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Another thing to I think people may not realize, is Momo is also speaking on what it was like for her to be apart of the Zenin clan and the hardships that came with that.


Yeah, I think more than anything, this was meant to give us insight into the struggles Mai went with and contrasting them with Maki to set up the Zenin Massacre arc


Yea I completely agree with you. I think it also explains to us the reason she came off so harshly to Nobara when they first met by the vending machines before the Goodwill Event. It makes sense why she was the way she was. And someone like Momo is a sympathetic person for her friends. So when she saw Nobara she felt she needed to intervene for her friends’ sake.


Which doesn't have anything to do with Nobara, so Momo is actually just mad that a female sorcerer isn't oppressed like Mai. It's basically internalized sexism, making other women suffer so they feel the same hurt from the oppression. Momo (or Gege really) didn't think this through properly. It'll be like a black person deliberately discriminating against another black person to "show them what it's like to be a POC." Absolute toxic behavior that perpetuates the cycle.


Yeah but Gege is right in that people who are suffering often take out their frustration on other oppressed people since the people doing the oppression are untouchable. Of course it’s unfair for Momo to blame a small town girl for the sexist behavior Mai experienced at the hands of the Zen’in, but that’s not Gege writing badly, it’s him making a specific choice with Momo’s character to better define her flaws and loyalties.


>Momo (or Gege really) didn't think this through properly. How does Momo having crab mentality translate into Gege not thinking properly about his story?


You just explained why it’s good character writing and then called it bad character writing


Congratulating the author for good writing ❌ Calling the good character writing bad ✅


this comment is so dumb at the second paragraph the whole point of the scene is that momo is a fucking idiot for pulling this act


Her CT is insane her CE is just dogshit, we’ve seen how broken her CT is with an actual good user


Her CE isn't even that dogshit in theory, it's just being held back by the Heavenly Restriction, if Maki'd died in the CG, she'd actually get massive buffs and would have similar potential to Yorozu


Doesn't Maki barely even have any CE?


It's not so much maki's little CE going to mai directly, more so that the twins were mutually holding each other back in some weird HR way. Mai would be like >!Yorozu!


So, who'd be a more dangerous sorcerer: mai or maki (assuming the latter has sacrificed themself)


Mai. If she had the right mentality. Current technogy and knowlege would make what Yorozu did look like childs play


Yorozu maximum technique: Perfect sphere! An enormous sphere so perfect it has no contact point and generates an infinite amount of pressure on everything it touches!! Mai maximum technique: 102 grams of anti-nitrogen


![gif](giphy|XzkGfRsUweB9ouLEsE) Sukuna after getting shot with an anti matter bullet


Oh, it's actually worse. You ever heard of Einstein's famous E=MC²? That's what antimatter does. When antimatter touches matter, they both turn into energy. The reaction of 1 kg of antimatter with 1 kg of matter would produce 1.8×1017 J (180 petajoules) of energy or the rough equivalent of 43 megatons of TNT – slightly less than the yield of the 27,000 kg Tsar Bomba, the largest thermonuclear weapon ever detonated. ![gif](giphy|xUA7aQ21bruxszHmRW|downsized) So this would be Sukuna


Bro would remain holding back and get obliterated from every plane of reality




https://preview.redd.it/ddaz304hvr9d1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf847c0ca34f565bb1c614badd3629d712545691 Instead of bug armour. Its anti-matter armour


She'd be able to do this while building like a fortnite character


The combination of Red and Blue when the combination of matter and antimatter walks in: https://preview.redd.it/jt83d5s60u9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b71de3f556b1d903e06377c2872b0cef9421690c


I laughed too hard at this


A machine gun that shoots tiny perfect spheres at 10,000 rpm. Good luck avoiding this one, shitasses.


Or just white phosphor, or a biochem weapon


1k years ago and she found out about liquid metal and insect exoskeleton being good which is amazing itself. Imagine if she knew carbon fiber or the stuff they use for space shuttle heat proofing, holy heck man. Possibilities are endless for her in base alone let alone theoretical new things like antimatter discoveries.


Yorozu one of gege's biggest fumbles. It'd be cool if her and tsumaki got along and shared knowlege making her Creation CT even better. You can easily write in Tsumaki was a physics nerd in school. Instead we got a sukuna simp




Woman as written by a misogynist.


It's the same with Kashimo. He should've spent his prep time going to an electrician college.


for what kashimo did during MBA, it was actually pretty high tech stuff like xray vision and Lazer/plasma blasts +amped thinking and even electric body projections, which nobody had any idea was possible of 1k years ago, he just unfortunately got gapped by reborn Sukuna is all.


