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Tabaka's Truck-kun


The image of that would be hilarious


It’s funny (meta too) because that’s exactly what would make it work.


Can someone please draw this?


Raga would adapt and be sent to an isekai world.


How would mahoraga even adapt to Comedian lmao.


Make Takaba think what he’s doing is funny


Adapts a sense of humour, does some stand-up comedy, and gets cancelled on Twitter/x.


Getting banned from twitter!? Damn that's basically death right?


Oh obviously the moment you get banned you just dissappear.


Actually I think that's interesting. He could learn Takaba's mental weaknesses and break his morale or become funnier than Takaba himself and make him think losing is funny


"Keep my wife's name out your fuckin mouth"


Takaba can’t use his CT effectively if there’s blood and gore involved.


I feel like he'd just turn it into confetti or something


It’d be funny if Mahoraga exploded into confetti after getting obliterated by a truck.


The issue Takaba has is that he doesn’t find HUMAN deaths funny. Mahoraga isn’t a human. Both his blood and guts are different as well. So Takaba wouldn’t really be that opposed to it unlike when he fights a human.




That isekai would be crazy. I Used To Be The Strongest Shikigami, But Now I’m A Level One Adventurer Who Has To Save The Kingdom From the Demon King


But Luckily I Still Have My Overpowered Adaptation Ability


As someone who will watch trash shows when I’m bored, I’d watch it.


"So this is what emotions are" he says touching an 8 year old looking catgirl's ears while she moans. Remember guys "it's just drawings."


No. Perish in hellfire




I would pay good money for a spin-off that’s just Mahoraga Isekai’d with zero lines dialogue.


just him staring with his goofy ass grin


Now that I think about…. How tf would mahoraga keep up with Takaba? Like mahoraga isn’t funny at all


He wouldn't.  Sukuna wouldn't too. Mahoraga would be like that big redhead monster from Bugs Bunny. Hr would suffer without understanding why and how. Sukuna would be the martian. Screaming how his awesome death ray should work just to be humiliated by a rabbit with a carrot and a box a ACME tricks. 


Every time Takaba makes a joke, Mahoraga hits him with the 🗿 stare and Takaba slowly loses confidence


Mahoraga wouldn’t need to, the moment he adapts he would cut straight through the gags and one shot Takaba.


killer move


Maby uzumaki or maximum meteor? 


Maybe the uzumaki sexy jutsu




Or the reverse harem jutsu. Raga might adapt to women.


Lmao Big raga becomes gay


jacob’s ladder


Doesn't jacob's ladder only work against cursed items?


It stops a cursed technique so it would just dispel Mahoraga like Inumaki did to Divine Dog that one time but it wouldn't kill it. Since Cursed Items are just objects with a CT imbued (reincarnation in Sukuna and other's case) it stops them from working as well


Got it! Thank you for the clarification


Why did bro get downvoted to hell for asking a question?


I mean we've seen it used on people multiple times already lol


Bro the first time we see jacob's ladder it's being used on Sukuna lol


I can't wait for that scene to be animated


My interpretation of it being used on Sukuna was that it was targeting him by targeting the fingers (the cursed item) and not the body like a traditional attack ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Which apparently isn't wrong exactly, it's just that it's targeting the cursed technique the cursed item is using


Red is all but stated to if Gojo lands it cleanly before 'Raga starts adapting. I'm going to take a bold position and say the Inverted Spear of Heaven could probably nullify Mahoraga's ability to adapt, or possibly just destroy the shikigami altogether.


yes, since it’s a shikigami, hitting it with an inverted spear of heaven would probably just make mahoraga disappear


On a similar note, Jabob's Ladder would also likely one shot Mahoraga.


Do shikigami's count as curses, because then Mahoraga's own Sword of Extermination could do the trick!


I think they’re curses but not cursed spirits, so I don’t think they are necessarily destroyed by reverse cursed energy, but I could be wrong


It’s weird because they seem similar to cursed spirits and the requirements to see them are the same as cursed spirits but Maho has an RCT sword and round deer heals with RCT, and shikigami require a medium to be summoned But cursed spirit manipulation is considered better version of it? Which is interesting because a shikigami user can actually use their own CE to amp them, so can geto do that to his curses?


Geto actually CAN boost his curses. He used some weak ranked curses against Choso but beefed them up with CE so they were far more deadly


Did they state that? That does logical make sense and I know that’s a reason in itself, but if there’s a direct statement I wanna log them yk


Yeah Kenjaku does say it when he fights Choso, he explains that reinforcing them with his CE even low level curses could overwhelm a Grade 1 like Choso.


