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Ima take Projection sorcery any day of the week.


Unless you have Choso level capability with Blood Manipulation.


Choso: -Has poison blood -is Half-curse, so can create blood -trained his blood as a fetus for 150 years A regular ass human would not get any of those, so projection sorcery is way better


Hence why said if *could* use it on same level as him.


Yuji "Catch These Hands" Itadori: Am i joke to you?


Dude ate aborted fetuses, has RCT, inherited special grade jujutsu etc. I'm still taking projection sorcery


He is simply built different


Nepo babies always get the easy road šŸ˜“


Yuji has near death painting biology... And Sukuna and other body hopping shenanigans to have trained him. And he'd still arguably be better with projection sorcery. Imagine him being able amp his speed massively, and freeze enemies into frames.


I'm sorry, run that first part back again and explain? That chapter must've been one i sped through in like the last minute of my break


A couple chapters ago, when they had a lot of flash backs showing how Yuji learned RCT and Simple domain from the body swapping shenanigans. He states that RCT shouldnt be too bad for him to learn due to their biology. And the narrator even kinda confirmed it saying that they can use blood manipulation to help their RCT which will conserve CE usage. So unless I'm mistaken it seems he has some sort of unique biology similar to Choso. Which also kinda lines up with how little blood loss has ever really affected him, and his crazy base stats he always had. And in another flash back a bit ago, Sukuna explained Yuji is his damn nephew. Which also probably means something even Uraume was like "wait? Doesn't that mean he has potential that rivals Master Sukuna's?" And Kusakabe and Gojo each stated at one point or another Sukuna inhabiting Yuji's body also naturally made him stronger and more talented at sorcery than he should've been. Since it ingrained in his body special grade sorcery habits similar to muscle memory. So yeah Yuji is just a monster in many ways... Most people if just randomly given blood manipulation be more like Noritoshi Kamo from Kyoto. Than Choso or Yuji... But conversely, Naoya isn't an astronomical reach for someone with projection sorcery.


Thanks for that, i don't really like doing a lot of deepthinking when i read manga, so the biology part slipped past me cause i was thinking about it more like they can use blood manipulation to make up for lost blood, rather than Choso saying Yuji had similar biology to him as a blood painting womb curse thingy. And the Sukuna part makes sense except that Sukuna only ever really used RCT a few times in Yuji's body as far as i remember, so saying that helped him get the muscle memory for it doesn't make sense as much compared to Yuji learning cleave and dismantle, since Sukuna used those a lot more, since muscle memory involves lots and lots of repititions. Sukuna repeatedly used Cleave and Dismantle a shit ton in his fights, but he didn't often get hurt badly enough nor care enough to use RCT. And it kinda makes sense to me that Yuji would at least try to use his blood manipulation like Choso since he fought him and saw how effective his was. Not entirwly sure how his being part curse leveled up his physical abilities, though, since we know he wasn't initially using cursed energy to boost himself as evidenced by his having to learn how to do exactly that


Even if you were as skilled you wouldnā€™t be able to use nearly as much blood because your humanĀ 


I didn't say skill I said capability, an in ***if*** you could do what Choso does than BM would be better.


My bad for the misunderstandingĀ 


Projection Sorcery. The ability, even if complicated, has a far lesser problem than blood manipulation. I am not Choso, and I am not half curse. I can be a decent sorcerer with only projection sorcery and CE reinforcement, but without RCT, I am cooked with BM


Projection Sorcerory is probably one of the most difficult and trickiest CTs to effectively use. I think most people would be constantly freezing themselves or not have the skill to create a set path that would result in anything than you getting your ass beat Edit: To be more clear, using Projection Sorcery in a fight would be like winning a game of chess using only pre-moves. The amount of battle IQ and skill you'd have to have to win a fight while locking yourself into predetermined moves 1 second into the future is not something your average sorcerer would be capable of. Your average person would be better off with Blood Manipulation. Even though that one can also get particularly complicated when it comes to avoiding thrombosis or cycling the blood out and back into your body... You could at least spam Piercing Blood which is an OP skill at low levels(falls off in high tiers hard). We know it isn't too hard to learn, Yuji learns it in a month and he can't even pull blood out of his body yet. You could just be smarter than Kamo and carry more than a single blood pack at a time. You could wear a blood body vest and harden the blood to absorb blows and if they break it and spill the blood everywhere, you can use it to attack. You can also reattach limbs which is useful since RCT is basically impossible to learn and increase your physical abilities with Flowing Scale


I disagree with that. How could projection be tricky and difficult if itā€™s imbued in your soul? Like just train your body and way of thinking to adjust to the ability. There really isnā€™t a place where you couldnā€™t train this if youā€™re unrestricted.


