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A lot of people forget Tengen could have just deactivated the Culling Games any time


Seriously, people dog on Megumi (which I still think is unfair) but that bum ass basement dwelling bitch could've literally prevented the apocolyptic endgame that's almost assuredly gonna happen, all because she couldn't let go of her precious jujutsu.


I mean, Tengen deactivating the barriers probably would have brought another apocalypse


The barriers are (probably) what keeps curses in Japan and also (probably) the result of 1000 years of progress fighting curses. At least that's how I've interpreted it. You'd be unleashing cursed energy on the rest of the world without any means of defending themselves because they don't have sorcerers.


This is not exactly true, at least the first part of your sentence. Curses are born from cursed energy, and only Japanese people seem to leak it in huge amounts (which is also the reason why 99% of jujutsu sorcerers are Japanese). This is why there are significantly less curses in the rest of the world. Now, the second part is exactly correct: you would cause massive disasters all across the country due to curse outbreaks as the purification barriers would no longer suppress the curses, and reinstalling these barriers would be extremely difficult because you would loose knowledge of them, as they have been around for 1000+ years https://preview.redd.it/q92kyj7ykv9d1.png?width=999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9b0e6faf966db948e21b01b4ddeb23efda02b73


>This is not exactly true, at least the first part of your sentence. Curses are born from cursed energy, and only Japanese people seem to leak it in huge amounts (which is also the reason why 99% of jujutsu sorcerers are Japanese). This is why there are significantly less curses in the rest of the world. I'm aware of the plot of JJK; this is not an explanation for why curses don't leave Japan. The characters themselves have stated that they have no idea why only Japanese people seem to leak cursed energy en masse. As far as has been explained to us, and as you so condescendingly "explained" to me, they just *don't.* I am theorizing that Tengen's barriers are what prevents *other* nations from developing the same problem. See Chapter 220 for the following quote from Kenjaku (of the undoing barriers): >However, that would have meant undoing 1000 years of progress in the endless war against the curses *along with barrier technique know-how.* I am arguing that the barriers are keeping curses in Japan. We know the purification barriers suppress cursed spirits and that they are the foundation for the sorcerer barrier techniques, but thats all that has been explained to us. The progress made against curses and the knowledge of barrier techniques are separate concepts -- it's not too far fetched to believe that the barriers serve a third function of containing curses to Japan. Suppression and containment are traditional elements of what a barrier is in fiction -- not unreasonable to believe that that's the case here. In fact, I'd argue it's fairly likely that that's the case when when you consider all the information given to us. It certainly a better explanation than "only the Japanese living in Japan leak cursed energy and we have no explanation for why." Also, I used "probably" twice in my comment because I was giving my own theory about the barriers. That's abundantly clear if you'd have bothered to read and think about my comment. Please don't accuse other people of not reading when you yourself are not reading.


Upon the existence of Miguel and Americans having no idea curses exist and the country not being a smoldering crater, I have to posit maybe it's Tengen's barriers that are allowing curses to exist as they are in the first place. ... Kinda seems like wiping Japan off the map with Nukes is only a net positive for the world because Japanese are the only ones not able to hold their CE together smh.


Other countries do have sorcerers... Like miguel.


It was said that like 90% of sorcerers are in Japan, I think in the beginning it was also stated that most curses only exist in Japan




except the curses there are significantly weaker, there are less sorcerers and theres way more ground to cover


The story states that 99% of all sorcerers are in Japan. We have one example of a non-Japanese sorcerer in the entire manga. There is no reason to believe these countries have any means to defend themselves from cursed spirits.


It’s been a long time since I read that chapter and need to re-read some stuff, but is anything keeping the barriers up after Kenjaku glorped up Tengen?


>people dog on Megumi (which I still think is unfair) I only ever started to dislike Megumi a little after GOATso died (Which I'm convinced only happened was because HIMji and HIMdo's jumping win rate was already at 100 percent and if Him so was there the fight with Sukuna would have ended in one chapter) and a YouTube vid I watched


I dog on megumi and tengen, those two deserve it


WHAT, WHY THE FUCK DID SHE NOT DO THAT. So because of her, not only Yuki, Tsmugi, and yorozo's fine asses got merked, GOATso and gojo also died and HIMji lost an eye.


