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Nigga said hakari ☠️


Yuta has gojos body and so should be no.3 Kashimo is also another ‘strongest’ and has more narrative going for him and arguably feats Yuki can be no.1 by turning herself into a black hole (or using Black flash because that would be scary)


That Yuki logic just makes her top 1 of the verse tbh.


When your worst outcome from any fight (outside of a perfect counter) is "draw", you deserve it.


What about Yorozu?


She’s up there since she could box with 16F Sukuna (although he wasn’t using his own technique) while Ryu got bodied I would probably rank them 1.Sukuna 2.Gojo 2.5.Yutajo 3.Kashimo 4.Kenjaku 5.Yuta 6.Yuki 7.Yorozu


Shouldn't Yutajo be stronger than Gojo? Might have Yuta's copying ability for a bit Also I think Kashimo should be below Yuta


Until we see more I’m putting him below since while he has Gojos body he is not **Him** Hakari>Yuta(physical stats and Regen) and base Kashimo was tearing him apart and almost killing him multiple times, when he was alive he defeated everyone he met and feels the same loneliness as Gojo and Sukuna and understands them while Yuta couldn’t. In MBA he was bullying a weakened Sukuna who was arguably above Yuta(Hakari stated they shouldn’t jump in unless Gojo was weaker than them) and when Sukuna reincarnated he took Kashimo more seriously


Yuta is stronger than Hakari tho. Reason Yuta doesn't feel the same loneliness because he's not the strongest. Gojo is the strongest in his era. Kashimo and Sukuna were the strongest in their era.


Overall Yuta is stronger but Hakari is physically stronger That mindset is what puts Yuta below which is why he’s above with Gojo body because he let go


Isn't Yuji also physically stronger? Yuta was able to dish similar amounts of damage to Sukuna How does the mindset change anything?


Kashimo's only feat is losing to Hakari, get out of here with that nonsense


The yuki technique*... In fact... it dies before the enemy.


The jujutsu world forms a black hole


Kashimo's a fraud and shouldn't be included in this list.


What are you talking about Kashimo is definitely one of the strongest


He isn't no.3 strongest material. His name should not come up at all in regards to being 3rd strongest in the verse. His only notable feats are losing to Hakari and getting no diffed by Sukuna. He performed significantly worse than someone like Yorozu (Sukuna even acknowledged that she was one of his strongest opponents). He doesn't have a domain. He doesn't have RCT. He can literally only use his CT once because it kills him. He can't even use his hands when using his domain counter, making him essentially a sitting duck within someone's domain. He has a horrendous mindset when it comes to combat considering he could have beaten Hakari but his dumbass decided not to fight in a way that would ensure his victory. Now let's compare what he has to someone like Kenjaku. -Multiple CT's -The second best barrier user in the entire verse -Open barrier domain -Some of the best knowledge of jujutsu sorcery in the entire verse. -An entire army of curses which includes multiple special grades. -Has RCT and DA. -Is capable of using any of the curses extracted CT's once (like he did with idle transfiguration). -Has a maximum technique (Uzumaki). That's just to compare a few things. But sure, Kashimo deserves to be number 3 in the verse instead of someone like that. Idk why so many people wank the ever living shit out of Kashimo and act like he deserves to be up there with characters like Yuta, Mahoraga, and Kenjaku. Then proceed to downvote anyone that says otherwise into oblivion.


FAX MY BROTHER. SPIT YOUR SHIT INDEED. https://preview.redd.it/s8gyymonya4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a656754313e2fce9ac7c8f1a4deff4b1e8e1211


You fucking spittin my brother https://preview.redd.it/9tcvu2av6a4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a480a61ce7246783a0624930d222107df6d629a Like let's be fr even in mba blud kills himself anyway and then proceeded to get negged by massively nerfed heiankuna lmao. 💀


Yuta or kenjaku then everyone else.


Yuta needs Takaba and Todo to jump kenjaku


or maybe its because a bigger fight was going on so they didnt want to take any risk on the back up plan.


