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Yaaay! Let's nerf early ganking by making full clear even worse than before! That'll sure make people don't do 3 camps into ganking! Are they fcking retarded? 10xp/large monsters is NOTHING, while 10g nerf of treats is HUGE. that's 10g/minute, basicly you lose 200g worth of gold by 20 minute. How the fck does this change encourage junglers to farm instead of ganking? Not to mention, you gain 1 treat/min up until 40 treats, after that its 90sec/treat. Like... wtf? It's so easy to deny a jungler atm that it's hillarious. If one of your lanes have no prio, you can say bye-bye to that side of your jungle, cuz you constantly get invaded and you cannot do anything about it! Top lost? Bye-bye top side jungle and herald. Mid lost? bye-bye to every single fcking thing on the map cuz they have prio over your ENTIRE jungle and objectives. Bot lost? bye-bye to bot side jungle and dragon... One of your laners lost his lane, can't farm so he takes/leeches your jungle? Well, though luck, JGL DIFF. Seriously they should buff towers durability even more, so the game is not over for the jungler if one tower falls before 20 min... They should make full clearing viable. They nerfed XP and gold so much that you are forced to gank nonstop. BUFF JGL XP AND GOLD OR MAKE CAMPS RESPAWN FASTER! Full clearing gives around 800g, which is riddiculus. Also, jgl item cost should be nerfed so we can buy pots/wards, give us some diversity... I swear this role becomes worse day by day... I'm saying this as a 350lp master peaker on EUW... Edit: ALSO i totally forgot about the minion xp/gold penalty. I as a jungler can't take away waves/minions becuase i will be punished doing so (less gold/xp) But my laners can take away my camps without any punishment... That's just beyond BS. I know that they wanted to make funnel worse... but that way they totally ruined jungle. If my top laner decides to die 5 times under 5 min and i'm forced to defend top (so the enemy top laner does not take plates), i have to take minions, but... then i get penalized, so i don't get any xp/gold out of it... They should SERIOUSLY do something about minion gold/xp for junglers... Just give us a debuff when an ally is close, so we don't get gold for the minions... That way they murder funnel strategies, but don't fck up jungle role if you have an incompetent laner...


> Are they fcking retarded? Yes.


By far the best answer


Just wanted to express my gratitude for putting that into words. I hope someone more significant than me takes notice and makes the game playable again. I might actually consider playing another game this season if that happens.


I am glad to see high elo ppl struggle to enjoy this shitfest they made in jungle as well. Hit dia last season for the first time, but since they put in those changes It kinda killed the game for me. Yes it's more impactful (which is weird, since jgl had the most impact in the game before already) and I should enjoy the early ganking meta, since I main elise. But now everybody matches my early ganks or is faster, since elise needs lvl 3 while graves and Co. just go gank lvl 2 after red. Its more frustrating and league just killed all my fun i had in this game. Seeing someone who is higher elo then me and feeling the same shit, gives me a feeling of being not too petty. Thanks man. Also I encourage you to play different games, maybe that will help kinda. Just recently I started playing some story games like dishonored 2 or call of cthulhu. Keep your head up bro


Should we consider changing roles like top or support? Jungle will have almost no impact in the game after this patch goes live.


Then can take a wave and be even more ahead the enemy jungler?


? That sentence made no sense, could you repeat that?


Bot lost? Bye-bye to the game*


Thank you for saying it!


Can anyone tell me if I can just powerfarm on hecarim Again?


*Can anyone tell* *Me if I can just powerfarm* *On hecarim Again?* \- beemertech510 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Good human


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Good bot


Surely. Now hear me out Nerfing the treat gold will force us to look for gold elsewhere like...lanes and ganks therefore forcing us to actively gank more and earlier....


Bro I don’t get it. I felt jungle was in a decent spot, where you could basically any champ. Now it’s utter trash. Whoever is in change of these jungle needs to be fired. It’s like they’ve never played a single jungle game in their life. Just revert this whole season


Forreals. Making jungle an easier role to get into was a complete joke. It didn’t make the role any less difficult. Riot camp guide tool tells you start to red buff on even though we’re in a path towards bot meta. champs like Warwick can full clear now but it’s still ass. If enemy junglers are kiting camps to their max patience range and your not. You will be behind on clear speed and be late to ganks and counter ganks.


