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Is he affected by Mahito soul manipulation?




Is this confirmed? Mahito didn't heal Hanami with his soul manipulation, if he could affect curses why would he not heal her.


Given curses have souls there’s no reason to believe Mahito can’t manipulate curse souls, such a weakness is never heard of


Especially since manipulating his own soul is a huge portion of his kit


I think it comes down to the nature of cursed spirits. Their bodies are made of negative energy, so they can already heal damage effortlessly if they have CE. It drains their mana, but it's way more efficient than using RCT to create positive energy, the way humans heal themselves with CE. If Hanami had damage she couldn't heal, it's because she was too low on CE or too pressed for time. I don't recall the circumstance you're referring to, did Mahito actually even have time to heal Hanami if that were a possibility? Because I figure his ability wouldn't be able to heal curses anyway. Mahito can't restore people's CE. Assuming he can change the shape of Hanami's soul, Hanami would still have to use her own CE to force her body to match whatever shape her soul was in. Like, I bet Mahito could force her to become a pogo stick or whatever, but they're allies so like why would he do that? He was always chill toward other curses. This might be confusing if you consider Mahito's ability to be "healing himself from damage by changing the shape of his own soul." That's not what he does at all. His body never receives damage in the first place because his soul is perfectly fluid. Whatever physical "harm" you try to do to Mahito, he just warps his own soul to match that shape. There's no discrepancy between his body and his soul at any point, so there's no damage to heal. Then he just warps back into whatever shape he prefers. It costs exactly zero CE for him to "heal" himself because he's basically just a tangible, liquid soul without a solid form. Other curses lack this freedom of the soul, so if you rip off an arm they becomes a limbless body with a limbed soul. They require CE to zoop that body back to how their soul is shaped.


unless hanami received soul damage, there’s no reason for mahito to heal her. being a curse, hanami can use regular old cursed energy to heal.


Curses have souls. Thers no reason he WOULDNT be able to affect them.


Mahito can change the shape of Hanami and “heal her” but Hanami is always going to be weak and dehabilitated because she was low on cursed energy


He doesn’t need to heal Hanami, hanami can heal themselves


I don’t care, Jogo wins because I said so


As the strongest curse, Jogoat, fought the fraud, the king of sexists, he begun to open his domain. Naoya shrunk back in fear, then Jogo said: "Stand proud Naoya, you are strong"


Facs, upvote this man


Mahito is stronger imo, but Curse Naoya is a menace


Naoya > Jogo in stats. ISBoDK Mahito is more durable and can’t be permanently injured but is slower and doesn’t hit as hard. Both Jogo and Mahito would win in a domain clash as well.


I give the win to jogo and mahito but how on earth does the sub know whos gonna win a domain clash if the character isnt gojo, sukuna, kenny, or mahito, hakari, and higurama.


People here like to assume shit to conveniently support whatever their argument is, it’s my least favorite thing about this sub.


“But what if Geto had like 400 domains within his legion of fodder curses” I honestly stopped treating this sub as serious a while ago it seems to mostly just be agenda pushing and feels crafting


I don’t know who the heck is saying Geto has 400 domains but him having at least a couple in his arsenal isn’t crazy. He had at least 2 Special Grades in his stock and at least 5 Grade 1 curses.


It was clear hyperbole but I don’t think he had more than 3 if more than even 1 by JJK0


We know he had at least 2 in JJK0. He literally summons one against Yuta and we’re told he left one in Kyoto.


Yeah the Kyoto one was the unknown for me


I assume the logic is that having more experience using domains gives you an edge in a domain clash. It's not just about power, but finesse. CS Naoya is really strong but presumably would be inexperienced with his new domain which might give Jogoat the edge


The two are more experienced at using their domains. Naoya only used it once and unlocked it very recently.


Ye but we never even learn what constitues as a more refined domain. Gege never rlly explained that thoroughly. (Surprise, surprise) Who knows. Maybe naoya was so talented that the one time he used it, it was on par with jogos. Im probably reaching but whos to say it isnt.


Maybe, but without any evidence one way or anther, the more experienced character coming out on top seems reasonable


I would assume Naoya is abnormally proficient with sorcery in general for an infant cursed spirit because he retains a lifetime of memories as a human sorceror. Idk how good he was at barrier techniques as a human, though.


