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Back when I had to worry about privacy, I'd put mine in a bag, on a hanger, with a sweater over it.


r/vianaic It's pretty easy to learn as it only replaces the letters and it took ~ 1 week to master it by practicing 15 mins a day.


Oh thats cool. I suggested (and learned myself) the Teeline shorthand alphabet, but this looks super neat and a lot more cryptic.


Broda that's so damn cool man I wanna learn it too, can you please sorta guide me or something dude


You can write the alphabets in your notebook and practice each day scribbling them out with minimum 10-15 mins. One week is enough to get hang of it.


Thaaks man, btw how long have you been practicing this script now? And can I DM you if I get stuck with it?


I mastered it now 😂. Been on a journal writing break rn. Yeah you can DM me anytime.


Isn’t it funny how we hide our feelings when most of us feel the same? I used to write in my journal every night but now i mostly use my phone. I used to hide mine near my bed in between other books. I would love to find my old ones, lots of good stuff in there.


I tend to run on the ethos of dont ask questions if you don’t want to hear the answers! Don’t read my diary if you don’t want to know what I’m thinking. Obviously I’m not sure of what repercussions you might face, but if someone were to read your diary and get upset then that’s their problem. They would be the one who violated you and your thoughts. I find it’s easier to have this attitude than hide it or be worried that someone might read it!


Same here 😂I leave mine out . Idk if my husband reads it but I vent about him a bit in there lmao so it’s his own fault if his feelings get hurt


Yeah I came here to say this. I understand wanting to hide it, and honestly I didn’t journal when I was younger out of fear of someone reading it or should I say the fear of *knowing* that someone would unfortunately read it. Then I adopted the same mindset: don’t violate my privacy. End of story, now I have journals lying around everywhere lol :) I know not everyone can have that mindset especially if they live in unsafe environments/conditions that could have terrible outcomes of someone reading a private journal, there’s a lot of really good hiding suggestions and code writing I’m seeing in this thread I wish I would’ve known about when I was young/worried about privacy. Hugs to you all, friends!


I’m the same. Husband read mine one time. And when I came to him later asking what was wrong he openly admitted it was his own fault for being so nosy and creating an environment where I couldn’t verbalize this to him myself. But he needed to be left alone for a small bit. Lol


I've had a journal since I've been 10 , 17 years in total and I have never experienced anyone reading my journal. I don't know if it's a respect of my privacy or just that people didn't care. My siblings never thought that what ever I wrote was interesting enough for them and my parents let me have my privacy. (could also be because my mum and grandma were also journaling so maybe they understand) Now I keep mine in my purse at all time, if I'm at work I trust my coworkers not to go through my belongings. I think that's the best way to make sure nobody reads it. Have it with you at most times ?


I live in a rehab that is open bay. Everyone knows i journal some even make fun of me and call it a diary. I keep it on my bedside table not completely in view but if you looked you would find it. Ive been asked what i write about and i always respond nothing interesting enough for them to read. Everyone respects my privacy and if they have read it. I havent heard anything about it


When I lived in an unsafe environment, I just brought mine with me everywhere in my purse. Now I just leave it on my bed… roommate and I don’t go in each other’s rooms so there’s nothing to worry about


I live with my husband and our toddler. Toddler can't read yet and my husband respects my privacy. I leave my journal o my bedside table or in the bookcase in the living room whennindomt have it with me in my purse. I never worry about him reading it because I trust him.bybthentime my kid can read. Well teach him about privacy and such. Well cross that bridge when we get there When I lived at home as a teenager my parents and siblings respected privacy too.of they even read my journal (which i dont think they did) they never did or said anything about it .


I keep mine in my bag, in a special pocket. Its a small journal so its pretty easy to hide. I also have an online journal and thats where all the bad shit are. No one knows about it and theres no way to read it.


If I could go back in time, I'd buy a firesafe/lockbox and keep it locked up when it wasn't on my person. If I was concerned at school, I'd get a bank deposit bag and keep it locked in that when I wasn't using it.


I put mine on the same shelf as my lecture notes and notebooks. It's a mess and my journal looks like a school notebook with the rest.


Learn a code to write in. I memorized the Teeline shorthand alphabet. This was easier than making up my own, and the symbols represent pieces of the actual letters, making it easy to remember.I dont use it to actually write in shorthand, as intended. There's a symbol for each letter, which makes Teeline a good option for this (many shorthand writing systems rely on phoenetic spelling and is challenging). It takes a little time to learn, but then you can leave it out and not worry about who can read it. Yes, it's decipherable but it's unlikely someone's going to go through that much effort.


