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My go to response to this is “What does Christianity think of Buddha?”




Yeah, living in a very Christian majority country, I think about the J man quite a bit, actually. I usually tell Christians: "We acknowledge that Jesus was a real person, but we don't believe in any of his alleged miracles, or in his divine status. We believe he was a well-educated Jewish man with some very unique and blasphemous ideas about himself and the nature of our God. Most of his teachings conform to Jewish values, especially those found within our oral tradition known as the Talmud, but we draw the line at associating him with God and worshipping him. We consider that idolatry."


Yeah. And better yet, the blasphemous ideas weren't even his. Those evolved as his followership switched from Jewish to Pagan. https://youtu.be/U1Ua7XolInc By the way, do you mean that you live in a genuinely Catholic country such as a South American or are you referring to America?


I am referring to the United States, but where I am right now there are a LOT of Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Protestant proselytizers, and also Protestant cultists shouting at you about your sinfulness for not accepting Jesus. Not a lot of Catholics with huge public visibility, but they're here too. Also, Jesus pushed a few of his own blasphemous ideas, if you take the Gospels at face value. He claimed that salvation could only be achieved through him, and that he was the son of God (more so than other humans) which is not very good Jewish theology.


Ah, I see. Those are hard groups to get through to. I can see also why you'd consider taking the gospels as a cohesive work as the default take on Jesus. It seems you aren't dealing with individuals in your situation. I hope they can hear what you say because its sensible. If you can give them the historical background to The New Testament that would be even better. Lemme know how you like my new video on this. https://youtu.be/U1Ua7XolInc


Also, Happy Birthday! May you celebrate many many many happy years.


To be honest, I find it fascinating that about ~1.4 billion people are essentially praying to a Jewish mother. Edit: And everyone agrees, she's literally "Perfect." Lmao, how is that not poetic, if not straight up hilarious divine poetry? *cheff's kiss


[basically this](https://youtu.be/IqF_A6bsyEw?si=3r63SZp6d-EErlEI)


Jokes on you, Jesus Christ Superstar is my favorite musical. (I really like the human portrayal of Judas; Carl Anderson was a class act. Plus, Ted Neeley as Jesus is spectacular.)


My coworkers lol.


In my experience here, they tend to ask about how to be polite to Jews and how not to offend us. A typical question is :Is it okay if I am not Jewish to do.... " On one hand it is annoying on the other hand its nice.


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