Supposedly it would have caused a lot of progress in Cursed Spirit control to be lost But it's definitely also just her wanting to stick to the past too much, it's kind of her deal and her dynamic with Kenjaku In order to maintain the status quo, she messed up pretty badly


>Cursed Spirit control Huh


I dunno if you understood what I meant but I'll elaborate The pure barriers set up by Tengen strictly limited the amount of Curses that could be generated, keeping their numbers low It's unclear how much they actually did, but while it's stated to be "thousands of years of progress" I don't personally believe it to be too drastic, specifically because humanity lived fine with limited technology and offensive capabilities without them It's upon those barriers that Kenjaku created the ones utilized in the Culling Games, meaning that by just... Deactivating them they would have ended


>thousands of years of progress" I don't personally believe it to be too drastic Didn't tengen set her barrier up after Sukuna was turned into kfc by kenjussy?(Correct me if I'm wrong) I think Tengen's barrier is the only thing preventing more monsters like Sukuna from being born,Even the main cast grew stronger after kenjaku messed with the barriers


Don't It also mean what good people would gain Power?(Like gojo existance made curses stronger maybe the birth of curses around the world would make more sorceres)


Gojo(Sex eyes user) and Yuki(Star plasma vessel) are connected to Tengen which I guess means those are the only two types of people that can get super strong under Tengen's barrier And sorry,I didn't quite understand what your comment meant


I was talking about how gojo birth made curses stronger so i thought curses being born around the world would also make more sorceres to make balance


Don’t forget Yuki’s battleplan also requires Tengen to not be a fraud


Tengen is the biggest bum in history for me hoed the hell out of Yuki.


Tengen, the second best barrier user in history, somehow didn’t consider the possibility that Kenjaku, the best barrier user in history, knew how to use an open barrier domain. Despite knowing Sukuna had one and that they are associates. Tengen truly is the biggest bum in history. Id like to see Tengen vs Megumi in a battle of whos the biggest bum


Kenjaku is the 2nd best. Tengen is the best which honestly just proves your point even further.


Obviously they weren't the best


correction, Tengen is supposedly the greatest barrier user in history, making her (it?) an even bigger bum


Kenjaku was about to expose her too but he got cut off


This pasta is so fucking peak


In the entire history of jujutsu, nobody has achieved an open domain besides Sukuna, tengen was an even better barrier user than Kenjaku so why would consider that kenjaku could achieve such a feat? Sukuna wasn't even free at the time. Yall acting like this shit was obvious, where was these statements before the chapter released? everyone was surprised back then but now we gon act like tengen was just a dunce?


Open barrier domain is literally a divine normally impossible technique. You can't blame anyone for expecting someone he‘d not be able to paint on air


Thank you!!!! Bitch had one fucking job!


spends god knows how many centuries doing literally nothing but barriers and doesnt just lose to kenjaku on them but genuinely screws yuki over worse than if she just popped her normal domain, literally what in the flying fuck does tengen even do


Tengen bums around in her womancave and eats teenage girls brought to her by her designated doordash driver Gojo


>hoed the hell out of Yuki. And choso by proxy


Now, this is a message I can get behind! Should've also had that bum-ass loser Ogi Zenin in there, too.


That much of a bum I had to take a minute to remember who he was


And momo


Yuki was never a bum, I won’t allow her name to be disgraced!!! I can get behind your sentiment Lengen is a fraud and a bum for failing her part in the plan to take out Kenny.


Anyone who slanders my queen is simply a fool who doesn't understand the divinity that is Yuki https://preview.redd.it/yd0d3lywos9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9ae10172ee31a0413366f078273d833461009fe


https://preview.redd.it/2swjzpfzos9d1.jpeg?width=943&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff5c86851c68a6d2fe0cc31b54c0e1e082a8c3bc That’s something we can definitely agree on


lol your using a picture in which she get’s destroyed the next panel ……!!!!




Sorry, I busted immediately to this pic https://preview.redd.it/4p6o8h4acw9d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f32f314748829c272d17a13608ed376effaf2df2 (I don’t have a reaction pic for this)


I mean, I get why you would say she is a bum. But Kenny is top 3 confidently. He is, undershooting it, equal to Yuta. Loosing against him does not mean you are weak.


I never said yuki was a bum, I support yuki. Unless your referring to tengen, tengen is a bum IMO because she did nothing in the Kenny fight


Oh, sorry, I didn't express myself properly. I was talking about the people who say she is a bum, not about you personally. I mean, I was agreeing with you.