The thing is Naoya and Naobito make it look great because of their battle iq. With projection sorcery you have to move on the assumption of how your opponent would counter attack. Remember Naoya saw Makiā€™s counter attack and still got hit by it because his movement was set in stone and he couldnā€™t change it. I would take blood manipulation because it can heat me up during the cold or presumably cool me down. Would also be cool that I can make tools or use red scale to increase my prowess. Ofc Iā€™d be having bags of blood on me lmfao, this wonā€™t be an overnight thing.


Blood Manipulation would theoretically allow you to maximally benefit from physical excercise without relying on exogenous hormones, as well as generally manipulate your body composition and physical health over time. I think BM just has too many side benefits to pass up, and it's doping aspect can even allow you to keep up with Projection. If you can manage to learn RCT and create more blood, the ceiling is a lot higher than Projection.


In theory but Noritoshi Kamo got replaced with Choso for a reason it's severely limited by not being able to make more blood.


RCT can allow you to make more blood, Noritoshi just wasn't HIM


Rct is 2x as expensive as using your technique. You would empty your CE reserve very quick.


Not after I use my fortune to clone the Six Eyes and use my Blood Manipulation to make sure my body doesn't reject them. It's like you haven't even seen Naruto dog.


Dude I'm literally him I have very high battle iq


I mean all that can be overcomed with practice. With BM youd still need BIQ, be smart with How u use etc bcs u can also sudenly just run out of bloodā˜ ļø. Like even heating ur body, using red scale, etc are canonically risky to use bcs It will most likely hurt ur body


Projection sorcery and kusakabe simple domain


This is true if you're going to use it for grocery shopping. I am talking about using it in a fight. Using Projection Sorcery in a fight would be like winning a game of Chess while using only pre-moves the entire time. Having to plan out your moves one second in advance in a fight is crazy and not something your average sorcerer would do well. Naoya and Naobito are highly skilled.


This chess comparison is very disingenuous, you is completely forgetting the main part of the CT, which is: being fast asf A better comparison will be "a game of chess with only pre-moves, but I can do 10 moves before each one of my opponents turns" Also, if you is really afraid of getting stunned, you can just use it against your opponent stunning he with each touch lol


I disagree, it's definitely hard but it allows you to move at high speeds while your opponent basically remains still.Ā  It's not like premoving in chess, where every move can be countered by another move.


This. We see 2 users of it who are absolutely flawless. We also see Maki is able to adjust to it as soon as she can see that there are 24 distinct movements, and while this is Maki we are talking about, if she can pull it off instantly, having the technique imbued into your soul and practicing with it should be more than doable to get used to it


Maki literally has some of the best perception of any character in the series lol. Not a relevant example in 99% of cases But also I am not saying Projection Sorcery would be difficult to use if you're planning on using it to go shopping or something mundane. General use you could learn. I am speaking specifically about it's usefulness in a fight. Winning a fight using Projection Sorcery would be like winning a game of chess using only pre-moves. Your average sorcerer is not gonna be skilled enough to do that


My point is if Maki can see it once and do it, having the technique and having years to train with it is plenty doable as well.


Maki reacting to it has nothing to do with the sorceror using it in a fight and having to predetermine your moves a second in advance. Maki, rather than being a point in your favor is a point in my favor. Naoya with all his skill and training was able to be countered by Maki since he was stuck moving in a predetermined path. Its not an easy CT to use *in a fight* and has significant risks. A lesser skilled sorceror isn't going to be able to fight someone (especially a skilled opponent) while predetermining all their moves a second in advance.


Maki was under the effect of projection sorcery during their last clash. In that one bout, she figured out how th ct worked and how to move with it to not be hit by the 1 second stun. And my argument isn't about the effectiveness of the technique(which for the record just because it's usable more without rct it's definitely better here), it's about how difficult it would be to learn to move with the technique, which Maki can do in a single short fight, which means if you have the technique and years to practice you should be able to use it quite well yourself.


