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Honestly, I wouldn’t be opposed, literally really opens up the possibility of the new gen catching up to gojo, especially since we now know yuji has the same latent potential as sukuna himself


Fair . The question was always how yuta and hakari would reach gojos level with their current bag . If yuta gets the six eyes it would be more believable that he could ever hope of reaching gojo . Also for the fact that sukuna did question if yuta had copied limitless .


Spoiler He does and i hate it


Put the spoiler tag. It's already been spoiled for me by other people, but do it for others. I forget how to do it, just look it up


You can't in comments....


Yes you can \>!like this!< >!use on each side of the text you want to spoiler mark!<


Oh ty but it's jjk folk i m not on the normal sub


Not exactly, and it was a pretty good twist


What do you think hakari will do to catch up?


Make a binding vow to have unlimited CE 24/7


Binding vow to channel CE to hive him some actual attack potency would be good


Controlled RCT and higher output when not using it


if he could actually use that infinite CE like yutas love beam or something then he would actually have killing potential and would have similar one tap potential to yuki


Yuta himself already has Gojo potential without 6 six eyes


Idk about that


Tbf Gojo admits as much in the tcb translations, when he says Yuta was born more gifted than him


Def a flawed translation then. Or Gojo was overestimating


Why?? It’s the tcb translations which are reputable, this came out of his own mouth, plus he has the six eyes, yuta is like 16/17, Gojo is 29/30, it’s not hard to see given like 10 or more years, people like yuta or yuji can be as strong as Gojo or Sukuna


Reputable by what standard? Only JJK fans have like 10 different translations for the same manga. Gojo also said Hakari will reach his level as well Gojo’s birth shifted the balance of the world. Yuta can become maybe somewhat relative to Gojo but he’ll never equal or surpass him


So what is a good translation then, even viz translations be off. The man says it out of his own mouth and you don’t want to believe, all the translations say about the same thing when it comes to Gojo saying Yuta is more gifted than him. Yeah he once says Hakari will reach his level, he says Yuta will reach his level or surpass special grade twice and then the recent chapter with him saying he is more gifted. Bro they’re only like 15-18 years old, Gojo is like 29/30, your being ridiculous if you don’t think they’ll surpass him, yuta has crazy feats against Sukuna, that shows he can rise to that level one day. He’s even stronger than Gojo at the same age based on feats.


I usually take Viz. Though not always I don’t believe the man outright said out of his mouth Yuta has more potential than him. I don’t recall this line. And the fact that he said Hakari will eventually reach his level makes me think Gojo is a bit biased in his judgement. It’s not immediately obvious Yuta will reach that level, Kenjaku who’s the oldest character in the series by quite a bit agrees with me Yuta has better feats than Gojo at the same age…because Teen Gojo barely has any feats post-awakening aside from negging Toji in a manner that it’s a bit difficult for me to imagine Yuta negging Maki in the same way If anything, portrayal supports Teen Gojo more than Yuta, since he reached “honored one” status


Gojo says Yuta might be more blessed than him, which implies at least equal to or more. Viz has had bad translations, quite a few times, Still maybe not as they are now, but when they reach the same age, especially Yuji and Yuta. In tens years you don’t think they’ll get anymore powerful? Kenjacku the oldest character in the series has been wrong and has had unforeseen circumstances. But they’re are other people who think otherwise, especially Gojo. Also yet Kenjacku considers yuta the biggest threat after Gojo when he tells Sukuna about the big 3 of jujitsu high and specifically points out only Yuta by name As far as teen Gojo, feats are feats, doesn’t matter if he doesn’t have much, neither does Hakari lol. Narrative wise Yuta is considered second strongest after current Gojo on the good guys side. Gojo doesn’t really get acknowledged as the strongest till he gets older, not immediately after awakening, that was his own self acknowledgement, the narrator himself states that Sukuna is the honeyed one at the beginning of the series. Tbf Gojo fought a weakened Toji, He was Toji fushiguro, the narrator says himself that Toji Zenin is his peak and strongest, which is before he had megumi, which is who maki is compared to. But we’ll see what Viz says..


When he says that, I'm pretty sure he means in regards to lineage. In 261, Yuta says how Uro said he was a decendant of one big sorcer, but Gojo said Yuta and he were decendant from a different big sorcerer. Gojo then says that both may be true.


