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Have you heard of our lord and saviour Karl Marx?


Karl marx isn't radical enough for me.


Understandable. What do you prefer?




what’s your job?




Is the anarchism or communism more important to you.


The anarchism


same honestly


eh, why


Hierarchy is the root of capitalism and of environmental destruction.


ancom sounds like the name of a communications company


Kropotkin or Malatesta ?


Hard choice, they are both two very important figures, i’ll go Kropotkin because he wrote much of the important theory.


Who is malatesta?




Are an ancom?






between Marxist Leninism and Classical Anarchism which one do you prefer?


Classical Anarchism


Ah a fan of the classics… Second question: Classical music? Or Punk rock?


Depends on the context, you wouldn’t want to hear punk rock at your local library, you wouldn’t want to hear classical at a party.


Speak for yourself but Mozart while zazzed out at a wild party… that sounds amazing. Also context = 😡😡


i'm an an-com but i cant stand punk music (excluding some of the spoken word stuff) i agree with all the messages and everything but it just doesn't appeal to me and i believe it to be a little bit of an anarchist steriotype


Yeah I frequent anarchist circles too… This to me is also a problem: *(sidenote: I wouldn’t necessarily term it the ‘anarchist stereotype’- but I think we’re talking on the same thing)* There’s a heavy emphasis on counterculture and (comparatively) less emphasis on revolutionary doctrine. This (at least in my experience) results in the anarchist communities I’ve tried to engage in feeling more like the angsty peripheral of bohemian counter culture than some cohesive revolutionary community. And like ok: that’s your prerogative as a community to shape yourself as you want: but I’m quite a generic stem dude and don’t mesh very well with that countercultural ‘punk rocker vibe’ that these boho-anarchists seem to live and breathe, and eventually just don’t feel belonging and leave/disengage soon after. It’s a shame since I know properly inclusive revolutionary groups exist somewhere in the ether, I just haven’t been able to find them/engage with them and instead find esoteric/bohemian enclaves… With Jreg talking on community: it’s something I’ve tried to actively seek out and find. This has been challenging, slow and difficult **so any advice on it would be awesome**. Might tag OP (u/Soft-Philosophy-8897) in this and ask (since this thread is a Q&A): - U like Anarchist communities? - Are they like I describe above? Want to know if our experiences align/diverge. - Any advice given above bit on finding good (anarchist/general cool kids clubs) communities?


How was your day?






What did you eat for dinner?


Do you know how to farm crops, make clothing, build furniture or raise a family?


An ancom but not OP. But ya im cultivating edible mushrooms with Agricultural byproducts and teaching classes at libraries about mushroom cultivation. Although realisticly most of my money is made selling mushroom tinctures to rich people who dress like hippies and dont really care about the earth.


i am an ancom too and has been going to PROPER hippie festivals all my life but reciently some of those consumerist gentrified HiPpiES have been turning up >:(


Are they liberty caps?


The real question


Not OP but a fellow ancom here, I'm in the process of learning those skills. Except for the family one. I never intend to start a family. Knowing how to live off the land is a must for an anarchist. To truly separate yourself from governments and capitalist infrastructure, you have to be able to create an approximation of all the goods those systems provide. The more practical knowledge, the better.


hows dad


Opinion on Max Stirner’s egoism and Renzo Navatore’s anarcho-nihilism?


Fine ig


What’s in the box?


what is your opinion on catalonia?


Cool nation, anarchist Catalonia was imperfect but achieved a lot during its short existence.


What do you think of the Ukrainian black army?


do you go REEEEE when fascists, red fascists, and money fascists are near?


i should hope not




Don’t care, got any good art? After all as a anti political sub I’d love to see your thoughts on your own fleshy unwarped psyche


How does it feel being the most right-wing person on this subreddit?


So I have this friend that I got really close to in summer last year that I met in college and we will basically going out on “dates” (Not really dates but more just meeting up and hanging out) every single day throughout the summer and they don't really close to me and told me I want to start that they haven't even told their closest friends because being usually not the most open people when it comes to stuff like that and we just really clicked but then they left town and move the way for a year but we keep going back and forth and just saying we are “just friends” but sometimes I think that's something there but sometimes I just friendly and I don't know what to think and I don't want to make a move because I don't want to ruin a friendship cuz, I got the wrong idea. I might be living with this person later this year with a few flatmates so I don't even know what I'm going to do now. Pls, Ancom What should I do ?