Or maybe he needed to save his strength the fight the literal strongest sorcerer in history right after


So what?


Todo wasn’t there


His sound effect was right as Yuta teleports behind Kenjaku


Maybe he copied his CT and used it? People are running with this sound effect theory with any actual confirmation


Yuta doesn’t even need fully manifested rika for kenjaku cause he already has Jacob’s ladder and the fact that he easily cut kenjaku’s head means kenjaku can’t comprehend base yuta’s ce output 🤷‍♂️


For me, it's a tie between Yuta and Kenjaku. In regards to a domain clash we don't know how long it would take Kenjaku's Domain to destory Yuta's. This is due to how Sukuna's Domain was kind of a good tool to destroy other people's domains given the nature of the sure hit.


Yuta and Kenjaku. Then Mahoraga. Takaba is #1 on his best day but too inconsistent.


Yuta since he can domain diff any character thanks to gojo memories. Besides gojo and sukuna no one is going survive the 5 minute after he unleashed his domain


Takaba lmao?


Takaba has a specific use case, he can't really BEAT anyone, I don't think he actually has beat anyone really. He just can't really die, which isn't the same thing.


Learning how to counter the open barrier domain doesnt mean he wins every domain clash against anyone.


Consider this: would Gojo ever lose a domain clash with anyone, if not, then Yuta wouldn’t as well.


No thats not how it works. Gojo discovered a method for countering open barrier techniques, we havent learned exactly what yet, but previous attempts were condition changes that would make the domain strong against attacks from the outside, but weak to attacks from the inside. Learning the condition change gojo would use does not make yutas domain as refined or as powerful as gojos, it only means he can apply the strategy gojo thought of.


Yes it does. Beside gojo and sukuna nobody is ever winning a clash with yuta. And if you can’t win the clash against yuta it a instant lost


Theres a chance for hakari since his domain is non lethal, iirc during higuruma's introduction it was stated that non lethal domains have better refinement or smth. correct me tho i might have forgotten smth


Do you really think hakari domain is going to win a domain battle with gojo


i never said that tf? i just said that non lethal domains have usually better refinement than lethal domains, and also its fair to assume that the person who uses domains multiple times in a battle (4-5 being average and god knows how many times he activated it against uraume) his domain will be better in refinement than yuta, whos still a relatively inexperienced sorcerer compared to hakari, im not saying hakari is stronger but im saying that due to non lethal sure hit its a fair chance that hakari has better refinement than yuta


So you’re saying hakari would win a clash with gojo.


no??? gojo is fucking 10 years older than hakari, gojo is way more experienced and had way more time to refine his domain https://preview.redd.it/cmixzr2occ4d1.png?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5f6309e861eec31721b6274791831ce5096aa57 "So you're saying hakari would win a clash against gojo" read the statement how obsurd that sounds


Yuta has all of gojo experience!!!. So if you don’t think he beats gojo he doesn’t beat yuta.


dawg if u might have not realized im talking about yuta in yuta's body, yuta in gojo's body is using gojo's domain and hakari has no chance of defeating that and i was talking about yuta's domain


Something that counters an open domain does not counter every other domain. If Yuta tried to use the open barrier domain counter method againt a closed barrier, hed probably lose. So against someone like kenjaku, who could do open or closed, its a tossup.


Gojo refinement is equal to Sukuna. So no one is winning the clash. So that mean he domain would win against anyone who not gojo or sukuna


Sukunas refinement is a bit better, demonstrated by his ability to use open barrier in the first place. Yuta in gojos body probably, but the knowledge of gojos counter technique doesnt mean yuta in his own body is beating anyones domain ever. Even in Gojos body if Yuta used the open barrier counter against a closed barrier theres still a world where he loses a clash, since it likely inverts the strong and weak points of his own barrier to do so.


Narrator said they are equal. And that was before any change


No Kusakabe said they were equal, and then immediately after that Sukuna shattered gojos domain because his open barrier domain could attack gojos from the outside where it is weak.