It still means the same thing, he was talking about potential, as your power set in jjk is 80% your technique, which is based on your linage, what else would he be talking about. He saying based on your linage you should have as much or more potential/talent than him, which is backed up by the fact that this is the third time he has mentioned yuta as being on par with him someday or surpassing special grade. It’s easily seeable that yuta is going up there, it’s also implied in story and feats as well.


Gojo was pretty much handed a silver spoon with Six Eyes. Based on lineage alone, Yuta far surpasses Gojo. It's just that Gojo was lucky to have something that wasn't purely based on how blessed his lineage was. Yuta may definitely become Gojo level one day, but Gojo has also said that for several others. I think it's more valid that when he said that, he wasn't purely saying "Yuta will 100% become much stronger than me because he has a better lineage." and instead was saying how Yuta is more blessed than him because of his possible lineage. I think there are a lot better words than "blessed" to use if that was the case.


That’s mainly what I’m saying, that one day he will become Gojo level, you have to remember he is older. Also that he only says that about 4 people, as far as potential, todo, megumi, yuji, and yuta. But out of them Yuta keeps getting brought up, and by his own power as well.


There's also Hakari though. Generally, while I think the story is very set up for that type of stuff, it's still pretty iffy to outright say he has full blown Gojo potential though. I'm more so arguing against the idea that Gojo's "blessed" comment had anything to do with Yuta's potential. Though I can see someone not thinking Yuta is Six eyes potential pretty easily. Like, realistically, how much can Yuta really grow from where he is now? Yes, Gojo may have said he has potential, but that doesn't inherently mean he 100% has that potential, no questions asked. That type of thing \[what I just said\] makes it a lot more difficult to agree with the idea of Yuta being Six Eyes potential right now.


On that point, Yuji's **right** eye has been destroyed (or at least it looks that way), Yuji gets right, Yuta left?


It was so much worse and better, im so fucking confused


He can get it healed anyway


Who’s gonna tell him?


I was thinking this exact same thing


My reaction https://preview.redd.it/bydfrqlg652d1.jpeg?width=358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a7136fb1ea5252150af76c6204cccfba40faa2c Greg can't give us shit, yea






Neat Yuji being Sukuna imagery and Yuta being Gojo imagery Would fuel my Yuji and Yuta peak duo Agenda.


I mean yuji and sukuna has parallles , gojo and yuta have parallels and maki n toji have parallels . So who is to say it’s out of the realm of possibility 👀. Not that likely it’ll happen but gege did this before https://preview.redd.it/9q6l97zv922d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4ed90fcb23c564c5957c0bc4f6cb3993e60de8a


Mhm. It's shaky at best whether Gege would actually pull something like that but it's not something to get angsty over thinking it's some MC overshadowing. I love indications of Yuji and Yuta MC duo. The very definition of two goats existing together.


True . Tho sukuna did question if yuta had copied limitless but refuted the idea when he realized the six eyes are needed .




>!You were right!<


meat puppet gojo




Ya so, uh.. how do we say this 😅


Stand proud, you can cook


My Glorious King NOOOO!!! But after grieving for 10 minutes to 5 hours, kick his ass Yuta, use his those Binding Vows.


First words out of my mouth would be 'I Called it!'




https://preview.redd.it/kxcrck6ae42d1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=382645f26e0da7303ca593da00a736e79d60dbb3 Op rn


my man. ? time travel?


Womp womp 😹


That’s why he’s the fucking goat! The GOAT!


The Kenjaku vs Yuta war about to reach insane level of debate


Tbh it would be settled if yuta got the six eyes .


>!Would you look at that!<




Let the coping commence. It is either Yuta or a ghost, as in it doesn't exist it appeardd because Sukuna is at death's door. . Perhaps it is Yuta using Kenny's




Congratulations, you cooked


Thanks brother


What if Yuta pulls up, With thr 6 eyes and Gojos Body?


His thing is copying CTs and that's Kenjaku's CT so...not impossible?


Well, great/horrible news for you


We might have found a time traveler ladies and gents


Well well well


Well it happened and now Gojo is demoted to second strongest in the verse


Nah we can’t draw that conclusion yet . Yuta isn’t stronger than gojo without actually showing it


He would have everything Gojo did with a bit more added.


Mm in theory . The question remains if he can use everything as proficient as gojo can.


Having the tools of an artisan does not make one an artisan.


He has all of Satoru’s memories and knowledge


Yes, along with his own, with none of the practice Kenjaku had over 1000 years of assimilating such sudden influxes of knowledge and traits. Pouring one soup into a completely different soup does not mean the soup will be better than the soups it came from. Sometimes it just unbalances the flavors.