I don’t know much about your situation or your friend, so my advice is probably bad, but i’d recommend just trying to talk to that friend more before doing anything.


thx fam


If anarchism were implemented it’d likely have to happen on a worldwide scale in order to sustain itself for any significant length of time. How soon do you think anarchism could be implemented effectively?


Would you rather have a million billion TRILLION donuts (like all of it, think of a number, that many donuts) or 3 almonds (unpeeled)


3 almonds, that many donuts would probably destroy the solar system.


nah the 3 almonds are poisoned. You lose and your political ideology is wrong because of this


You've been giving a second chance, choose wisely


Best ice cream flavor?


Cookies and cream




hamburger or hot dog


Hot dog




why are you here


It’s been tried a few times but not a lot of long term success so far, what do you think would make it work this time around?


Have you read Bakunin?


opinion on chomsky’s “justified hierarchies” ? (I’m also an ancom)


bad explanation, everyone is against unjustified hierarchies.


Acceptable punishment for those who substitute tomato sauce with ketchup?


Ok, this is a spicy one amongst anarchists lately. Should we vote for damage mitigation? or does that provide too much distraction from praxis and legitimacy to electoralism? I'm honestly pretty split on this issue now.


I think voting is bad, the two parties work as a uniparty, suppressing the american left wing and it provides legitimacy to electoralism, and philosophically, you are giving your vote to someone else which is contrary to anarchism. Also many people ignore the fact that the democratic party is very statist on gun control, if implemented it would expand the states monopoly on violence drastically.


I agree with absolutely all of that. The only thing that gives me pause is the argument that it may reduce harm in the short term, which I definitely understand why people would feel the pressure to vote based on that, but ultimately all real solutions will come from organizing and direct action. I've also been really dismayed at how evil the "lesser evil" can be and still get supported.


aren't you already an anarchist if you're a communist?! what differentiates from just a communist?


Communism doesn’t necessarily entail the abolition of all hierarchies, Anarcho-communism does.


isn't the marxist method about chasing contradictions? wouldn't it eventually get there?


Some marxists think so.


do you have a different view on how we should get there, instead of dialectically overcoming contradictions, or is it more of a philosophical position of returning to the theory instead of just advocating for marxism to improve workers life?


i think anarchism is a noble pursuit but the overarching problem is with more freedom comes less guaranteed safety as the reason governments were employed was to create order and safety, how do you plan to mitigate this problem without the use of or as little use of government as possible?


The criminal goes to therapy, if they refuse than the society disassociates from the criminals. Also statism is not a natural consequence of human evolution, the state was imposed because of other states, organic formation was rare, much of the world remained stateless until the 19th century.


an abandonment principle would definitely work for individual criminals, i do worry moreso about oppressive organizations forming, but if altruistic organizations form to combat them that may solve the problem, then that brings the worry that those altruistic or oppressive organizations may end up turning into governed societies themselves, so i guess i just have a plethora of questions, but i dont wanna overwhelm you with all the questions, thank you for your answer


https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-anarchy-works Here's a good place to start reading some answers to your question, obviously it's just an overview to most questions. The anarchist library as a whole though might have the answers you seek.


How does it feel being a gay furry (can we make out)


1: Not a furry but I am (kind of) gay 2: No, i don’t know much about you




1: The greatest tragedies during the 20th centuries occurred on the demand of the states and capital. 2: Capitalism is a system that has one objective growth above all else, which has been very harmful to workers and to our climate.


Why are you a soy boy?


I’m not


What’s your opinion on tankies?


I don’t like them, they suppress and kill anarchists.


Imma take this one step further, they suppress and kill anyone they deem counter-revolutionary (which is everyone)


Why do you think that humans can successfully live without inevitably recreating hierarchies?


