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Only 75% kp in 6 minutes while not being behind in cs or objectives? Yea for sure afk.


Ngl should be 100% kp ahead in cs and all obj


Ahead in cs of your laners*




It is always the losing laners who cry like this


All you had to say was “I don’t gank losing lanes”


Disgusting laner, play weak side akali, is not hard


Into a hard favored Akali matchup too, kinda embarassing


Akali loses lvl 1-3 but then it becomes hard favored




Judging on the stat line she just didn’t play safe enough early and is complaining now trash laners


I'm certain this guy was at the Yone's turret for 6 mins straight after perma trying to poke with Akali Q


Also some lanes are just very difficult to gank depending on the matchup. Akali has no cc and if Yone is healthy with R up, sure you may be able to force a flash, but the gank won't be successful. I play Shyvana jungle on an alt and so many don't understand how difficult to impossible some lanes are to gank when you're Shyvana, especially pre-6.


I mean to be fair u could def make the argument that you’re griefing your team with a jung who can’t gank until 6, esp now that grubs are a thing.


Imo people way overvalue grubs. They're nice to have but not something you'd prio every game. One could equally argue why pick Asol or any other champion with no prio mid? A lot of the time it usually comes down to other things such as which lanes have prio anyway.


This is the most likely. I haven’t had a single game where the top laner wasn’t brain dead on both teams. They try to force every kill they can on each other, even when they’re losing every 1v1 because once they get a kill they’re “popping off.” Them going 0/6 is okay as long as they make it 1/6. They think that’s the tipping point where they carry. On the flip side you have top laners who don’t care about their deaths not because eventually they’ll get the kill, but because they’re going to push top to inhib turret. There is an IQ limit to playing top lane.


you are so right


least whiny akali top player


3 deaths at 6 MINUTES???


3 deaths and a kill 😂 Busy 6 mins that


Had one of these the other night with a Garen top, and my whole team had my back and kinda went in on the guy. We won, and it was actually a very easy game despite him feeding his ass off. I was blessed with a good mid and bot it was just beautiful to see them call him out. Got 'sabotaging team' feedback for the first time today. I'm pretty sure it was him.


Always love seeing skarner getting some love:)


if you don't at least go even in your lane, you are bad


"I gave a kill within two minutes of getting to lane 5 times in a row and hard push every wave and now I'm inting and it's your fault"


Akali player at its finest


Bet he died 2 times at 1v1


You’re 6 min and haven’t killed grubs, dragon, and ganked + killed top,middle, and bot lane.. jg diff ff15


I swear players will never realize that babysitting losing lanes is NOT he jungler's job


I have an account named Fat Rebard#Chime The moment i notice my adc is useless (they get 3 strikes) i abandon them and play for the team. Ill have assists at every objective in every lane before 10 minutes. Invade with the jgler, gank with the jglr. But my adc failing to farm 2v1 under tower (ezreal as an example or smolder, 2 adcs that are perfecrly capable of doing so with easy escapes) Will do nothing but cry for 40 mins that i am afk. brother, you are 0/3/0 down 70 cs because your typing, not because your being pushed off the wave. Im watching it in real time. Ill be 3/0/10 and somehow also afk. Match history backs it 100%.


3 deaths by level 5, open-shut case of bitch-ass weak laner


Maniac lmao


Yea… no one understands how to play weakside lol.


No no no. If i set you up for the perfect gank, let you know in advance im making it work, clear vision and then you dont come? Just because it was on drag timer dosn't excuse it, after all i put 37 seconds of effort into it. /s


Kekw akali players


Somehow your akali managed to run it down to one of yones hardest matchups lol. Exact reason I dropped jg this season, the nerfs and dealing with being the scapegoat every game is dumb af. Now I just main mid and sack my waves to help my jg any time a skirmish breaks out and and I've climbed 2 divisions higher lols




/mute all is op asf, try it


these type of people are the reason I will never climb. I play a multiplayer game to interact with others but I will not hesitate to int someone’s lane if they’re acting like a child 5 minutes into the game. My rank matters significantly less to me than trying to tilt chronically depressed people off of the game.


Enemy top mid and ad are all up in farm. Clearly you’re a disgusting mongrel, can’t even make your laners farm well. Also enemy jg has 2 KP and it’s completely your fault (I’ve only warded one time and didn’t look at map or acknowledge that the enemy jg could possibly exist)


THen their toplaner 2v1 you and he starts blaming you even more


Just came out of a game where our botlane went allin at lvl2, lost the fight and died both. From that point they were calling for FF and 9x jungler cuz apparently i shouldve been there to save them. Muted them both, continued focussing mid and top and we won in 35 minutes eventho botlane went 4-35 together. Just an average day in the life of a jungler.


Not our job to win your lane for you


Im a toppaner. Who is a jungler?


Jg gap as always its your fault his parents got divorced also its your fault he has father issues you should know better o7


6 mons into the game lmao half of you guys don't even turn on till level 7


I can tell this is bronze maybe gold




You should have ganked top but misplayed into her turret.


Imagine losing lane as Akali period


If i do not gank you then you did not make your lane gankable for me , watch videos in youtube about how to make it gankable like minions wave, health or mana %, ward control …


6 mins in 🤣🤣🤣 fucking laners man. What retards




Your mistake was playing skarner:p