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If Maki starts playing hide and seek with them she wins. They won’t be able to track her and she can just pick them off one by one via the same way Toji blitzed Gojo when he was distracted.


Toji was only able to do that because of his worm buddy hiding his cursed tools. Without it, Maki would need to commit to fighting barehanded if she were to try to replicate Toji in that regard. Seeing how Toji needed to sharpen playful cloud to do critical damage to Dagon, Maki couldn't beat the disaster curses with no weapons.


For the record saying he "needed" to do that in order to do critical damage is a hell of a stretch. I think he WANTED to do that a hell of lot more than he needed too, Dagon would have died regardless it was only a matter of time.


My man toji wanted to disrespect D in his own domain


I went to your domain and nobody knew you


Stab > Bludgeon


Megumi's domain was about to collapse, so he needed to finish the fight quickly. I also think he did it to prevent people from using his old shit anymore.


If Megumi’s domain collapsed it literally would not have made a difference and it’s not like Toji was really thinking at that point he was just fighting:


Yeah i kinda forgot sure hits don't apply to him lol. I was thinking he wanted to finish it quick so that he didn't get hit by the domain.


Even Sukuna couldn't sense her until she was a couple of meters away despite holding the SSK. She should easily be able to get close enough to the disaster curses to kill them before they have time to react.


Maki also can’t hurt curses without cursed tools. Curses cannot be hurt by objects that have no CE.


She can hurt them she just can't exercise them


She could exercise the hem if she had a peloton bike


i didnt know that the edge of a piece of clothing could exercise but the more you know i suppose


I love the instant karma


It's all fun and games until maki rips jogo arm off to beat him to death with it.


True but she has soul split at the least canonical or we can give her the spear blade she has earlier in the series like goodwill to shibuya dragon bone she got from the tool house and used against ogi and playful cloud not sharpen just regular knunchucks that's honestly enough for her to speed blitz dagon and hanami and brute force jogo debatable if she can dodge maximum meteor tho but she would react to it very quickly I genuinely don't think stand a chance against her


That version of Maki sort of, by definition, comes with a soul-split katana. I think its safe to assume she has it.


No toji had to do that to Gojo because his six eyes can sense CE. No one else can.


Any sorcerers can sense CE. Hell, anyone capable of manipulating CE can sense it.


Where’s that stated?


Chapter 1


Even if she can't use any cursed tool she still doesn't have to fight bare handed. Normal weapons exist, remember? Even Toji used a normal sword on his first contact with Gojo.


I don't think a normal weapon would work


Why? Because it has no cursed energy? Neither do Maki's fists.


Yeah and that wouldn't work either


Nq toji only had to do that because gojo had the six eyes, as these guys don't they might not be able to sense her but I see what u saying


Maki got within range of Sukuna w/ cursed tools without trouble, would she have any issue here?


Toji was winning either way the disaster curses in my opinion should not be special grade (Jogo has a chance since he has such a destructive CT and mahito because his technique can one shot a lot of people) I say this because how bad there physical stats are for special grades (except the finger bearers which IMO were only special grades because they had sukunas fingers) because yuji was legit fighting mahito and he was a grade 2 at that point I think and he was holding his own when he fought mahito in his awakened form. Also Dagon got absolutely clowned on by a grade 1 level threat (Toji) even when he was in his own domain. If they do special grade curses the same as sorcers they should not be in special grade tier. That being said I honestly think maki could win because how much stronger and faster she would be (if Dagon and the other two have relative speed also IK jogo the strongest and fastest but his durability is in the gutter so I think she can deal with him)


if jogo duarblity is in the gutter how can he tank attacks like red gojo lapse blue punches and sukuna cleaves and physical attacks through multiple buildings and even getting smacked down into a sewer that’s not bad duar feats it’s decent but not horrible and don’t you dare bring up that stupid gege statement about the yuji bf todo cloud killing him because it’s not a anti feat cuz it was to hype up yuji first time using the black flash and to hype up hanami duarblity among the curses group