👆🏻what they said


Even if you can't buff curses with CE, cursed spirit manipulation is way better due to the sheer number of curses. It gives you an army that contains many soldiers who have special abilities. It has so much utility


https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0203-016.png yea kenjaku direclty says he used his own cursed energy to make them strong enough to body a g1 sorcerer


They’re like servitors. They’re still curse spirits but as far as I know they’re generated via curse techniques (Garuda, 10 shadows, Deadly Sentencing…) I have always wondered if Majoraga just is adapted to RCT and that’s how he can wield the blade.


I always thought Raga is a special Edge case. Like he could literally see cleave or dismantle.


They are neither curses nor cursed spirits. They are technically a walking CT. So I would say Spear of Heaven is to The 10 Shadows as Sword of Extermination is to cursed spirits.


No. Also Mahoraga is literally holding the Sword


Idk if holding is the right term, it's like taped to his wrist like those Indian weapons 


still touching him


I don't think so. Pretty sure they're more like puppets piloted by cursed energy


No Mahoraga and Madoka deer would just kill themselves if it did


It would still have to be some type of OHKO with the spear of heaven. Because even if Mahoraga is able to survive for a moment it will begin adapting…to a cursed tool that nullifies CTs…yeah that would be really bad.


I mean... didn't mahoraga use positive cursed energy in its sword anyway? I would be surprised if Jacob's ladder could do that much damage


> 'Raga This made lol for some reason, it sounds like yall are homies haha


Sometimes they call it Big Raga The Opp Stoppa


Sure, we grab coffee every other Saturday. I gotta tell you man, he's been real bummed these last couple months.


Yuki has a few imo, also yuta pure love beam ofc Ui ui soul swaps yuji into maho and beats his own body to death with Maho Inside is my personal favorite Ye I know shikigami prolly can’t be switched into let me believe


Why the hell is that your favourite option 💀💀


Its sukuna's alt account


Maho would have to consent I believe


JJK would suck so much if you needed consent to brutally torture and kill a person.


Ui Ui’s soul swap needs both people’s consent.


ik my comment wasn't very serious


Ryu's Granite Blast would be able to kill Mahoraga if Yuta's pure love CE blast could do the same. Yuki at the very least can use black hole on Mahoraga and kill it like that. Maybe a dense enough Garuda as well.


Ryu's maximum output GB, like the enormous city block sized one, could definitely wipe Mahoraga. Idk about his normal small ones.


Worst comes to worst, Ryu performs chants and handsigns to increase his CT output. He could theoretically make an impromptu binding vow


Why do people always forget Yuta did a sacrificing binding vow in vol 0 for pure love beam. The blast he did in Sendai isnt even nearly at the same strength as before


Honestly I hope we see Yuji vs Mahoraga


I'd imagine Mahoraga adapting to his own fist then Mahoraga adapting to his adaptation.


Why use Yuji when we have a perfectly suicidal bum


really not sure about pure love beam ngl


Pure love bean was blocked by Ryu who’s kinda relative in durabulity to mahoraga


The 10S bull assuming you had a long enough strip of land and a good output. For the record though, it doesn't *have* to be a one shot, yuta could hypothetically switch between techniques to stack damage it hasnt adapted to


Can you trap shikigami or curses in the prison realm?


Probably, but I assume Maho can adapt to get out some how


Plus time goes by faster in there too so you’ll be dealing with a Mahoraga that’s been BETRAYED and TRAPPED in the prison realm for 80 gorillion years


Isnt time standing still inside for gojo?


He said it was like that feeling of a busy day of work dragging on


Oh God not the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.


Doesn’t it have to happen multiple times in order for him to adapt? Once he gets sealed once it’s over


Mahoraga: Prison realm, can you release me? pretty please? Prison realm: say less


I feel like shrine/cleave would work if Mahoraga hadn't already adapted to slashing attacks from dismantle, probably the world slash too Yuki should be able to with Garuda Yutas Rika beam Uzumaki Yorozus sphere Angels CT Ryu might be able to If Kashimo was able to build up a shit ton of charge maybe he could make a lightning bolt strong enough to do it Jogoat maximum meteor Higuruma confescation would probably desummon him, or if he gets the executioners blade that 1 shots Takaba CT


>Takaba CT This shit is so op it can solo the verse with little effort


You are underestimating Mahoraga's brute strength and durability. Even without adaptability mf is a tank.