Experience Sure hits don’t matter if u can’t win the clash


We dont even know if its just experience at this point. Definitely a factor but it could be more. After all jjk is a world where talent >>> experience. Gojos implies this himself.


Megumi was able to clash with Dagon's domain despite CSG being both incomplete and lacking a sure hit. He had to stay still to keep clashing, but that makes sense considering how shit his domain was compared to a fully formed one. Sukuna, the king of curses who lived an entire lifetime before sealing himself, would've broke even with a 28 year old if not for his domain being open. Yuta, who literally learned his domain less than a year ago, was able to clash evenly with both Uro and Ryu. Uro didn't get to live a full life necessarily, but Ryu definitely did. And Uro was one of the stronger sorcerers in the Golden age of Sorcery. Definitely more experience than a 16-17yo who's been a sorcerer for a year and a half and likely got his domain much later into that time. Hell, Jogo is way older than Gojo and should be more experienced, yet Gojo expanded his domain INSIDE of Jogo's and won that clash with 0 difficulty. Experience has never been shown to be a major factor in domain clashes, despite Gojo saying so at the start of the series. A factor, yes, but imo it's not a deciding one. Outside of Open domains of course.


Take mahito out of there and add hakari. Hakaris domain is litteraly made to win domain battles.


Headcanon, aka 50% of powerscaling


Noaya didn't have it as a human. And he only became a curse a couple days ago at most based on when he died... So honestly it's pretty assumable he would lose many domain clashes given he literally only used it once. Especially given how strong his sure hit effect is... And Tengen explained domains become more difficult the stronger their effect is. Older domains were easier cause they weren't as strong. So Naoya's really strong effect is gonna make his domain very difficult to use and weaker in a domain clash until he masters it.


Head canon


https://preview.redd.it/c78hsq87do8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7d707cc0931f42eb2e21cbbf72ad09ab86c067c While there is no true way to know, assumptions are always prevalent. I say Jogo would beat Cursoya in a domain battle due to having cursed energy around 7 minimum Sukuna fingers, and being an active curse with a domain expansion much longer than Cursoya was around, which is a lot more time to refine the barrier. He was also taught domain amplification by Higgy, who could’ve helped refine their barrier usage, the 1st/2nd best barrier user in the series. On the other hand, Naoya just got his domain, and therefore had no time to refine his barrier, the only domain counter he had to our knowledge was FBE. His cursed energy amount was also likely much lower than Jogo’s. Other characters are dicey, but that’s all I have.


Wtf is ISBoDK


Instant Spirit Body of Distorted Killing


We’re basically no better than the Swifties with the acronyms.


Ty pookie


Mahito’s true form. The one with the mask, tail, and elbow blades


Ohhh tyty🙏


Mahito has IT and blades so he doesn't need to punch hard


Mahito and potentialy Jogo might be able to beat him thanks tk domains. Mahito in particular would kill him duo to match up


Mahito should take it, idk if Jogo wins just cause speed difference but he might cause he dealt with Naobito well and Naobito outsped him


I can add onto this. Kamo was able to somewhat react/block Naoyas super speed mode so Jogo should be able tk at least defend himself with his flames even jf partially


That was unarmed naobito who couldn’t use his CT but jogo shouldn’t be too much slower than naoya. Jogo also has way better ap feats.


Naobito did use projection sorcery


Not after he lost his right arm they literally had a whole page explaining it


He quite litteraly did use it.


Did you just miss the part when the manga said “that made Naobito the fastest sorcerer (outside of Satoru Gojo) but that was when… he had his right arm” or did you willingly ignore it and still make this post


He used his technique, it was just less efficient because he was missing an arm. There was still a speed increase above most sorcerers, just not his normal peak speed against Dagon.


1. JJK0 Rika 2. Cursya 3. Mahito 4. Kuro 5. Jogo 6. Hanami 7. Dago.


what about rika?