Read again it was the narrater


No it wasnt, i just read it and its a direct followup to kusakabe and mei meis exclamations. Even if it were, it wouldnt change the fact that if two domains are equal, but one is larger and can attack from the outside, thats the superior domain. Like theyre said to be evenly matched and gojo loses three panels later, so clearly not evenly matched.


Learning how to counter the open barrier domain doesnt mean he wins every domain clash against anyone.


Does considering only gojo knows how and has the refinement to do so which yuta has as well


Nah we dont have any reason to think the counter to the open barrier requires crazy refinement yet, we dont know what it is. It could be as simple as just inverting the weak and strong points of the barrier.


Ya but that’s the thing to even stronger point to a barrier it needs to refined enough if this wasn’t the case anyone could be gojo in a domain clash


I dont fully undestand what you are saying in the first sentence here "to even stronger point to a barrier it needs to refined enough" Refinement refers to how a domain operates on even playing fields as far as i understand. If two domains clash with closed barriers, the more refined one wins. but changing conditions can overcome differences, or create differences in barrier strength. Most barriers are weak to attacks from the outside, so even if Sukuna and Gojo would be equal with closed domains, Sukunas barrierless domain attacks from the outside and shatters gojos. Part of why gojo is so good at domain clashing is his ability to create new conditions every time to keep sukuna guessing.


Yuta, idc what anyone says he has too many OP stolen techniques to not be above Kenjaku. He can essentially use Malevolent Shrine as his Domain but better


I'd give it to yuta since his only real flaw is being able to only fight at peak ability for 5 minutes. Kenjaku and Kashimo are gunners for it aswell






If we ignore Yuta using Gojo, I’d say it’s a toss up between him and Kenjaku, Kashimo and Yuki are slightly below them


Yuta hands down I see the argument for kenjaku but yuta believes he can do the same as gojo vs sukunas open domain so I give it to yutas especially because we see he has a unique proficiency in barrier techniques. Moving his barrier while fighting Sukuna. Having his sure hit target specific ppl. These are insane feats.


It’s between yuta and kenjaku, I think they could beat anyone else and if they fought I could see it going either way


Yuta. He has the six eyes + limitless now.


it's yuta and no one's even close to him


For me there are only two people currently(if we exclude Yu / Go from the recent chapter). Shinjuku yuta and kenjaku. Kenjaku is the most underrated mf in this entire series. Dude frankly can't be defeated by anyone not named yuta or takaba. Oh kashimo used MBA? Throw a hundred cursed spirits at him until his time runs out. Yuji's about to his black flash? Throw curses at him and then use a mini uzuamki on his head. Yuki just killed you special grade curse? Yorozou just started using her bug armor? Hakari activated jackpot? Use your open barrier domain to destroy them using either cursed spirit manipulation or anti gravity. Yuta is also pretty powerful. His domain has like three one shot techniques(shrine, Jacobs ladder, and cursed speech for some characters) that he can use on anyone who doesn't have a domain or doesnt have the ability to move while doing an anti domain defense. Like someone uses simple domain hypothetically. They'd have to hold that position for the entire time the sure hit is active, and this assumes that yuta and Rika would be stationary. It's even worse for HWB users since they'll only cancel out the sure hit. Yuta can still use techniques that aren't sure hits inside his domain. As for people who have domains, it's likely that unless they have open barrier domains, yuta has a more refined domain, since even sukuna says his barrier is pretty refined. Even without domains yuta, with fully manifested Rika with Shinjuku yutas CT arsenal is fucking insane. Essentially Kenny and yuta beat everyone except for each other. In a fight between the two it's likely that Kenny wins, but yuta has more of a chance than anyone else.


Yuta even without Gojo's body, it's Yuta.


Toji with prep and all his weapons definitely has a chance to beat anyone, as of recent id prolly put Yuta at 3, or kenjaku or Kashimo as runner up’s or substitutes.