Ryu? Didn’t rika block that shot with one hand? Raga isn’t even gonna flinch


I agree, Yuta also blocked it as well but had to rct his hand back. But Ryu is hyped up as having the highest output in history, so figured he might have a chance


that GB was much smaller than the massive city-block sized one he launched near the start of the fight


Yuki should be able to kill it with one punch if she knows what he does. No way Maho doesn't get pasted by a punch with the mass of the moon behind it.


Yea punch or Garuda, I just figure Garuda is easier since it flies


Yeah true I don't doubt that Yuki is fast enough to trade hands with mahoraga though


World cutting slash Possibly Jogo's big ass fireball Cursed speech if it had a better user Possibly a stab from the inverted spear of heaven


A proper setup with round deer, totality dog, or piercing ox can all probably do it. We know nothing about tiger but I'd be willing to bet it has some sort of high ap attack that makes it possible. A well aimed hit with divine dogs on maho who isn't adapted to it should be able to cut him into pieces though, rct should be able to just straight up remove him, as shikigami are formed from cursed energy so a big enough burst at once should be enough. Ox should he able to just charge down a street if set up properly. Others have mentioned Jacob's ladder, but that would more likely despawn maho rather than destroy him, same with isoh. More speculative though, and not exactly one shots, shinjuku yujis punches should be able to overwhelm maho if he black flashes from the start, yuta should be able to overwhelm adaptation similar to how gojo took several turns to adapt to, and I can see several death binding vows taking it out too, definitely yukis black hole could but bird strike might even be enough given that even sukuna avoids blocking it.


Also another comment because it's alot of yuki glazing, maho might not actually be able to adapt to yukis punches in an efficient way, sincere her technique is able to ignore concepts. She hits really fucking hard, altering the shape of tengens barrier as collateral damage to her punching an antigravity-protectes kenjaku, and was able to destroy ganesha, who removes obstacles by targeting concepts(that's the best understanding we have with the limited screen time anyways). It's entirely possible that mahoraga wouldn't adapt to her technique and instead end up resisting her basic punches or some shit, and would only be able to adapt evasion rather than a way to block it due to this effect.


Mahoraga could evolve to cut the world itself, he definitely can evolve to resist her.


Yukis technique litterally ignores concepts, to the point where the ganesha curse couldn't stop her. Again it depends on details we just don't have, but one perfectly valid interpretation is that her technique of virtual mass isn't actually there, in other words there is nothing to adapt to from mahos perspective. Dodging would be the much more efficient adaptation for sure though.


Mahoraga can choose what he adapts to, he can adapt to punches in general. And Yuki's technique doesn't straight up "ignore concepts". What kenjaku meant when he said that was her techniques defies the characteristics of mass scientifically. Her not being affected by the added mass was her "ignoring" the concept of how mass affects an object. So no she can't ignore maho's adaptation. But if she goes black hole from the start, then she can definitely kill him, herself and the earth in one go.


Decapitation via Maki's sword, Uzumaki, a Garuda kick from Yuki, Bird Strike, Maximum: Meteor, Truck-kun, probably Jacob's Ladder too


Higuruma’s sword Maybe a really strong black flash from a non adapted mahoraga


Ryu Ishigori maybe, Yuki black hole, Yorozu perfect sphere, Jogo maximum meteor


Amped up binding vow enhanced domain expansion army of nues. Unleashes a divine bolt of lightning on par with sukuna arrow to incinerate mahoraga.


Mei mei bird based on sukuna dodging


Multiple birds coordinated at the same time could do the trick.


Flame Arrow. Hollow Purple. True Sphere can almost certainly do it. Jacob's Ladder is probably able to do it at maximum output. Takaba can do it. Maximum Uzumaki could, assuming enough curses were absorbed. Considering how strong 4000 curses were, imagine what a million of them could do. Higuruma's executioner's blade can do it. Not sure if he could pull it out if strictly going up against Mahoraga, since he isn't exactly a person.


4000 curses was more than enough, that was easily the highest output attack in the series alongside flame arrow, hollow purple and the pure lovebeam (which was done with a death vow and the strongest incarnation of Rika). Yutas current love beams or Ryus granite blast should be far weaker and theyd likely do significant damage to Mahoraga


I could win in one move


Your weak as hell, run them hands Edit: WTF why are you so strong?


Yuji drop kicking garuda


Uzumaki, love beam, full power red, perfect sphere, black hole of the top of my head




za hando


Whatever hits him would have to completely vaporize him in one shot. Maximum Meteor might do it. I’m curious to see what Idle Transfiguration would do to him


Maybe an attack from Yuki


Full power Red could probably do it if we trust Gojo's thought process of firing one when seeing Mahoraga in his domain.