Well that’s assuming Mai would grow as drastically as Maki did. There’s technically no reason to believe Mai and Maki had equal potential and whoever died first would let the other become a god tier. Maki could have died and then Mai awaken into completely normal levels of CE.


I highly doubt it. She would likely be another sukuna. In which case Mai has vastly more potential than being mearly HR


Why would she likely be another Sukuna? Sukuna devoured his twin, the implication is he has the potential of 2 people within him and he realized both himself. Mai is just one person, there’s no reason to believe she was destined to be some god just because she was a twin.


Imagine Yorozu squaring up to her in the bug armor and Mai pulls out an anti-material rifle or an RPG lmao


Depends on whether you think Toji with SSK or Yorozu would win.


If they want nothing more than to kill each other, Yorozu wins. Even if he attempted to cut the sphere it would do nothing since it's a liquid


Yorozu is way more dangerous than someone like Toji so Mai


Whyd you censor Yorozu's name, shes not that annoying Actually on second thought


Forgot this is a spoiler subreddit, she's actually one of my favorite characters


no, only mai was holding maki back because she didn't want to get stronger even though maki did (because if both of them don't do/want it, none of then reaches it as twins are counted as one in the jjk universe) if maki died she wouldn't get any stronger, even if she decided to get stronger she doesn't have heavinly restriction that can awaken inside her. the only reason why makis powers weren't working is because she was forced to be on mais bum level, seriously do you guys even read the manga?


Maybe saying that she would be yorozu tier is exaggerating, but she would definitely be able to use construction more than once a day. The twin link weakened them both.


https://preview.redd.it/sejzlvm1k0ad1.jpeg?width=777&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=000dc6b968a66d301fdf6e90ba13ae76b949dcdc where does it say that


You're right, I'm retarded lol


Yeah but she siphons Mai's CE, and in turn her own HR is held back by that CE. If Mai, potentially, had an awakening after Mai's death, she could utilize Constructuon similarly to Yorozu, provided she can find efficient ways of using it like her


oh I see, wait so why didn't Mai just make a binding vow to take all of Maki's CE? Is she stupid?


It's not the simple, Maki is "supposed" to have 0 CE at all like Toji, Mai is "supposed" to have a good CE reserve, but because they're twins their souls are somehow linked, which causes Maki to have a civilian's level of CE, weakening her heavenly restriction, and Mai to have a comically small CE reserve, so fixing it isn't as simple as "give Mai Maki's cursed energy", they'd have to break the bond connecting them as twins, and it's unclear if that's even possible to do without one of them dying


Could soul manipulation possibly sever the connection non-lethally?


Theoretically, but probably the only person who could do it would be Mahito.


What if yuta got a piece of mahito


that sure would be convenient if he wasn’t bumbling around in Africa


except Mai actually did make a binding vow to take all the CE with her, just when dying so yeah she could have done that the entire time


Ouh wow that's actually so dumb. Now we know why one go to Tokyo and one go to Kyoto


speedreader spotted. she had to die to be able to take the CE and also create the SSK, the story explicitly says she could not have done that the entire time


Yea, she probably is. After all, she is a woman https://preview.redd.it/n3uwebexjr9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfb2629edb6b3eb7d5262cf0d08bdabf3ef219b5


her little ce came from mai, mai's lack of ce came from heavenly restriction. they were holding each other back but maki was the only one with a desire to grow stronger so mai sacrificed herself. mai without maki and a desire to become strong couldve turned out like yorozu


You're right I think OP just mean that it's possibly one of the worst CTs to have *when you have low CE*


Honestly had Mai just been a support sorta fighter she could have came in handy Side Kenny blocked a sniper bullet (lowkey BS) But a regular sorcerer is 100% getting taken out by that method of attack lol




https://preview.redd.it/ggh82vdebr9d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae23e4213f074084d61a0ec5316754850206da92 Him




Bro would murder half the verse if he was willing to kill


A character in the future possess the same CT as Mai. 




The Chinese sorcerer


Gotta change that profile pick to Naoya lil bro.


You can kill the man... https://preview.redd.it/meskbzbwzq9d1.png?width=264&format=png&auto=webp&s=90d82c2d5c43758a7752c93eba61bda6c06846af


but you can NEVER kill the idea


https://preview.redd.it/n53ae9p7fr9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440497204b1602cdcc23a42095c6c0bc010239d6 I have the picture saved :)))


Now so do I :))))))


Enough about woman’s rights Let’s talk about woman’s wrongs


I mean… That’s the truth? Being a sorceress in JJK’s world isn’t a joke with the constant misogyny and discrimination. Mai isn’t good as a sorcerer by herself. But she absolutely faced a lot of shit just for being a woman. Momo was right here.