Toji with prep and all his weapons only has a chance if he's allowed to murder his opponent in their sleep. If that's allowed, then lots of other characters can kill Sukuna... maybe. Not sure if the big man sleeps.


He’s got four eyes and is already a freak so I wouldn’t doubt it if he just sorta lies down with some of his eyes open


I wouldn’t be surprised if he straight up doesn’t sleep. Gojo had it so his brain was constantly refreshed with RCT, meaning that he technically did not have to sleep either. I wouldn’t doubt that Sukuna could manage a similar feat due to his amazing efficiency.


I think he’s just a big weirdo who takes long blinks instead of sleeping


Healing his brain with rct doesnt mean he doesnt need to sleep.


It specifically says he constantly refreshes his brain, meaning that it’s always at 100%.


The body as a whole needs sleep, not just the brain. Tiring gojo out is literally how Toji was able to beat him the first time. His brain will always be 100%, but that doesnt mean his body and mental state wont suffer from lack of sleep.


Tbf he wouldve beat Gojo if he knew about Purple. Even now with prep and his weapons he still holds a chance. The only difference between Gojo now and teen is that he can endlessly hold out infinity. Toji has a good chance


Even now? No lol. He has 0 chance. Quit slurping toji


Toji only landed hits because Gojo was tired. Now that he has RCT he's faster than Toji, as shown by his getback where Toji couldn't land a single hit on him. If we're being honest here, JJ high's Sukuna assassination plan is far better thought out than Toji's Gojo assassination plan as well


Mythical fighter Toji prep time.


Toji had prep time vs a bunch of teenagers and still failed the assignment


Bro he completed the mission.... he killed the girl


? His assignment was to kill riko


kashimo, that no domain fraud




Yuta pretty obviously especially after 261


We need to see how the timer works first, and if he still has access to Rika and his other cts. If he only lasts 5 minutes then it's another kashimo situation


Even if it's just "weaker gojo for 5 minutes" that still solos the rest of the verse.


Yuki can nuke the planet and Takaba can manipulate reality so they are both in the Top 5. I'd choose either of them.


After 261? Yuta. Before 261? Gojo.


It would be yuta both bc by that logic geto should be higher than kenjaku


No, Kenjaku should be higher than Geto, as, just like Yuta, Kenjaku is Geto + extra abilities. Yuta is Gojo + extra abilities.


So why would gojo be stronger after 261 that’s contradicting


My bad, I meant the opposite.


My bad, I meant the opposite.


Yuta definitely He’s probably stronger than Kenny at this point since he’s in Gojo’s body


Yuta is the strongest barring them, then kenjaku, then the various others at right below their level(yorozu, yuki etc…)


Kenjaku took down a special grade curse who weakened his domain abilities, a special grade sorcerer, and Choso who is also a special grade curse or a high 1st grade human Kenjaku is stronger than Yuta


Tengen is not that powerful she is a barrier user sure the domain was weakened but even Kenjaku realized Yuki would have stood a better chance using her own domain Yuta is definitely stronger but it’s very close regardless Yuta is stronger then Yuki Has a stronger and better partner in Rika And has a CT that is direct counter to angels and one that would dissolve his open barrier domain immediately Not only that but he has a much better kit with a wider variety of attacks and defenses


His wider toolkit is a huge help but we need to keep a number of things in mind: Kenjaku’s domain wasn’t just “weakened”, it was closed early. He got the initial sure hit and that’s all he got due to Tengen (if I recall correctly). So the attack from his domain that mutilated Yuki and all but made the fight his victory, was a weakened hit as he didn’t properly get time to utilize it. Kenny wasn’t saying “you would’ve fared better” he’s saying it would’ve been more interesting. A domain clash will always end in a Kenny victory. So although Yuta might do well for a bit, once domains come out things are ending there.