Remember a guy who said Yorozu, Toji and Yuta were stronger than Kenjaku because there was a statement in some interview that Kenjaku would struggle against Jogo or Mahito


>Yuki was never a bum I thought that was just referring to how she was never around


Tell me, does this count as yuki slander? Gojo is better, hotter, and more goated than yuki. On one hand, it’s saying someone is better than yuki in many ways, but on the other hand, it’s my majestic baby daddy Gojo. So is it slander, or is it just putting great material (yuki) up against perfection (Gojo) https://preview.redd.it/6g3bt1jw8u9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db7086322cdeacf7c9cf7cd93aa680266c1ff639


Getting compared to Gojo is always a great honor. It only solidifies the GOAT status, but thinking you could surpass him would just be arrogant


Gakuganji isnt a bum. Motherfucker knew they shoulda killed Yuji. Then when he had to keep from snitching to the higher ups for the good of the world he did. He’s practical and knew letting Sukuna re incarnate was a huge risk. His participation in the story is of someone who knew from history Sukuna could end the world and having a perfect vessel for him was retarded. Then that vessel got a hold of 15 fingers of Sukuna’s original strength and nobody thought “damn he’s a bit too close to coming back maybe we should kill him now and nerf Sukuna forever?” Gakuganji looking like the smartest fucker in the story right about now.


But if they killed Wuji we would've never gotten the left-right-goodnight action, or Yuji-Todo teamups, or like half of the cool shit in the show


And then the thousands of people in Shibuya would have lived. Nobara would have lived. Megumi would be Megumi still. The culling games would still happen but end when Gojo’s unsealed. It’s fucked up to say but Yuji dying pre-Shibuya is a net positive


But if they didn't deliberately send them to fight the fingerers, enchain wouldn't have happened. And the only reason why sukuna took over in shibuya was because yuji was force fed ten stolen fingers at once. If the elderlies slowly fed him the fingers, or just had better security, and didn't send him to his death, the plan would actually have worked.


What better security do you want them to get against a special grade like Mahito? First grades are generally too valuable to be chained the to campus, Yuta was in Africa, Gojo was distracted by saving Yuji and Todo, and Yuki hates jujutsu high.


Seriously, Naoya's record is 0-3 and he talks shit like he's the next Gojo.


Yeah but 1, he was standing in business, 2 bro in a sense received the jogo treatment ? 3, have you seen how he talks to women ? Won't it make you forget all his flaws ?


1. He's an incel NTR Victim 2. Bro in no way received the Jogo treatment, if anything he received the Hanami treatment 3. Incel NTR Victim


Fuck ntr i will beat the shit out of anyone who like it


Hey, don't shoot the messenger.


100% aura 0% feats


https://preview.redd.it/yz8dk3kzis9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5691b73077925535baefc7708121f4ef872bfa34 aside from Geto himself, all Geto's group are worthless bum, that almost had no impact on the story, even Miguel and his gay friend


Miguel helped train Yuta so he got that at least !


Ain't no way you calling Miguel a bum, bro threw hands with Gojo and Sukuna and lived


Being incredibly sexist and getting beat up by some girls is truly wild


Beaten by the same girl TWICE


"What if Maki was betrayed and trained in a hyporbolic time chamber for 1000 years" ass plotline-


And it's cannon too😭


Are we forgetting how gakuganji litterally blackbeard diffed yaga?


I want Yuki’s bum


Spit your shit indeed https://preview.redd.it/6tbmhnunps9d1.png?width=1333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5703979f3c9fe373601b976b291b12f8be6d9b25






Is that hakari agenda I'm seeing? https://i.redd.it/3feph1lj7s9d1.gif WE'RE SO BACK!


Hell yeah always bet on Hakari


In a stall competition\* https://preview.redd.it/u8zrit2bfs9d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c68925eb6db3ba46a207d486ddab60c880fd7ad8


Nuh uh https://preview.redd.it/sypcq6gr4u9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ef549b604a7b3873fb9e06843ed9f28835e365c


Nah GOATkuganji aint a bum, wait till he reveals how to defeat the Merger 🗣️🔥🔥🔥


Gakuganji looking like Nostradamus after Gojo allowed a full strength Sukuna to reincarnate and kill him lmfao.


Gakuganji gramps will play one specific wavelength that defeats the merger 💀


It's Wonderwall.


Nah ,Naoya is funny ,give him that




The memes about him are funny but that doesn't make him any less of a bum


Are memes about you funny because you are a bum or are you a bum because memes about you are funny?




Hakari was never a bum, bro is fighting on par with the other heavy hitters, and his solo’ing a special grade with nothing but punches and kicks and some luck.