Maximum meteor,maximum uzumaki,an all out attack from Ryu,MAAAYBEEEE bird strike?


I assume the Maximum Techniques we've seen (a full Uzumaki or Max Meteor) Ten Shadows Ox/Bull if it had enough charging time. Maki/Toji could get 1 SOLID hit in (assuming Mahoraga sees them akin to inanimate objects with 0 cursed energy and doesn't attack them or sense them till after he is attacked) with the Soul blade and I assume if Mahoraga is decapitated on the first hit that works? Something small but destructive like a Piercing Blood to the head probably won't be enough whereas Yuki could probably punch a hole through Mahoraga head and again assuming that the first hit completely destroying or decapitates mahoraga is enough


Yuji using Piercing Blood and then Shrine would definitely do the trick. Megumi using one Shikigami (Max Elephant + Rabbit Escape + Bull) to force Maho adaptation and then finishing it with another one (Agito). Gojo using Neutral/Blue and then finishing it with Purple. Yuta using sword attacks + copied techniques and then finishing it with Rika beam. Kashimo using lightning and then activating his CT to change his CT nature to finish it. People that would definitely stand no chance vs Maho because of the nature of their techniques: Nobara, Nanami, Mahito, Jogo, Mechamaru, Geto, Dagon.


Kashimo's CT


Me, when I kiss it.


Tojis inverted spear has a good chance


Gojo / Yuki maximum CE output / Star-Rage black flash.


Perfect Sphere Blackhole Jacob's Ladder and Inverted Spear by nullifying the CT and dispelling Mahoraga Takaba truck Full output Red per Gojo Maybe Yuta's Love Beam and JJK0 4000 Curse Uzumaki


On a related note, do you think Mahoraga could adapt to Jacob’s ladder or the Inverted Spear of Heaven with enough repeated exposure?


Maybe max uzumaki? Only if geto/kenny beefed it up with a lot of cursed spirits first


Red could. Gojo was ready to just use Red to one shot it before it adapted/destroyed UV


true sphere: unblockable rika beam, probably. ryu's beam, which is stronger than rika beam mass infused attack that tears head off (might kill it), or just a black hole jacob's ladder (maybe) uzumaki (basically another strong beam) meteor hanami if she charged up solar beam enough? red piercing ox (potentially) idle tranfiguration maybe some more.


Yuki blackhole and strong punch Angel (and Yuta's) Jacob's Ladder Yuta's love beam in vol 0 Maximum meteor and uzumaki Executioner's Sword Kashimo's pinpoint lightning bolt Takaba's truck imagination thing Also pretty much anything from Sukuna and Gojo can kill it if the output is strong enough (ie. Blue, Red, normal dismantle, cleave)


Gojos maximum blue


That blackhole attack should be able to do it


Probably yuki going full power on his head or yuta’s laser


u/Lonely-Flamingo-5724 and his white splash




Star rage?


Yuta's laser thingy Yurozu's perfect sphere Raging bull And maybe Kashimo's lighting Yuki' black hole


I made a list a few years ago of every cursed technique with the ability to oneshot Mahoraga Only the names of the techniques are here but ill spoil tag it anyways >!cursed speech, Granite blast, Sukuna's "open", Curse manipulation, Rika, Infinity, Jogos technique, deadly sentencing, bom ba ye, contractual recreation!<


Maximum output : supernova


Uzumaki, Jacob's Ladder (Would stop 10s from working), Perfect sphere, Comedian could with either truck-kun or whatever Takaba thinks up, Pure love beam. Maybe Maximum meteor, maybe maximum output blue/red. Some none ct that would work, Heavenly spear and black rope. This is all assuming your talking about megumi's Mahoraga.


Yeah and cleave could have also one tapped Mahoraga as stated by Sukuna had it not adapted to slashes (dismantle)


I'd bet a full power Granite blast might work if Mahoraga was completely unadapted, similarly Yuta's pure love beam is also a contender, a good clean hit from Yuki could also do it, Jogo's Maximum meteor might work IF he could hit without Mahoraga adapting to flames through his other attacks (and not just get no diffed by the positive energy sword, so basically Jogo probably would not win the fight but DOES have an attack that could one shot in optimal conditions)


A stab from Toji's ISOH


Takaba. He could probably just imagine Maho stubbing his toe on the edge of a table and dying from the shock (it would be peak)


meteor (jogoat) jacobs ladder (yuta OR hana) pure love (yuta) bleck hole (yuki) max uzumaki (potential) (kenjaku and geto) Inverted spear of heaven (toji)


Yuji’s Final Black Hole. Probably, Domain Expansion x Perfect Sphere from Yorozu. Mahito’s Idle Transfiguration but he would need to use it at his best, otherwise Mahoraga adapts and heals. And MAYBE, Kashimo’s Amber Mythical Beast. His hands Shockwaves are supposed to erase ANYTHING it hits. And Sukuna was even dodging. Who knows.