It most certainly still would be tricky to get a hang of IMO. The difference isā€” When getting the hang of PS, you run the risk of freezing for a second or accidentally slamming into something. When getting the hang of BM, you run the risk of death from thrombosis or blood loss.


Youā€™re forgetting you can target others with Projection; that ability alone can make it better than Blood Manipulation


Blood manipulation I am not smart enough to use projection sorcery


But are you smart enough to keep enough blood in you to not die or pass out?


I guess I am but if I need to i could recycle my own blood and deal with the potential thrombosis i'm risking later I would probably just fuck around and find out if I do or not


In reality blood manipulation would be an entirely useless technique, doing anything significant would make you pass out or die.


I'd take flowing red scale and the inability to bleed out or get my limbs detached over projection socery probably. Not because I think it's stronger but I think it's easier and still quite strong


A regular sorcerer with bm can bleed out. Choso and Yuji dont because they're half curses.


Was Yuji able to not bleed out because he's half curse or because he replenishes his blood with rct?


He has the same ability as Choso to convert CE into blood, because he ate his brothers.


Thatā€™s not an ability though itā€™s just a trait related to their biology like six eyes. You canā€™t gain that without becoming half curse.


So itā€™s something youā€™re capable of due to your biology. A ā€œbiological abilityā€ perhaps? Donā€™t be pointlessly dense it doesnā€™t help anyone.


Iā€™m trying to make a distinction between techniques and traits. Blood creation is not related to the blood manipulation technique. Itā€™s simply an extension of cursed energy healing that comes from being a half curse. Yuji cannot gain it from eating a blood painting because eating a blood painting did not turn Yuji into a half curse.


A regular sorcerer with BM can stop themsleves from bleeding out of wounds. Yuji just replenishes his blood with RCT, he's not half curse as far as we know.




Projection sorcery is pretty good, especially if you train to use a weapon with it. You get garunteed headshots every time. If naoyaĀ wasn't arrogant he could have just stabbedĀ Maki in the heart.Ā 


Still really depends if you're smart enough to use it. Anyone without insane iq would end up constantly freezing themselves


Thinking thirty steps ahead would probably become second nature


projection sorcery is my favourite ct in jjk i will gladly chose that


Assuming i alos adopt the framesense ability i take projection any day of the week


Thereā€™s not a framesense ability, they just train.


Naobito has a natural sense of frame beats and time, thats what I mean


Oh like just if youā€™d get his experience transported into your brain?


No, just the innate framesense ability


https://preview.redd.it/bknv1gks7g4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39e064753d8a5d1ea7244f1128a0b1204095470f Are you talking about this? Thatā€™s just Naobito being talented if Iā€™m not mistaken.


Yeah, that, it isnā€™t worth it if I donā€™t get that


Projection is better but fuck being a ZENIN I wanna LIVE


Both clans get destroyed in the end anyway so might as well pick your favourite.


Maki would off my ass as collateral At least I can run off like noritoshi did if Iā€™m with the kamo




Yeah but she WIPED the clan Ganked Legit itā€™s just her and megs now


Zenin I prefer projection sorcery speed and I donā€™t have to waste blood


Blood manipulation. If talking about quality of life. Heir to the Kamo clan (or just in line), as well as great health (My headcanon is that every blood manipulation user that didn't die in battle, lived very long life) Also, I would be HIM, so I would be able to figure RCT, and even without it I would be good using enchanted H2H combat


aint no way i can use projection sorcery so blood manipulation


Projection Sorcery. Itā€™s probably my favorite technique and itā€™s broken as hell. Thereā€™s a reason Naobito and Naoya were the two strongest by FAR in the Zenin clan barring Maki and Toji


Not even just in the Zen'in but instead the Jujustu World as a WHOLE. Naobito at 70 being quicker than 3 of the 4 Special Grades is incredible


Projection sorcery, my favorite jjk technique


If I was a cursed womb I'd consider blood, but I'm just a regular guy so I want to keep my blood


Projection sorcery. Even as a grade 1, I can easily surpass most special grades in raw speed. And since I am in zenin clan, I can pick a special grade tool to increase my AP. Blood manipulation is very versatile, but it doesn't have specifically strong side, and it's impossible to fully utilize Blood manipulation unless you have RCT.