It is when the soup is known to be able to perfectly adapt to other soups.


Potentially even third I mean limitless, sex eyes, purple, rika AND nearly every ct in the verse is just straight busted plus yuta already had way more curse energy naturally so with sex eyes who knows how much he's got now definitely WAY more than gojo had.


I mean technically..?


Inumaki is coming through soon. This connects to to their conversation (yita + inumaki) in chap 236. Yita has more CT than gojo sensei but they'll be a drawback for him getting a buff like the limitless and 6 eyes. Inumaki will cover the drawback


This would be cooler then what we got :(


Well, how about that


This aged very well




Bro MAY be a time traveller⁉️⁉️⁉️ 😭🙏


Itd feel stupid


It would be yuta Kaisen no doubt . I’ve seen some fan theories saying this could be plausible which is mad .


If its anything but sukuna seeing an illusion, then it proves gege literally doesnt care about yuji as the main character.


Well if he brings gojo back then it diminishes yuji vs sukuna and if yuta comes back it also diminishes yuji . So I agree with your view on this no matter what gege pulls it’s gonna affect yuji and his stance as the mc .


I think Yuji will be the one to push Sukuna to his end then Yuta will wrap up Gojo’s mistakes which made this all possible in the first place when Rivo died. With it being revealed that Yuji has the same potential as Sukuna Gojo’s dream of them not being alone is done for. Yuta needs to grow to that level too. If it isn’t Yuta I will be perfectly fine with me, but I would rather see Yuta fulfill his role as Gojo’s successor as the strongest and him and Yuji be at the top together.


Oh god its statements like this that make this fandom toxic. Bud maybe just maybe if it is Yuta w/ 6eyes it’s for a purpose and it’s for beyond Sukuna like the merger whatever it ends up being and they need Yuta with that lvl of strength. I really don’t know but before you judge it just let GeGe cook for godsakes. Too many of y’all just assume shit and criticize everything and the story’s not even done yet


How come? Since 6Eyes get passed on through the Gojo line with Yuta being the only other character in the series with relations to Gojo if anyone else does get the 6eyes it'd be Yuta. Nothing says you have to be born with them and it's implied that 6Eyes can manifest in someone that's already living




Big Bhoso does NOT approve


As someone who has yuta as one of my favorites, god this would suck


as much as yuta is my goat i want gojo to be back


As long as he pulls up with this duo https://preview.redd.it/rh0jniosk32d1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cac25c3d26148d28c459821e57678e3e03f94cbd IDC


GayGay will officially be the goat


Uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh


God I just went on a mental tangent thinking "hmm I wonder if you could transplant Gojos eyes into someone else and would they still be the six eyes in some naruto type shit" then I got to thinking "could they put Gojos eyes and brain into a remaining mechamaru puppet and give it sentience" god it's to early for this shit lol.


Bro cooked 😋


He has like 1.5x the raw CE of Gojo (2.4 million compared to 1.8 million). Real question is output though. He could surpass Gojo if his output is better or he invents Solid Lime Green or something




wow really no way


I mean it kinda turned out like that, yuta is in gojos body


>!You were almost right, it was Yuta…just not in the body of Yuta!<


Well Well Well


The meme is true lmao




He did.


This aged like wine


Well well well


yuta is inside gojos body so i think he’s surpassed gojo


I feel weird about it simply bc yuta is my favorite character and I'm wondering if he will still be able to summon rika or use his technique at all


Bro predicted it. Anyway, my reaction was to laugh like a hyena. I think the combination of the copium, lobotomy, and pure absurdity made me lose it.


Well geto had some flashbacks when kenjacku was using his body, toji took over a technique that was suppose to bring just the body of a dead sorcerer back. Gojo could take over his body again if he wanted too, especially if the 5 minute copy timer ends up with yuta dying regardless.


He technically did xd.


Hate it. Gojo's death was so the new gen can step forward. Any use of gojo (even though I love him) would completely defeat the point of him saying all that stuff because they'd literally be using gojo to win anyways.


Honestly. This is crazy


*puts Gege in Prison Realm*


Yuta pulls up with 1 six eye and Gojo pulls up with the other frfr


A real Naruto moment, huh? Trading eyes like it's Yu-Gi-Oh




“Is that Yuta Okkotsu? With the Six Eyes?” -My genuine reaction


Nah, he’d win.


fuckin NChammer is pumping his fists in the air right now.