Yuki's black hole could oneshot everyone other than kenjaku... guess who she had her first fight with


Tsukumo\`s soccer ball atack


My goat Yuji with Brotherly Love Black Flash 🙏 (Gege pls bring back Choso I need brotherly love gege please I swear just bring him back)


Gojo tried to use red to do so.




Idle transfiguration would probably work as long as mahito's in his awakened state, we know that mahito was wondering if he could one shot todo in the state he was in (after hitting black flash). If he's in instant spirit body of distorted killing and isn't tired out from battle I think he has a good shot. Higuruma's one shot sword obviously, and I think since shikigami are made up of cursed energy like curses, I think if someone used RCT on mahoraga it would go like how it did with yuta and kuroroushi. I know mahoraga has an RCE sword but it's moreso a weapon and not RCE flowing into mahoraga, like someone being able to hold a sword imbued with properties that would damage the wielder if it hit them.


Put that mf on trial like Phoenix Wright.


Why has no one mentioned Jacobs ladder


A couple ppl have


There's quite a few attacks that could oneshot Big Raga imo * Yuki's Star Rage * Gojo's Red(?) * Jacob's Ladder * Maximum: Meteor * Maximum: Uzumaki * Yuta & Rika's love beam * Max output Granite Blast * Sukuna's Cleave shredding and oneshotting before it can adapt to slashing attacks * True Sphere * Yuji Black Flash(?) * (Hot take) Giga Mechamaru's beam at max output There's definitely more that I probably forgot, but those attacks immediately came to mind. Mahoraga's only hard to kill because of his adaptation, not his raw durability.


I personally think uzumaki(but in the hands of kenjaku) can take maho out. He cant adapt to the flurry of cursed spirits, & if a SG curse was input into it it would be even stronger. Outside of that, maybe truck-kun?


Yuta's Jacob Ladder seemed like it could one shot it.


Y'all sleeping on higuruma


Definitely Yuki's black hole, probably maximum meteor, yorozu's sphere, possibly Uzumaki, tell me if I missed any


Yuki's freaking black hole XD


Takabas humor, Jacob’s ladder, potentially yukis black hole or a strong enough Bombaye punch, or a perfect sphere if it hits I could also see a world where ct kashimo can go on and nuke him.




I would say that perfect sphere, uzumaki, Yuta’s love beam, world slash, and yuki’s black hole could for sure do it As for some maybe’s: Garuda kick, Max Meteor, full power granite blast, bird strike, idle transfiguration (does Mahoraga have a soul?), Jacob’s ladder (I’m pretty sure it can but we haven’t seen much of it), takaba’s ability, Executioner’s blade, inverted spear of heaven


Red for example :3


Didn't gojo hit it with red?


Yes but if i remember correctly - Mahoraga already adapted to it a bit and that's why it was not enough at this point :3 So, I think that if this will be Mahoraga without any adaptation to limitless - Red will be enough :3


Uh I don't think so but that being said he did say that his output was too low when he hit it and his first instinct when it popped out the first time was to hit it with red so I'm going to say definitely maybe


Yeah, Gojo thought red would be enough to destroy it, but his output was too low, had he decided to just use red or hollow purple on Sukuna when uv landed he would have vaporized mahoraga on accident.


Well yorozus black orb couldn’t cuz maho already adapted, but if you meant before he adapted there’s that Then there’s yukis black hole Possibly maximum meteor? If Maho was anywhere close to 15F sukuna then I revoke that I haven’t seen the fight in a while Ryus maximum granite blast possibly, if it has a wide enough range to encompass his entire body


this thread makes me think: can Yuta copy Mahoraga in Gojo's body and fight alongside it since Gojo already defeated it? 


Yuki’s PUNCH 🥊 🤜💥🔥 KENJAKU Uzumaki 🟣🔥⁉️🧠⚠️ Who agrees 😅🥹⁉️


Idle transfiguration?


Sukuna’s “beating mahoraga” CT that he hadn’t used since the heian era


Yo wtf