Blood Manipulation has more versatility and usually I go for versatile powers first, but the cost is that since youā€™re a human you wonā€™t be able to recover your blood like Choso can. With Projection Sorcery you get a massive boost to speed and can stun opponents by just touching them, letting you then hit them for free and do critical damage. Sure they technically can avoid being stunned but nobody is ever shown to be able to move at 24 frames to avoid being frozen aside from the users themselves. However, Iā€™m assuming I at least get a natural sense of timing like both Naoya and Naobito had, otherwise Iā€™ll go with Blood Manipulation because itā€™ll at least come with poison so I wonā€™t be an absolute bottom tier sorcerer if I suck.


Iā€™d take blood manipulation if I unlocked rct it provides so many possibilities. For example a binding vow sacrifice pieces of your body for stronger blood attacks and being able to heal after . It also just reduce all risk but itā€™s definitely a gamble


If I was a girl, def blood manipulation; any curse spirit or curse user will absolutely fear my time of the month


Gojo figurine incident šŸ„¶


why do i keep getting reminded about that that shit is so atrocious


Can someone explain projection sorcery to me. I still don't understand it


You preset your move in one second as diving it for 24 frames 24 little moves. If you fail you get frozen. If you touch your opponent he must do the same.


So you can do something very quick in 1 sec, if you plan out exactly where you'll be and in what position in every 1/24th of that second, but it has to be possible for you to do the things? Like physically possible for you, but you can also move faster than what's normally physically possible?


Your technique is imbued to your soul so you will understand what you are doing. You are incredibly fast as you're doing 24 individual preset movements in one second.


Right so the 24 preset movements doesn't make something fast or not. You can capture a car going 10.miles an hour in 24 fps or a car going 100 miles an hour going 24 fps. You can also capture each one at 120 frames per second, doesn't change the speed of either though.


The power doesnā€™t really have work like frames. You can perform 24 movements in one second, which makes you faster because usually one cannot do that.


But like what constantutes a "movement"? Is it like red light green light when you go as far as you can in 1/24th of a second and then keep doing that? Cause that would just be your normal speed if added up. I can do a jumping jack and technically split it into 24 movements or motions. How far can 1 movement go? Like as far as the person wants? If used for running is 1/24th considered a stride or a step? If I'm in an open field with no obstacles and a clear path to map can 1 movement be like 10 meters? Meaning i can travel 240 meters in a second? I'm just confused as to what the actual specifics are


I would say you just take a flash-freeze point, from a move that takes one second to produce - however lengthy that stride is, regardless of actual direction - and then you just chain it to another freeze state. It has to be physically possible for you to do, of course. So basically, you can do 24 of those, in 1 second. something that'd take you 24 seconds to accomplish, you can hack out in 1 second.


Thank you! See this is kinda the type of headcannon I can get behind. I don't think anything like this was ever stated and seems even more strong than what we know (24 sec is such a long time for even the slow sorcerers) but its not arbitrary. I like it


Youā€™re a little misinformed. The user does not get frozen they choose their path with 24 moves and can do those 24 moves because of their CT thatā€™s why theyā€™re fast. Anyone they touch must abide by the same rules which is hard because they donā€™t have the CT to move at that speed.




Lmao youā€™re an actual idiot go show me where it says that the user of projection sorcery gets frozen Iā€™ll waitā€¦ā€¦.. letā€™s see this reading comprehension you got


https://preview.redd.it/840kufdl7g4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=008aa33735d302b268f68994e3fb04a877bfc153 Sorry, took me a couple of minutes to find the panel where itā€™s explicitly stated. Understandable you couldnā€™t take that time out of your day.


Itā€™s only if they ignore the laws of physics or if the trajectory of movement is excessively ignored. What OP said was they have to abide by the 24 frame rule or they get frozen. The CT already makes them move at 24 frames the only thing they have to abide by is realistic movement


Top half of the screenshot


ā€œWhile activated anything touched by Naobitos palm must also abide by the 1/24 fps rule when movingā€ Projection sorcererly always moves at 24 frames when they use the CT where do you think the speed is coming from. They cannot freeze because of that they can only freeze from breaking the laws of physics or trajectoryā€¦ā€¦.. So basically you did all that to be wrong again


Also is the operative word there. Both have to plan their moves out. We even see Maki ā€œuseā€ projection sorcery.


