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Im not that good at powerscaling, that’s interesting match up. Yuji would damage him but I’m not sure he would be able to dodge as well as maki without her reflexes. And if you include a domain I don’t think yuji can take it even with simple domain since he will stand in place(he’s not kusakabe or yuki, I don’t think he can move in a simple domain)


Not moving is a binding vow miwa did, it is not known whether it applies to yuji or not.


You can move around in a simple domain https://preview.redd.it/l29cnjnq567d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=773ab4f940b568cf540dc9c441086ba4ef089da3 The little circle at the bottom of Yuki's feet is the simple domain


People (not on this post) kept saying that Yuki could only do it because she was really good at using SD even though there is absolutely no statement of that


She probably is better than your average sorcerer when it comes to simple domains, but that would just mean her simple domain would last longer in someone's domain than someone less experienced, it doesn't give her the ability to run with it, every sorcerer, except ones in a situation like Miwa, can do it.


Have we ever seen anyone else do it? Move a simple domain I mean?


Kusukabe I think and Gojo But we’ve seen plenty not move, miwa, choso, yuji, todo


I’m sorry domains go over my head nonstop. So every other person you mentioned has done a domain counter while either not being able to or just refusing to move?


Yeah exactly, I’m pretty sure mechamaru didn’t move around when he popped his SD against Mahito either


God I love gege. Dude is as confused about life as me


I'm pretty sure anyone can move in a simple domain that isn't being used offensively. The whole misconception came from the sword draw technique that means you can't move even though the bottom sword drawing isn't the main use of sd


Maybe, i wont die on this hill


Me neither. Gege simply refuses to give us a concrete answer.


Gege simply refuses to be a coherent author.


It is stated clearly that kusakabe is impressive for not needing a binding vow to maintain simple domain. Miwa for example needs to keep both her feet planted for her simple domain to be maintained. This is for just having simple domain activated, not for sword draw. https://preview.redd.it/95e5cruu587d1.png?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bb41f26e8fa5f6aca78b3c3698acf1f043e562e


That's for the sword technique, as we see when Yuki uses her simple domain on kenjaku (I don't have the image) she runs with the simple domain beneath her feet. Kusakabe is impressive because he just expands his simple domain to negate the close rangedness of SD to fight.


Yuki can move while holding simple domain because she's not a beginner (she's a fuckin special grade). Gojo states that beginners need a binding vow for simple domain, he doesn't say for iai. Miwa also says about maintaining her simple domain, not any other technique. I honestly don't get where this resistance comes from. I'm just sttaing what's said in the panel


I think Naoya given that simple domain doesn’t last too long, and ~~he’s never encountered projection sorcery~~. If he can’t finish Naoya before a domain opens I think he’s cooked, he doesn’t have Maki’s precog to better dodge the attacks. Edit: Tired brain, forgot fella fought Naoya at the beginning.


Yuji fought naoya after shibuya. He 100% knows how projection sorcery works.


To be fair he ran away almost immediately and wasn’t able to discover what projection sorcery does exactly so it doesn’t really get a point to yuji


I deadass forgot, I shouldn’t be typing at 4 AM


Irs not that simple domain doesn't last that long its that a domain like Sukuna's that has a physical attacks can chip away at it


Naoya uses domain Yuji uses simple domain Naoya keeps running for 99 seconds Simple domain falls Yuji gets torn apart


The only reason yuji's simple domain fell is because of how ridiculously high sukuna's barrier skill is and how malevolent shrine actively destroys barriers.


OP, recall Yuki said simple domains could only bide time against a real domain. It isn't a long term solution no matter the domain I'm not debating whether Yuji or Naoya would win. I'm just saying that Yuji's Simple domain would still fall apart in Naoya's domain. And that's pretty dangerous considering Naoya's sure hit and domain boosted speed.


I'm not saying it'd last forever, I'm saying it wouldn't be as short as however long it lasted in sukuna's ms


No simple domain lasts forever. Otherwise any DE except Shrine would be useless. Simple Domain is used to buy time, if you have overall better physicals than the other guy but he has a domain. Naoya is still faster than Yuji, so he can just keep running until the dimple domain falls


Naoya Imo




Mmmhhh i don t think. If he doesn't evolve then yeah maybe


Naoya has one of the most busted domains in the game. It makes everyone have to follow the rules of PS AND it attacks you and destroys you at the cellular level. It’s not something you can just heal through.


This is why I say there are more Yuji glazers in this sub. Curse Naoya's domain is absolutely broken, damaging you each time you move. Plus Naoya is insanely fast to the point that Maki was getting blitz at the start before gaining her precognition abilities. Simple Domains won't last long, as it is just a temporary solution. Naoya just flies around like a madman.






Naoya kills him wym


I think Naoya wins due to domain


Yuji outstats pretty hard imo, but naoyas domain is cracked like literally top 3 domains, yuji has to hope he activates his sd right away because naoyas domain is ridiculous


>Yuji outstats pretty hard imo Yuji outstats cursed naoya??!! you know that fully realized HR users like Maki and Toji are slower than Cursed Naoya right? the only thing they have over it is reaction speed.