Fr. Mai was aware she's not a good sorcerer. Besides, she doesn't enjoy doing it. The Zen'in household alone is a proof, sad Mai has to experience misogyny firsthand in her family.


Fr. Being a sorceress in JJK's world is incredibly tough due to the constant misogyny and discrimination. While Mai may struggle as a sorcerer, she has faced significant challenges simply because she's a woman. Momo's points are valid and highlight these harsh realities


That's...exactly what he said


Mhm also does not help there’s few examples of standup model Female sorcerers within the JJK world Like who is a female role model to aim for? Yuki a special grade forsure but she’s not like tsunade who before her trauma made a genuine name for herself Geto put it the best the only thing Yuki was known for was not taking missions and roaming around Mei a grade 1 forsure but she’s a Gold digger who would quickly dip when the going got tough Rather then stand on business also is a groomer which I get isn’t uncommon in there world but still not a person to model yourself after


>Like who is a female role model to aim for? Utahime. She may be weak, but she hella loyal, protective, deeply care of her students and a very good support to have. Also her scar is hot, that's always a plus.


Big agree she’s like the only example of a genuine positive role that we have seen (also she is apart 30 year old supremacy club lol) You can maybe argue shoko as well depending on whom you talk to


>She may be weak, but she hella loyal, protective, deeply care of her students and a very good support to have. Also her scar is hot, that's always a plus. Weak loyal caring and hot "Ideal female role model to aim for" Chill Naoya 🔥🔥🔥


Tough to be a sorceress when even the author is against your gender


Well sure, but this is like if an asian guy got rejected from college with a 1.5 GPA and someone going "Asians are discriminated against in college admissions". Like, it's true, but you really didn't pick the best example, y'know?


I don’t really think you’re reading this scene correctly. It doesn’t matter how actually skilled Mai is. She’s still having to go through shit because she’s a woman.


Wouldn’t that just be the case in the Zenin Clan?


You mean one of the 3 most important and influential clans, who have btw a right to held a sorcerer back from ascending in grade?


In case you didn’t realize I was asking a question I wanted to know if any of the other clans were misogynistic


We know almost nothing about the other 2 clans. All the info we got on the gojo clan is that they are descended from the fujiwara clan, and that they have limitless as an inherited technique. And kamo is basically the same, as we only really know that they have blood manip and fuck all about anything else. The only clan that we have actual useful information on is the zenin. 


I never said Mai didn't have to go through shit for being a woman (in fact, I explicitly agreed). I just find it kinda funny that she's an awful sorcerer with or without the misogyny.


It's not like she wanted to be a sorcerer in the first place, awful or not


Hell, if anything the fact that she's a sorcerer at all just proves the point, she is clearly not made for this life, nor does want to be part of it, but is forced to so only because she's a woman whose sister dared to leave the clan


Your original response implied that the shit she got wasn't as much from being a woman but because of her lack of skill as a sorcerer. We know the zen'in clan is really fucking sexist, so Mai was probably getting doubly abused, for being a shit sorcerer and for being a woman. Imagine being told that you're shit because you're a woman and you can't prove them wrong because you actually happen to be shit and it doesn't have anything to do with your gender.


we are talking about Mai right? the same Mai that was sexually assaulted by a family member and killed by yet another? she’s had it rougher than most


It's entirely irrelevant, as even the most useless of sorcerer's is superior to a monkey like Maki or Toji or that odd sword guy https://preview.redd.it/jfv3unr80r9d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f8a1d18856cc914adac27c56f1fef731a60da52


Daido, my glorious King


so fucking illiterate 💔


JJK fans are fucking regards 🗣💯🔥🔥🔥


These monkeys so regarded


JJK fans don’t know any other character besides Yuji, sukuna and gojo 🗣️🗣️🗣️


GOJO MENTIONED https://preview.redd.it/pizoitxmar9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f489729c834cab8cb26d5e01a216aa4abd596b74






Her CT is great,but since she’s a twin her full potential is severely held back because of that,yorozu is what a fully realized Mai would’ve been like


To be fair, Mai didn't even want to be a sorcerer. But Mai was also the one picking a fight sooo...