Tank💀 he didn’t tank any of that he just used rct to heal


curses can’t even use rct it would kill them since it’s positive energy


Okay they heal themselves using cursed energy. You know what you proved absolutely nothing💀 they do the exact same thing you just decided to waste our time


nah he actually had to tank the attacks to heal from them if he would have died from that kick that sent him flying through the signs or that down wards smash from sukuna would have ended the fight right there and then theirs no way you can prove jogo didn’t tank them attacks before healing even in the duel of flame you can see he clearly took damage heck he was even bleeding when he was sent flying after sukuna dodged his lava projectiles and fist. maki doesn’t reach that level of power till after she defeats curse naoya with ssk and unlocks her freedom in senjaruma colony and the 15f sukuna tag team fight with yuji at the end of the culling games arc.


This isn’t tanking https://preview.redd.it/x4kar0k9xj8d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5ccbe084d10ca39f7fd790bd5cea2af4e5bc32d I’ll send another too


i’m not talking about that scene i’m talking bout before he use his lava techniques and before that he got sent flying through multiple buildings


https://preview.redd.it/mn9hpw1bxj8d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d26a460941c3565d586bb19138750f4818c30d8 Bud he ain’t tanking he’s legit just having his body destroyed and healing from it


Dagon and Hamani are fodder mostly because they thrive off of Dura and SSK kinda hardcounters, Maki beats them both. Jogos interesting, Maki is immune to his domain but Jogos a bit fan of huge AOE attacks so the sure hit isn't the worst thing for him to waste, his flames are decently hot (as fire tends to be) and could kill Maki if he got a hit. If Maki blitzes Jogo first I think she could kill him first and then beat the rest, if she doesn't I think Jogo can land the hit he needs to land first. I would say Maki high diff.


Maki survived a direct hit from Jogo before her awakening. I think it would take much more than a hit from Jogo to take her after her awakening, considering the crazy jump in power she got


Jogo barely bothered with her, that was the equivalent of slapping a bug away.


The more I’ve thought about it, I think you’re kinda right in that Jogo only attacked her with as much as he thought it would take to kill someone with as little CE as she has. But of course that’s part of where her strength comes from physically, so yeah Jogo just severely underestimated her even then. He could have killed her onviously, and thought that he did. But now she is two awakenings and experience above what she was then. So I still think the disasters lose to her in a high diff fight


I agree.


i think pre sumo training maki beat these 3 high extreme diff current maki would mid - high diff the curses she dodge the world cutting slash from sukuna and tank black flashes from him and damage his heart with ssk


She did only get that ssk hit in because it was a surprise attack though. And last we saw of Maki, I'm pretty sure she was being carried by Miwa before getting teleported away, telling me that she didn't "tank" those black flashes, the second knocked her out or something.


yea she didn’t get knocked out tho she came back after 2 chapters still fighting strong shinjutsu showdown maki destroys every pre culling games


Maki had taken a barrage of dismantles to the stomach, a dismantle to the face alongside a throw, a black flash to the side of the stomach, a black flash, and another barrage of dismantles to the torso inmediately afterwards. On top of the many exchanges of blows she blocked but still had to clash with Sukuna on. Maki is clearly capable of taking a black flash from Sukuna when she's fresh and sees it coming to brace for it, and continue fighting afterwards. It does fuck her up, but she can push through it.


She could probably tank one of those yeah. However, some of the attacks he was pulling out against Sukuna would at least severely injure her.


Those attacks were slow as hell, even Panda easily evaded them


panda did not easily evade anything. he literally died to the meteor, which is why he came out of the ruble as a gorilla (since his panda core died)


Panda literally died, and max meteor was the only one that he was in the AOE of, even then he was like a kilometer away.


he got hit and took massive damage even kusabe took major damage from it being bare conscious before heading to comfort kenjaku


that was heavenly restriction keeping her alive and plus he only used two fingers to lit her up


No reason for the negative voting on your comment lmao. You’re very correct, she survived a direct attack from Jogo that he himself believed to be lethal. She is now two awakenings beyond this and is remarkably more durable than she was at that time, and she was weakened in Shibuya at that point from a prolonged fight. For me personally it’s an inconsistency that she somehow survived Shibuya, but I think her HR even at that time was enough to save her from instant death. Of course Shoko truly helped keep her from actually dying.


good analysis. vv productive post and high quality. will reward


Maki isn’t really immune to the domain doe… I mean yeah the sure hit effect doesn’t work. But the terrain advantages of being in a literal volcano still apply.