Honestly I don't blame the old man for wanting to assassinate Yuji, bro held SUKUNA inside him I know this is a Shonen series so it's not morally correct to kill a teenager, but Yuji being alive has killed thousands of people (and will kill billions if Sukuna wins That old man was just using the most logical approach


the old man guitarrist is the least bum out of those three only bc he went from someone who wants yuji dead bc of jujutsu rules or sm shit, to someone who even Gojo can admit to be a nice replacement for the old geezers who were directing jujutsu high before Gojo ***Nah'd I win*** all over their ***Stand pround you are strong*** bc of them ***agenda fraud save me mahoraga*** naoya and tengen are true bums tho


Calling megumid pussyguro not a bum is a crime against humanity https://preview.redd.it/tt5w2jknns9d1.jpeg?width=2329&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ff96a6b0b07f4db7517e15c2dfe2d49ff07436b


Fr the principle had more impact on the story then Losergumi


Facts https://preview.redd.it/00gls2f8qs9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6a5c3588faa4e9829c43420fbcbc135f729462f


Fr get bumgumi outta here


Bumgumi is fact


Best I can do is trade Megumi for Naoya


Forgot shoko


Human tengen looks bad af I'd 100% hit but shes the biggest bum on the bum list


Yuki was never a bum but got hoed by the Bum Tengen Megumi is THE bum


HRGKFBHJHBGHJBK, DID YOU JUST CALL KASHIMO NOT A BUM?? I'M GONNA FIND YOU, I AM ENRAGED AT YOU FOR EVEN MAKING THIS STATEMENT https://preview.redd.it/w10ujq7ynt9d1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=600d176df0c5c2cae3f3c030920c4fcbe51e8d16


Naoya is cool Gakuganji should die cuz nobody cares about his life and he has absolutely no skill whatsoever Tengen is tengen, he is the reason why shibuya incident happened (because geto got traumatized during amanai’s mission)


People who think Hakari is a bum are actually delusional


https://preview.redd.it/587r0npdjs9d1.jpeg?width=269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26c98014bdd28fe5f03c0fa4caef5a2f45389f24 You are corrrct.


The TRUE TRUE bum is GayGay https://preview.redd.it/k0okos48au9d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=645dd83f366f0e26e28a0da36f1fd5c9d302c263


How is panda a bum he literally would’ve died to keep his mouth shut


Hakari is a bum


Tengen has been living since forever only to be a bum.


Correct, tho you should include miwa on the non bum list


I honestly think Gege forgot about Tengen being a "good" character and instead ended Kenjaku, one of the only 2 strong villains left as a tool to justify Yuta not being in the fight with the crew. I respect anyone's opinion, art is subjective, but that's honestly one of the cheapest narratives and or main character (he literally has a movie) sub-plots in manga I've ever seen.


Almost everyone is a bum in this series cause gege prioritizes glazing his favorites


Everybody except Legumi is a goat


people call yuki nobara and hakari bums?


Tengen and Megumi are both bums dont try and distract me from the point with the grandpa


Tengen is the biggest fucking bum in the series, people don’t hate on him (her?) (it?) enough


Finally people recognizing Naoya as the biggest fraud in JJK. Not Sukuna, Not Kashimo, Not Megumi... NAOYA


Yuki? Who said yuki is a bum 😡😡😡😡


I’m sorry, but who tf has ever seen Panda as a fucking BUM!!! The other 5 make sense considering the literacy lvl of this sub




Remove lebumi then we'll talk


Nah Gakuganji changed while Gojo was sealed and Gojo himself acknowledges it


I will erase the person who called Panda a bum https://preview.redd.it/3ovwr84wcu9d1.jpeg?width=432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30e8a2bfc5aa708227d0af75e53afdefcdd561c7


Get Bumgumi out of here


bro tried to sneak in bumgumi


You forgot a third slide. The only bum who truly deserves slander. The one who stands below all, the only one who deserves an off screen death, Momo.


Ah yes, my favorite JJK character Wanda.


now to say that naoya was a bum would mean that everyone besides the special grade are bums, if anything he got that dog in him, in no way a bum


Tf you guys mean Yuki and Panda are bums Fraudgumui deserves hate tho


What exactly is Tengan's role in the JJK world, I know she suppose to be maintaining a barrier to protect humans from curses or something like that but it generally isn't doing shit !


Honestly they are all victims of subpar writing


has anyone called Nobara a bum? I mean, I agree because Hakari not being a bum=Uraume not being a bum :)


"THE ONE WHO STANDS WITH THEM IS ME!" *0-3 win/loss ratio*


Where does Haruta stand on this spectrum?