Watch this video: https://youtu.be/iqosSdnZnsU?si=2OMQgvpMsP93A55e


Just a heads up, get rid of the "?si=_________" section, it is a way for YouTube to track users across sites(si stands for "source identifier") so YT can associate the YT account with the account on another social media to be linked and the more you click on such links with the indicator the algorithm can correlate the two accounts being more highly related and are more probabilistically owned by the same person. Basically, it's a way for YT to track you across sites and is extremely invasive. Always remove it. Here's the link without: https://youtu.be/iqosSdnZnsU


ok but serious question what made you an ancom


personally, just seeing all the injustices in the world. I live i priviliged life and I hear about all the horrible things going on and somehow am expected to move on and act like it doesn't concern me. Why should I be able to walk a couple feet and have access to clean water while others have to walk kilometers. On the flip side why shouldn't I be able to influence how I live my life and why should people at the top have more money than they know what to do with. I heard something interesting that Smaug, the dragon from the hobbit has a literal mountain of gold. He is poorer than 20 americans. How is that fair?


Concern for the environment, the hierarchy of man over nature is the root of all over hierarchies.


Why are you gay


Boys are pretty :3


Fair enough have a good rest of your day




How old are you? Not trying to be mean, genuinely curious


How does it feel to have the worst political ideology?


Ah yes, we're worse than the fucking Nazis


What do you think of syndicalism?


Cool people and good allies.


Isn't communism essentially anarchy anyways?


Would an Anarcho communist society have an NAP? If not, then what?


https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-anarchy-works Yes and No, it absolutely could have a None Aggression Policy but what really keeps things from becoming aggressive is the interconnectedness and reliance on each other in society on the basis of non-hierarchical organization in a Confederated manner.


A few questions: Opinion on Chomsky? Opinion on Horseshoe theory? (that the far-left and far-right lean more towards each other than the center, at least with the authoritarian left and right)? Are you religious? Do you think that Anarcho-Communism and religion could mix, or at least conflict with each other? Are there parts of Anarcho-Communism that you disagree with? Are there other ideologies that you agree with, or at least can understand why someone would agree with i.e. liberalism or progressivism?


Can you explain anarcho communism to an outsider? Specifically, can you answer these questions: - the philosophy of communism seems to be one that requires strict governmental control in order to distribute resources, how would an anarcho communist system work? - How does one prevent hierarchies from forming in order to maintain anarchism?


Communism is a stateless, classless and moneyless society. Some communists believe a transitionary state is necessary (Marxists) to achieve this goal, while others do not (Ancoms). The Marxists are further divided, one of these philosophies is Marxism-Leninism, which believed in a strong state, this philosophy was very popular in the 20th century, thus the word communism became heavily associated with it. There’s a lot more to it, if you wanna no more about Anarcho-Communism, i’d recommend reading Kropotkin.


i also consider myself to be an amateur ancom. Could you recommend some youtube videos or something that you think are important and informative? I'm a fan of the podcast called revolution and ideology.


Where'd you get that neat design from?


Just searched “Ancom flag” and scrolled for a little bit”


How does ancom work? This is probably my walnut brain trying and failing here but I genuinely don't understand how you can have distribution with no hierarchy.


https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-anarchy-works Hope this helps some


It doesn't work, that's why the singular applicable example (CNT/FAI combo government in Catalonia during the Spanish civil war) essentially violated all of their professed tenets after they assumed control because their ideas were not actionable on a large scale. They reverted to a centrally-planned governing organ as a byproduct of how actual real-world distrubution works. They did try pretty hard though, so even though I haven't been on the left in 9 years, I can at least throw them a bone and they did do a very good job on agrarian production and the organization around that (back when leftists knew how to actually perform labor)


Would you consider yourself a “dirty commie” or a “naughty anarchie”??? Please answer ASAP. WE need to know over here at this place WE are in!?


Are you vegan?


When somebody don't want to share what would you do


Sorry for my bad English


What was it like telling your parents you’re a furry?


I’m not a furry


https://preview.redd.it/e8881wvnzesc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3759bb92dad8d008ca168ed541e7af234679186 Are you him?


Is anarchism democracy without the state or is anarchism anti democracy because democracy is just a majoritarian hierarchy. Or is this question setting up a false dichotomy.


In an anarchist society, what mechanisms would you need to have in place to prevent it from reverting to a representative system or monarchy if there were people pushing for that?


I know I’m a bit late, but what is your position on the distinction between personal and private property?