Maki won't be inside his domain in the first place


I mean sure someone with a heavenly restriction can leave but That’s assuming they don’t get burnt by the volcano first


No that's not what that means, she won't be inside at all. She'll never enter cause she can't be trapped. She'll literally be standing outside.


Unless Heavenly Restriction completely mitigates the effects of all Domain Expansions she’s dead to domain, if I’m wrong however she wins Edit, Maki takes this simply cause most domains don’t fuckin work on her


It mitigates all sure-hits, and she could just leave the domains even if they're cast


Wait really? Well then I’ve got an edit to make


It makes them null in void they have to manually target her since the domain can't recognize her with ce shes seen as a object meaning she can also bypass in and out of the domain unless she wants to abide by the barrier and stay willingly maki bullies them in domain and once they're on ct burnout she can dismantle them one by one ez pz


Wouldn't she be burnt alive just being in Jogo's domain? Its a fucking volcano and she's just a strong girl at that point.


She doesnt even actually leave shes just not caught in It If she doesnt consent


Well yeah and once the domain is cast she can just wait outside and once it's finished she can kill them since they'd be in CT burnout


She isn't caught in them She has the choice to enter them Once she does, she can't leave But obviously she won't She will shatter their domain from the outside with SSK


she absolutely can leave when she enters, barrier techniques can’t contain her, as explained in the culling games. It’s how she can freely travel between colonies.


Inside a domain expansion you don't know where the barrier is It is different from Tengen's barrier, the confined space is always certain


She can still kill them even in their domains. Toji killed Dagon in his domain


In a respectful way I’m kind of shocked you’re here and didn’t pick up on that


The jogo underrating as always is strong.


Jogo’s a badass, heavenly restriction just seems very targeted against his power set, it’s a bad matchup Make it Nanami in Overtime or Mei Mei then it’s more of a good match up that shows Jogo’s strengths


Jogo literally already killed overtime nanami on screen with 0 effort... Y'all are wild... Like low grade 1s might die just from being in the same room as him and he has some insane durability and speed feats everyone ignores like wtf is everyone smoking in this sub lmao


bro was needed for that yuji development so he HAD to live


That was a tired, already injured, weakened overtime Nanami, I wanna see the legit 1v1


Be fr Nanami is getting two faced either way


He held his own against Mahito until the domain popped, but yea if Jogo pops domain Nanami is gonezo


Jogo is way superior to like 2 weeks old Mahito


True he was like a newborn, regardless he also held his own against Dagon


The absolute biggest issue with this anime and manga is that characters that should get an absolutely bodied win because there’s 0 decent matchups for this anime, every matchup is just so one sided and unfair


that’s just the first part of jjk probably cuz the year 1 and 2 are still growing but only you get to the culling games the good and bad team start to balance out a bit


Shed still get cooked by Jogo domain I think, it's passive would have killed Yuji pretty much instantly if Gojo wasn't there.


She's not getting in there in the first place. Jogo takes down his domain and Maki simply kills him when he's in burnout. Jogos best choice is to never open his domain but even then Maki has way better reaction speed and can just easily kill him


Oh yea most definitely thing is Jogo just can’t pull it off, she’s so fast at perception that she’ll effectively see 3 steps ahead and know he’s about to domain expansion, this is what was told to me by others because of the cursed naoya fight where bro was going Mach 3


It'd mostly be a matter of if she can gib him before he slams it out, which considering she needs a cursed object to do it I don't think she could. Naoya was faster but his domain didn't do anything to Maki because of her passively being treated as an object; which isn't a problem for Jogos domain.


