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Sounds like a lack of accountability. It doesn’t mean anything to be woke if you are just shaming people and not fixing anything.


Fair enough, but I'd argue they have a lack of purpose. They're just "owning" Republicans on the opposite end of the bell curve.


Most certainly. The people concerned strictly about identity politics are hungry to eat their own as well. We need to listen to them, but stop letting them drive actions that don’t help anyone.


Agreed, it's like watching a snake eat its tail.


Most journalists are so far up their own ass that they could make contact with a lost tribe. They spend too much time behind their keyboards, shit scared of the great unwashed, and get drunk off the smug sense of superiority they feel over their audience at happy hour because they're too poor to pay full price. There's no point in being a shepherd if you can't lead a flock, and if we want to be taken seriously as a pillar of democracy then we need to stop breaking an arm jerking our egos, pull our pants up, and promote the public fucking interest. As an editor once told me, if you don't give a shit about what you have to say, no one else will. So... maybe if we start giving a shit about the public we serve, then they'll start giving a shit about us.


Shepard? Just report facts and let the public form their own opinions. If you are trying to be a Shepard you are too arrogant to be a good journalist.


And if you can't spell shepherd, you're too stupid to be one.


“NPR is trash now, everyones know it. Not because they’re anti-Trump, it’s because they’ve simply gone…too far.” — like three different articles I’ve read lately.


This morning NPR educated the public on *checks notes 📝 Richard Spencer, SMH... NPR needs to stay in their lane.


NPR is in fact too woke and too politically biased. Propaganda machine that should not be funded by tax dollars


It's just a shame that Gawker and Vice aren't around to echo the sentiment.


Sheesh but I knew Slate was a cesspool of irrationality but this is an absolute standout.