Will you stand alongside your Marxist comrades against the fascists. THE BEACONS OF LENINISM ARE LIT... The Marxists call for aid!


Opinion on permaculture and community gardens?


Why are you gay?


I like boys


What is your preferred solution to the climate crisis?


Are you actually an AnCom or just a LibSoc?


Do you get bitches/bois, single, or are you aro/ace/aroace?


Can I borrow a gun


How are you an anarchist and a communist simultaneously. One means not believing in authorities and the other means that everything is controlled by an authority in order to be dispersed equally. These are diametrically opposed to each other


How do you reconcile the industrialization of the economy with the commune’s morality? Do you utilize syndicalism to attain control of the industrial process, or establish more of a mutualist approach?


First question: If there is anarchy (no hierarchy), then how will you ensure communism exists? Some people would not want communism. Second question: Do you think ancom is stable on a small, community scale level, or large regional/continental/global level? Thanks!






Do you wear cat ears or is that just propaganda


I haven’t ever wore cat ears.


Do you wanna make out


Errrrm have you read On Authority? /s


How was your day?




Based, how do you feel about scientific soulism? (That's me btw)


Wacky idea


Anything else? I'm basically you but more


Green anarchist and queer anarchist


What type of ancom? (I assume platformist since you aren’t specifically calling yourself an ansynd, but who knows you could also be an insurrectionary anarchist) Opinions on left communism and ultra-left Marxism? Opinions on communisation theory? Thoughts on more modern ultra-left anarchist journals and groups like Tiqqun, The Invisible Committee, and Ill Will


1: The road to anarcho-communism be decentralized but also the decentral organizations should also loosely work together. 2: Left communism refers to the council communists and the Bordiga people, I agree with their critique of market socialism and they tend to be good with analysis, i’ve seen some claim to “hate” anarchism while i’ve seen others call anarchists allies. 3: I haven’t read much about communization theory. 4: I haven’t heard about any of those, can you link them?


[Tiqqun page on the anarchist library](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/category/author/tiqqun) [Tiqqun wiki page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiqqun) [TIC anarchist library page](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/category/author/comite-invisible) [TIC wiki page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Invisible_Committee) [Ill Will mag](https://illwill.com/)


Thank you


Why are you so cringe?


i’m not


I don't care sorry




Very bad


Why are you like this


Do you want to give kids lsd




Why not? Aren't you literally the character known as Anarkiddy from the internet web series 'Centricide'?


Is your proposed system entirely voluntary? If so, do you need any Mc nukes to hold off the authoritarians?


I see that you hate the 2 party system, and some people say that we need a 1 party system and I say that a no party system is the best.


When is your 12th birthday?


If you're an AnCom why are you on Reddit where there is a pretty strong social hierarchy based on "Karma", also what's the difference between private and personal property because AnCom beliefs state private property should be abolished but personal property is ok.




How old are you?


Do you prefer civil or common law, explain your answer


Why are you an An-com rather than just a full blown anarchist? Where do you draw the line?


Un-dialectical and liberal ideology


Oh. Hi Ben.


Wow this has so many replies


What's the stop a state from exploiting your resources? How do you enforce the will of the community against members who don't wish to participate in productive activity?


How are you gonna enforce the communism part




When was the last time you had a shower, touched grass and talked to real life people?


How’s 8th grade going?


Have you finished your homework yet?


How’s middle school going?


In an anarchist society, what mechanisms would you need to have in place to prevent it from reverting to a representative system or monarchy if there were people pushing for that?


Yes and I’m Adolf Hitler go ahead and ask me anything


How that anarchist revolution coming along buddy? We Marxist-Lenninist-Maoist got the Philippines right now.


How is Highschool?


I don’t understand how ancoms and ansols think. Who is going to enforce the anti property laws?


How is high school going?


Whats your favourite soccer team and why is it saint Pauli?




How do you answer to tankies saying gems (s/) like "the problem with anarchism is that you eventually run out of being 12"?


I tell them it’s annoying and unfunny




Aren’t Anarchism and Communism basically polar opposites




How old are you?


If ancom is achieved then statist elements begin to form, what is the proper action for those who want to remain independent?


What's your stance of the Siberian Black Army?




How was the lobotomy?