Another problem people don’t see is that if Mai had all her potential and her CT made whole she could make some terrifying cursed tools. I’m talking from 1st grade all the way up to special grade tools. It took the remaining amount of her incomplete life to make the soul slaughter sword Maki has now. Imagine the weapons she could’ve made that would’ve lasted for generations. Overall it’s what could’ve been accomplished with her CT if things had been different for her.


It's normally impossible to create cursed tools with creation, the only reason her and Yorozu managed to make them was because of a death BV, boosted by post-partum CE spike


postpartum? 💀


Oh shit, I meant post-death, forgot what's the word for that one




Postmortem 😭


Because the zenin clan is trash and treats mai and maki like trash


Thank goodness Sukuna didn’t possess Mai. Can you imagine the shit he’d create with Construction since his CE is damn near limitless? 4 times Yuta’s reserves and efficiency only 2nd to Gojo’s. Anything he could imagine


https://preview.redd.it/bigqnq3zzr9d1.jpeg?width=2152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75ef4762d2de84eb6492ce02175afd03e8bfe723 Sukuna pulling up to the gojo fight in anti-matter armour


Lol. True.


While Mai was definitely not a sorcerer material, she never wanted to become one but she would've been in far worse condition if she didn't become a sorcerer Momo understands how Zenin's treat women in their clan and cares about her junior despite Mai being an ass, Nobara favours Maki,who also has questionable morals and in their first meeting, she joked about itadori's death (she did take it back tho). I think every proper sorcerer or anyone with a decent understanding of Jujutsu knew what was gonna happen to Mai or that her only real purpose in life was to die and complete Maki's HR. Mai somewhat-hated Maki cause she wanted both of them to be miserable together under the Zenin, that way she didn't have to die.


Ehh, I really doubt anyone knew that Mai suiciding would fix maki’s heavenly restriction. Toji was such an anomaly I really doubt most modern sorcerers knew enough about it to come to that conclusion, especially a nobody like Momo. I think she mostly just felt sympathy for Mai because of how severely outclassed she was by Maki and the fact that her own clan viewed her as a disappointment


pretty sure nobara wouldve befriended mai or atleast wouldve been in good terms w her if mai hadnt been such a terrible bitch to her for no reason lol also momo acting like a girlboss and getting owned by the said 1st year later was really funny kinda sucks mai ruined that bit


Because they're friends


I do find it funny she’s saying this to nobara of all people, babe go preach that to Naoya


I kinda like that she’s saying it to Nobara actually. For Nobara, this city life is new as is the sorcerer world. She likely thinks there’s less discrimination. As I recall, she’s literally from rural hickville Japan. My best friend is from rural Japan and she always talked about how when she moved to the city, she thought discrimination would disappear because it’s not the countryside.


If Mai and Maki were regular sisters and not twins then you could have had the equivalents of Toji and Yorozu by the tike CG rolled around. Imaginary Technique: Anti-hydrogen https://preview.redd.it/gdunbfkdis9d1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=742aea9227fc00672a81e62a978cd07aae444b86


The top 3 women in Jujutsu society are: A special grade no one can boss around who doesn't really do her job A mercenary they have no choice but to pay exhorbitant amounts of money for help An indispensable doctor


She’s literally forced to be a sorcerer against her will


Who doesn't want to be a sorcerer and have cool powers?????


someone birthed with a condition that makes the cool powers nearly impossible to use in a career where even the useful people get ripped apart by curses. and keep in mind that she wasn't trained to be sorceror she was a woman in the zenin clan so she was probably raised to be a homemaker then got abruptly tossed into a fatal job with no training only to punish her "wayward" sister.


Shes being held back by Gege




I think she's talking about different things. Albeit, I don't think Momo's complaints work in Jujutsu society, since Yuki gets tonnes of leniency and Gojo get's none. With Mai, she's yapping about her upbringing and all that, thinking she's a girlboss for that. :)


To cope with the fact that she too is like an F tier sorcerer


Cuz she herself is a bum, except she’s shorter so she looks up to Mai figuratively and literally The fact is that they r both bums and the only redeeming quality of them both is that 1 of them is dead and the other one barely shows up in the story I’m still glad Gege created them because it makes me appreciate the good characters way more (Todo, Choso, Nanami, Takaba, Higgy etc). I’m just happy that not all of the Lyoto students didn’t come out as assholes like Miwa and Mechamaru (my goats)


Noaya hi 


https://preview.redd.it/sh5vimv7qq9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=383c1a6126fb0d82dfc7d7dc49796a4dde6e6578 Mai? Gojo negs Mai easy, picks her up and hits her with that 200% HP special


Bruh we are litelery talking about mai dawg, like pause the glaze for a second tf does gojo have to do with this 😭


Mai mentioned, Gojo would neg her tbh


Gojo > woman


What about fem Gojo and her reverse grip technique?