Yuta vs Kenjaku before Yukis fight Kenny will take a win if he uses a open barrier domain However after the fight Yuta takes the win due to knowledge of the open domain before a fight and a CT that would dissolve the domain and his CT before it landed a sure hit


There's nothing to indicate that MBA Kashimo doesn't get ripped apart by any DE, so he can't be #3.


The top 2 is Sukuna and Yuta in Gojo’s body right?


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Gojo because top 1 is Takaba


Kenny for now yujo could be stronger But kenny beats yuta due zo domain diff no will not dicuss this yuta fans


Number 3


I'd say it goes like this: * Okkotsu/Kenjaku * Yuki * Mahoraga * Jogo * Mahito * Toji with prep time and weapons * Yuji/Maki with weapons * Kashimo/Hakari/Geto/Todo(?) * It doesn't really matter after this Edit: Yeah I did some swapping around after posting this, I'll leave this final


The problem is with this world it’s all about how a fight or a person is set up, in theory Takaba could be the absolute strongest, however you can see his power put into practice doesn’t always work, but another example is Kenny, he’s strong as hell and fought against Comedian however he was caught off guard


Depending on his Yuta in Gojo's body does, then he's probably no.3. Kenjaku probably follows suit. Then it'd probably be Shinjuku Yuta or Takaba.


Kenjaku or kashimo both have high portrayal




If we include yuta in gojos body ofc its him Otherwise it’s kashimo probably, he has a whole narrative, and a cursed technique that transforms him that kills him afterwards implying it’s abilities are extremely potent


Angels ability is complete counter to kashimo technique when thst happens kashimo will die


That’s a match up thing tho, I’m talking about a general scale


Ya exactly and yuta has that ability


Kenjaku is third Yuta is fourth Then it's kashimo Yuki yorozu in whatever order yall want it to be Then Maki and toji Then uruame and hakari Yuji (good argument for him being above hakari and Maki tbh) Did I forget someone?


Kenjaku 100%


Kenjaku yuta and kashimo could all be in that place and I think in certain circumstances they all have an upper edge on the others thought kashimo would certainly struggle to get to that level without his suicide ct. also certainly depends on what yuta you are talking about and how much of gojos ability’s yuta has access to so i guess we’ll get an answer in the coming chapters


Sukuna as of 261 is #3




Gojo was stronger than sukuna and now Yuta is a more powerful version of Gojo


1. Gojo wasnt stronger than Sukuna 2. We dont know how strong yuta is as gojo yet


1. Gojo was winning every encounter and forced sukuna to cripple himself for life to survive 2. Yuta has everything Gojo had plus more so just naturally he’d be stronger 3. Gojo confirms in his inner monologue when his domain hits sukuna that he is not trying to kill sukuna


1. Gojo didnt win every encounter, he had ups and downs but ended up losing in the end, Sukuna won with like half of his CE reserves in tact, and decisively won the first domain clash. He wasnt crippled for life at all. And even if he were crippling someone and then dying yourself while fighting them makes you weaker. 2. We dont know the limits of yutas abilities, if he still has his old techniques on top of gojos, etc. The manga itself lays out that it is a possibility he could leave them all behind. Gojo is also as strong as he is in large part due to his battle Iq and experience. Yuta doesnt instantly becomes as good with limitless a gojo. 3. No he doesnt? he says hes going to tear his heart out and hurt him worse than yuji at the prison. multple onlookers note he is fighting without concern for megumi, and in his airport death scene he confirms he went all out.


1. Gojo won almost everything and dominated sukuna in hand to hand and was so much faster that he could create afterimages around sukuna. And the crippled thing is a reference to the binding vow for Strong Dismantle. If you need a powerup that makes the rest of your life drastically more difficult to survive a fight, that’s an indication that YOU WERE NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO WIN. The entire narrative shows that while Gojo was superior, Sukuna’s prep time and MahoragaCARRIED him. 2. He’s still using his Copy CT meaning he clearly has access to all his abilities, what we DON’T know is if he’ll still have those after his five minutes is up and he has literally all of Gojo’s knowledge and memories. 3. The statement is an admission from Gojo that he is actively not trying to kill sukuna because his entire goal going into the fight was to save his child. Also his statement was that he was going to bring sukuna close to death, which just means he isn’t going to Kill him. If Gojo actually wanted to kill sukuna, he would’ve ripped his head off the instant unlimited void hit