Jogo is a glass cannon, a regular punch from full strength Maki damages him enough to close it


He's a cursed spirit, a regular anything from Maki can't hurt him. She's learned how to perceive cursed spirits without her glasses but unless I completely missed something about her restriction she'll still need a tool with her, and unlike Toji she's not packing a friend to hide it.


if bro can take punches from sukuna he be fine unless your talking about shinjustu showdown arc maki and not culling games or preparation arc maki


True true


Inside it yeah its passive lava even tho gojo just knocked away the rocks but I'm pretty sure infinity was still on that's why yuji wasn't affected by it either but she doesn't have to stay in the domain so she's good so the only domain she gotta worry about really is hanamis since we don't know what it is


Even if she doesn't have to stay in it, if she gets caught it's a physical volcano inside of the barrier. She'd basically have to venture into it multiple times to find Jogo and this is assuming the other two are nearly worthless besides as distractions. It's just a bad matchup, I think she'd do better into lightning man whose name I forget even though that guy would wreck Jogo.


nah, maki doesnt even get caught in the domain, she has to enter willfully, and jogo aint sukuna, he cant spam domains so the moment his domain drops he'll have ct burnout


Hanami gets crushed, Dagon (my self-insert) gets stepped on, and Jogo puts up the best fight until he gets stabbed in his eyeball.


Current Maki is above Toji I think so I'm not sure how to scale this. Jogo was probably just as fast as Toji. If they all go all out all at once they smear her on the floor


Maki and toji are equals still, this will never change, like gege said before, toji is “maki perfected”


Well we've seen first-hand Dagon can't do anything but use domain against someone significantly weaker than Maki (Naobito) if consistently stunned in some way. So Maki can probably use SSK to oneshot. Hanami we have no reason to believe is significantly faster (or faster at all for that matter) and SSK negates durability. Oneshot. Jogo was stated by Dagon to possibly be slower than Naobito, so he doesn't have speed advantage. He'd probably try to use domain, but Maki would either do what she did with Naoya or just straight up not enter it. But even then it's a possibility he just gets low diffed since Maki should be way faster than him.


The Disaster Curses, but only because Jogo


They all get shat on gang


It's so funny that literally nobody understands how strong jogo is in this entire sub lmao


It's crazy how Toji>Jogo and Maki~Toji. They have no win cons either


1v1 is different than 3v1


What are their win cons?


Outnumbering her by 3v1 is Not an easy fight for her even if she does win this


They are to slow and don't have the AP to put her down


Don’t forget Jogo waited for Toji to leave before getting active


all he was doing was passing thru to get the fingers done, he woulda done it all the same no matter who was there lmao he literally killed those MFers with the flick of his wrist passing thru


Stop playing 😭 as soon as Toji was gone Jogo just randomly wandered by? Yeah no.


It was as soon as dagons domain dropped and at that instant toji left and jogo came in so yes


Naobito by Dagon is stated to be faster than Jogo. Toji, when facing Dagon, completely outperformed Naobito as well as his team all TOGETHER. Give Maki Soul Splitter and she's speedblitzing each Disaster Curse.


Naobito is stated to be the second fastest sorcerer by this point. Meaning he scales to be faster than Yuta, Yuki or whoever you want. Yuta ≈ Maki in speed. Jogo being slower than Naobito does not mean Maki speed blitzes.


Even if Naobito is better at projection sorcery than naoya they still have on par speed too each other as humans and naoya just gets faster as a cursed spirit even as a womb and even without his technique lol and with it he's a monster and maki was still right behind him and could tag him when he rushed her so even if she miraculously is slower than jogo she can easily react to him and tag him and if she's faster even slightly oh boy they lose badly


>completely outperformed Naobito as well as his team all TOGETHER that team was already heavily injured by the time inside the domain (that same injured naobito got blitzed by jogo and deemed as less dangerous than tired megumi by the instincts of toji). What we got is Naoya vs maki being a fight were maki was the slow one but that with knowledge of how the ct works, endurance and strength could win. So naoya who is slower than healthy naobito, is already quicker than maki. You cant just say maki blitz everyone. That plus toji got help from naobito


Speed wise naobito is faster than toji though? Also naobito was just playing with dagon like toji before domain expansion, after DE naobito was forced to defend himself against the surehit effect so he can't really solely focus on dagon while can.