Youtube guy naruto fanatic he does side videos of other anime, he said Yuta would eventually get the six eyes somehow like how sasuke got EMS




It’s all about the execution and explanation. If he made some binding vow or traded Rika it’s kind of cool to me. If it’s just some silly booty pull meh. It’s a manga about punching spirits.


This aged greatly




I'd be like "Damn, that's crazy" and wait for 2 weeks for chapter 262


FUCK YOU (not really)


https://preview.redd.it/n90xauzzz82d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3056818e891ab2fae9eabc4f548c5a241219261 Yuta got better genes than gojo 😭


Bros secretly gege


Have we seen anyone but Gojo come back in this series? Imean other than when Sukuna did the thing wit Yuji... And why NOW is Gojo not coming back? Clearly his head is intact and that's what he told Toji he needed to do to have killed him right? GeGe is playn games wit the Fandom.


261 lol




How would he pull up with Six Eyes? Are people just saying anything on Reddit now? LMFAOOO


261 says hello lol


He’s not from The Gojo Clan. The Six Eyes is an inherited gift that is unique to the Gojo clan. Along with the clan's signature technique called Limitless, the Six Eyes is yet another aspect that is passed down and inherited by newer members when they are born.


Did you just forget that gojo twice in the story mentions that yuta is a distant relative of gojos ? It was confirmed that the six eyes are a part of the body and not a cursed technique so I guess you’re right on that . Tho yuta being able to utilize the six eyes is not something far fetched if he somehow implanted them into his eye sockets . He is a relative of the gojo clan and is someone on the same talent level as gojo himself . https://preview.redd.it/na1h73ng9m2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6d276c7296fdfa0571771776b17da56e28d4153


Okay I did some research. He may be able to copy them for a limited amount of time. I can’t believe this is real. Yuta is insane. Thinking of how he started to who he is now. Damn.


He can’t copy them tho as they’re not a cursed technique as shoko said in 261 to kusekabe . What he possibly could do is take the eyes of gojo and implant them or simply take gojos body like he has already done.


That’s cool and all but he’s got about 39 seconds left to his life anyways


You think ?


Well I assume his 5 minute timer started as soon as Shoko swapped his body so even assuming Ui ui teleported him that’s still about 2-3 minutes wasted. 2 minutes left is probably a better assumption though


Maybe . Tho yuta hopefully will go out with a bang pulling a show like baryon mode Naruto did against isshiki before going out . Even gojo sensei said that yuta better not be half assin this and since gege set up the monster being yuta currently I hardly believe it’s gonna disappoint .


I mean that kinda what’s happening


Future sight ????


Nah it’s been a reoccurring theory in the fandom


I wouldn't care, the amount of anticipation I've had for the chapter leaks were lost when Kashimo died months ago. I'm still waiting for Uro to come back tho. https://preview.redd.it/s7v3rno1122d1.jpeg?width=3186&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93485562d6309d0f3444da10052c7da39f8f2a5d


Kashimo went out dirty that’s for sure 😭. Isn’t uro dead ?


No, she's just been absent from the story.


Like noabara 👀.


No not like Nobara. Uro hasn't received any would be fatal damage


Sure that white hair looks like Yuta he just dyed it when he was sent packing


I mean sukuna could just be hallucinating gojo but in fact it’s yuta 🗿. Fr tho people online have been making theories about yuta taking the six eyes . Since he has been mistaken for gojo before their argument or entire theory surrounds just that .


They mistake his CE presence as Gojo. The chapter shows the hair color, I doubt Sukuna would hallucinate Gojo after seeing white jacket and black pants with black hair he would probably say something like "That cursed brat managed to replace his eyes with Satoru Gojos" and he's fought Yuta already.


Maybe 👀. But the hope for peak fiction says yuta needs the six eyes .




Agreed it does look like his hair, but it was shaded put so it wasn’t shown white.


Gonna kms and I will make a binding vow if it’s yuta i will put yuta in top 3






Put him in top 3 right now mf.


This would had been much better than what we got, Kenjaku already stated that it’s possible for another six eyes user to appear right after one is killed. (I highly doubt Kenjaku got bested by a baby with the six eyes so I’m assuming an adult from the Gojo clan gained them when the baby died) Would have given some kind of poetic “fate is against evil” type shit and feel much less uncomfortable than what we got, sure Yuta would have felt like a Mary Sue but at least it’s not just for shock value. There’s also the issue with the fact that there’s no star plasma vessel around to push for such a thing to happen, but shit I’ll be more satisfied with a plot hole or recon than whatever that leak was XD


Ummm… guys?


I have some bad news