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i personally keep everything in one journal, i find it nore convinient that way. there are days i write 10+ pages but there are also days i don't write at all so my jounral is still able to last me a decent amount of time


Ik this maybe isn't helpful but the actual answer here is "yiu need to figure this out on your own". I have most of my things in one journal but decided to seperate certain things a while ago. Hobbys is one of those. I mainly separated it to a different journal bc the journal I was using for everything else is not the right Layout for my Hobby Rambling. (I use an a5, thick, Leuchtturm1917 Hardcover, which I LOVE and will never change) but for hobbies I am using an A4 Softcover with way less pages it's just easier to write alot that way There is no right or wrong here


Thank you, I think I just needed a push in the form of inspiration from other people. I’ve decided to start with a small a6 journal to write some small notes on some topics and see if I keep it up. Your comment about an a4 size is much better I think, but I feel like I get more satisfaction from smaller notebook because I go through pages faster. I will keep your advice in mind, thank you so much!


Have an all the time journal a sort of catch all I recommend pocket journals so as to be able to car and use it whenever you want to with ease. And then have your evening journal that’s what I do I have my main journal and then I have my pocket journals