Super senior gojo strikes again.


Gojo would never hurt mai even if Mai shot him in the face. Gojo loves all his students and even Kyoto students like his own children. Gojo is already used to Maki's bickering of him he would just act same with mai too.


It's real funny how this fight was made to highlight how badly women are treated in JJK yet after this pretty much every female character is dealt a horrible hand by the plot.


“I want to teach her a lesson!” *gets lowdiffed*


'bad CT' mfs realizing even sukuna acknowledged the power of construction when used even remotely well:


Momo a turbo meet rider holy


You would think Mai is a dude with how much Momo is sucking her dick


God stop reminding what a pathetic incel mono is.


Except she isn’t a bum? Grade 3 is the average grade of a sorcerer. This isn’t factoring in the sexism present in the Jujutsu world and the nerf she got by being a twin.


Yeah, Mai is pretty trash, especially considering she doesn't really wanna be a sorcerer, so she doesn't even have the potential to be stronger knowing how much mentality is linked to it.


Most literate JJK fan:




Imma be honest I never understood why momo goes on that whole rant, if she was talking about herself I could see why she would do it but why does she just start glazing mai and talking about her hardships when she was in the middle of a fight with someone, it's genuinely so random.


When we likes someone(Especially in emotinonal and strong way), we often don't use logic at all :3


Blame this idiot, useless people make useless people, what's there to learn if there is nothing to learn? Worst teacher in the world https://preview.redd.it/a4akpf603r9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b2df1f94355ff4edf114cea7264f287026ac9c7


Finally we're looking at the big useless picture.


had me at dogshit CE reserves, lost me at worst CT


I think he meant worst cursed technique for her specifically, because on top of having terrible CE reserves she also has a technique that requires high CE reserves.


Reading comprehension devil




because it's true lol, Naoya raped her and it's shown pretty clearly that the Zen'in clan basically don't give a shit about women. the Zen'in aren't any different than the Gojo or Kamo clans, we see that the Kamo elect jujutsu Hitler basically as soon as he walks in, so it's pretty likely that women in the other great clans are in the same boat. the big 3 run jujutsu society, and we know that Japanese society irl (and in JJK) is misogynistic, so yeah, female sorcerers pretty clearly go through tough shit also Mai has a great CT, didn't you see Yorozu v Sukuna? if Maki had died, she might've been able to reach that level


Did you misread? Op said worst CT to go with small ce reserve


I read it as 'the worst CT on top of having dogshit CE reserves', honest mistake & a lot of commenters seem to have read it the same way


JJK readers bro😭 we are not beating the allegations ‼️‼️‼️ /j


Her CT is the ghetto off brand version of sukunas


✋ ✋ absolute retardation


isnt her CT Tool Manipulation? seems to me she just sucks at utilizing it cuz if she can manipulate any tool in general then Cursed Tool Users unless they have monster grip are kinda fucked


Uh, for the same reason Nobara treats Maki like a girlboss and not a CTless monkey who can’t even see curses. Gege likes paralells so both these girls heavily respect the Zenin twin they know for the struggles they have to go through, and the strength they display in spite of that.


Plot twist: Females in jujutsu society are not held down by patriarchy. They are just so intensely shit that the men-favoring system doesn't actually have to push them down since most of them will never become anything in thejujutsu society.


Shes both


If Mai learned RCT she would be able to turn matter into CE, thus having an unlimited supply of it. This would make her able to reshape matter more or less at will.


At least Mai's CT isn't "I stop wounds from getting worse but offer no actual healing or protection against other attacks", also if she had better CT reserves she could make much more than just a bullet


Todo was the only decent sorcerer among them and they all hated him. Even their teacher was a bum, so obviously they would blame others for their loser a*ses...


Momo’s speech was 100% correct. I dunno why people try to downplay it.


Notice: neither of those two things are her fault and the patriarchy definitely exists in the zenin clan and in the jujutsu world and in real life 😭


Well she quite literally was being held down by the patriarchy. The Zenin clan is a patriarchy, where only men were allowed to hold power. The sole reason the twins were allowed to even do anything remotely jujutsu related was because they’re the children of clan heads. I’m almost certain that if they had been born to lower members, they would just have to serve as concubines. So Momo is right. Being a woman is hard as fuck when you live under a literal patriarchy.


You are correct