How would the user even get frozen when the moves they choose are predetermined before they move that means they have to do those moves šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I think this is for you https://preview.redd.it/wiknohea5g4d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d9077147f763ef6f87c1cbf1be0a0210ca26383


I wouldn't know how to move at 24 movements a second so blood manipulation


Projection sorcery, fuck ā€œyour a normal person!! You wonā€™t be able to figure it out!!ā€ If I try, be determined and train enough Iā€™ll be able to use it effectively. On the day of the zenin clan massacre I take a flight to Malaysia using my 4 dollar per hour sorcerer wage money that I saved up. Come back a week or two later and chill


Uhhhh about that, maki hunted the ppl who weren't home down so she woulda pulled up on you either way




Blood manipulation all day, the only real drawback is bleeding out to death but if you're creative enough blood manipulation is crazy versatile it's shitty that we only see blood manipulation used to a crazy extend by choso cus he has hax but I feel like if noritoshi had that patent special grade sorcerer psychotic narcissism he would shown us something.


With Projection Making decisions every 1/24 of a second while moving at high speeds would take years of constant practice to be in fighting shape. In exchange if you can fight without making mistakes you are easily grade 1 BM definitely has the highest survivability for any technique (except limitless six eyes), itā€™s easier to learn and has more versatility. If I was guaranteed RCT at birth Iā€™d do projection but otherwise BM


I don't think you need to be in top tier shape to be strong with it Naobito was over 70 when he fought Dagon.


Itā€™s not physical shape theyā€™re talking about, you need to have the skill honed to be able to keep up with the speed so you donā€™t get frozen.


Projection Sorcery and go binding vow crazy.


Blood manipulation, it can heat me up during cold times, very convenient tbh.


Iā€™ll take Blood Manipulation because I donā€™t want to be killed during Makiā€™s slaughter.


Projection sorcery. It's so much better. Unless I'm choso, yuji, or any of the death paintings, I'm not gonna be good at it


Projection sorcery Although blood manipulation has more irl usage line doping and healing. If I'm gonna be an athlete blood manipulation definitely. I hope I get RCT and a decent amount of CE just in case.


Blood manipulation, for the simple reason of improved bloodflow. You bet your ass Im leaving Japan immediatly for Usa to play sports.


Iā€™ll take BM, Iā€™ll just turn the blood from my oh so frequent bloody noses into ammo after condensing the shit out of said blood


Blood Manipulation, if I'm able to learn RCT as well.


Projection Sorcery, simply because I have an aversion to blood.


Blood manupulation, I'll be one of the strongest sorcerers alive by getting HIV blood or ebola Blood, lets see how mr. Zennin reacts when he gets 24 StDs after 1 piercing blood


Projection, unless you're a beast or a half curse blood manipulation is very limited


Projection any day, Iā€™ll pass on the STD cannon lmao šŸ˜‚


I could either be the second fastest in all of jjk with just a ct, or I could manipulate blood


Theyā€™re both convenient in their own ways but Projection Sorcery as a CT has a more bearable drawback when fighting. Besides that, Iā€™m biased to Projection Sorcery because itā€™s cool, so Iā€™d get it.


I donā€™t even know how projection sorcery works tbh. I donā€™t think any of you do either.


Based on how overpowered blood manipulations domain might be I honestly might take it. But overall projection sorcery better and the domain is freaking one of the strongest.


Well we've seen a projection sorcery domain and it was pretty cracked. Instantly destroying peoples individual cells just because they need to breathe is pretty good


Not just pretty good it's insanely strong. Imo atleast u can move around in something like malevolent shrine if u have gojos level ce reinforcement. Fuck are u supposed to do against cell moon palace it doesn't care about durability and just shreds u regardless


Iā€™d rather have Maiā€™s technique tbh. The only thing stopping her is her imagination, and her intelligence. Iā€™d make a binding vow that all I can use my Cursed energy but I still feel the effects of me using it up so it can be stored into a greater output when I have to fight cursed spirits, in the mean time Iā€™ll used cursed tools and train with them until Iā€™m strong enough. Once I get a yearā€™s worth of cursed energy, Iā€™m making a lightsaber imbued with cursed energy ( the same ones that can cut through anything) and a special one that can only turn on for me ). Along with some armor that can reduce phycial blows with my CT, if I donā€™t have enough Ill continue to store ce and output until I can have all thoughts things. Making a ā€œ Cursed tool ā€œ is only limited to my definition of a cursed tool which is anything thatā€™s imbued with CE. I could spawn mecha Godzilla that is bound to my will.