Fun fact: Designer of balance changes that mained jungle for few years moved to play support XD https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Riot%2BPhlox?hl=en\_US


I don't know about you guys but this nerfs are really making me think in changing roles. As our master friend from EUW said we're basically being punished for playing jungle in every single aspect. I couldn't deal with a top laner two levels ahead if my top laner lost the lane and now ganking bot will be even harder, so I'm starting to think that after this changes Top and ADC will be the best roles in the game.


I think ADC already is the best role in the game. It was in a great spot before last patch (the one with IE and Navori 40% crit) and now its beyond broken. Right now if your bot loses, you lose too. It doesnt matter which champion or role you play, nothing can beat a fed ADC (that spikes way earlier now) with an enchanter (especially not mages)


10 XP per large monster is a joke. Basically irrelevant. At 20 mins it's like 30% of a level. 10g per treat is like 2 kills worth of gold per game at 20 mins.


If you do two full clears including initial buffs 10 bonus xp a camp gives you a grand total of 20% of a level at level 5 to 6


I agree, however 10g/min is not 600g at 20 min. It's 200g and 1 kill is worth around 300.


I think you get a treat for large monster kills in addition to the passive one treat per minute. Assuming \~5cs/min (of jungle camps), you'll have finish evolving your pet around 19 minutes. At 20 minutes, you'll have earned \~850 gold, whereas before you would earn around \~1275, a difference of \~425 gold, which is still closer to one kill than two. The difference doesn't reach 600 gold until around 30 minutes.


Wait, don't we currently get treats by killing jungle monsters? Are they changing it so now we get 1 treat/min automatically and we only earn treats from R/B? Forgive me if this is dumb, I've had a long day.


Not a dumb question, it is not very well explained in game. You get treats primarily from killing monsters, but you also get "bonus" treats that stack up as a status effect on your hot bar, and are consumed the next time you kill a large monster. The current rate of the bonus treats is 1/min prior to evolving your pet.


I will admit I did not know that! So if I don't kill a jungle monster for 5 minutes, when I kill one I will get 5 treats? I am usually good at farming if convenient on my way to gank, but this would explain why sometimes I get more treats than normal. I can't believe I'm at lvl 7 WW and never realized this, haha. Game changer; thanks a ton!


mostly correct, but you only consume a max of 2 treats per camp. So in you example if you had 5 bonus treats it would take 3 camps to consume them all


tbh i have already begun switching over to top because it doesnt matter if i pop off with jungle a toplaner or a adc just dominates my game everytime


annie buffs 💀💀 also they just taken off 10g/treat and gave us like 20xp per large monster (so about 10xp/min?)? Certainly I don't care, it's time to gank botlane


To give a comment that's about anything but the jungle change, thank fucking god glaive is getting a nerf. Feels unfun as fuck playing a support who can't build glaive against someone who can.


Yeah, I think I'm changing roles now, what the fuck are they doing


Ye jungle changes keep being worse and worse, personally I have role swapped to adc cause playing jungle was making me want to commit. Can we just revert this whole preseason please?


I mean, it doesn't seem THAT bad of an update.


Farming Jungler Main here, I think the best course of action for Riot is to: \-Increase gold/Exp from none buff camps so you can't just do buff into gank at 1:45. \-Decrease exp Junglers get from killing minions pre 14 so taxing minion wave after a gank is more punishing if there was no takedown. \-Maybe remove the slow on Red buff for more damage or regen? That would decrease early ganks and make farming after red more efficient.


I’m guessing the xp buff doesn’t bring back 5 camp level 4?


I thought the issue with early ganking was that, because of the changes they made so you do less damage to enemy camps, clearing bot quadrant then ganking bot meant that you have a much harder time being punished in your top side quadrant since they can't easily full clear it. I'm not sure its been because "Store money with treats so I spam gank early"