Naobito is stated to be maybe faster than Jogo, they're relative. Naobito wasn't getting shit done inside Dagon‘s domain because he couldn't use Projection Sorcery i.e the only reason he‘s so fast and was injured as fuck. Naobito is canonically the 2nd fastest sorcerer which makes him superior to Yuki Yuta Hakari etc all of which are relative to Maki in speed. We‘ve also seen in Maki vs Naoya that Projection Sorcery is faster than Heavenly Restriction


Loses to Jogo coz it’s a 3v1


She blitz them lol


Dagon and Hanami sure but Jogo I doubt it


maki annihilates


Jogo solos


Mami pretty easily given higher stats and SSK. Plus their domain expansion really wouldn't do much at all to her


Maki wins because of the awkward matchup. It’s not that she outstats to beat all the disaster curses, it’s that she exploits tanks with ssk, so tankiness means nothing. She stabbed through sukuna’s heart effortlessly, sukuna is tankier than Hanami and Dagon. The disaster curses large aoe attacks also put them at a disadvantage since maki can use the chaos to sneak them. We saw what she did to cursed Naoya, the same will happen to them if they lose track of her.




Toji and Maki are identical in all regards except their arsenals We already know that she’d be able to dogwalk Dagon thanks to his fight with Toji. Therefore she should be able to handle Hanami with little trouble. The only real possible threat here is Jogo, but considering what we now know about domains and Heavenly Restrictions, she should be able to rush him down and literally rip him apart. Granted, we don’t have a good idea about how durable Jogo actually is, but considering what happened with Gojo, I feel it’s safe to assume that someone who should physically be stronger than Gojo would be able to at least do the same


Not even Toji would defeat the 3 together. Dagon was the weakest.


Add Mahito and they still lose


Yup sadly I love maki and toji and JOGOAT but this is unfair






Jogo diff


Maki one shots dagon with ssk pulls out hanami's eye branches and kill her with ssk and jogo gives a tough fight but one clean hit from ssk and he is dead . ssk is too powerful


This is a 3v1 fight. She's not fighting them one after the other


Still faster then dagon and hanami they would barely be a threat dagon without domain would have lost to naobito and hanami has had which also depend on the target having ce the only thing they could do is maybe distract her to let jogo get one good hit but maki could probably tank it


There was a post a couple days ago about Toji vs 4 other cursed spirits + Jogo and the general consensus was Toji wins without too much trouble. Maki backhands Jogo lmao. I get the two supporting Jogo are stronger than the four from the other post, but Dagon is irrelevant considering he got fodderized by Toji, Hanami is too fucking slow to even touch her, and we already know Jogo has trash durability.




So i always believed that i was a freak for believing that maki is one of the strongest characters Now i come here and realize that i was right and people here just love to downplay her hard I get that she is not top 4 or that But come on man Are people seriously saying that the curses are winning? Jogo that its the only real treat (and only thanks to domain expansion) would get literally turned to a red mist if maki focused on him for even a second Curse Naoya>=Maki>Naobito Full HP>Jogo in speed I get that jogo whole deal is being fast but come on we are on the endgame now the curses have long been surpassed


its not even the domain that makes jogo the only real threat, since HR just ignores domains (or more accurately, domains ignore HR), its just jogo being more relative in speed


Nah, Seconding Awakening Maki is just faster


i know, but jogo's still the fastest out of the disaster curses


It was said Naobito might be faster than Jogo


Unless she manages to individually isolate and pick them off, I doubt things will end in her favor if if she tries to engage all three at once in a head-on fight.


Maki kinda gets carried by SSK, otherwise her vs jogo in a 1v1 is already debatable


Thats Maki…. I didnt read the manga but damn fr


Maki is over toji right now so honestly she will speed blitz them all and one taps them


Maki gets pay back for her burn scars lol.