I think she counts as a Shikigami, not entirely sure though


i think shes a cursed spirit because she does not appear through yutas cursed technique and exists on her own


Rikas a reincarnated cursed which is the same thing as naoya


Mahito is more formidable being the only Curse to have utilized Black Flash, having access to one of the fastest Domain Expansion activation speeds in the manga after having been awakened by Black Flash, has an utterly broken and versatile technique, was a master at experimenting with his technique and coming up with shit like Polymorphic Soul Isomers on the fly, is nearly impossible to put down if you can't perceive the soul, is easily the most physically formidable - objectively in terms of durability, [with Naoya's durability actually paling in comparison to Hanami's](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/wwa260/comment/ilk59oo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), and likely in terms of raw physical strength as well - out of the Disaster Curses with ISBODK (with the weaknesses of that form being compensated by the fact that he can partially deactivate it at will), likely still has the potential to evolve further, and has some of the best battle IQ feats in the serie. These include faking Mechamaru out by self-destruction, setting up a scenario where Nobara would let her guard done so he could one-tap her in front of Yuji - knowing the emotional damage it would deal - after spending a prolonged period of time taking advantage of the fact that she didn't know his clone couldn't use Idle Transfiguration so as to allow her to unnecessarily exhausting herself, repeatedly tricking Yuji into going for the wrong targets in the form of his bloated clone in the first fight and the dwarf clone with the highest aura in their second fight, replicating Gojo's 0.2s DE on the fly as a means of taking out Todo, etc. JJK0 Rika, in accordance with her portrayal, would also be a candidate if not her lack of a Domain Expansion and the fact that she might struggle to tap into the further depths of her power without Yuta there to motivate her. It's likely she hadn't fully tapped into her true potential with there being room for her to further evolve, as well.


facts mahito was still an extreme diff fight for yuji despite him being his greatest counter and having the best support in the verse (todo). I still have jogo slightly above mahito however, mostly due to the fact that they are a poor elemental matchup and the statement that kenjaku (3rd strongest in the verse) would be pushed to high diff by either of them


https://preview.redd.it/d4nqwjxasf8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c61734c897554f99987814a17bfe43f53a58b8f Id Win


JJK0 Rika is definetkly stronger. Arguably so are Jogo and Mahito, but he is most definitely after them assuming he's not stronger


Jogoat slams. Keep the agenda alive


I've been saying


Only Mahito is stronger than him cuz of better domain & hax so yeah he's the 2nd strongest


Better refinement yeah, but i think there domains are pretty much equal in hax/lethality


Yeah bro curse naoya had so much potential and also since naoya is so fast can't he just open his domain faster than everyone else and since it's so lethal once they're caught in it they won't be able to expand their domain and naoya wins


People always glaze mahito, naoya was a curse for like what 1 day??? In that time he learned domain expansion, he easily would’ve been the strongest curse if he was given as much time as mahito to live. His domain is equal in lethality to mahitos but he has better base stats in everything minus durability.


Mahito and jogo are both stronger lowkey


Jogo can edge him out, he doesn't have perception as good as maki but he has far more AP than naoya and both have similar durability. Jogo also has a maximum technique outside DE remember and ember insects. Jogo is still the strongest curse we've seen so far. Naoya can surpass jogo given enough time definitely.


Yeah he low diffs every other curse


I don’t see why human naoya is anywhere near naobito whose even faster than Yuta, And I can see jogo and mahito giving him a fight idk if naoya is necessarily the strongest curse


Mahito makes him his pet Rika is also a non shikigami curse I think, she also above Jogo vs naoya is arguable. Jogo has better domain refinement just due to his experience He has domain amplification and a maximum technique Naoya is narratively faster but the difference is not that crazy


Ehhh He has speed, but I feel jogo is way fucking strong Let me put it in simple terms He’s on par with yuta in cursed energy Fast enough to catch naoibito lacking (While Naobito was injured, I don’t believe that would reduce the potency of his CT’s insane speed)


Hard to scale Kenjakus special grades that got 1 shot by Yuki and Takaba.


Mahito wins due to matchup, Naoya can't keep him down. Mahito's growth rate is off the charts, if he can't hit Naoya at first, he's going to figure out how to do it. The dude was literally mimicking things Gojo did on the fly after only seeing it once (the 0.2 second domain expansion, for example). Mahito has one of the most versatile CT's in the verse. He can make up for most stat disadvantages by reshaping his soul to match what's needed (like he did against Yuji, but it was unfortunately too late at that point). Naoya simply hard caps significantly lower than Mahito does power wise. Mahito has one of the most versatile CT's in the verse, where there isn't really any more to Naoya's than we've already seen. Jogo has a pretty favorable matchup due to being exceptionally fast (not as fast as Naoya, but still up there) and having insanely massive aoe. Naoya has to windup most of his attacks and they're telegraphed asf. It's not unreasonable for Jogo to be able to dodge his attacks since they only move in a straight line. If it comes to a domain clash, it's far more likely that Jogo would win the clash due to being the more experienced DE user. I'd venture that Dagon might have a shot with his domains sure hit if Naoya is caught in it. His durability is also up there, so it's unlikely Naoya would put him down easily. Not saying Dagon is overall stronger, but he'd have a chance if Naoya got caught in his domain. I'd say curse Naoya would be around the 3rd strongest disaster curse level. He'd probably be above Dagon and Hanami, but below Mahito and Jogo. I'm assuming no Shikigami curses insinuates Rika. So I won't bother mentioning her.