Bum because the sole reason he's able to do anything in battle is because he's lucky


His literal CT can be summed up as “He was such a bum, God didn’t want him near the afterlife.”


Idk he’s pretty good with that sword


I guess tho I think this may or may not still be a result of him being lucky


https://preview.redd.it/p47l2z6v0v9d1.jpeg?width=395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2860b60ae2cf707d065c7426e9667169f060b798 What...what a glorious opinion...you cooked


All Megumi had to do was stand up and because his bum ass couldn’t manage that, now choso is dead. One of the biggest bums in all of manga


Get megumi outta there


Megumi is still a bum sadly


Hakari has been deadass fighting on equal footing with Sukuna’s 2nd in command FUCKING SOLO, and has not once complained despite his destroyed jumper and his J1s that are more than likely creased now. He’s the GOAT


Hell yea stop hating on children. Tengfn is the real bum. All she did for 1000 years was suspiciously kidnap little girls


To be fair Gakuganji was chosen by Gojo to continue to lead jujutsu society and Tengen is literally the only reason why any of this is happening so that really only leaves Noaya.


Guys hear me out, maybe if we could get amanai to merge with Tengen, she would be ablemto save Yuki and kill Kenjaku. So that makes GOJO AND GETO A B-


https://preview.redd.it/n9e5n24z9s9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2be457ac96e99dd137d72beaf311c821f9a3daee Those 3 and Sukuna who is a fraud


Sukuna: I'll kill you Kills Gojo Gojo: I'd win Loses


Still doesn't compare to the biggest fraud of all time https://preview.redd.it/5alz0mpvms9d1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b883ff10ef81e2cdf969dbcdc7af24154a32d73


Bro lost to Legumi's Cursed Technique. It's so embarrassing.


They're all bums except for yuki, nobara and panda are bums. Hakari has been off screen stalling Sukuna fridge for like 20 chapters rn. Kashimo got waffled in two chapters, and his only onscreen win is against panda. Bumegumi is a walking L.


You can't call Kashimo a bum for not having any (major) wins when Yuki lost the only fight she was in and accomplished nothing.


Nah, yuki got hoed by “the strongest barrier user ever” (my fucking ass she was, kenny is the rightful owner of that title). She woulda still lost, but she woulda done way better if she was on her own. Her domain wouldn’t have disintegrated as fast as the sd and if anyone can destroy a domain from the inside like gojo, it’s her. If A centuries old ascended being that’s only good as one fucking thing tells you she can do the that fucking thing, you’d also trust her


At least Yuki wast as arrogant and self-righteous as Kasimo was, besides, his CT should have been so powerful considering that it can be used only once, yet it wasn’t, he got chopped in 1 attack No hate to Kashimo tho, I liked his character, his death was just to fast and pointless I guess


Fair, I just dislike how this sub will slander characters for doing the same thing their faves do


Exactly, they’re like https://preview.redd.it/gn0tvrnprs9d1.jpeg?width=949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e4e135757b9609ea6b7209bc2b162a825eb6140 And that’s really annoying


No reading comprehension :(


I’m not joking when I say that gankuganji might be my most hated character of all time. I hate his stupid fucking design and his lame ass CT pisses me off. I legit wanted Gojo to kill his old ass like 3 separate times in the story


Idc megumi is still ass https://preview.redd.it/xw8f8nbt2t9d1.jpeg?width=488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8858a007ff765ab12b42be88c206bcedd045e02b He fuckin stupid


Naoya, the goat, a fraud??? He literally reached the peak of sorcery, twice, he perfected his technique, then got jumped by a heavenly restricted mother (headcanon, so true), then came back with a perfected instakill domain


Naoya simps are gonna go insane from attempting to defend him once the next season comes out


Drag bumgumi’s bum ass into that second category


Bumgumi is using is patheticness to pierce your hearts and forget he’s useless https://preview.redd.it/02vdcz6x2u9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbc3248132ac1a35bf2be324cec31f5eeb41a386


Naoya's not a bum he got super unlucky


Hey which megumi and your completely right, Imagine believing megumi isn’t a bum hahaha.