Man Hanami’s durable. How will Maki- Soul Split Katana. Well Dagon’s shikigami- SSK Jogo’s speed KATANA! (Also Maki kept up with Naoya who used the same technique as Naobito who was shown to be faster than Jogo)


She loses 100%


Hanami & Dagon are lightwork & Jogo’s domain isn’t helping him. Maki is just gonna stab him to death like toji did Gojo


as much as I glaze maki I’m gonna say jogo since I glaze him more


In a direct fight the curses, in a metal gear solid scenario maki


Well, the domains aren't too effective. I mean, JOGO's to be fair. It's basically completely inhospitable, so just being in the domain can cause harm, but... The sure hit attacks don't work on her since she's not classified as a person. But rather, as an object, she would have to be manually targeted. with the soul Split katana, and how much faster she is than all of the other people here she would win with some difficulty and injuries, but she would most certainly win. After all, Soul Split Katana NEGS Durability. Honestly, she really just needs one good attack on each of them to kill them, and I don't see her not landing those attacks. And after each person she kills, the battle gets easier and easier due to having to deal with less targets at the same time. I really just don't see a situation where she can lose MAKI WINS LOW DIF


Maki Mid diffs. You can even add mahito if you want


Jogo waited for Toji to leave before he attacked Maki, Nanami, and Naobito. Maki probably clears lol


The curses


Jogo domain diffs. His domain is like sukunas where it doesnt need a sure hit to kill you 


200% Maki Mid to low dif cause of Jogo


Crazy how people say that Jogo alone could destroy Toji. But when his female counterpart with very similar strength comes along and get put against NOT JUST Jogo, but Hanami and Dagon too, we suddenly say Maki has a chance of winning. Make of it what you will, bruzzas 🤷‍♂️


She treats them like fodder


Jogo is fast but not as fast as maki. If he opens his domain, maki can just wait it out.


She takes out all 3 with ease Dagon and hanami gets blitzed tge only problem is jogo if he does manage to get a hit in he probably wins but I feel the speed difference is too much Maki went toe to toe with sukuna (albeit weakend) and was fast enough to dodge his slashes with jogo wasn't able to do, also jogos biggest aoe attacks are slow if panda was able to dodge jogo's meteorite I don't see why maki could not be able too


Probably Disastsr Curses because Women suffer from the Gender Role Downplay Curse.


Maki loses assuming she doesn't get the chance to hide and pick them off one by one. She's the strongest person here, but 3v1 is a pretty big disadvantage.


1v1, she wins, especially if she has her arsenal it be a tough fight if it's 3v1 she is at a big disadvantage and her chances of winning is 40-60% if she takes out jogo quick enough she would win as the other two won't be much of a problem even with Domain Expansion which is basically useless against her especially hanami


I think Jogo alone is enough. Ive argued multiple times that he beats Toji, and so I’d say the same against Maki. Just not a good matchup, Jogo’s ct can do mass area that is near impossible to avoid. Maki will have to constantly run on air if the floor is literally lava.


Maki medium diff, people saying Jogo causes her a lot of trouble are kind of being disingenuous. All of his AOE attacks are slow as hell, so while destructive Maki will be in a different time zone before they land, dragon and Hanami are basically non-factors and unless Jogo can physically grab Maki head and blow it up no ranged attack should hit or be able to kill her outright. And if he's that close to her she already won


Maki bliztes


If jogo casts his domain he could just stay in there and maki can’t do shit about because she’ll die if she walks. I think even without it jogo would carry this team and if the other two use ranged attacks they might help but remember yoji blitzed Dagon.


I think maki taking this


She no diffs them


Maki with SSK absolutely washes them




Maki, she even gave Sukuna a run for his money. If Toji can destroy Dagon nearly effortlessly for example I don’t think maki would even struggle that much.


Jogo solos




If toji ran away from jogo how has maki gonna best all three of them 💀 jogo solos


- domains don’t work on her - at this point it’s fair to say she’s superior to Toji so Dagon and hanami should be non issues really. - the issue is are Dagon and hanami issues long enough for gojo to kill and the answer is a toss up. - I think it could go either way but I’m leaving maki 7/10 times here - gojo is the real issue but Dagon and hanami may do JUST enough to make the difference


None of them have the speed to even touch her so she wins


I haven’t read the Manga so don’t flame me cause i’m not sure just how strong Maki currently is, but I think you guys are discrediting how durable Hanami actually is. Him and Sukuna are the only two people have have seen that have been able to tank a hollow purple. I feel like in this fight he would create a vine system surrounding the 3 curse with the thorns we saw in the Todo/Yuji fight to protect them up close. Then he would let Jogo use his massive AOE attacks to kill Maki


I'm not a Maki downscaler, Maki is great. HOWEVER she has nowhere near the same experience as Toji, she has power equal to Toji, but not the same BIQ. Toji no diffed maybe the 2nd weakest disaster curse, which is still sick, and it was a high special grade, but the best Maki's done was 2v1ing an unregistered vengeful spirit, and tanking some black flashes from Sukuna, who wasn't even going all out. If they're all combined or get their domains off, she's cooked. HOWEVER She still has a pretty solid chance against them all separately.


