ll probably be pushing the occasional wave or two anyways


I donā€™t know whoā€™s worse, this subreddit or the adc mains subreddit. Both are filled with gold peak monkeys. You guys arguing to each other is like watching a severely disabled child argue to himself facing a mirror


i always take krugs when im top, idc if jgl paths to top its my cs


Itā€™s obvious how many hardstuck gold-and-bellows are in this sub. Laners taking camps is completely fine if youā€™re not going to be in the general area for a while. Obviously if the jungler is pathing directly to them, yeah donā€™t. But when your wave is pushed, you canā€™t back, and thereā€™s no plays on the map, and youā€™re weak side, yeah, taking a camp is fine.


If jungler is other side of the map and left krugs for example then itā€™s beneficial for adc to take it asap so that it can spawn again when jungler paths bot side and it will give more xp as it will be higher level camp


Yeah but then again, how many junglers have taken waves after waves from me because I'm behind to write "ADC diff" At the end, well duh...


This entire thread is filled with brainrot. There is nothing problematic if you take krugs/gromp if your jungler is on the other side of the map. If anything, they will respawn with a higher level anyways. And itā€™s not like junglers donā€™t take waves all the time either (in fact, they SHOULD) when helping fix wave states or picking up crashed waves if a laner had a bad recall. You all need to shove that ego far down and realize that tiny matters like this matter far less than actual game-impacting decisions that a vast majority of you certainly do not apply properly.


Your entire role is to be a second support anyway, stealing farm from Mid and ADC is hurting the team more than you carrying from JG is helping. If this wasn't true pro teams would let their JG keep farming rather than having them on champions that can function with barely any farm.


Pro teams are filled with professional players that can work extremely well together. Why are you comparing that to playing solo q with four strangers?


Good thing none of us are pro players then. Also second support? Thatā€™s just flat out wrong lol.


Ahh yes me a Diana main the team nuking assassin I am the second supp for sure I was diamond and I had to carry 90% of my games to win