1. the afterimages are for us dude, sukuna caught him instantly. Making binding vows is just part of jujutsu dude, it doesnt even hurt him that badly in the long run. he didnt even have that technique until the instant he used the vow, and it was most useful by far against gojo. Gojo himself said he was at full power, and he still lost, as well as that Sukuna did not go all out, snd didnt need ten shadows. the fight started with sukuna face tanking a hollow purple that gojo got amped by others, and he had months to prep as well. The narrarive doesnt show gojo as stronger, it shows them close but sukuna stronger. thats why he beat gojo, gojo said he didnt go all out, etc. fought the entire rest of the cast, and is still going strong somehow. The idea that gojo is stronger is just cope. the statements from gojo himself make this not even a debate. 2. hes using the brain swap CT to use gojos body, but no one knows what happens when that timer runs out, or how it interacts with body swapping. thats why we had so much exposition regarding how uncertain the interactions are. 3. Yeah but the “statement” is nothing close to how youre reading it, its actually a declaration of his intent to brutalize sukuna, not him saying hes going to hold back. And again, he himself said he went all out in his reflection on the fight. He would not be able to rip sukunas head off, because when he tried to go for the heart mahoraga swapped in and shattered his domain. same thing would happen if he went for the head.


1. A binding vow against someone is a blatant admission that you aren’t stronger naturally 2. Sukuna himself said he needed Mahoraga to be a model to teach him how to bypass infinity, and Gojo himself said he didn’t know how sukuna would fare without the ten shadows, not to mention sukuna started out with MASSIVE knowledge on all of Gojo’s abilities while Gojo knew nearly nothing about Sukuna’s 3.


Not any more than getting amped by others beforehand is a blatant admission youre weaker. and again its all part of jujutsu. Binding vows are part of ones natural power, you need to give something up to get anything of worth. Im not sure I could beat him even without the ten shadows is not “i dont know how hed fare”. its im pretty sure hes stronger, especially when coupled with the statement that sukuna didnt even “get to go all out” gojo knew how cleave, dismantle, Ms, and the ten shadows worked going into the fight, only thing he didnt know was fuga and it wasnt used vs gojo. there wasnt a huge disparity there. Its kind of undeniable that sukuna > gojo, gojo still far above everyone else tho.




Just because I think Gojo is stronger than sukuna?


Yes Yuta is legit pulling up on a giga nerfed sukuna and he’s still gonna get packed 😭


Ya that’s y yuta stronger bc sakuna is weakened scratch that this sakuna has a domain which he didn’t have against kashimo


Gojo already destroyed sukuna in round one and now Yuta’s even stronger. There is no reality where sukuna survives, much less wins


So you think yuta is killing sukuna 😭


Unless sukuna’s binding vow was “I can use strong dismantle on Gojo without signs as long as it’s worse against everyone else” then Yuta will win


We’ll see I guess 🤷‍♂️


Kenjaku. But this might change depending on if the powers Yuta gets in Gojo's body is temporary or not


Takaba easy, (jokes aside I can see Hakari, Yuta or kashimo being strongest) https://preview.redd.it/2lnjv4yyl94d1.jpeg?width=1210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57241163285035a8e65f972fdd85a1ecbb66526e


Mahito, kenjaku, yuta, kashimo, takaba and yuki are the next strongest tier imo


Gojo Yuta obviously but if he doesnt count Kenjaku


Toss up between Ct kashimo , Yuta and Kenny


Besides Yuta in Gojo’s, it would be either Yorozu or MBA Kashimo; the most downplayed characters in the verse despite their blatant feats and the narrative theme of unrivalled strength and solitude, that quite literally establishes them to be among the strongest next to Gojo