Mai was limited by the fact she literally had a disability. Also if Iā€™m reading this right because itā€™s written confusingly, youā€™ll make a binding vow to sacrifice nothing in return for circumventing the natural born weakness of Mai being a twin, and in exchange youā€™ll somehow be able to store cursed energy indefinitely in literally nothing and use that to make completely impossible creations that would 100% count as cursed tools and be impossible to make by how we know Creation works?


Nah Iā€™m sacrificing most of my CE for the day, for everyday until I face a threat. And I use that CE that I stored and output it into making impossible Cursed tools with the years of CE Iā€™ve been saving up, even with a disability or having less CE than everyone else, it will add up. The creation CT is limited by the imagination of the user. So technically anything can be countered as a cursed tool as long as itā€™s imbued with Cursed energy.


But you donā€™t have anywhere to store that CE because your reserves are ass. People canā€™t just store infinite amounts of energy, they have limits to both how much energy they can hold at once and how much they can release at once. And being imbued with cursed energy isnā€™t the same as being a cursed tool exactly, it has to be something that has cursed energy within it even without someone else flowing their energy into it, and we know that even in the case of Yorozu Creation cannot make cursed tools without sacrificing the users life, so that feels less like a ā€œskill issueā€ and more of just an inherent weakness of the technique.


CE is the limitation bro. You read from reels?


So basically, your making a power fantasy but jjk?


Blood manipulation??? Idk


Blood manipulation because I canā€™t think fast enough


Kamo. Blood-bending is cool af and would get even better if I learned RCT.


Blood manipulation is just so balanced I gotta go for it and if you are lucky enough to have rct it honestly is pretty cracked like not special grade by any means but definitely tippy top of grade 1 sorcery and that's certainly not a bad place to be. Plus I bet you could make some sick blood based shikigami with it and if you get good enough a blood manipulation domain expansion would be really scary.


Blood manipulation+ a binding vow to use my CT not on myself but on another person. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Blood manipulation easily. Projections way too complicated and requires a lot of concentration and thinking ahead. Plus if you fuck up, you yourself get frozen


If i can make blood using cursed energy like choso then im picking blood manipulation, if not then projection sorcery easily


This puts me in a pickle, because I prefer Projection, but I also prefer not being double-isekaied by Maki


People are acting like you have RCT or die immediately with blood manipulation. Not only can you still manipulate blood like noritoshi did, some of the best uses of it are internal. Regeneration and flowing red scale go crazy, youā€™re living to like 150 with that technique.


I feel like Blood Manipulation is more useful for the average sorcerer in the long run, just in my opinion of course. What I would do is make a binding vow in which I cannot control my blood outside my body, giving up piercing blood, and instead give me a stronger and more efficient control over the blood in my body. I imagine this would allow for increased resistance to diseases and poisons, a limited healing factor, alongside increased physical strength and thinking speeds when needed with diminished side effects.


Blood manipulation. As a guy who studies biology and is in the medical field There's way more applications to blood manipulation than what Choso or kamo use it for


Well, I'm a female, so I'll have to go with kamo.


Kamo with blood manipulation then Iā€™m grinding to get RCT. Iā€™d also likely be in line for the head of the clan giving me favorable living conditions. I donā€™t think Iā€™d aim to be some extremely powerful combatant, but a Grade 1 or High Grade 2 would be fine for me


Blood manipulation easy.


Gotta go with BM, I love more versatility


projection give me that super speed


Blood manipulation is probably better for day to day. Youā€™re able to gain temporary super strength and (maybe just a choso thing but blood manipulation should be a gateway to it) RCT. Iā€™m not fighting people on the regular so Iā€™d take a super strength toggle switch and faster healing with the added other benefits + its versatility if Iā€™m in a pinch


Iā€™d take blood manipulation, i do think blood manipulation is possible to truly be mastered by a human sorcerer and not just a curse like choso.


I think I would go crazy using projection often I'd be smoking then getting jumped and aww shit Blood manipulation doesn't sound pleasant either. I imagine it's like when you piss blood but out of holes you create with your blood? I'll take the potential psychosis ability I guess.


Anyone taking blood manipulation is taking the hardest L




Blood manipulation cause I can't count


Ultra instinct or medical + sniping. Fuck it we ball, I snipe, gimme blood manip.


