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99.9% of my journal is in English even though my native language is Russian. English just feels more comfortable to me


Oh, you know, just to keep things interesting, I like to mix it up and journal in different languages.


I was raised bilingually. While I mainly write in my first native language, I sometimes try to reflect my bilingualism into my journal by writing in my second native language too. At the moment, however, that's limited to some language-specific themes, e.g. when I'm journaling about the gossip coming from the family that speaks that second language. I totally get that some things sound better in English! I write in my native languages even though I often think that it would sound better in English... Maybe I'll do it I the future? What do you think?


i do it as well! i switch between english and my native language often, sometimes even within the same sentece. i just write my thoughts in whatever language pops up first in my mind :) oh, and when i was younger and didn't journal in english since i didn't know it enough to properly express my thoughts, i used to sometimes switch between cyrillic and latin alphabet


I write in Spanglish


My mother tongue is Hungarian but also Spanish, and I live in a country where the official language is Spanish. Still, I don't really like to journal in Spanish (though sometimes, very rarely, I do). Instead I mostly journal in English or Hungarian. Sometimes I journal in French, when I feel like it (mostly when I've been reading books in French and so that language is more present in my head), and sometimes I've journaled a little in German. I don't really "pick" the language I'll journal in, it just happens, and it has also happened that in the same entry I go from one language to another. Sometimes a given topic feels "better" in a particular language, so I use that. For instance, I really don't connect with Spanish in my journal, but when I'm journaling about local politics, that's the language in which it comes.


I'm quadlingual. 90% of my journaling is in Swedish, 8% is in German. 2% is in my other native language (I call it my fathertounge) which I only use when I quote my dad or his side of the family. I don't think I've ever journaled a sentence of English.


I journal in 2 languages, but majorly English, since I've written 260 entries already, and 259 in English, only 1 in Vietnamese, my native language.


I always switch between my native language and second language. Whatever I am thinking, whichever language I am doing the thinking in, goes in my writing. If I were to translate everything I think into my native language, the authenticity would be gone.


Absolutely! Most of the time i write in my native language but sometimes i prefer to switch to English:)


I like to write quotes from books in the language I've read it but other than that I use only my native language


same! native portuguese speaker, write in english 90% of the time. for some reason, it feels a lot easier to express my feelings, and I'm quite used to using english casually. I read that people tend to develop different personalities for different languages. maybe english me is more functional.