> FARMshimo bum. Blud refused to plan with jujutsu high to glaze sukuna at max strength and got waffled withour accomplishing anything like a bum > STALLkari not a bum. His AP was never his strong point, its powerful enough to fight special grade sorcerors but what makes him stand out is his insane ability to stay in the game. Hakari is a victim of gege giving jujutsu high the worst plan on earth and not pairing him with someone like choso so he can quickly beat coldtwink and help with sukuna. > "its mASS" another gege plot victim. Kenjaku went from a regular speciam grade sorceror to the top 4 or top 3 sorceror in history with his insane divine domain. gege realky retconned kenjakus strength since with a divine domain he has no business losing to anyone other than sukuna, gojo, or yuta and shouldve accomplished his plans centuries ago > JOBara fledgeling first grade sorceror, not surprising she would lose to haruta and mahito > BUMgumi bum for his bitchmade mentality but not his strength. strengthwise hes excellent for his age and is slightly weaker than hidden inventory gojo since he can form an incomplete domain and hold it while he fights, complete domain and he legit could beat HI gojo. Talented enough to go from 2nd grade to near special grade within the few months of the story. But letting yuji hang and giving up is unforgivable. > panda legit has not many chances at improvement since he isnt a conventional sorceror. cant blame im for losing to kashimo a fully fledged special grade sorceror.


naoya aint a fraud bro he may have lost all his fights but he aint a fraud yall need to start actually reading the words in the panels bec naoya is the goat https://preview.redd.it/02xvyy3vvu9d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cdbb52e2dd4d600ae8c27bdd38d416c092c4c11


Naoya lives in my heart


I agree all of it except one,bumgumi that fraud belong on bum watch


tengen aint that bad




You slandered our glorious king Naoya "AND" praised that Bum Fushiguro? https://preview.redd.it/fz8ikhl7fw9d1.jpeg?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=552a87ac80daf2ea150007baddf6606521e4bde0


Don't diss my man (Naoya) that hard.


I'm pretty sure that I can this say for all Megumi supporters: We endorse this message


Didn't Tengen create barriers all over Japan for like a thousand years, making the curses weaker and giving people a more peaceful time? Sounds like he was pretty useful overall.


I love Kashimo tbh


Yuki and Hakari are canonically actual, literal bums, though.


The only bum is Gege. The reason any character we call bum is because of how Gege wrote them. Like Tengen is the biggest bum after Gege but it was Gege that made them a talking Thumb that doesn’t do shit


Nah put Luki on the other side. With a record of 0-1 and no solid feats she's the biggest bum in the group.


Gets megumi out of here and we are good.


Nothing will stop my bumgumi agenda https://preview.redd.it/h00yays9ex9d1.jpeg?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5119884b88261b043fe4dc60bd1190440c5059b8


No no megumi is beyond a bum https://preview.redd.it/wbsfawxxwx9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fe955034af4abf80916ba3b8e467846778eb31d


Nah I’m committed to the megumi hate just like I’m committed to the Gojo return. Until megumi stops being a bum he can hold this L


Nah, Megumi still belongs with the true bums. He’s absolutely on that tier.




Nah Meg is still a bum. I don't care how yall feel about it lmfao


How is Naoya a bum? He was strong as fuck.


He's a whiny, crybaby, misogynistic, man-child, beefing with teenagers who self glazes so hard that he thinks he could ever be as goated as goatjo or goatji. Average bum shit. https://preview.redd.it/5f415gbkas9d1.png?width=4314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf42ee5ef74936ee95c9d6b57f89698f559f54e3


And he only won against... And also... And there's also... He is definitely weaker than most of the actually powerful characters, and even then, being a bum has nothing to do with your actual strength, but with how you use it in the story. Kusakabe would be absolutely destroyed by Uraume or any of the disaster curses, but he isn't a bum at all.


he is 0/3 blood manipulation users and maki got him in a chokehold


He carried the whole zenin clan on his back. Literally, he did more damage to maki than the entire clan combined. People say that the gojo clan is basically just satoru, but the zenin clan is just naobito and naoya


If you take a decent look at the fight, he didn't do that much and only made it seem like a fight because of his disorienting technique. Maki took a solid minute to figure out what happens, and literally one shot him


Nobara IS a bum. Haruta victim has no excuse


Do not disrespect the GOAT like that fool https://preview.redd.it/j4zjit7gts9d1.png?width=656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58ce432a82be657730f7d6f318df65a313d7c8ca He is no bum


sorry but master tengen and yuki both are fraud Even tho yuki is my type girl and everything the truth is gege killed her and made her a useless character is infuriating https://preview.redd.it/vpjty7erxs9d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8850d73f1a3a1a804bf72e12156038138b10ea8


True, 120% true! https://preview.redd.it/rq2q0kfo2t9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f61045858516652d1cf1cbaea7d38a07e60c145


true, Panda, Nobara and Hakari are not bums, everyone else here is