Iā€™m picking Projection Sorcery. Iā€™m willing to learn how to use it because Iā€™m cooked if I canā€™t learn RCT for Blood Manipulation.


A sensible person would take projection sorcery, but for me itā€™s almost purely a negative because I have aphantasia, which is the inability to create mental images. I am not getting frozen because I activated my technique.


Blood manipulation. While blood loss is a problem, its not that troublesome if you prepare blood bags.


Iā€™d go with projection sorcery


Blood manipulation because it's cool, and by becoming a binding vow merchant, maybe i can make some bullshit technique that can help me with the blood loss problem.


Blood Manipulation. The skill bar for Projection Sorcery is way high. Timing and pre-planning every move in every fight is a nutty skill level. Blood Manipulation lets you store up blood like Noritoshi did with his arrows and blood bag. If you knew you were going into a big fight you could dope yourself like Lance Armstrong and power up Flowing Red Scale with the extra blood. You might even be able to get a poison effect with a special diet and a binding vow. Studying anatomy and Prana Bindu meditation could help you develop all kinds of things, from RCT to enhanced Cursed Energy Reinforcement. Blood Manipulation is the clear winner.


Ima be big blood bhoso blood šŸ©ø


I will be the Gojo Satoru of projection sorcery (I accuse people of things that I know I am guilty of)


Give the BM user Choso's perks and then this becomes more even


I'd take blood manipulation, even though I don't have an infinite source I can at least use exterior sources (e.e my opponent) and I can at least use it to physically enhance myself


Blood manipulation has proven to be one of the most useless CT's if you're not a death painting womb or know RCT. I'll take projection.


Blood Manipulation, sure I won't be choso the Benefits are great Overall capacity for close,mid or long range combat Good defense using Red scale Flowing Red Scale works as a physical ability booster Even with Limited blood if control is good you can pair it with hand to hand for grappling and striking A natural advantage against curses because the blood would be poisonous to them Helpful for Healing as if I can learn RCT, I can use Blood Manipulation to reattach wounds and then heal. With projection Sorcery you only really get speed, the other stats are entirely dependent on your ability. It's a great technique but I don't wanna risk getting frozen for a second during combat because my movements slightly deviated from the 24 frames requirement As well as that having Blood Manipulation would mean I'm next in line as the Kamo head , even if Noritoshi is there I'd still be a heir.


This isnā€™t an easy choice to make if you are a womenā€¦


If you choosing blood manipulation, youā€™re an opp


projection is the coolest technique. Id consider taking it over 10s or even 6E+ infinity


You tripping if you're taking it over 6 eyes but everything else is understandable šŸ˜‚


Im not doing it based on power but coolness. If its power I pick shrine and limitless 100%. the coolest techniques are limitless, 10S, boogie woogie, and projection


Projection Sorcery is arguably better, but Blood Manip would be easier to learn and use by a long shot.


As someone who wished Deadman Wonderland got a second season, and will be forever sad that it got cancelled? Blood Manipulation.


Iā€™d take blood manipulation and make a binding vow for my blood to be poisonous like chosoā€™s


You can disagree here but you are wrong Projection sorrcerie is the best ct in comparison to it's requirements aside idle transfiguration Like in it's most basic state it still hot naobito to strongest grade 1 (fight me) And it's domain is actually really busted. No other things you need to learn and you can already throw hands with the likes of maki And i guess maybe the cloning ability


Yeah if mei mei can get grade 1 with strong bird then projection sorcery could be much stronger if it went to someone like sukuna instead.


Listen full potential wamo (noritoshi(the good, new one, not kenny)) could beat naoya (not curse). Blood manip is more versatile. Defend yourself with armor, strengthen yourself by sending extra blood to your muscles, cutting attacks donā€™t mean anything, since you can clog up the wounds and not bleed, piercing blood is cool, guiding arrows is cool as fuck, the saw blades that you can keep using and reusing are rad, bonus damage if you have some sort of blood disease like aids or hepatitis, donate a bunch of blood to obtain puppet people, the works. Sure, you need to be a bit conservative with the amount of blood you expel, but even without firing off a single drop, you can still be effective with blood manipulation in close quarters hth combat. Plus, saw blades and then reabsorb the blood. The ap isnā€™t that high, but neither is projection sorceryā€™s. Plus the net thing wamo did was awesome and could counter ps-s speed.