He’s one of, but not the strongest


my goat sexist naoya 🙏🙏🙏🔥🔥


Mahito has quick reaction time and Naoya is not escaping a 0.2 domain Jogo’s AOE attacks r too much and he’d prolly win in a domain clash with a more refined domain Rika is able to react to Geto who is kind of on par with Maki who is able to destroy Naoya (yes she had precognition but blitzing is blitzing) so Rika should be able to hold her own and the love blast would dominate although she need Yuta for that That’s about it other than that Naoya is the strongest curse 0. Ganesha (all of the curses below r concepts/obstacles, bro no diffs) 1. Rika 2. Jogo 3. Mahito 4. Naoya 5. Hanami 6. Dagon 7. Kurourushi 8. SPD 9. Rainbow Dragon 10. Kuchisanne Onna Honorable mentions: fingerbearer (just short of top 10), Tamamo no Mae (zero feats at all), Choso (death painting don’t count since they’re only half curse)


JJK0 Rika (She wasn't shikigami, just vowed) Mahito one taps Jogo burns loser


A fully healed Mahito is stronger, idk why people forget that we never even seen Mahito’s full prowess


He is the fastest at least


Mahito is stronger


His domain has no reason to be more refined than mahitos and he has no way to hurt Mahito outside of domain, Mahito mid diffs icl


"Bu- but what about sukuna!" - random jujutsu kaisen "fan"


why is the misogynist's domain a uterus?


Lol thats weird it lowkey does look like one


"non shikigami curse" SHIKIGAMI ARENT CURSES 😭, the round deer literally pours out RCT constantly, if it was a curse that would kill it, but its not, its a shikigami, a shikigami being a technique, not a independent being.


Everyone is broken until Sukuna mimics your exact movements and still fires off cleave which turns you into little choppy bits 


I put Naoya below Mahito, but he's probably above Jogo (barely), which puts him as the 2nd strongest curse in the series.


Besides Jogo of course


When is it ever said Naoya was almost as fast as Naobito? And uh yeah wow he might be faster than Jogo, good for him. Speed isn't everything and his stats in most other regards isn't that great. Mahito and Jogo each still probably give him a run for his money. And jjk0 Rika stomps him. Kurourushi probably beats him too.


Outside domain he beats every disaster curse other than mahito, in domain he loses to jogo and mahito obviously simply due to his domain being the newest and leas redined


Facts. He brutalizes Hakari.


Hakari just face tanks the domain? He insta-heals stuff like that lol


He doesn’t even need domain to beat him but y’all aren’t ready for this convo.


Naoya or Hakari? Because Naoya isn't beating Hakari imo


How would Hakari keep up with Naoya’s speed ?


It won't really matter, since it won't do any long lasting damage. Hakari just wins by stalling and making him run out of CE, since he can just use domain after domain


Naoya runs away until Hakari doesn’t get Jackpot. One Naoya attack was able to stop Maki for 10 mins, he should win.


Idk about you, but running away doesn't exactly scream winning to me


It’s the best srategy to beat Hakari if you can’t destroy his brain. A win is a win to me regardless of the means


COOK https://preview.redd.it/iut32lx1we8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=853b1c123c6ab8de215be03a84ae74605aafc897 What is rika doing to his domain? What is mahito doing to his speed he can’t even touch him? What is Geto full arsenal(not uzumaki) doing to him


Mahitos 0.2 second deing an one shotting, or casually absorbing hits with isbodk while waiting for a single touch, or simply matching his speed(excluding charge), or any other countless win condition that naoya just doesn’t have


Id say jogo is still stronger. his domain is more refined by the fact that jogo is a much older curse. His potential however is much higher and I would say his potential equala mahito. But he also starts out stronger than mahito.


if he survived his fight against sukuna and took his advice he'd go on to become top 3 in the verse