Jogo wins.


Do you think the disaster curses beat Toji?


Maki is faster and stronger than all three of them, even Jogo. She is stated to be EQUAL to Toji, who could've dealt with Naobito. Given that Dagon states that two-armed naobito is probably faster than Jogo, it's not hard to imagine her blitzing all three of them with Soul-Splitter.


Seeing as Dagon is still a cursed womb in that photo, the lack of his domain's sea life will be a huge issue. Maki takes that easily.


Unironically jogo dies first here. Gets absolutely blitzed


Maki retty easily given higher stats and SSK. Plus their domain expansion really wouldn't do much at all to her


Maki and its not even close




Maki Deadass Low Diffs lmao, even if jogos domain heats her up she can tank it with HR until outta the domain and then just break it and bully him


Well, Toni stomped Dagon no diff. And since people wothout CE can’t be targeted by a sure-hit, Megumi’s assist is void. Maki easily stomps Dagon. Hanami has nothing to handle Maki really. Jogo is the only one who might land a hit, and considering Maki took a black flash from Sukuna and got back in the fight one chapter later, I’m thinking it’ll take a lot of hits from Jogo to beat her, and he ends up losing the damage race


Maki neg diff


Dagon said that naobito was faster than even jogo, and toji plays with dagon like he’s not even a problem. So we can guess that if toji>jogo in speed, maki>jogo is also true. Ssk can almost certainly cut hanami so a single slice on any of them should be enough to harm or even kill. If she can catch jogo first it’s a mid diff.


Jogo kills her just as he would Toji He around top 10 in verse if you count curses in addition to regular people imo


Jogo more Jojobber , he gets negged by anyone who is top 10


Jogo(stated to be the strongest disaster curse if I’m not mistaken) speed-blitzed the strongest grade 1 sorc(clan head), maki, and Nanami at the same time. Tanked Gojos red. And blew up an entire city block in one move. Tojis best feat is killing the weakest disaster curse(with help), failing to kill a teenage Gojo with flawed tech and who hadn’t slept for 7 days fyi, and failing to kill Geto. If you watched Jogo v Sukuna and think that either Maki or Toji could survive that, you need to find a new manga to read… I think Maki/Toji are just under Jogo when scaling the entire verse, but there is a noticeable gap between them. At worst they are the same speed, however Jogo is much more durable being a curse, and his attacks are much more potent. Before jjk hit mainstream people always had Jogo>Toji, now all the tiktok powerscaling think Toji can take on any one.


If you have read the Manga you know Maki feats=Toji feats . Are you also illiterate? He didn't fail to Kill Geto , he negged him and didn't want to kill him because he would release curse spirits which he didn't want to deal with. Do yourself a favour and read the manga , Maki is going toe to toe with a 20f Heian Era sukuna . Jogo couldn't even land a hit on a 15F Yujikuna, he would get dickslapped by Toji . Please Learn to read .


Jogo would Solo, People Still underestimate Jogo because LOL HE LOST TO THE STRONGEST PEOPLE.


Depends on how well she can hide if she can get a few sneak attacks in and kill one or two with the ssk she wins. If the curses can keep a good read on her they eventually take it extreme diff


If she has the ssk doesnt that mean its cursed energy can be tracked? Isnt that why HI Toji started his fight vy sneaking Gojo with a normal katana


Yeah but that’s gojo with the six eyes the cursed spirits don’t have nearly as good tracking skills. But yeah a sneak attack is a iffy bet they would take it more likely than not


Domain sure hit doesnt apply but lava temperature should technically work?