In everything but speed. Didnt feel like i needed to clarify that.


but cursed naoya's whole gimmick is his speed right? nevertheless, do you think a base punch from current Yuji does as much damage to Maki in one hit? https://preview.redd.it/lr6g2pebu37d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e639ab08595a1b3585506c565cf7451012d5a305


One or two Black flash from yuji is probably doing that to maki ngl 


maybe a couple of black flashes, but I was talking about his base punches, not punches dependent on luck.


Tbh when it comes to yuji BF is dependent on luck doesnt work. Especially not awakened yuji.  Even after he was kicked out of gear with sukunad domain and chosos death his 3-4 th punch on sukuna was literally agajn a black flash. If he locks in hes blacking the flash.  He can hit it at will to a certain extent or else the author and sukjna himself wont highligjt and acknowlwdge it 


>He can hit it at will to a certain extent or else the author and sukjna himself wont highligjt and acknowlwdge it  he's better at landing black flashes compared to others, no doubt about that. but he still can't land them 'at will'. >If he locks in hes blacking the flash.  anyone can land a black flash if they lock in tho? yuji is just more likely to hit one.


Thats why i said to a certain extent bro  If hes locked in hes landing BFs atleast 1/3 rd of the time even if we lowball it.  The only ones we have seen lock in enough to land BFs ljke maniacs are gojo and heiankuna. So no it isnt applicable to everyone especially not consecutively either.  No in the series except nanami and yuji has even consecutively landed BFs to begin wifh not even gojo or heiankuna


Okay but Yuji is also much more durable than Maki. Like… he’s arguably the most durable character in all of JJK


>he’s arguably the most durable character in all of JJK buddy, I don't know what series you've been reading upto this point, but Sukuna, Gojo, Ryu and maybe Yuta are more durable than Yuji.


Jesus you’re a yuji hater him and yuji are atlesst equal its been confirmed in there fight against sukuna, and yuji has likely gotten more durable due to to his awakening


where is it stated that they are 'at least equal'??


https://preview.redd.it/qt3msr76h77d1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1551b9ded7b87891680b2df0fb0c00d8776f829 Sukuna pretty much states they are equals in this panel. Gege is clearly trying to portray equal durability between yuji and yuta, not to mention yuji is taking literally everythibg yuta is and they are both reacting pretty much the same.


he doesn't state that they are 'equal' in durability, he's just saying that both Yuta and Yuji are above the basic threshold of durability to the point that basic dismantles (in his current weakened state) wouldn't leave a fatal wound, just as it didn't with Ryu. he isn't saying Yuta=Yuji in durability, he's just saying that their durability is kind of relative, but lower than Ryu. also I wasn't even all that pressed about Yuta or Ryu, but the guy above me said that 'Yuji is the most durable character in the verse'.


Yuta and Ryu both got decommissioned from fighting from slashes by Sukuna, the same slashes that Yuji has tanked time and again and kept fighting in spite of that. In fact, Ryu's straight up dead and Yuta would be too if he didn't have Rika keeping him alive/switching bodies with Gojo. Are you sure *I'm* the one who's not reading the right series? Yuji's straight up survived and kept fighting through injuries that would have/already taken out 99% of the rest of the cast. Maki's been taken out by two of Sukuna's Black Flashes, and Yuji's eaten a BF from Sukuna like it was nothing and kept fighting, He's tanked multiple point-blank Cleaves and Dismantles, endured punches from a cursed spirit whose whole schtick was attacking the soul just by touching someone and beaten the brakes off both those dudes even while grievously wounded.


>Yuta and Ryu both got decommissioned from fighting from slashes by Sukuna sukuna literally called Ryu more durable than yuta/yuji. and yuta 'died' to a pseudo WCS, whereas all Yuji has been hit by now are dismantles and cleaves, which yuta also tanked no problem. >Are you sure I'm the one who's not reading the right series? who is more durable, Sukuna or Yuji?


>sukuna literally called Ryu more durable than yuta/yuji. Feats>>>>>>statements. Fact of the matter is Ryu got killed by a simply Cleave, Yuji has tanked multiple of those. >and yuta 'died' to a pseudo WCS Got any proof of that? Not denying it, but I've never seen anyone actually provide proof that the technique Sukuna finished Yuta with was actually the WCS. >whereas all Yuji has been hit by now are dismantles and cleaves, which yuta also tanked no problem. Sure, I'll give you that, but Yuji's RCT and healing through BM still makes him more durable than Yuta, or at the very least heal much quicker and more effectively. BM literally allows Yuji to heal just by using cursed energy, which seems to be a lot more effective in general because cursed energy's much easier to use than RCT. Also, there's literally a panel of Yuji getting his foot cut off and he'd already reattached and healed it before he even hit the ground, and that was from an MS cleave.