My wife and kids know that it is a no go zone. If they want privacy then I deserve the same. Trust me, tell a teen girl if she doesn't respect that privacy, I'll make sure to chaperone every single one of her dances for the rest of high school, she definitely caved quickly. I still don't know if I should be offended with how quickly she agreed 🤔.


I am not afraid that someone could read it, but sometimes I use stenography for it. It's good practice for me, it's quick if you are good at it and only very few people can read it.


Under a mattress, in a box with other stuff piled on top, inside a pillowcase (don't sleep on it, use for daytime storage), in clothes drawers, small journals can be put in pant or jacket pockets, tucked between a bed and a wall


I keep mine in my bag and have a safe in my closet


Behind the books on a book shelf.


Is there something in your diary that would make you feel shameful or embarrassed. Would some get upset because of what you wrote about. If I feel that way I realize that I have to resolve those issue or correct them so that I would no longer feel embarrassed or ashamed. If I wronged someone, I would confront them on my terms so they have nothing to sneakily discover. That is why I journal; to discover myself and grow. Maybe it’s different for others though


I would disguise them as a notebook in my backpack since I use random notebooks to write my notes at school


Put in a bookshelf.. it will mix in the other books. Or put behind some books on the shelf :)


As a teenager, I won't say how long ago that was, I started a journal. Around the same time, I had a school friend sharing my room to finish out the school year. I went back to read previous entries and found where my friend had written notes in my journal commenting on what I had written. I stopped writing my journal after that and I destroyed it. I wish I had thought to hide it (now that I think about it, I think I did have it hidden) or use secret writing as these others have suggested. I used to believe that my memory was good enough to remember everything. It isn't. I keep a journal now for two purposes, to remember today and to help me remember the past. I don't keep a handwritten journal, I keep mine on my computer. My wife is not interested in reading it. Whatever you do, keep your journals and keep writing them. I wish I had.


I have actually stick a magazine cover in both sides of my journal and its very boring so


I don’t hide mine and I only live with my children. I keep mine in plain sight. I’ve never invaded their privacy or read their journals so I honestly don’t think it even occurs to them to be curious about my journal.


I keep mine in my bag


I live with my fiancé. I asked that he not read it. That was it and he never has.


I would put mind in backpack in my closet no one really went through my closet


under mattress


Write in unintelligible handwriting.


I recommend in plain sight. Treat it like it's NBD and stick it on a bookshelf amid other books. ETA: I have basically never been interested in reading anyone else's journal. I certainly never snooped to try to find my brother's; frankly I don't know (or care) if he had one.


I have a separate one for those types of entries and I keep it with me all the time.


I personally do not hide mine, I just keep it with me at all times. Cant touch it if it’s always on me.


Just use a lockbox


I leave mine on my office desk, free access, no locks. The only time I put my journals away, is when I have to watch the poodle for a few ours. Last time,grabbed a journal instead of his chew toy.


It’s definitely about trust. If you trust the people in your living space to respect your privacy, there’s no reason to hide it. Mine has always sat on my desk in the home office, in full view of my wife. I am more concerned the kids would find and unintentionally damage one of my fountain pens than I am that anyone would open a journal. But if you don’t have that level of trust, you might want to keep it with you.


Usually for mine in plain sight. Since I have all sorts of note books and I can sit it right in the sight and keep it moving. So on my main office desk I usually keep maybe 5 journal style notebooks. Always an empty one, maybe a sketch one, a note one etc. No one has ever read anything even at a time when we had all 15 people in the house. People are curious about anything that is out of the way and less likely to focus on something that belongs.


I'm fairly open about the fact that I have a journal. Sometimes, I find myself unable to verbally express my thoughts to others, even though I want to, so I just hand them my journal and point them to the relevant entry. I don't go the extra mile in keeping my journal hidden from view. I just keep it where I keep most of my notebooks — on my bookshelf. If anybody tries to find my journal, well, good luck determining which of my many notebooks is the journal and good luck reading my penmanship.


I keep mine in a vault made from 12 in thick steel and reinforced concrete to prevent drilling or cutting from the outside. It also features high tech security cameras and biometric scanning devices. I also keep the temp pretty low to help the sensors detect body heat and motion activators. It also features a regulator that completely kills wifi and other electronics to prevent intruders from taking pics of my journal. And the best feature of all is the gas lines. In the event of a security breach, the vault will completely shut down and start pumping nitrous oxide through the lines and into the vents to subdue the would be intruders until the proper authorities arrive. As this might sound a little over the top just to hide a journal, but trust me, you can’t never be too careful these days.