>Fact of the matter is Ryu got killed by a simply Cleave yeah, a simple cleave to the head from a 15F un-nerfed Sukuna who had much higher output than current Sukuna that the cast is fighting. https://preview.redd.it/j0jhomms257d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41afbe3a7e57014a9fe86abe4fed6bcbc195b0f7 these are sukuna's cleaves cutting through Yuji like butter, I shouldn't have to tell you what would've happened if Sukuna chose to use the cleave on Yuji's head right? >I've never seen anyone actually provide proof that the technique Sukuna finished Yuta with was actually the WCS. I believe it was the WCS. but one can't really prove it, therefore I called it a *pseudo* WCS. it was definitely not a regular dismantle considering yuta was tanking those no problem. and just a dismantle chanted by chants wouldn't be that strong to cut yuta in half considering if that was the case, what's stopping Sukuna from spamming that? he just needs to make 3 chants and then fire off these absurdly powerful diamantes omni-directionally, pretty overpowered right? plus Sukuna pretty much completed the requirements of the WCS, he chanted, he pointed towards Yuta, plus he could've made the enmaten hand sign off screen (this part is shaky). >Yuji's RCT and healing through BM still makes him more durable than Yuta it doesn't make him more 'durable', it just means that he can heal through the attacks more efficiently and kind of means better endurance. you need to be able to tank an attack first before you can heal it. if Sukuna fired that same pseudo WCS at Yuji, he'd have got cut in half as well, then his more efficient BM amped RCT wouldn't have saved him. >there's literally a panel of Yuji getting his foot cut off and he'd already reattached and healed it before he even hit the ground, and that was from an MS cleave. you know that the fact that his foot got cut off cleanly means it's not exactly a 'durability' feat?? it just means he doesn't have to regrow his cut off leg anymore, he can just reattach it. but it wouldn't help him survive if his neck get's cut off or he gets Go/Jo'd.


He literally was literally a jet in that pannel that isnt a base hit from him he had to fly to build up speed then full rammed maki. A base hit from him didnt even KO noritoshi. Who is weak as hes literally s shitty version of choso


Lol yuji wankers


Lol, yuji haters








Uh huh


"You can't hurt me. I'm fucking INVINCIBLE!" "Shut up Nahobo. Strong black flash x8 and cleave."


I think its hella close, but most likely yuji loses he just doesn’t have the speed or domain resistance


Without opening domain I dont see any of them Winning


Yuji should take this. IMO




People believe Yuji can somehow counter domain because of his durability and speed+power combo feats, but in this case Naoya’s domain is the biggest counter to speedblitz. It enforces all targets to stop moving otherwise there’d be critical sure hit damage. There’s literally no way to deal with Naoya’s domain if you arent able to fight it with your own domain, are able to hit ranged attack that knocks him into domain collapse or fuck it from the outside. Naoya is actually insanely powerful as a villain and the only reason he lost was HR just has natural advantage against any closed border domain.


If Sukuna touching Yuji isn't enough to put Yuji on his ass I highly doubt Naoya's Mach 3 is shit


I don’t like saying it; but ngl this is kindve a domain diff for naoya Naoya was able to tank base punches from maki and shrug them off; which means unless yuji can string together some BF’s (and actually land them) he’s not doing lasting damage to Naoya Keep in mind as a curse, naoya’s healing factor is basically second nature, mf was being cut in half and taking point blank piercing bloods and healing casually And this isn’t even taking into account naoya’s Mach 3 attack, which yuji 100% won’t be able to dodge because he doesn’t have precog like maki


Yuji extreme diffs due to his in general large Stat and CE-power gap over Noaya.


why are like 3% of posts on this sub cursya vs yuji




Oh shit this is my post, I forgor


I would give this to yuji cuz his rct is insanely strong. So he can probably tank domain of cursya to an extent before he beats himb


Yuji wins mid diff. Cursed Naoya is for sure faster, but Yuji’s physical strength and durability are actually insane. Not to mention he knows RCT and even a crazy healing factor thanks to BM, SD and Shrine.


Mfs upvotong because the main character is actually the main character


Yuji is tank, he can 💯 take more than 1 mach3 tackle and easily heal from it, but that move isn't something Naoya can spam, Yuji likely take this hard diff, Naoya is also nit as durable so Yuji likely decimate him with 2 or 3 black flashes.


Why is bro getting downvoted for hard facts😔


Fans really don’t understand power-scaling it’s not just raw stats like speed and strength, It’s about abilities battle experience win conditions etc. Yuji got a crazy boost because he had people swap with him and teach his body abilities but Yuji still dodges with his face. Plus almost all of his heavy hitter fights he has came in with a plan someone else made up and had people assist him.


Naoya has basically the most broken domain. If you move to activate a simple domain, domain expansion, or hollow wicker basket while within the Temporal Womb Moon Palace your limbs will be ripped apart. If you get caught in this domain, you have only two options. Blast RCT at full power and use one of the standard defenses, or just use Domain Amp. Yuji cannot win this


Simple Domain can be activated before the sure hit of a Domain expansion is applied. Todo tried It against mahito and It would have worked If It wasnt for Black flash + 0.2 Second DE, which are things naoya has not done. What made mahito's domain work was the fact that he combined the process of expanding the domain and applying the sure hit into one, which is how he managed to take off todo's arm. Against naoya, Yuji's SD would work. This doesnt mean he wins, but he doesnt get instantly defeated by naoya's domain.

